Sunday 4 January 2009

Is Nicklas Bendtner the new Gooner whipping boy?

Every club usually has a player that the fans don't really take too. Over the last couple of seasons it has been obvious that Emmanuel Eboué isn't the most favoured of players with Gooners. It now appears that a new face is fast becoming a rival for Eboues title of "least favourite player".

Nicklas Bendtner is becoming a player that is taking a lot of stick from Gooners at the moment and while I'll admit some is warranted, people getting on his back is certainly not going to help improve his game.

Bendtner comes across as arrogant and this does not help his cause. Nor does the fact that he can be extremley lazy at times. Gooners will forgive a player who has a lack of ability but who works hard in a game. Bendtner has ability, but at times will not work for the team.

The flashy boots he wears are making things even worse for him. Yes, he is young and trendy, but the footwear he is wearing at the moment doesn't give off the right signals to the Arsenal faithful.

I suggest leaving the green or pink boots at home. Leave them to the players of the world who have achieved something in the game. Nicklas has achieved nothing yet but I think at times he believes he has made it. He needs to back up those boots.

Bendtner can be frustrating and I don't think that he has improved as much as a lot of people believed he would of. Like some of the other young players really. But we forget that he is young and still learning the game.

He can make things hard for himself by not working hard in a game but it seems now that even when he is trying some Gooners are just waiting for him to fail so they can say I told you so. Bendtner is a confidence player and he obviously can sense the tension from the crowd.

Being a young player it must be difficult to have the crowd breathing down your neck every time you have the ball. It can be confidence sapping and for a player who thrives on being confident to be on top of his game, its little wonder he is playing poorly.

I've no idea whether Nicklas Bendtner will make it at Arsenal. What I do know is he has got ability but we've only seen glimpses of that this season and he hasn't improved as much as I believed he would.

Only he can improve his game. He has a long way to go and if he thinks he has made it then he is wrong. He needs to work hard at his game and I sometimes wonder if he needs some senior guidance from an older player in his position. Unfortunately for him he doesn't have that available to him.

If he begins to work harder in games then Gooners will get behind him, but that is down to him. He cannot continue to waltz through games, because every club has a player who is berated more than others. If he is not careful then that player could be him more often than not.

And he could see himself at Goodison Park on loan in exchange for Arteta!

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. NOT a whipping boy.

    Just not good enough like Denilson and Eboue.

    You can make a case that Denilson is more of a creative player who has shown signs of developing. Albeit slowly.

    Eboue is being played out of position and is a good right back.

    There is no excuse for Bendtner's crapiness or lack of development.

  2. Bendtner can be a great player, the tail end of last season proved this. He had me believing he could go on to be better than Adebayor! But I think he has become complacent, as if RVP or Adebayor become injured, he is a cert to replace them. I think Eduardos return will help Bendtner, as he will have real competition to get back in the team/squad. Currently though, Bendtner should get dropped and Vela should be given more time, as Bendtner needs to apply himself more, and I believe dropping him will result in this. However, I would not like to see him being sold as I think he could become a quality player given time. A loan would be great. But I think the swap for Arteta is unrealistic :)

  3. Some Arsenal fans are just stupid idiots. Much like any club has a majority of stupid idiotic fans who know nothing at all about football and the way it works.

    14:09 proves my point. And I am sure many others will.

  4. Players develop at diiferent speeds and ages.

    Young players will be compared to other young players; Theo got slated by a load of so-called Gooners and the media almost wrote him off at the grand old age of 18!

    I dunno if bendtner will come good, his attitude appears pretty arrogant and selfish, attributes that good strikers generally have anyway!

    But the shocker he had at Byrnley hardly helped his cause!

  5. Did anyone else think that the formation against Plymouth was brilliant in the second half? The best we have seen for a while now.

