Sunday 27 July 2008

Theo Walcott is ready..........

This coming season I believe that Theo Walcott will show the reason Le Boss signed him. It has taken him a while to settle with Arsenal but for me he is finally ready.

He hasn't set the world on fire at the Emirates. He seems to blow hot and cold and can sometimes be a little frustrating to watch. But now he ready to become a first team regular and show us Gooners what he is made of.

He is the reason Le Boss let Hleb go. I'm sure Arsene thinks that Theo is finally ready to play regular football, not just cameo performances.

There is no doubt that Theo has had a lot to deal with at a young age. The fact he was picked for the World Cup in 2006 has put huge pressure on his shoulder's. It certainly didn't help his development.

Also the media like to hype up any young English talent coming through to such an extent they are bound to fail. Who can live up to the English expectation? Not many can. It proved tough for Theo but the boy is made of stern stuff and has come through it.

This season will be big for Theo. I'm expecting big things from him. This is the season he establishes himself as a first-team regular.

The question is, where do we play him?

He sees himself as a striker but finds himself playing out wide for Arsenal in most appearances. The other night he showed his lethal finishing so we've seen how good he can be in front of goal. However for me, at the moment, I think Theo should learn his trade from the wings.

He has bundles of pace and that scares the shit out of defenders. He will also see more of the ball from this position and will learn better positional play.

It important that you get goals from midfield, Theo can get those for us. We have missed goal scoring from the midfield, the days of Pires and Freddie seem long gone. However with Theo, Vela, Rosicky, Nasri and Cesc we should have no problem in this area.

If our new number 14 becomes half the player our old number 14 was then we Gooners will be lucky. I've a feeling that Theo is finally ready......

Keep it Goonerish............



  2. I agree whit you

  3. I agree too wrighty...walcott needs to prove himself this season, for me he has been instrumental for us, consiering the hype and the rasmataz that surrounded him for a couple of years, hes stayed focus and scored sum memorabel and important goals, and not to forget his RUNS hahaha, hope he does well

  4. I agree... A professional is always ready... The non sense blog or media always give the extra unnecessary pressure to the players... Go to hell

  5. well if you had listen to his interview posted on Arsenaltv, you'd know b4 u posted this that Theo himself admits his now more comfortable on the right

  6. I think that the fact that Arsene is giving him the number 14 shirt tells you where he's gonna play already.


  8. surely he should be playing right up on the shoulder of the last defender in order to use his pace.

  9. I am not sure about him being the reason why he let Hleb go, but he does deserve a starting place and consistent run in the team.

  10. Hmmmm!Walcott, im still very unsure about him he must have jay simpson an nacir barazite chewing at his heels by now ,there at the same level if not better, Walcott blows hot an cold to much reminds me of my nans old bolier he lacks the rooney rage wicth he can only dig deep and find inside himself GET ANGRY THEO AN BELEIVE YOUR THE BEST AN YOU WILL BE! 4get theo 4get barry,inler,alonso an veloso its all about michael johnson hes better thah the lot a superstar waiting 2 be made BAG AN TAG him ASAP. wrighty 7 your blogs the best keep doing it an ima keep it goonish

  11. walcott is very impressionable, he needs to graduate from the nursery and go to brazilian jiu-jitsu school. it's all mental with him, he just needs to toughen up and go for it.

  12. The fact that he is handed the #14 shows us he's ready.
