Thursday 10 April 2008

Is Flamini about to do to us what Campbell did to Tottenham?

Flamini has been a relevation this season in the Arsenal shirt.

He was expected to leave us last summer but decided otherwise and I'm glad he did as he has been one of, if not the best, performer's for us all season.

So much so we all are desperate for him to take the contract on offer and tie his future to our club. But, he still hasn't put pen to paper and doubts whether he will actually sign, have begun to linger.

With Juventus and AC Milan sniffing around him, and reportedly ready to double whatever wages Arsenal offer him, is he simply going to run down his current contract and do to us what Sol Campbell did to Tottenham!

I hope not! Although highly amusing to us at the time when Sol signed for the Gunner's, I would hope Flamini would not do that to us.

I know its not the same as Flamini leaving us and joining Tottenham, but to run down his contract and sign for ANY club would really be a liberty after stating how happy he is at Arsenal and how he wants a new deal with us.

The noise coming from Flamini is good and I think the only reason he hasn't signed yet is because he is concentrating on his football and on Arsenal's campaign.

With that campaign seemingly over and his injury that keeps him out for three weeks he now has plenty of time to sign a new deal. If he REALLY wants to.

Wenger said Flamini will sign in April. Well for me if he doesn't sign and commit to Arsenal in the time he is injured then I think we will be saying goodbye to Mathieu and good luck in Italy.

I hope it doesn't come to that!

Keep it Goonerish......


  1. I fucking hope he signs. Been our best player this year by MILES. But if he leaves, good luck to him. It wont be funny, but Sol signing for us was!

  2. best player by miles? and that leaves Cesc where...?

  3. oh please come to mighty blue heaven of london Flam. 75,000.00/week? no prob lad!!


    DOES NOT SCORE ENOUGH...........

  5. He's not a STRIKER u tool

  6. are arsenal so cheap that they can't give the flamster what he deserves. I bet you all the players in his position in all the top clubs around the world are getting much more money than him. If we call ourselves a top club why can't we do the same.

  7. Cesc second. Great first half of season, shit second half. Flamini has been great all season.

  8. Arsenal need to offer the Flamster what he deserves. Him and Cesc have the potential to be a better partnership than Vieira and Petit.

  9. He wont sign while he is injured, he might have the time but the club does not. If he signs it will be before the European championships, if he hasn't signed by then we can say goodbye I think.

  10. A player cant hold a team to ransom.

    If he only wants to stay for the money they he can do one.

    Anyone remember Cashley.

    If he leaves Wenger will find someone else or Song/ Djrouou will step up.

    Adebayor said there will be big changes in the Summer, I heard he wants extra cash as well, so I guess he will be shown the door as well.


  12. It wouldnot suprise me if he left, look at how we let Edu run down his contract. Now looks very bad decision to let Diarra go as it would be almost impossible to replace flamini on current form. No guarantee any replacement will settle in, it took flamini 4 seasons to flourish.
    I see gilberto will replace Flamini I think this is a mistake if he is going in the summer, Why not play Diabby as this is his position and if he is to stay at the club ,then he must get games in the centre or he will be off as well

  13. Fucking hell it looks like a mutiny!

  14. Must say, great article.

  15. The sad truth behind the 'i love arsenal' comments:

    Juve/AC: hows about £50k a week to join us?

    Flam: I love it here at arsenal

    Juve/AC: well what about £65k?

    Flam: Arsenal are my team

    Juve/AC: would you come for £80k?

    Flam: where do i sign?

  16. out of curiosity... how much he's making weekly now??

  17. Flamini has done well, but he has only been consistent for 1 season. Cesc has been consistently good since he's been with us, which is why the team is built around him. If Flamini wants more money than AFC are willing to offer he has the option to leave and he will be replaced. No-one is bigger than the club. I'll be sorry to see him go, but he is not irreplaceable.

  18. i love the way the media talk about the roma penalty against man utd last night being ridiculous. this was even though man u won. ferguson was raving and ranting but nothing gets said about him. in comparison wenger gets ridiculed for justly claiming at two decisions that cost his team a semi final place


    __________^^^LOL... funny^^^_________

  20. OH...I REALY hope that flamini leavs you!!!

    U do NOT deserv a player like him, he is just to god for you gays!

    GO SPURS!!!!!! :)

  21. GO SPURS!!!! Score a home-run!

  22. Why cant u all Spuds learn. Concentrate on ur play.
    If u were atleast half good in playing than talking u would have bcm champions...
    Stop ranting...
    Dont be a bait in front of our Gun...

  23. If Flamini did leave then justice would be done.
    ~rsenal STOLE him from Marseiile.
