Thursday 17 January 2008


I fancied a pint last night and went out with a few mates down the local. Unfortunately for me, a couple were Spuds! But, as I've known them pretty much all my life I give them the chance to see what it's like to mingle with a man who supports a proper football club, such as myself! Ha Ha. As the amber nectar's flowed the chat got more rowdy, especially when talk of the upcoming Fizzy Pop second leg clash came up!

The main thing that I spoke about was the fact that in the first leg our "Reserve" side played poorly but were undefeated against a full strength Spud's side! The main thing that the Spuds spoke about was that we didn't fill our stadium! I had to laugh at this, the truth behind the matter is that the Tottenham board are to blame for this! Allow me to explain.

Arsenal didn't fill the Emirates against Tottenham because the Tottenham board refused to let Arsenal cut the ticket prices down for the game. The Gunners always reduce prices for the Fizzy Pop Cup, due to the fact we never field a full strength side in the competition. We always give the kid's an outing in the Cup and give them a chance to mature and a way into the first team. It's a fact that we have done this for the last two seasons, with the agreement of the opposition. In this time we have always had a full house for every game.

Spurs insisted that the prices be Category A prices, as if we were playing ManUre or Chelski etc; The Arsenal fans knew we wouldn't have a full strength line up and because of the expensive prices for tickets on normal games decided to watch at home. Can u blame them? I cant!

So because of the Tottenham board being arseholes there were 7,000 empty seats at the game. It shows you how tight the Tottenham board are! but as Mulder and Scully say, the truth is out there! So Tottenham board, u are too BLAME! The Arsenal board were trying to be kind for our supporters and look after them, but there you go. It shows u that the Spuds board have no class!

Keep it Goonerish


  1. Cheers for the invite.

  2. You forgot to put cunt or pedophile in your vote for Wenger.

  3. Nice one Wrighty7, I knew there was a reason for not having a full house. I thought it was because Spurs are shit.

  4. I think the prices at Arsenal are expensive and its good that the club cut down costs. Shame on Spurs for not going with this.

  5. Good post Wrighty!

  6. Good post Wrighty!

  7. Good post Wrighty!

  8. prick. the goons didnt sell out because you wouldnt give us our full allocation of 15000 tickets. you didnt want to be outsung and shown what a proper atmosphere is. cunt. i see ur calling it the fizzy pop cup because you know ur gonna lose and say what a shit cup in any case. you really are a wanky nobcunt. r u iann prik wright in disguise?

  9. Anon 6:44, if you took your chances in the first leg then we'd have been out already! But you didn't, and you may regret that.
    I dont know if you have noticed over the last few years we have used the Fizzy Pop Cup to blood our youngsters so it's not the highest priority for Arsenal. It's the last. True we don't want to lose to u at any time but the matter is that this Cup is very high on your list of priority's. It shows the difference in ambition between the clubs.

  10. and no comment about the allocation?

  11. Why would Arsenal have to give the Spuds 15,000 seats u muppet? Your lucky u dont get 15,000 slaps u cunt!

  12. because the league rules state we are entitled to 25% of the capacity, prick. typical gooner arsewipe shit for brains. if we had 15000 there you'd shit yourself, ya knobhead

  13. Anon u cocksucker, if league rules state this, then surely the Spurs board would complained about the amount of tickets given to them! Why didn't the board of cockerals kick up a fuss and get their rightful allocated amount?! U thick muggy cunt.

  14. Anon u cocksucker, if league rules state this, then surely the Spurs board would complained about the amount of tickets given to them! Why didn't the board of cockerals kick up a fuss and get their rightful allocated amount?! U thick muggy cunt.

  15. "if league rules state this, then surely the Spurs board would complained about the amount of tickets given to them! Why didn't the board of cockerals kick up a fuss and get their rightful allocated amount?!"

    they did but goons refused saying the ground couldnt be segregated safely! read the papers and internet you dopey cunt. oh hang on, youre a scum inbred so i guess you cant read or rite and just shag your mother you pikey cunt