    - - - - - - Almunia

    Sagna - Gallas - Djourou - Clichy

    Bendtner/Eboue - Diaby - Den - Vela

    - - - - - - Nasri

    - - - - - van Persie

    Of course Ramsey played yesterday but Denilson would be a lot beter in that role as he is a much better player at the moment.

  6. cuckhoo cuckhoo cuckhoo etc.....

  7. bendtner has become a target for the fans because he has no ability and has no talent yet he is ahead of vela in the pecking order and that boy has potential. nicklas just seems to have gone backwards

    the fans dont understand why bendtner gets more games than vela and its this frustration thats leading the fans to target him

    its like they are willing him to fail so he fucks off and paves the way for vela

    im one of them, bendtners shit

  8. Jonjon;

    I must have missed that meeting where it was decided that you should speak on behalf of the fans fella!

  9. The stupid fans would have you believe tat Bendtner is ahead of Vela in the pecking order, but in truth, Vela is our back up left winger because he has failed to do the job up front. Bendtner is also playing his best football on the right wing because he has talent and awareness.

    But the ignorant fools are exactly that, ignorant fools.

  10. erm...what has Vela done that makes him better equipped than Bendtner for playing in the Arsenal team?

  11. I can't believe some people are defending Bendtner. I go every week and am firmly of the belief that he is AWFUL. He has no awareness whatsover, very poor technique and can't finsh. One of the worst Arsenal strikers I have seen since Francis Jeffers. To make things even worse, his sloppy passing often puts us on the back foot and he slows the play down as he isn't good enough to play our system. Vela is lightyears ahead of Bendtner who I think would struggle to get in any premier league side let alone a top 4 one. The fact he still plays for us regularly is exemplary of an alarming blind spot that Wenger has displayed over the years of picking players on fear of being proved wrong, rather than on merit of performances. BENDTNER OUT

  12. Why is Bendtner continually perceived as arrogant? In my opinion, little of what he says or does adds weight to that argument. And as for the colour of his boots, what on earth has that to do with it? My teenage daughter wears odd, different coloured socks most of the time. Crazy, I know. But she's not being arrogant - it's just a fashion statement and probably the same with Bendtner. Admittedly, his performances have lacked any consistency this season but you can level that accusation against just about anyone who has played - including those, such as Fabregas, who many fans feel are beyond reproach. I didn't see yesterday's game but thought Bendtner gave his best performance for ages against Pompey. One things for sure, public condemnation of Bendtner, Eboue or anyone else will have a detrimental effect not only on the individuals concerned but the whole team too.

  13. Absolutely disgraceful the way some so called fans have to pick on one player. We really dont need fans like that.....I'd rather have a half full stadium than have idiots and morons that moan and groan their way through a game. If you dont like it then stop going.....simple

  14. Not arrogant, just not good enough. Also, why is it that some fans are such sheep/snobs that anyone who criticises Arsenal/Wenger is ignorant and not a "real fan".

    Are we or are we not in the most dangerous league situation we have been in for many years in terms of CL qualification? Are we or are we not losing many games we should win? Has Wenger kept a steady consistency in the team since the invincibles or has he failed to replace people and left us "in transition" for 4 years?

    Bottom line, Bendnter is not good enough and fans are allowed to vent their frustration that there is no meritocracy at Arsenal. What about the debacle at Burnley? Why cant we criticise Bendtner after that? I totally disagreed with the Eboue stuff against Wigan and he has been great ever since, but before that he was woeful. Denilson too, not his fault, he just isnt what we need in that position.

    If you want to watch us lose to Stoke/Fulham/Villa/Hull etc and chunder on about "Wenger knows" then be my guest. But if you think this Arsenal side are even a shadow of the invincibles then I think its you sheep who are the ignorant ones.

  15. Hey JonJon - Nik shite, please, he is far worse than that.....


  16. That's crap Sue, sorry. Real fans want their team to do well and that means having genuinely committed and effective players. Nothing at all wrong with fans wanting Arsenal to do better than they currently are rather than accepting the status quo and 5th place.

