Monday 25 February 2008

Happy Birthday Eduardo-An open letter wishing you all the best....

Dear Dudu,

Happy birthday mate, I know you're in hospital recovering after a horrific injury on Saturday. But there was some good news today, even if it may seem like the end of the world at the moment.

You had an operation on Saturday night in Birmingham and thank god it has been successful. We were worried that you could never play football again but news coming from the surgeons and the Arsenal medical team has been good. You WILL be back my son. We don't know when exactly but the news that you will be back is the best news that I and I'm sure alot of Gooners have heard in a long time.

Thank god you dont remember exactly what happened the other day. That is some comfort I suppose. I was truly gutted for you mate. It brought tears to my eye's to see you stricken like that. It is something that hopefully no one will ever see again.

Dudu, you are a gentleman and was on the verge of being an Arsenal regular. That is something to help you with your recovery. You will become an Arsenal great and slowly but surely, you are becoming a fan's favourite. It is a shame that the injury happened at all but even more so as you were finding your feet in the Premiership and getting better with every game that you played.

When you come back, expect the loudest Gooner roar imaginable. I believe that you will come back even better than you were because you have the strength to do it. We've read about the nights you spent in the freezing Zagreb streets while waiting for a work permit in Croatia. That shows alone that you have bottle.

You will need to draw on all your inner strengths Dudu, but you will do this. I'm sorry that you won't be going to the Euro's in the summer with Croatia and putting yourselve firmly on the European map, but you will one day. You have the ability to go far in football and although that has been put on hold. You will reach the top.

Remember that us Gooner's love you. You will be held in the highest esteem by us and always will be. We are behind you every step of the way in your recovery and when the days are long and hard, don't forget the feeling of scoring a goal and 60,000 Gooners going ballistic and worshipping you. It may at times feel lonely, but it won't be. Because you have a fantasic squad behind you who want to win the Premiership for you. You have the best fans in football behind you who can't wait to see you in the red of Arsenal again.

I wish you all the luck in the world Dudu. You are in our thoughts, and we are wishing you better all the time. Happy Birthday Dudu. Get well soon mate, just think of all the goals you will score for Arsenal.......

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. Briliant Wrighty7,

    I wish Dudu a happy birthday, albeit he is spending it in hospital.

    It's great news that he will make a full recovery. It's news that every Gooner wants to hear.

    Get well soon Dudu.

  2. Have a well rested and great celebration of your birth, Eddy!!

    We wish you a very speedy recovery and hope you will be back in action for the Super Gunners & your country Croatia.

    Nuff Respect & Love from your Super Fans in the island of Jamaica

    One Love!
