Friday 26 September 2008

I hate seeing Thierry Henry suffer at Barcelona.......

Thierry Henry is suffering at Barcelona and it breaks my heart to see the situation that he is in.

The man is a legend at Arsenal and I thought he would have ended his career with us. Obviously that didn't happen and although I, like every Gooner, was sad to see him leave, I wished him no malice and hoped he would be happy in Spain.

I wanted him to be successful at Barca (not at Arsenal's expense) because he is great player and provided us Gooners with so many great memories.

Thierry Henry is one of the greatest players of all time and we Gooners were privileged to have seen him in an Arsenal shirt for so long. Henry was privileged too, he had the best relationship with us and he knew it too. Hence the reason he has declared himself a Gooner for life.

To see him suffer like he is at Barca is a very sad sight. I believed he was about to tear the Spanish league up and become a Barca legend. If truth be told the move couldn't have gone more wrong for him.

He is played out of position all the time and isn't the main man at the club by far. He doesn't seem to get the adulation he received at Arsenal and that hurts him.

I believe Titi only left Arsenal for personal reasons. He suffered a bad break up with his wife and that is the main reason he left Arsenal for pastures new.

It's obvious that Henry needs to get out of Spain and quick. Would I want him back at Arsenal? No. My heart says yes but my brain disagrees. I couldn't bear to see Henry back at Arsenal struggling. He has suffered from injuries and isn't the same player we adored.

He needs to go to another club. Maybe Italy? The pace is slower and that may suit him. The USA has been bandied about. This makes sense for commercial reasons but the standard of football is way off the mark for a legend like Henry.

Whatever happens I want Henry out of Barca and enjoying his football again. I want to see that smile of his light up the pitch like we saw so many times.

Henry deserves better than his current situation and I hope that he gets it.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. Fuck that money-grabbing cunt. He left for one thing only... HIS WALLET!

    Do you really think he cared for Arsenal?

  2. henry had done better for barca too ,but i dont feel sentimental ,he made his choice ,he knew that he wasnt gonna be the star ,he knew if he didnt play well the white hankies would be waved in his face,at arsenal he was a king, at barca you can only be one of many and henry still didnt qualify,he chose to leave regardless of his marriage! he should have burried his one on one in the CL league final then left,thats what he would have done!

  3. dont worry too much he has a big fat bank account regardless of a bad career choice

  4. Fuckin' prick, Henry is a legend!!

  5. Do you really care Wrighty?

    Henry doesn't.

  6. Why do your titles always end in ................

    Also, Henry isn't past it, just needs to stop being played on the wing, can easily be top 3 scorers in Spain.

  7. Not that you were saying he was past it, but he's been impressive when considering all the circumstances.

  8. Man, this is not entirely true. Henry choose to play for Barça because he had (and still has) bigger chances to win trophies. Last year, for example, he reached the semis in champions league, impossible (or at least improbable) with Arsenal. Besides, he hadnt a miserably season with Barca, being the best scorer in La Liga. His problem in this start of the season is that his form is not good enough. Iniesta is simply better for now so Henry is a substitute.
    Its not a personal drama, its just football.

  9. I totally agree. This slagging off of every player that leaves the club need to stop. Henry more than anyone bar Wenger and Dennis made these last 12 years what they´ve been and we should be forever thankful that we were able to see him play for us for 8 years. He was the favourite player by most Arsenal fans during his career at the club and I hope we see him back at some point in the future.

  10. ha ha - some of you have such short memories. fair enough, he got a bit grumpy near the end, but a few years ago most people here would have let him sleep with their wives>>>>> ;-)

    "do you think he cared about arsenal"

    "Do you really care Wrighty?
    Henry doesn't."

    pure comedy!

  11. whoever said it was impossible for arsenal to get to the semis of the champs league must have forgotten last year..
    yeah henry left us but he didnt force it and kiss the barca badge like pleb, i mean hleb..
    when i get married id be happy for henry to sleep with my wife as long as i can watch..
    actually u should change this site to henry14

  12. Change this site to Henry14 is the best comment so far. He is along with Arsene and Dennis made of Arsenal stuff and true legends. The abuse regardless of his bad decision is not warranted by any means. Flamini and Hleb along with a few others are not welcome but if Henry knocked on the door at Arsenal i would welcome him GLADLY. I still love this man us much as i love my team. He still has alot to offer in my eyes, not to Barca but to AFC

  13. he made his choice. He has only himself to blame

  14. Titi is a legend and it does break my heart to see him at Barcelona. Because I hate them so much, I wish Thierry all the best of luck but I wish Barca and Alex Hleb all the worst of it. Before I saw him being used as a bit part Winger, I wouldn't have wanted him to come back to England and play for another team. But now I wouldn't mind the idea of it, just as long as it isn't for Spuds, Man United, Chelski or Liverpool. I still wish him well, no matter what the reasons for him leaving were, or the results of it. He's still an Arsenal Legend in my eyes, not just that though, he's an inspiration to everyone who plays, or wants to get into football. There will never be anyone like him, ever. Simply the greatest.