  17. Sensible article. Impressive that most fans have completely forgotten that Bendtner arguably was our best player in september. Bendtners performances dropped along with the team's own in general. Bendtner doesnt work much defensively, but attacking wise he is one of our most mobile players. And he actually forms a much better passing partnership with Adebayor than RvP does.

  18. Bendtner VS. Vela

    BENDTNER - no talent
    VELA - talented
    BENDTNER - no skill
    VELA - skillful
    BENDTNER - slow
    VELA - speedy
    BENDTNER - lazy
    VELA - hard worker

  19. The really unfortunate thing is that a lot (not most) Arsenal fans are idiots. Bedntner is wanted by most Italian clubs who are famed for having the best strikers in the world. The reason for this is that he is a very raw talent that could end up becoming one of the best in the world. Admittedly his progress has retracted as of late, but that could be attributed due to a lack of games. All you need to do is look at his international record to see this. Wenger will not be selling him, and that is because, unlike you fucking stupid ‘football manager’ fans, he can recognise this.

    As for 14:09, Denilson not good enough? Check out his statistics for the season before you bleat on about subjects outside your realm of knowledge.

  20. Funny how quickly some fans shit themselves coz Villa are 3 points above us and the current media darlings!

    Even IF we didnt sign anyone in january 4th is THE milimum we'll get.

    Fucking cry babies!

    Bendtner aint done too well of late, he has in the past tho and is still a young player, so to single him out, like others before is not the way or do you condone booing our own players as well? Coz thats where it will end.

  21. spike

    you must miss alot then fella cos most fans dont like bendtner and want vela in instead, i was just offering my opinion on it

    and the anon who said vela is a backup left winger thats just stupid, vela in wengers own words is alongside dudu as the clubs most lethal finisher, he aint a left winger at all and he works his arse off and is more dangerous when he has the ball then bendtner ever will be and we all seen how dangerous he is in front of goal with his performances in the CC

    sue, the plastic fan debate is becoming boring

    when a player on the pitch doesnt even try, doesnt track back doesnt chase balls does nothing but look lazy, and to top it all off doesnt score goals, fans are going to get on his back, hes the one that should fuck off and play for someone else if he doesnt wwant to try for us.

  22. spike

    bendtners done well in the past???

    what island have you been living on?

    bentdners played around 40games for us now and made one good pass to ade and one good header against spuds, how does that warrant that hes done well in the past??

    the goal against kiev was lucky, he just dazzled the defence with bright ann summers boots.

    bentley did more than bendtners done and was sold because he was arrogant, is the pink booted one not arrogant also, if nikki kinky boots was english he would of gone by now

  23. last season i had so much hope for this lad, i was impressed with his ability to get goals out of nothing for arsenal(tottenham), i don't know what is wrong with him this season,anyway, the departure of flamini has reduced everybody's ability. West ham are interested in him to replace mancity bound bellamy and their willing to offer former arsenal trainee mathew upson, good deal?
    Wenger has his sights on bolton defender gary cahill as he admits toure and gallas are too small to play with each other, with the youngster able to offer aerial and physical strength due to his height.
    Lastly, Mark Noble is on the gaffer's sights. He is interested in a player with high work rate, and he is under constant pressure to add england internationals to his team.He is reportedly eyeing west ham players as they admitted they are open to offers for their players. Believe me, an arsenal representative is a close friend of mine and told me this, and he also said wenger doesn't want his transfer targets known, besides wenger confirmed this in a recent quote. Keep it goonerish

    najgunner, forgotten my password

  24. Jomjon;

    Bendtner HAS done well in the past and for your information, the island I live on is very nice, with palm trees crystal clear seas and lots of luvvly scantily clad ladies!

    Wekger has said vela is a striker in the making, but he also said that about theo and he's still playing wide right fella. So maybe vela will get more playing time leftwing? Wouldnt be a bad thing IMO. As for bendtner's future at the club?

