Saturday 3 January 2009

Gallas and Toure???? It's all about Djourou!

A lot has been made of Kolo Toure and William Gallas "spat" but Wenger has poured cold water on it.

These things happen all the time between players and it's been said that Kolo Toure handed in a transfer request over the "bust up".

I'd be very disappointed if the reason for Kolo wanting to leave was down to an argument. I suspect it's really to do with a lack of playing time.

Arsene Wenger said that the transfer request has been withdrawn which is great news. Now all Kolo needs to do is get his head down and work hard at becoming the Kolo we all know and love again.

Toure and Gallas have been in the news for all the wrong reasons this season and it's easy to forget the emergence of Johan Djourou throughout this.

I have championed the cause of Johan all season and really feel that he can become a great centre back for the club.

He has pushed himself into regular first team contention and certainly deserves his place in the side.

I really like the partnership Gallas and Djourou have formed and it's up to Kolo to work hard and get his place back.

One things for certain. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Johan Djourou as the number one centre back next season.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. I could see him as Arsenal Captain as well. Djourou will be World Class once he sorts out his occaisional positional problems.

  2. is that the same djourou and gallas partnership that were shite against pool

  3. is it the same Djourou and Gallas partnership that were amazing against Chelsea?

  4. is that the same chelsea who hardly threatened the defence all game?

  5. The quality is definately there with djourou,he needs to be playing week in week out to obtain that match sharpness same with diaby.A game here and there its no wonder theres such inconsistencey within this team......

  6. I think Djourou is already the first choice at CB. The other three are identical players and I think are fighting for that one place alongside the Ivorian Swiss. For me, Gallas is number one of them, Silvestre then and Kolo has been shite this season and is therefore the 4th overall choice.

    Then the question is. What if Ramsey really emerges at DM for the next months? Then we could have the situation where Song would again be a back-up in midfield and would be in contention for a CB spot. Him and Djourou make a fantastic 21 year old partnership and probably fit the best together of any of the possible partners. This area is very exciting to watch. The next 4 months will be interesting to see at Arsenal.

    Come on you Gunners and slaughter Plymouth today.

  7. Djourou + Gallas/Kolo at CB is fine, but please don't let Alex Song get anywhere near.
    I think Alex Song can make it in the Premiership, but only in a mid-table team. Certainly not at a top level team

  8. fanner said.. Toure would be punished and blamed if he is not sharp enough. Gallas is forever being forgiven for all and any mistakes he made, and he is forever world class, big character, a winner. During Arsenal's peak Toure was an unsung hero, during Arsenal's slump Toure is no1 culprit.

  9. its easy to forget CB isnt his natural position
    considering the improvements hes made in this position in just over a year of proper first team football its just incredible
    i wonder how good he would be in centre mid had he been used there
    but yes i used to think he was an average CB really, its just that hes been learning the position and hes looking so good now, such an improvement
    hes a real player, delighted we have him
    he must be going on the list of arsene's youth successes along with clichy and fabregas

  10. song could be awesome at CB,
    like djourou he has to adapt from a natural midfield position, which isnt easy
    but whenever Ive seen him there hes looked solid, competitive and excelent on the ball
    i think his touch and control are very good at the back, where hes under less pressure i suppose, but he gets caught out more often in midfield
    he just needs to improve his positioning at times, as djourou has done and is still doing

  11. Wrighty!

    We agree again fella! Ive been calling for Djourou to be 1st choice CB since the summer and it seems fianlly he's getting his chance. Sure he may have made a mistake or 2, but thats what happens with young players, the difference when its a defender is it usually means a goal!

    He has all the makings of a top quality CB IMO and can partner Kolo or Gallas or A N Other if either of those 2 wants to eff off!

    I do wonder if Wenger even thinks about the defensive side of things as Kolo was only converted into a CB by default!

  12. i would not be suprised if toure is gon in the summer i cant see him getting past dj or gallas,sylevestor i think will be going the summer i suspect a swell wenger will have buy some defenders in the summer gallas and sylvestor are both 31 and are going on forever,i think he seas song as defennder tham a dm,but if wengercan get defender who can play dm position,plus a nasri type player cm that would be enough

  13. djourou and diaby need to be drinking about five espressos before every match. Are these kids even awake out there?

    It's time to reinvent the centre of defense. Gallas causes too many issues, Toure isn't Toure anymore, Djourou not comfortable with him as he's too sleepy and has no real presence or character on the pitch. This is just another area in need of big help.
