Tuesday 25 March 2008

Fergie, Mourinho, and the rest not a patch on Wenger

I understand the frustration of my fellow Gooners. The title seems over (to most) and the season could end without silverware unless, according to some, a minor miracle occurs.

Some are now starting to lay the blame at individual players (which I find unfair) and some are even starting to turn on the previously untouchable Arsene Wenger.

Now don't get me wrong. Our manager is a very stubborn man, especially in his beliefs. It could well be his stubborn nature that costs us this season.

It's obvious that the squad is thin in numbers. Its full of quality, but short in reserve. This should have been addressed by Wenger, but wasn't, and we're paying for it now.

Now, us Gooners have high expectation levels and in my eyes, this is down to one man. Arsene Wenger. The man has revolutionised our club. He has turned us from a mid-table club, "boring boring Arsenal" into a club who have a brand new stadium, an exciting squad, and world reowned attacking football.

I'm not prepared to jump on his back. The man has done too much for our club to do this. I admit, it's been very very hard to watch our rivals win titles and cups while we "seem" to have been left behind. But Wenger is the man to lead Arsenal into what could be the most successful period for Arsenal ever.

Who else could have dealt with the financial restrictions when building the new stadium like Wenger did? I doubt very much Fergie or Mourinho could have. Thats why he's class.

It's easy to throw money around to get what we want. It worked for Chelsea and United, and now because of the hard work Wenger has put in, in the last few years, Wenger has money to spend.

Whether he uses it is difficult to say. I think he needs to add a couple of faces to the squad, but doesn't need to throw money around for the sake of it.

Fergie and Mourinho need hundreds of millions to spend to be successful. There is no way had they been at the helm at Arsenal in the last few years they would still be at the club.

Thats why I'm prepared to wait as long as possible for Wenger to get it right. He is owed that. Its been 3 long years since our last trophy, a long time I know to be patient. But we're almost there. Wenger will sign players at the right price and who are right for Arsenal.

We may or may not win a trophy this season. If we don't I'm still backing Wenger, because I know it will be the last season we go trophy'less for a long time.

Keep it Goonerish......


  1. YEAH right, at Porto fc José had the money :P and he got what you will never get a Champion league

  2. "Fergie and Mourinho need hundreds of millions to spend to be successful. There is no way had they been at the helm at Arsenal in the last few years they would still be at the club."

    appologies Wrighty but i must take issue with this..

    firstly let me say that anyone who thinks Wenger should be sacked or whatever needs their heads examined..

    but you are being grossly unfair on the other two managers mentioned..

    granted Mourinho personality leaves a lot to be desired but you mustn't forget that he won the Champions League with FC Porto....and granted he had endless millions to spend at Chelsea but his record still has to be respected at the very least...

    as for Fergie..come on now remember all those "kids" he brought through at Utd?? Neville brothers, Beckham, Giggsy, Butt, Scholesy..etc.. they formed the core of the team that won the European Cup as well as the treble that year and numerous other league and cup doubles..
    Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was plucked from obscurity for a mere 1.5m and he went on to win the European Cup for Utd..
    Cantona cost 1.2m a pittance and we all know the player he turned out to be..
    the same goes for Roy Keane who cost 3.75m (granted it was a British transfer record at the time but still)..

    and lets not forget his achivements at Aberdeen in an Old Firm dominated country:
    *3 League titles
    *4 Scottish Cups
    *1 Scottish League Cup
    *1 European Cup Winners Cup
    *1 UEFA Super Cup

    all Fergies achivements certainly were not the product of millions of pounds i think you'll agree

    now as for Wenger.. he is clearly a great manager if a very ungratious one..

    had Henry not bottled it 2 years ago and won the Champions League for you..then Wenger could definitely be deemed equal, actually better, than Mourinho.. that much is open to debate..

    but there's no question that Ferguson is a better manager.. Wenger may change this over time but i really don't see it happening


  3. Yeah but at Porto, he had the best players in Portugal and the biggest club! Granted he won CL but that was due to luck. Fergie has always had money to burn. Just because it seems a low amount now, £3.75 would been the equilalent of £20 in todays terms!

  4. Fucking spot on Wrighty7!

  5. to the above to anonymous posters you surely can't be that blind..please read my post again and see some sense.. pay particular attention to the Aberdeen section..

    Wrighty...surely you can be the voice of reason here..

  6. mid-table team??? Where were you during the George Graham years (player and manager). There was life before and there will be life after Arsene. Know your history.

  7. Hey Wrighty,

    Royston here to straighten things out.
    One thing about society today is that we have a very short attention span and we are for the most part sheep who need to be led.
    On that fact José Mourinho bestows upon himself the name 'The special one,' and people like sheep start to believe it.

    OK, let's break it down.