    I gots no idea mate? You got a downer on him and just aint prepared to look at any opinions other than 100% anti ones! Thats your perogative fella. I think NikB needs to buckle down, work hard and do his best and give 100% Just like EVERY Arsenal player otherwise they deserve all the stick they get.

  25. theo plays on the right because we are missing rosicknote and his pace is a threat, otherwise he'd be behind bendtner too.

    but the club better sort this out because if it stays this why we will end up losing both vela and theo, and get stuck with a striker who doesnt try, doesnt run, looks clumsy and couldnt even finish his dinner.

    ppl say its bad for the fans not to like a player, but what about when his teammates dont like him also???? was does that say about him???

    maybe all the team should go down the road and play for another team then, if they dont like it?????

    poor nikki, everyone picks on him. everyone who doesnt like him should go support another team, well that would leave us with over half the stadium empty and most of the squad gone.

  26. Im sure that last comment made sense when you were typing it fella!

  27. what has the colour of his shoos got to do with anything? its just a colour.. he looks good in it anyway.. and plus players can choose their own football shoes with whatever colour, so again, what?

  28. Bendtner is crap, anyone who says he isnt doesnt know what they are saying. Deep down Wenger knows it. He cant even control a ball - im sorry but if you see what other sportsman can do with the tools of their trade ie basketballers, snooker players its amazing and yet bendtner cant control, cant pass he shouldnt be playing footy end of. Arsenal will be better without him for sure 200%. Why has he got be arrogant cos he is shite, no wonder Adebayor told him so at Shite Hart Lane. My gran is a better centre forward than him. mind you she is awesome.

  29. To anon 14.57 please dont tell me to look at his international record, they are hardly world beaters, he has played against no class... He's lazy, and not good enough 4 our team that's the truth!!!!!!!

  30. Cardiff v Arsenal 4th round tie.

    Liverpool v Everton as well hahahaha

  31. Anon 15;38

    I think Wenger should sign your nan!


    im sure you have nothing factual to come back with spike, so you are resorting to insults.

    leave the debating to the big boys mate.

  33. Jonjon;

    Can I have my Action man back please?

    Seriously mate! I didnt have a bleedin clue what you meant!

    No need to get all sensitive sweety!

  34. Some Arsenal fans are beyond constructive analysis. Media hype, nationality and supposed weaknesses are what we judge our players on.

  35. Big kiss darling


    my point was its silly for some fans to ridicule other fans over the fact they dont like nikki. even though that part of the comment wasnt aimed at you spike, just the theo bit was mate

    nikki isnt liked by the majority of the fans or the players, so for ppl to say fans are morons and they should go watch another team is daft, what do they want the players to do?? go play for another team just because nikki is disliked??

    its a silly thing to say as half the stadium wouldnt be there and over half the squad wont be there if some fans want the nikki haters to go.

  36. Having so much emphasis on young players inevitably leads to disapointment. Look at the youth academy players? How many of those make it? Even the most promising ones?

    10 percent? Less? So the likes of bendtner, even after the most promising start to their fledgling careers and with tons of natural talent may stagnate or even go backewards in terms of development.

    We've seen it with the likes of Pennant, Senderos, Lupoli, etc.

    Just shows that maybe it aint such a cheaper option sticking with the youth IMO.

  37. no

    we judge players/strikers on goal ratio and more importantly effort on the pitch,

    bendtner has neither ability

    stop changing the goalposts anon 15;58 face the facts of things, the boy isnt good enough and doesnt even try.

  38. joJon;

    Haha! Nice one mate.

    Getya now! Boy am I dumb today!

  39. Now thats something i agree with u on spike,

    most of the youth players wont make it, we are paying stupid wages on players that will probably offloaded for peanuts, we aint saving any money in the long run

  40. Anon 15.41

    Bendtner has 8 goals in 21 internatinal appearances.

