Sunday 13 April 2008

Mad Jens starts! Arsenal line up:


Eboue Toure Gallas Clichy

Hleb Song Gilberto Cesc RVP


Fuck me Lehmann gets a start and Wenger has gone for "more steel" in centre midfield with the inclusion of Song.

. A 4-5-1 when defending and 4-3-3 when attacking.

Prediction 1-1.

Keep it Goonerish....


  1. I stand corrected: Song is centre back! Eboue right mid!

  2. 2-2 game on now !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I saw the game on tv in Shanghai. I believe AW has taken Arsenal as far as he can. His reluctance to buy in Jan has come back to haunt him when this season Arsenal had a golden opportunity.
    the same failings in front of goal were displayed with the familiar passing syndrome.if the gunners had been more clinical like Torres Mu would have been beaten. I believe his youthful stars will take some time to adjust to the epl. What then?
    If he doesn't reinforce the team then I believe he has taken Arsenal backward.

  4. And how was Mad jens Wrighty? Bloody brilliant. It was an absolute howler not to have him as our number one goalkeeper. Whenever he is in goals his experience shines thorugh. HE IS OUR NUMBER 1!!

  5. Royston mate. I call him "mad jens" as tongue in cheek. I totally agree he should have number one all season. Without a doubt.

  6. He is Mad! I agree with you, no problems there. I just realized when he started today, that if he didn't make such a shocker of a start to the season this could possibly be all different. Alas I believe with the right signings we could win next year. My wish list.
    2)Lescott or Micah Richards
    3)And Mad Jens back again, (Seriously Gomes from PSV)

  7. i think the strongest line-up we could have when lookin for both youth and experience is the following, as long as we dont loose players.


    eboue toure gallas clichy

    flamini gilberto cesc

    persie rosicky


    if we do loose players like hleb and flamini and gallas then we should stick to a 4-4-2 formation with the following players


    eboue toure(c) song clichy

    walcott gilberto cesc rosicky

    persie adebayor