    Gunner #1.

  15. I dont know why................................................;)

  16. Titi was fantastic for the Arsenal, that's all that matters as far as I am concerned. Without any doubt whatsoever a true Arsenal legend who lit-up my life for the 8 years he was with the club. I was sad to see him go but to be honest not sorry.

    This story is a good example of all those who believe the grass is greener on the other side.

  17. It really is too bad to see Henry struggling. Even my brother, an ardent AC Milan fan, says it's terrible this happened to Henry, and he recognises and laments the decline of the Frenchman.
    Henry is a legend, and I hope he finds his place at Barcelona (I.E.-Centre Forward) or moves on. Do I want him back at Arsenal? Not as a player, only as a member of staff, but absolutely one day.

  18. To Romanian Barca Club

    You have a cheek coming on an Arsenal blog and disrespect the team we love. Henry left fair enough but in my opinion we have a much better chance of winning major honors than Barca this year and for years to come.

    I am forever grateful to Henry for the way he played for our team but he went and I shed no tears from him he made his choice. He chose Barca but at the same time we wanted him off the wage list. If barca do not appriciate what he can do up front in his favoured position thats their loss.

  19. He was a great player for us no doubt but I think he's struggling is down simply to his fitness problems (whether by age) and his personal problems. Leaving his kid couldn't of been easy for him but truth is he brought on that to himself. but the real reason i believe is Barcelona aren't as much of a team as Arsenal. Eto'o and Messi to name but a few are great players but they're very greedy. For all of Messi's qualities playmaking isn't really one of them even Maradona said recently he needs to pass more when i good positions. At Arsenal Henry had Fabregas, Pires and many others who always looked for him and he loved that being the centre of attention one might say. He is getting older now so I expect his 25- 30 goals a season ratio to be a thing of the past.
    Keep up the good work Wrighty.

  20. Henry should leave for Villarreal and match up with his old pal Pires, they play attractive football, he would be a agood buy for them I think.

  21. great player - for 2 seasons - but certainly nowhere near the calibre of Bergkamp, Brady, Adams for true legend status.

    also, he's done nothing in spain, its not as if he didnt get the games last year. and alongside messi he looks very poor by comparison.

    never want to see him return, he always thought he was bigger than the club, and definitely destroyed the likes of reyes from allowing them to blossom. tried to do it with RVP too by saying stuff like adebayor is his perfect partner etc., when it was ridiculous considering the gulf in class, so was happy he left and we're now reaping the benefite of a no-ego squad. cant say he was in my heart the way ian wright or vieira were because he was so emotionally dull & passionless when he played.

    ... and there is a very long list of him failing to turn up when we really needed him...

  22. I can't believe someone whose team finished 18 points behind Real Madrid thinks his team has a better chance of winning trophies than us. Especially considering that Real Madrid only got 85 points because teams don't know how to defend against them, most teams don't 'park the bus' against Madrid and they pay for that. Barca got to the semis yes but clearly you didn't watch the referees hand the tie to Liverpool.

    I think Villareal could actually be a very good move for Henry. It's a nice club but the problem is they already have a combination of young and old strikers, though Henry would be welcome there I think and they pay decent wages as well. Oh and it's a good place to live.

  23. Henry is a great footballer. I still like watching him play even though he's not playing for Arsenal. He always play with style. The only problem with him in Barca is because they play different style of football with us, Arsenal, and also the coach doesn't know Henry like Mr Wenger. Good luck to him

  24. He was Barca's top scorer last year, and if he was only given the opportunity to play as a striker with players like Xavi, Iniesta and dare I say it but Hleb then he will tear up that league. The coach is an idiot to not play henry.

  25. Henry was probably the Greatest player ever at Arsenal but he also the biggest prick, i hope his ship sinks to the bottom!