    Goals against - Portugal x2, Czech rep. slovenia, Island, North Island, Germany and Poland.
    In six of these matches he came on as a substitute.

    Regarding the Burnley match.

    Bendnter missed two one-on-ones, the third one he can hardly be faulted, cause the pass from Vela was straight to Brian Jensen. Nobody would have reached that pass.

    Bendtner set up Vela alone twice. Vela missed.
    Bednter set up Ramsey alone once. Ramsey missed.

    Apart from the Sheffield game, where Bendtner still was the better performer, Vela hasnt shown anything near the same potential as Bendtner did this time last year.

    Fair enough saying Bendtner is on bad form - he is, and he has been really bad lately. But glorifying Vela on his expense is nonsense.

    Same thing with people on Denilsons back. He's 20, and has captained every Brazil youth level team he's been on. He's lacking consistency this season - but improving alot - and will be a very good player for us sooner rather than later. We can't expect all our players to be freaks of nature like Cesc or another Messi.

  41. bendtners just a freak

  42. Nikki B needs to go out on loan to another premiership team. He obviously has ability, but i dont think he is ready for our first team. I hoped he would make the next step this season but he hasn't. Same can be said about Song.

  43. few dick heads on this site,eboue right back thats were he should play bendter loan or traded

  44. I personally can't stand players who think they are amazing when they are clearly not. Bendtner falls into this catagory and has been given more 1st team chances than Aliadiere ever got and he was shown the door. Sorry, but he ain't good enough and that's all there is to it.

  45. jon jon,, with your comment about the youngsters going for peanuts, liam brady said in his notes that, with every youngster that sighns a pro contract with us, we have a sell on clause in the contract,just like we did with bently and diarra that made us £10million plus, they might not make it at our place but could benafit us in the long run, wilshire on his own will save us alot off money,,

  46. Bendtner's dreadful attitude at Burnley in the Carling League Cup did him no favours. He played the big-time charlie that night. He did OK out wide against Pompey and did OK yesterday. The single laziest performance in an Arsenal shirt this season was Adebayor against Portsmouth. He wasn't lazy at Stoke, he simply did not want to know at all that day. The only place that Stoke were able to kick him that day was off the pitch! Yet all the vitriol is aimed at a 20 year old. Bendtner does have genuine ability, but has not shown it often enough this season, but that is no excuse for the multitude of morons we have supporting our club these days. So many people at the games and on websites cannot give an opinion without without reverting to foul-mouthed abuse. It is cruel and it is crude. Please go and support someone else - Ramgun

  47. Bendnter played quite well yesterday. There are quite a few around where I sit (block13) that just cant wait for him to do something wrong. One Twat in particular was standing shouting obscenities at him. Get a life! Its almost like giving the other team a goal start!


  48. sell on clauses arent installed until the player moves to the club first,

    bentley diara only had sell on clauses put in when they moved to pompey and blackburn,

    and how many more of our kids have gone on to other clubs after they were originally sold and made us a sell on profit??? bentley and diarra and who else????

    the point is O2 is that we have a youth policy so we dont have to pay millions for players, but when the youth are paid ridiculous amounts of money, which leads us to have one of the highest wage bills in the league, the object of saving money is defeated, we are forking out millions every year on kids that havent proved themselves in the game and are still learning, and most will move on to other clubs anyway,

    most of wengers kitty is spent on wages, surely if we didnt pay the kids as much we could afford a quality ready made player instead of waiting 5 years for a player that might come good or might not.

    in the long term paying a player 30- 50k a week then selling him on when we realise he aint good enough for a few million isnt good.

    you might as well get rid of a few of them players save the wages and buy a quality proven player whos wages will be paid for by shirt sales, after all you dont see any arsenal fan walking around with bendtner or song on their shirt do you???

    im not picking on the youth policy, i think its the best way to go, but we shouldnt pay them so much, it just defeats the object of saving money

    its abit long but i hope you got my points. ;)

  49. i dont like adebayor either, 80k a week is a disgrace when we could of got 30mil for him.

