Sunday 11 January 2009

Abou Diaby is not taking his chance

Abou Diaby has been called the new Patrick Vieira by some but I think the comparisons are unfair.

I'd love him to be a Vieira clone but unfortunately the only similarities between Diaby and Vieira is they are both tall, black and French.

Diaby has always wanted to be given the chance to play in the centre of midfield. He now has the opportunity and he needs to take it with both hands.

At the moment he isn't doing that. Yesterday was another poor display and he was even shifted to the left of midfield, eventually being subbed.

Diaby has plenty of ability but we aren't seeing it. Maybe its a lack of confidence? Whatever the reason, he is frustrating to watch because you know what he can do! With his talent he should be dominating games against the likes of Bolton.

He could become a great player. The injury that left him out of the game for a long time hasn't helped his progression but he is young and has time on his side.

He won't get a better chance to make the central midfield role his own. At the moment he isn't living up to expectations and you worry he never will.

I hope Diaby can step up to the plate and nail his place in the side being Cesc Fabregas's long term partner but he has to do a lot more than he is at present.

Keep it goonerish.............


  1. He was in a battle with Muamba yesterday, unfortunately he lost it. Maybe had something to prove to Wenger but Diaby at present is dropping down the midfield order and I fear for his future when the squad either gets fit or supplemented.

  2. When Wenger said that he'd originally planned for Diaby to move into CM instead of Flamini (but he got hurt and Flamini had a burner start to the year), I felt fairly comfortable that he'd come good. Despite my best efforts to stay positive though, he continues to give the ball away consistently and isn't doing much else to warrant a starting place. It's unfortunate that he's going missing when this is the perfect time for him to shine.

  3. Good. I'm glad the idiot isn't taking his chances.

    He grew up early and was taller than all the kids at Clairfontaine so it was easy for him to dribble round kids and score goals... because of this; he never learnt to pass the f*cking ball!

    Now everyone he plays against is a grown up and he can't dribble round them anymore; he's shown just how rubbish his passing is.

    Pepperami boy can f*ck off for all I care. That's two PL matches in a row when he's been taken off and the team has done so much better.

  4. Diaby is an attacking midfielder, so is Denilson. If they start together in midfield one of them has to sit back. Out of those, I would rather have Diaby sticking back a bit. He has more of a physical presence than Denilson, and hes probly a better tackler.

    But when he has been playing in a more attacking role, he's been brilliant... think back to that game at Fernebache, amazing. He was almost a second striker. Controlled the match and even scored... and Cesc was on the pitch then.

    So yes, i would agree that he is'nt taking his chance when he has been playing this season. But he hasnt been playing in his natural position. He's in a bum situation at this time. I would love to see how he would do alongside Song.

    I like Diaby and I really hope he can establish himself in the first team... there is no doubt that he is a talented and skilled footballer.

  5. Wenger has never said Diaby would be Cesc's partner, because he is obviously too attack-minded. Wenger actually said he saw Diaby's future in the centre of midfield. Diaby has the potential to be an alternative to Cesc, but whilst fans still consider him to be the DM we need, he will constantly be criticised.

  6. Potential to be cesc's partner? I dont see any. Kinda sad that he isn't taking his chance but honestly, I never expected him to step up to the plate.

  7. you sure that message from anonomous at 14:46 was not ben arfa (apparantly they dont like each other have you seen the video with them trying to fight each other at clairfontaine), he looked great before his injury but since he come back he has not looked half as good and will never be as good as big pat unless he wants to be.

  8. And to think this guy got so many chances to play last season when Diarra didn't.

    We lost Diarra for this stupid fool!

  9. No, we lost Diarra because he is an impatient little bitch and because of Flamini's form last season.

  10. Wrighty,

    Just a question. What would you like to see from Abou?

  11. Not many players in our team would score a goal like the one he did at Villa. The kid's got talent but impatient bitch-arsenal fans just slate everyone. Bendtner was getting stick yesterday for 2 misplaced passes and then what happened. I'm sick of all these mugs. Diaby is a GOD compared to the likes of Hillier, McGoldrick, Morrow, Carter, et al that we used to watch pre-wenger. And now you all lament Flamini - but it was you cunts that were slagging him off the previous 2 seasons! Fuck off the lot of you.

  12. i think its pretty well agreed the talent is there, but perhaps we should reserve judgement until hes had a run in the team, some players really need that to get going
    saying that i have been disappointed with him, particularly when he's played LM, he may not like it out there but there's nothing stopping him from trying a little harder, unless im missing something

  13. How can you call Diaby and Denilson attacking midfielders? neither can shoot for shit. I rate Denilson, he has improved this season, Diaby though is very poor and one impressive piece of skill every other game is not good enough for Arsenal.

  14. Denilson can't shoot for shit?? You obviously didn't watch the Carling Cup last season... he scored stunners against Newcastle and Sheff Utd. Anyhow, it wouldn't matter if either have a decent shot on them... it isnt the Arsenal way to shoot from 25 Yards.

