Thursday 1 January 2009

If Kolo Toure has lost his fight then maybe he should move on

Kolo Toure has put in a transfer request and it seems to me he is just trying to take the easy option.

What happened to the fighter that we all loved? Why has he given up so easily?

Kolo Toure and William Gallas have apparently had a falling out, so what! People fall out all the time. Its called life.

I suggest that Kolo pulls his socks up, gets his head down and works hard at trying to regain his place in the Arsenal side.

Now is the time to show what he is made of instead of sulking because he isn't in the team. Believe me, thats what this is really about, not the argument with Gallas (if that really did happen)

He has no one to blame but himself for not being in the side. He has been woeful over 2008 when played and seems out of condition.

If he loves Arsenal as much as he says then he shouldn't give up so easily. He should fight for his place and earn it back.

He owes it to us Gooners. We love him and don't want to see him leave the club. I want to see the old Kolo back, not the player we are seeing at the moment.

Having said that if he has given up then sell him. I don't want to say it but its the only option really. There is no point having a player who doesn't want to be there, regardless of who he is.

We must remember that the club is bigger than any person, and that includes Kolo Toure.

Keep it Goonerish...........


  1. Thought provoking post Wrighty.

    Never thought of it like that. I guess his powers are on the wane. Maybe is it time to cash in on him while his value is quite high.

    Although I'd hate to see him go.

  2. Fuck it! THIRD then!

  3. Good blog. I think that with Kolo, many people are living off the Invincibles, with him being the rock. However, as many have pointed out, all he has is pace to help him recover and also playing with Campbell who at the time was one of the best in England is also going to relatively easy. I think we should sell him ASAP, Wenger knows when to let people go at the right price, and if were receiving 10M + i think we'd be foolish to reject it. Gallas and Kolo are too alike, and ultimately Gallas is the better defender IMO.

    Wrighty, I just read Gooner Talks blog today revealing we have signed Arshavin, what are your thoughts on this?

  4. i think they should let kolo move on if h's not happy,we would make money and he would be happier.

  5. We don't know exactly why he wants to leave, but those 'supporters' who booed his 'little brother' Eboue clearly haven't helped. Kolo is Arsenal through and through and I'd hate him to leave. It hasn't been mentioned much but he did have malaria in the summer and hasn't looked quite the same player yet this season.... perhaps he hasn't fully recovered from its effects. I just hope he comes back stronger (and in the Arsenal shirt)

  6. Wenger seems to be choosing Gallas ahead of Toure at the moment and if he has indicated that this will continue when Kolo is fully fit then no wonder Kolo is pissed off.

    Gallas only plays well when we face the big teams, against the others he loses his desire and (more importantly) his man at set pieces.

    Kolo is battling back from Malaria and at the same time is having a conflict with Gallas.

    They either sort it out or one of them should move on. IMO it should be Gallas not Kolo.

  7. Cescgod,

    I've just read the article. I'm not sure what will happen with Arshavin.

    What I am sure of is the agent is doing a lot of talking and I think is using Arsenal's name to attract other interest.

    £18m is a lot of money for a player who probably would take around six months to make an impact in my opinion.

    I'd say £10m would be worth a risk.

  8. BBK,

    It maybe worth selling while he has high value.

    I'd rather he knuckled down though.

  9. i agree he knuckle down but if he's not happy why keep him 10 mill for him sounds good to me

  10. Wrighty ive said pretty much the same in my latest post mate.

    I wouldnt be too upset with the thought of him leaving if we put the 10 million to good use.

    He has been woeful and is clearly overweight

  11. Out of our 3 main centre backs currently (Gallas, Toure and Djourou(no i havent forgot SIlvestre!)) Toure is the one we should get rid of. He's become far too clumsy, and his heading has become poor. I dont see the motivation in him I saw previously. One game springs to mind where he lacked concentration. Anfield 2008, whenre he bundled over Babel 60 seconds after Adebayor had put us in the lead. Id say get a tidy profit for him, use the money to get another beast of a centre back, someone like Hangeland would be excellent.

  12. Goonblogger,

    If he does go it will be sad but Arsenal will get over it.

    There has been bigger and better players in the past who have gone.

  13. I grew up in africa and i know the effects of malaria...when u are down with malaria,when u recover it doesnt affect u to the extent people say it has affected toure...with toure,its age affecting him...toure is not 25-6 as he claims, he is in his mid me..this lack of pace and form is dwon to age..Thats my view

  14. Thats an interesting view mate. I'm sure that Martins of Newcastle has had his age questioned

  15. Yeah he has but tbf, Toure does not look in his thirties, it is a bit stereotypical by that commenter...

  16. I think we should maybe give him a bit of a break he doesn't look fit enough, around 2 months and then bring him baack into the squad slowly. After African cup of nations and his malaria he hasn't been the same. Then in the summer get rid of Gallas and then pair him with Djourou.

  17. I think 100k a week at City would have a lot to do with it..

  18. The truth of the matter is toure, eboue, adebayor, martins, drogba..actually all african players are struggling with age..they spend yrs playing in the african leagues before they are spotted by the scouts, by the time they are spotted they are in mid twenties...they come to europe after changing their birth certificates to a lower age,they play for 5 yrs and they lose pace...this, people don't know..

    Ade was talking of retirement in summer, the guy was serious because he knows his problem..He is not 24 as he claims(His birth cerificate was changed) Ade is in early thirties, he knew what he was talking about!! kanu is a 40 yr old those who blame toure should understand he is struggling with age...

  19. I am a big fan of Toure, but unfortunately he just hasn't delivered this season. Obviously his tried and failed partnership with Gallas hasn't helped neither. Both him and Gallas need a tall, dominating partner (ala Campbell), and Djouru can fit the bill. Which means it's either him or Gallas will be left out. As much as you hate Gallas, he does has the rare ability to score vital goals, something Toure does not possess. Leaving the team may be a good decision for him... although it seems that Wenger has already rejected his transfer request and wanted him to stay on.