    30mil would fix our midfield and we wouldnt miss ade one bit.

  50. People only need to look at Micah Richards to know if confidence has been slightly misplaced with regards to future development. Bendtner has, without a doubt, shown all the potential to become a world class striker. So called 'Big' strikers, the Adebayor or Ibrahimovic type, definitely take longer to mature into great players than the 'quick' striker such as Owen. They have to learn to use their talents for holding up the ball, flicking on headers etc... but the other kind of striker automatically has his main attributes of pace and finishing - they don't need anywhere near the same amount of development. Hence i think it would be very cruel to judge Bendtner as anything like the finished article. On the other hand if you asked anyone how Bendtner has improved in the last year i struggle to name anything. There are glimpses of talent - such as the Kiev goal, where i would never have backed him to score but there are far too many times where i would say the phrase having the touch of a rapist has never been more appropriate - Plymouth being as good a example as any.
    My honest belief however is still, somehow, that Bendtner can be one of the best strikers in the world. The problem however is i don't think he can do it at Arsenal, not yet anyway. Going back to the point about 'big' strikers, how many of them have learned their trade at the highest level? Adebayor played for 5 years in France, Ibrahimovic in Holland, Van Nistelroy, Ronaldo, Santa Cruz, Berbatov, the list goes on and on never in the big three leagues. I think it is asking far far too much to expect Bendtner to develop in the premiership and definitely not at a club as expectant as Arsenal. Frankly the player's development isn't my main concern, my main concern is Arsenal - and therefore i don't want to watch match after match while Bendtner learns the meaning of a first touch. For me the solution is simple, he needs at least a season on loan playing for either a top Dutch club (Ajax, PSV etc...) or a mid-table German team. I guarantee he would come back having bagged a goal rate at least as good as his international one and probably at least a £15 million price tag on his head. I'm also sure a team like Ajax would be interested - especially having just lost Huntellar. I can't see Wenger sending him out on loan though but for both Arsenal and Bendtner it simply has to be the right idea.

  51. As for sell on clauses;

    We made money from Pennant going to Lpool, Muamba to Bolton, harper and a few more I can't remember!

    Just coz you aint aware of them, don't mean they aint there fella!

    Im getting kinda depressed about the conatant slating of certain players.

    OK! You dont like them, I get it, now effin move on!

    As you were....

  52. and how many more of our kids have gone on to other clubs after they were originally sold and made us a sell on profit??? bentley and diarra and who else????
    Quite a few actually, Pennant (around 3 million) and Muamba (a million) and i'm sure there are both other examples and future players (such as Larson at Birmingham) who will gain us more money.
    That's not the point though, its clever to insert the deal, but its bad for two real reasons. Firstly thinking like that suggests we are a Southampton type selling club. Secondly if these players are being transferred for large sums of money it shows we have made serious mistakes. Can anyone seriously tell me that Diarra, Bentley and Upson wouldn't walk into the current Arsenal team?
    I completely agree about the wages though, these players are getting paid the kind of money they shouldn't be earning until they are 25 and have proven there ability. Not only is it wasting money - there is absoultely no way our wage bill should be close to Man U when they are paying past it players like Giggs, Scholes and Neville over £50,000 a week. It makes you wonder do they pay players like Nani and Anderson less than we pay players like Song and Bendtner? The huge amount they are getting paid is also seriously detrimental to the way they play and contributory to their lazy attitude, i mean it seriously makes my blood boil to read things like this when he has done nothing to justify a starting place as of yet!

  53. im aware of them spike. but diarra and bently were the only big money sell ons we had, the ones you mentioned didnt even break the million pound mark, thats why they arent worth mentioning,

    i dont slate any player, i speak the truth, they arent good enough,and they earn mega money compared to what they would get anywhere else, which is stopping us from signing quality.

    so your point is?????

    end of.