    Yes, Denilson has improved this season. But that's because he had an extended run in the 1st team... Give Diaby that opportunity and then let's judge him.

  15. You lot are all such a bunch of miserable little twats! Diaby has the potential to be brilliant. Ok so he gives the ball away a few times but so did Gilberto and look how he is missed.

    Personally apart from a couple of misplaced passes yesterday, I thought he had an ok game, he tracked back and got some good tackles in.

    Let us not judge the lad too quickly, he is still young and has had only TWO games in his position so far, that is hardly what I would call a good chance.

    Oh and it was not Diaby's withdrawal that changed the game it was the introduction of Vela. Why that lad isn't getting starts on the left I don't know. He is fast, skilful and most of all he is left footed. If Diaby had stayed in the middle and we had still put Vela on the game would still have changed in our favour.

  16. Diaby seems to personify the current Arsenal team. He is great running with pace, especially against better teams, eg Villa, Fernebache, Liverpool in CL QF, but does not have the passing ability to operate in crowded spaces or the common sense not to take on the fourth opponent within 5 yards.
    It is obvious that Abou has talent but seems the ultimate luxury good and unfortunately not enough teams allow us that.
    He could well be the difference against Roma but will have little effect against Everton and Hull.

  17. Diaby isnt taking his chance is correct. We say give him time (I agree) but he also needs to be reminded that their are others waiting to take his place, so it is will he be able to get the time once everyone is fit.

    He does hold the ball too long and doesnt pass it and his passing was off yesterday.

    He is a great talent and I really hope he shows it in the near future.

  18. I dont know why u guys keep on crying about diaby. i dont think he is a DM and yes he mistimes his tackles. Yesterday he played well enough and tried stayin back and keeping it simple considering our defense. but when he has 2 CM behind him he is totaly different, ask liverpool man utdand those other teams. Vieira vs bolton and we still lost, so!!

  19. Diaby is absolutely useless. Worst player we've had at Arsenal for years, embaressingly bad. It's amazing how Arsenal fans can talk about his potential after a diabolical three years at the club! One goal against Aston Villa does not make him a great player!

  20. Well done wrighty. Instead of writing about something positive you find something wrong with one of our players, and not for the first time. You're not only give the boo boys more ammunition, you're proving how much of s h i t blog this really is!

  21. In my opinion Diaby will never be a central midfielder as he plays off instinct,good in tight situations but when given time on the ball he invariably gives it away,Denilson has done well,he`s not a big tackler he is more of a nicker,breaking up play without making many,if any crunching tackles,so criticism of him I believe is it unfair.

  22. Must say i feel this was a needless post. Giving these plastic fans reason to moan is just annoying. Also anyone who cant see diaby has the ability to be an awesome player is an idiot. Theres an increase in so called fans who only seem happy when they're bitching about something, and as far as i'm concerned you can all fuck yourselves

  23. Very stubborn fella, die die must dribble. Unique talent he is though, but needs to fine tune his decision making. I reckon the free role to be his best position.

  24. Wrighty, a different subject entirely;
    How about Wenger playing Djuro as a defensive midfielder instead of keeping him on the bench when Gallas is fit and comes back to the team.
    He has what it takes for that position and we are desparate need there. i think we could have that solid defensive protection we so much need, and in a way it may feel like we play five defenders.

  25. Diaby is a good player. Did u see his goal against Villa? I think him and denilson can become really good for us in the future. If they can get at least 5-10 goals this season their confidence will get high and they will soon get 10 goals a season. Arshavin for me is an interesting signing cuz i think we need a winger and a defensive midfielder like matuidi, toulalon, y.toure, ribery or arda turan.I would like to see the midfield with diaby denilson fabregas and nasri rougly all central so clichy and sagna can control the width. In strike, we need 1 more quality striker like benzema or aguero and a defender like zapata- then we can really win the league next season.

  26. Which teams would buy Eboue, Denilson and Diaby??? I would struggle to find a team in the top 10 that would buy them.....So Wenger buy some players cos we're turning into a laughing stock!

  27. Old Gunner from Damian i go back to Stapleton Brady etc although i don,t like to admit it to your question id like to see him wave goodbye

  28. Diaby he,s not a Gk he isn,t a winger he isn,t a play maker he isn,t a striker he could be a Viera clone if he concentrated first on defending but he wants to be TH & hes not good enough as 4 the run & goal if u take on everybody & lose the ball 9 out of 10 the 1 time it comes off you look great but it is not worth the other 9

  29. Diaby is lazy. I watch the games and scream at the television for him to move his ass - the ball will be 10 metres away, and Diaby is watching and walking. He has no anticipation for opportunity or danger. Sure, he's got the skills and the physique, but he's too inconsistent in his presentation for the ball and his being in the right positions to help his team defend.

    Diaby, Eboue and Song are all good sub players, but not the stuff a great midfield is made of.

    Nasri/Fabregas/Battaglia/Arshavin sounds like class to me, with Walcott/Rosicky/Denilson rotating in to keep things fresh. That's the best midfield in the world then with everyone healthy and happy.