  20. But usually centre halfs are at their best in their 30's. Toure is not clever enough, closes his eyes when heading the ball and panics when the pressure is on. Earlier poster was spot on when he mentioned the ridiculous foul on Babel in the CL. Bite the hand off anyone who offers 10mil

  21. I think Kolo has served Arsenal well and in truth shd be sold. He has underperformed in some major games especially the the match against Pool in the cl.
    Overall he has lost it and Arsenal will be better off without him.

  22. The key to player transfer is to buy, and then sell.

    There is no point thinking about selling any player, until one has been signed.

    Mark C

  23. I wouldn't be too upset to see Toure leave. He's a top bloke and looked great along side Campbell but I think overall he's a sloppy defender and too prone to shirt pulling and clumsy challenges in the box. His pace quite often rescues him from poor positioning too. He was very lucky not to concede a penalty against Wigan a few weeks back with another clumsy challenge and we could have ended up drawing that game. Thanks and good luck Kolo but maybe we should let him go and re-sign Upson?

  24. His powers are indeed on the wane.
    As is your ability to punctuate your writing properly.

  25. Kolo came back from the ACN and was a different player. He has been an absolute rock for us and not to long ago was as consistent as any CB out there.

    To write him off so easily when he's suffered illness injury and a Gallas mouth off is pretty poor IMO. The squad is weak enough as it is, shit, if we get an injury to Djourou or Gallas it'd mean playing effin Silvestre FFS!

  26. Sh*t, I must be really stupid - I didn't realise the African players did that. I must admit, I thought Adebayor was quite "mature" for a 24 year old.
    On Toure though, I never really understood what happened to him. I mean, I know he got malaria, but that doesn't make you a bad player. He made so many critical last second tackles in the past, I can't believe he isn't still capable. Surely it's a confidence thing, and he just needs a regular place (preferably with a big CB next to him like Sol used to be).

  27. No way guys, not buying this for a second. If someone has to go it's Gallas, who just keeps making an ass of himself. Sell him and get a cb that gets along. Toure IS 27, Gallas is 31. Toure hasn't been in the best spirits and now we all know why.

  28. As much as I like the guy, I feel Toure has not been the same since the ACN he has become been more error prone than any of our defenders.

    As a player who depends largely on his pace to defend, not having that pace to call upon puts him in a terrible starting position.

    Anyone looking at Toure can see he is overweight and unfit. It cannot be good for the team if he is demanding more playing time when it is obvious that his performance level has fallen off.

    It could be that this is the reason for the alleged bust up between him and Gallas, and if it is so then Wenger was right if he allegedly supported Gallas.

    For me there are only 2 options for Toure if he loves the club as much as we would like to believe.

    1.) Keep quiet, put in some hard work to get your performance levels back to it's peak.

    2.) If you believe that this (current) level is the best you can muster then a transfer out is actually in the best interest of the club and fans should applaud Toure if that's the case.

    I would rather that Kolo takes the first option but it could be that he feels physically he can't get much better.

  29. Is everyone on crack? Letting king kolo go would be a massive mistake. At villa only toure and van persie showed hunger. Kolo is a massive player, not a great defender tactically but his recovery is the best in the league. I believe toure and gallas should and can play together and do not believe they had a bust up. I do rate djourou and silvestre but gallas and toure ahead of them. The champions league semi final was an injustice, babel went down as if a sniper took him out. Softest penalty in a long time. Now onto the real business.... Toure mid 30s? Adebayor 36? The bullshit people talk these days is immense. I understand was a bit of talk about martins age, but not every African has problems with age and say that they are younger than they are! That is absolute rubbish! They are the age they are! Africe is not that backwards! Anyone want to talk more, email me. as I have plenty more to argue about. I'll back kolo all the way. Person who on about the age, would like to know where you got your facts from...dickhead! Oh just realised, which muppet said flog toure and get hangerland? I would rather chew off my own arm. He is shite! Not arsenal material, can't pass or play football. He can foul and head, I'll give you that. If that's the way arsenal go? I would rather not bother supporting them. Rant over. Happy new year!

  30. The latest is AW is being linked with Rosina the torino midfielder. He is 168cm tall and weighs 65 kg which I think is not suitable for the rough and tumble in the epl.
    I think to play in the epl you have to be at least 175plus cm tall and weigh more than 72 kg.I know there are players under 170cm and are light weight. Arsenal's problems have been they are light weight and lack height in the midfield.
    These are my personal observations. Of course Messi is 168cm tall but he is an exception.

  31. Several points:

    Firstly, if we are going to ask Kolo to "not just give up and run away", i.e. "fight for his place", then there is a certain irony in saying "oh, we'll just give up on him and sell him" ourselves.

    Kolo has had a poor season once before, and came back stronger for it.

    Secondly, I love the "I'm from Africa and I know" posts.


    There are several strains of malaria, and they all behave differently.

    Apart from that, Africa is a rather large spot, it's a continent in fact, many portions of which are entirely malaria free.

    That's not to say that he IS still being affected by it, but to just dismissively brush it off like that is either illustrating that the commentator is very uninformed, or (judging from the "I'm from Africa so I *know*" line), not honest.

    As for the "all African players are older than they claim" line: yes, there are a few like that, but to claim all African players have the same issue is just outright racism (especially from an "I'm from Africa, so I *know*" type - it's a bit like "some of my best friends are black").

    Right now the media sh@tstains are using everything they can do destabalise the club, Gooner blogs and Gooners should be telling them to go sit on one and swivel.


  32. do you think zokora is 85 then?

    have had my suspions for a while now

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