Sunday 4 May 2008

We will see if Flamini is staying or going today against Everton

For me if Flamini is staying then it's simple. He will play a part in today's game.

If he doesn't feature then he is off.

He will know whether he is staying or going deep inside and I expect us to be put out of our misery tomorrow.

It's turned into a soap drama and expect a similar story line in Eastender's by the end of the year.

Flamini has turned into a very good player, but will he improve at Milan? I don't think so. Milan will begin a huge rebuilding process in the summer and that may take a while for them to overturn Inter's dominance in Serie A.

Arsenal are there. We don't need a huge rebuild. So the only logic in Flamini leaving is money. If thats the case, then I hope Flamini is happy rolling in his million's. (I expect he will be)

Anyway, Arsenal can't win the league mathmatically anymore so let's see some "handbrake off" football.

It's the last home game so I wan't a party.

Everton may spoil that, as they need a point to guarentee fifth place. Surely they can wait for that until next week?

I reckon an early goal will open the floodgates.

Keep it Goonerish.......


  1. actually if he is leaving i think he will play a prt in the game and say goodbye to the fans

  2. He is gone mate. Sky Italia has already confirmed it. Milan it is. If he does play, I wonder if he'll kiss the badge like he has in the past? Money rules the world.

  3. flamini can fuck off and die. one good season - were he in another profession his abject performances in the preceding seasons would have seen him fired. he's a scumbag and a wanker. he will do nothing in milan and will live to regret leaving da arsenal. like anelka, overmars, petit, pat, titi - the list goes on...

    fuck you flamini. thanks for ONE good season. now fuck off and fail at Milan. My guess, you'll be anchoring the Siena midfield inside two seasons.


  4. He's gone for sure. I wish I could wish him well, but I can't, I hope the Arsenal curse bites his head off. But I don't blame him either. I bet you pretty much every player would have accepted a deal that will pay a good player, amazing players wages.