    José Mourinho

    Benfica 2000

    Mourinho decided to ask for an extension to his contract in the middle of the season, immediately after the win over Sporting. When the president refused, Mourinho quit Benfica..After just nine league games in charge. Is that the sign of a special person?

    Porto 2002-2004

    This is the point that people seem to focus on as to what makes him so special. 2 YEARS PEOPLE!!!!!!
    True within that time, he turned a mid level Porto in 2003, Mourinho won his first Superliga, also won the Portuguese Cup and the UEFA cup final. True, very impressive stuff.
    2004 won the Superliga again. Won the champions league.
    Moved to Chelsea after that, where the year before Ranieri spent £120 million on transfers and inherited an amazing squad that was runners up to a certain invincible team that went the whole season unbeaten. Hum??

    On signing with Chelsea he states; "Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one." (You decide what to make of that yourself)..He spent in excess of £70m on transfers..I failed to mention that he inherited a squad that included Drogba, Cole, Makelele, Crespo, Gallas, Lampard....The core of his team. Should I go on? I'm not going to go on about his winnings at Chelsea, but I ask you these two questions.
    1)If Claudio Ranieri stayed on given the money he had, do you think he would have done the same as Mourinho?

    2) Is the guy that fucking special really?

    OK lets look at Wenger.

    Manager of AS Monaco in 1987. He won the league in 1988, his first season in charge and the French Cup in 1991. Signed Glen Hoddle, Jurgen Klinsman, Youri Djorkaeff. During Wenger's final season in France. Wenger turned down approaches by Bayern Munich and the France national team out of loyalty for Monaco, I put that in here because loyalty and dedication are part of what makes a great manager. (Attention MR Special One!!)

    He moved on to Japanese J. League team Nagoya Grampus Eight, with whom he won the Emperor's Cup, they were a bottom three team when he came on.


    Second season in charge of arguably the biggest domestic competition in the world Wenger and Arsenal won both the Premiership and FA Cup, the second Double in the club's history. Might I add he didn't inherit £120 million of transfers and have an extra 70 million to spend. He didn't inherit a team that was runners up. He inherited a 5th place team below Aston Villa.

    To be brief here it is.

    Won the league.

    1997–98, 2001–02, 2003–04

    1997–98, 2001–02, 2002–03, 2004–05

    Runners up in the league.

    1998–99, 1999–2000, 2000–01, 2002–03, 2004–05

    FA CUP.


    Champions League 2005-06.

    This by itself still does not measure his true greatness. To play the style of football he plays with the amount of money that he was given to spend...It's truly staggering. Wenger is one of the greats of all time.
    Mourinho should not even be considered in his league, not even mentioned on this blog. Serious football enthusiasts see the potential to be great, but know that he is still a fucking boy amongst men.
    By men I also put Ferguson in there as well. I am not going into his history because it doesn't need to be questioned. As much as I hate that cocksucker I put him up there with Wenger. he many not be as talented as Wenger but his thirst to win is greater and it bleeds onto his players. He does whatever needs to be done to win. he is a manipulative illegal petulant boy-Cunt. But that still has to be admired...
    Here endeth the fucking lesson.

  8. I'm not doubting they aren't good managers. But could they have coped with no money like Wenger has in the last few years? And still remained at the club! Thats the point!! Tom, I'm 25. My first memory of Arsenal is Thomas's winner against Liverpool to win the title. My family are Gooners. Dont doubt my knowledge of Arsenal history mate. I know the George Graham years. The two titles, the cup winners cup, I saw the domestic cup double, i've got a picture of me holding both trophies! But I also saw the years from the last Graham title to when Wenger came. U telling me we challenging for the title in those years? We were up and down from mid-table to 4th! And were a cup team. Right or wrong?

  9. No offence meant but 4th is where we might end up this year. During these "dark days" we were transitioning as we are today with our keeper, back four and least we ever forget Denis...

    Sure Arsene is great on a realtive shoe string but let me know when they announce the trophy for the spent least team. Keep the faith.

  10. BOTH Ferguson and Mourinho were lucky when the won the CL...especially Ferguson, who should have lost to Munich. Mourinho won the league when the strongest two teams were in a period of rebuilding. Scotland is still not the EPL. Ferguson was given a lot of time an ManUre to be successful and WAY more money to do so than Wenger.

    Not to mention our style of play....Fergie never gets the props Wenger does for style of play from other managers in Italy and Spain, cause he aint that good.

  11. AND Ferguson can do no wrong in the eyes of the British media and his players can do no wrong in the eyes of the referees....particularly at OT

  12. austin sports idiot. Mate seriously what are you talking about? You obviously don't know Arsenal or our history with refs, please shut up. You obviously don't read the papers, Fergie and Man U never ever get the stick that we get. Grow a brain then come back to us.

  13. Royston you clearly didnt read his post lol, he was talking about man utd not arsenal.

  14. no matt i thin you'll find that he did..
