Monday 1 September 2008

Arsenal to steal Berbatov?!

I was listening to TalkShite on the way home from work and a London cabbie text in a transfer rumour. According to this cabbie he was at Bethnal Green and he picked up a customer known to Gooners as the Gunnersaurus.

The Gunnersaurus has inside information and believes that Arsenal have stumped Manchester United and Manchester City to the Bulgarians signature. Whether this is true or not I have no idea.................Erm...............anyway moving on.

There are seven hours to go and at present Arsenal have no players added to the squad. Le Boss has in the past signed players at the last moment on dead-line day so expect a long night ahead.

I'm beginning to get quite excited at the prospect of a signing. I hope Mr Wenger does add to the squad. I really do believe that if we sign a central midfielder we will have a very strong season.

The squad is so talented, that player in the midfield will clinch it for me. And as I've said before, it's better late than never!

Anyway, here's hoping we get that player. Get ready for a nail biting evening my fellow Gooners!
Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. Of course its bullshit! Its meant as a joke you bellend!

    Fucking hell some people Wrighty!

  2. i just hope we sign somone.

    dont think we will get berba tho.

  3. Wenger has a Hotline direct to the Man C training ground!!

    Ask Silvestre..

  4. I'm adding this site to my newsnow bullshit filter. What a load of crap.

  5. fuck sake u think ur so funny. in nearly all ur posts u do this, ur just a newsnow hits whore. ur skills are crap as well u can't construct a stroy and ur just a blatent liar

  6. The only reason you post crap like this is to get hits via newsnow. I may as well start up a website and post a headline like "Alex Ferguson resigns from Man United to succeed retiring Arsenal boot studder".

    You tool.

  7. You're not trying to start another ruck are you Wrighty?
    Did you enjoy last night's action with the Toon Army?

  8. I've already added this site to my Newsnow bullshit filter.

    Listen, its meant as a joke. The fellas on the radio thought it was funny and so did I.

    I know its not true so stop being stupid and accept it's nothing more than harmless banter.

  9. Hi Finestcuts,

    nah mate not trying to start a ruck. Last night was mental and some comments were bang out of order.

    I didn't read most until today.

    This article is tounge-in-cheek, nothing more. Its not a hit grabbing ploy, its just a bit of light hearted banter.

    Some people just take things the wrong way!

  10. Gunnersauras my arse.

  11. Fuck off wrighty7 and go suck urself...

  12. people need to sip some water and calm down,why click on the sight if u gonna curse?

  13. You mugs are pathetic.

    Its a FUCKING JOKE for fucks sake!

    Stop getting on Wrightys back. He means no harm.

    Fuck 'Em Wrighty

  14. really not a funny article.

    it is lead balloon country. rubbish.

    I cant see us signing anyone to be honest and we are allowing potential rivals to catch up more and more.

    so what if we beat twente and newcastle? both were utter tripe, useless in fact and we are still short of players.

  15. Wrighty,

    Why do you feel the need to explain yourself mate?

    Dont worry about the idiots who post abuse. Its obviously not the end of the school holidays yet.

  16. I found it funny mate!

  17. Where's everyones sense of humour?

    Who do you think we will sign Wrighty?

    Any ideas?

  18. I think we will sign Berbatov!


    I dunno mate. Your guess is as good as mine, Le Boss is very well guarded in regards to signings.

  19. i'm all for a joke and have a sense of humour, but this isn't funny, not even close. it's just a lie. i thought u could have come up with a funnier story, but i was wrong. shows ur level of intelligence i suppose.

  20. Its not a lie. Its from the Gunnersaurus!

  21. are you a lonely man wrighty7?


  22. I dunno what some peoples problems are, all these people that are pissed off came on here thinking we actually were going to sign him. What a fucking laugh to society they are! Wrighty keep up the good work, everyone needs a laugh every once in a while but some people can't seem to come up with a sense of humour. This beats those mank bastards that believed TH14 was going to sign for them!