  54. pennant didnt make us 3mil

    pennant was originally bought on installments but was sold before we could get the full fee, we only got 750k for him

  55. Jonjon;

    Once again your sensitivity betrays you!

    The last bit wasnt aimed at you!

    As for sell ons, now i think you are bullshitting that you knew about the ones I mentioned fella! Pennant made us nearly £4 mill ands Muamba £1.5M!

    Its OK, you don't have to pretend know everything!

  56. muamba was bought on installments too we didnt even break the million squids mark for him either,

    your all wrong, set of retards

  57. Anonymous accountant;

    I take it you are from Deloite and Touche you fucking deluded twat!

  58. Just typing they were paid on installments and saying everyone's wrong is hardly a valid argument you prick!

    Now fuck off and finish your homework.

  59. i like when people come on as anon and get tough, it really makes you stop and pay attention to what they say,

    although i think they are right.

    not about the retards bit but the sell ons. ;)

  60. anonamous accountant


  61. Vela is our back up left winger because he has failed to do the job up front!!! Are you buzzing on last weeks smoke my friend! COUGH COUGH!!! Jokes aside!!

    Failed to do the job up front!!! Tell me how many games has the boy started excluding CC? I'll tell ya fella nada, zero!

    The boy, and I say boy because he is young is still adapting to the pace of the PL. He needs to work on the physical side of the PL. Otherwise he already has the tools and works his socks off! You only need to look at Vela's goals against Sheffield and Wigan to see how much class he has. Four goals and a couple of assists to his name tells me Vela will start at some point this season.

  62. Im sure he will start the next game.... at left wing!

  63. anonymous who wrote at 14:13 and 14:28 i beleive you're the same are a prick!

    telling people they know fuck all about football. well, i am a season ticket holder and have been home and away for years, and i was at Arsenal for a short while and Sporting Lisbon. So i know what i am talking about. Do u go every game? i doubt it otherwise you wouldnt have written those comments.
    When Arsenal fans are spending thousands of pounds a season following their team they are entitled to say their view, and most of the fans are right in what they say about Bentdner. He is shit! Can you remember the last striker we had as bad as bentdner? franny jeffers, before him lee chapman! we are trying to win the league and this is an impossibility when players such as bentdner are in our team. Slow, poor 1st touch, not using his height, not very strong for someone 6ft 3, doesnt work for the team in any way, lazy, caught out on the piss a few times recently. Vela.....strong, quick, works hard, clinical finisher. And for the cock that said something like 'Vela is our cover for left wing because he hasnt done the job upfront' 4 goals in 3 starts in the carling cup, 3 of them goals world class. Golden boot winner at the under-17s world cup....list goes on.

    So please people who know nothing about football, let the real fans talk....just listen.

  64. Yes, spending money on an effin season ticket really makes you an expert on football. Coz as soon as you start going to games it turns you into a footballinh genius! Yep, Ive been to the ballet twice now and already my Nutcracker is a joy to behold!

    Were you one of the pathetic excuses for fans who booed at the Grove the other week mate?

    If you were, the you are a cunt.


  65. Bendtner's been a thousand times better in his first 30 games for Arsenal than Walcott was!

  66. Bendtner doesn't belong in the first team. If the offer is big enough sell and replace. Loan out for two years to another league at best.

    The problem with AFC is too many players with 'potential' and not enough players who can play.

  67. Bendtner is a legend in the making. FACT!!!!!

    He just needs beter players arond him to learn off of.

  68. Do Strikers mature slowly?

    According to the press Bendtner it seems is on the way out.

    If you compare Walcott and Bendtner it is clear that Walcott is better as he is one year younger, and brings an edge to the team unlike Bendtner.

    On the other hand , Adebayor was also useless at 20, that is why Bendtner will stay.

  69. i like when people come on as anon and get tough, it really makes you stop and pay attention to what they say, although i think they are right. not about the retards bit but the sell ons. ;)