    On wether or not we will sign anyone, I don't know what to think with regards to our transfer window movements anymore, not for the last ten years to be honest. That is the beauty of Mr. Arsene Wenger, he keeps his cards closely pinned to his chest, and just when you think he's beaten, he comes up with a gem of a signing, I'm waiting with baited breath.

    Nice blog Wrighty. At least YOU have a decent sense of humour.
    Gunner #1

  23. Cheers Gunner#1!

    I cant believe the uproar over this!

  24. Am I lonely man?

    Yeah I actually do feel quite lonely at the moment. Thanks for asking.

  25. Wenger has something up his sleeve...He leaves it till the last minute so that prices come down. I think 1 if not 2 players are going to be signed. Veloso maybe? The rumours about him went quiet very quickly...Also were rumoured to be close to agreeing a season long loan deal for the German centre-back Metzelder. We shall wait and see...

  26. Some of you cunts wanna sort out your fucking attitude.

    The author has said it was a joke. I suggest you all take a chill pill and relax.

    You fucking retards!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Nice one Wrighty.

    I see one signing coming. I think its gonna be the Albanian Cana.

  28. C'mon Wrighty you are better than this mate.

    But for all the tossers writing abuse please go elsewhere.

  29. Don't worry Wrighty:

    I suspect everybody is cranky at the prospect of Wenger signing or not signing everybody.

    Everybody else who is complaining...

    FUCK OFF!!

  30. He was quite obviously a joke to everyone crying foul.
    It was a take on how idiotic the press gets on transfer day. Well I'm guessing it is.

    I just want one central midfielder that isn't an untested talent and I'll be happy. If we get more then woo.

  31. Reading all these comments, some of you have either got to be retarded or just braindead. Do you recon that other clubs have also got such an igorant lot?

  32. anonymous 01 September 2008 18:06

    You need to wind your neck in and chill out.

  33. Heheh...

    This is a good place to have a good laugh...
    People really dont understand humour...

    I heard from a reliable source inside a sunny newspaper that We are signing Flamini on a long term loan!!!!!

  34. dont listen to em wrighty keepup the good work

  35. Why do idiots have to make a good blog a war zone?

    I really feel for you Wrighty. You have a good blog and some people are just mugs.

    Keep it up mate.

  36. everyone who clicked on this story knew that we're not going to sign Berbatov, they just clicked on it because they are fed up with u and ur bullshit stories and ur so called sense of humour.

    get a life, and do some real reporting. uve turned ur blog in to a complete joke, and not a very funny one at that.

  37. yeah an i also heard cristiano ronaldo, robinho, fabresgas, metzelder, Kaka's aving a medical at hereford united f.c's trainin ground, with stevie wonder thought to be brought in as the head transfer maker due to his talent in spottin good transfers.

    Now before anyone gets all worked up about what I've just said. Yes I agree what I have said is ALL bullshit, I'm not lonely, I'm no retard either, I can be arrogant, most of the time, yes a cunt. But most of all... I HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR!!!

  38. That was quite funny anon 18:18.

  39. i think 30 million for this player is sush waste,there so many players that play for smaller teams in euope who will do just as well for less 10 million ,if campare him to ade, edwardo or rvp i dont see think that is better than either one those players, and we paid that amount all three of those players. berbatov is big sulker. to me its more important that player has the talnent has right attitude and can intergrate well in the team not weather they are big name.

    as far as new signings i hope we bring one more player but just as cover,i feel we have song,delinson,,fab,song,eboue,and we have riskisky and diaby and aumury commimg back very soon, i think with likes ramsy jack wiltshire,randal,fran marida can used in carling cup i dont think it a desprate,i feel song delison can and diaby can play in dm,you have to remember the specailist players that arsenal have are gallas and silvester the rest can play many different positions,i think the likes of diaby delison ramsey will suprise use all they can step up.

  40. what?? a joke ..... a fucking joke u say but its made headlines.
    ahh wait a second here .... wait.....waittttt......oh yea i get it now
    hhhmmmm....thats to bad
    wrighty u cheeky bastard
    you only fooled me cause i believe we are short of pricks at the club we got enough cunts but not near the right amount of pricks

    ps keep it up man ur blog is very entertaining
    for those who are as well very lonely
    hhmmm wait that sounded weird ;)

  41. u gooners r all the same,dream away you r gonna win fuck all again just like the last 4 years u tossers.

  42. We're running out of time now, not even any rumours of Arsenal signings. I don't agree with signing a player for the sake of it, but surely we could get someone like Veloso if we have £30 million to spend? My first choice would be Yaya, but that looks even less likely.

    Hope we don't lose any more central midfielders to injury now. Denilson, Diaby, Song or Ramsey will really have to step up if we're going to challenge for anything. Another 'transitional' season coming up? What do you think Wrighty?

  43. I am not complaining that 'wrighty' has made a joke, and in no way did I think we were going to sign Berbatov. I realised this was a joke when i clicked on the link.


    The basic fact is that this 'joke' is actually very lame and unfunny. If you do find it funny then your sense of humour is somewhat retarded.

    It was a poor joke. A very poor joke and a waste of time and effort.

    I wouldn't bother in the future big guy. Just report the news.

  44. Never gonna happen. Why would AW spent £30m on a spud when he wouldn't spend £15m on Alonso.

  45. The board pushed the boat out as far as it would go, we only put in a £10M bid and spuds said no

  46. i realy feel weather or wenger buys another midfielder diaby,song,delinson,ramsy and eboure will have prove why wenger has given so mush faith in them,arsenal cannot simply just realy fab every time that exacly what happend last season,chelsea idont have more midfielder than arsenal there just alot older,i keep on hearing arsenal midfielder just full of kids ,but for me is you are godd enough your old enough,its time these players to prove everybody wrong,i personaly think they will step up but we all find out but if they can we have strong chance at the title

  47. Im pretty intrigued... I know Wenger will pull something out the bag and Im pretty sure hes gonna shock. Bt I have no idea who it could be... Lol Maybe Michael Essien? Jokes, would be nice though...


  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Wrighty7... you have been warned.

  50. Wrighty7... you have been warned.

    Thanks for you cooperation,

    Newsnow Team

  51. we need a solid tackler (dm). veloso would've been exciting, tho i dont know that much about him.. a centre back wouldnt hurt either!

    ps. keep up the good work wrighty! entertaining blog for those with more than 3 braincells


    Wrighty7 will one day crack a decent joke...

    A silly blog with a good supply of toadies who encourage this crap.

    A word of advice: Stop listening to talkshite. It will rot your brain.

  53. Anon 21:43,

    Nice joke you prick.

    That was almost as funny as saying Spuds will win the League!

  54. News Now on your comments Wrighty?

    How very unprofessional.

  55. apparently steven appiah has failed a medical at arsenal earlyer in the day.

    arsenal were appently not happy with his level of fitness.

    source is sean rice nephew who is my neighbour and the nephew of one pat rice

  56. Ian Wright is a cock.

    Wrighty7 - you are also a cock.

    Shite site - far to much bull shit.

  57. Well,it'sover for gonners this season never expext anything!!!

  58. i feel the team can no room for excuses, they have repay the faith shown in them, diaby and risisky need get past there jury problems because whats use in having all that talnent but your always injured,weather we win the title all be upto aboue,song,ramsy,aurmary,nasri,fab,wilcat will all have to step,in defence and this were arsenal had the most problems last season are looking alot better so far,dijouro looks very solid,gallas and toure will have to perform at there very best and silvester is a great addition,getting rid senderos and hoyte is wright move,there no room senterent now your either good enough or your not. i feel with the likes rvp,ade,vela with all his trickery and wilcat arsenal have no problems creating ansd scoring goals at one a game we just need more at home which we very poore last far to many draws.
