Wednesday 28 January 2009

Still think Arsenal can win the league then Arsene?

I said a long time ago that the league title was beyond Arsenal this season and I've seen nothing tonight that will change my mind.

We are too inconsistent and you have to say that is because we have such a young side. The players have hardly anyone inspirational to look up too. Except maybe one player at the moment, Robin van Persie.

It was another poor performance and we should thank our lucky stars that we have Robin van Persie in our ranks.

The boy wonder is dragging us through games by himself at the moment and really is beginning to fulfill his potential. He has always scored important goals for Arsenal and now, free of injury, we are seeing the best of him.

His goal tonight was special, and he is a special player. More importantly the goal came in stoppage time, it probably felt like a winner to the Arsenal side.

Despite the empathic feeling of a stoppage time leveller we have to take a reality check. The top four has to be the target and this was an important point to take from a game we looked like getting nothing from.

The undefeated run of course continues and that will give the players a big boost, hopefully the squad can kick on from here and now get a winning streak together.

I'm confident of a top four finish despite Aston Villa, Chelsea and Liverpool being the obvious favourites to finish above us. I don't include Manchester United, to be honest I think they will be Champions, although it pains me to admit it.

I think that Liverpool are feeling the pressure now and will begin to slide. Aston Villa's luck cannot continue and I believe they too will faulter as the season goes on.

I think Arsenal can finish in the top three but it will be difficult. The title though, is sadly beyond us.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. Totally agree Wrighty. It was clear a few months ago that we wouldn't win the Premiership.

  2. I agree Wrighty. This side is far from good enough to win the league and Wenger refuses to see it.

    What about his tactics and substitutions? Rubbish as usual.

    What is the point of Vela being there? He is never used.

  3. Sorry but just lately all I see on this blog is negative comments.....your depressing!

  4. YES WE CAN!!!

    If you are true Arsenal supporters, You should believe - Like Van Persie believed.

  5. we cant win the title and our chances went after the first transfer window closed in truth.

    glaringly obvious to most that the squad wasn't good enough and it still isn't with the likelihood of no signings yet again.

    we are crap at the moment and west ham looks a very tough game for us on sunday. i can see calrton cole mauling our defence and that sickens me.

  6. Looking a the performance and the opposition, then we should be glad to get a point, in reality we deserved nothing. Following the loss of a goal, I was waiting for a reaction, I saw nothing, no urgency, no leadership and no quality to demonstrate we were able to get something out of the game. Thank god for RVP, he is quality.

    Our midfield are awful, Denillson does not provide anything, Song is a complete waste os time, and it is too much to ask Diaby and Nasri to carry the other 2.
    We need to give a chance to Ramsey, Vela and Wilshire, but to throw them all in together would be crazy, so we just have to continue with the mediocrity we currently have.

    All the fans recognice this, and we are sick of saying it !
    I wonder how many Arsenal tops have been sold with the names of either Eboue, Denilson and Song on the back ? Not many I suspect and that says it all. These guys should not be playing for a club like the Arsenal. Nuff said !

  7. Did you watch the game? We played a resilient Everton side although neither team created many chances I felt Everton are one of the most organised teams in the league (their position reflects that). Yes we didn't create enough but didn't lose so kept the mini rum going and there are plenty games left. Have some faith in the squad especially with the injuries. Song did a good job tonight in front of the back 4.

  8. have to agree with Wrighty that we cant win the league but we can finish top 3. as you point out pool and villa can still fall and possibly even chelsea too.
    tonight was a very hard fixture - IMO its as hard as Anfield, SB and OT. Goodison has always been a difficult place to win when Everton are on top of their game as they are right now.
    we know where our bad results have been this season eg Stoke, Man City, Hull but this does not come into that category.
    They just love to play anti-football, defend hard and kick the hell out of us. not sure why they dont play the same against Chelsea or Man U but thats life!
    Its a point. a deserved point if you look at the stats. Its not great, but neither is it the end of the world.
    at the start of the season you'd take a point at Goodison.
    This result is not bad providing we now beat the so called easy teams, WHU, Spurs, fulham, Sunderland and WBA etc.

  9. Wenger lives in a world where white is black and black is white.He would rather we finished 19th then admit his players are flawed.

  10. Sorry Sue,

    I'm not trying to be depressing, honestly!

    I'm just saying how I see it. I don't think Arsenal can win the league.

    I'm being realistic but if I'm proved wrong then trust me, I'll be the first to admit it!

  11. Will somebody please tell me why we let Alex Hleb leave..? or why Eboue was not sold recently..? why Song remains in the side.. and why Abou Diaby is so fucking shit??? that game was pathetic.. the arsenal of new is not even a shadow to the arsenal of old. we lack commitment.. composure.. skill.. and dedication. Alex Hleb was a true playmaker.. and if he had the chance to play alongside nasri and fabregas we would not be in this situation.. letting Flamani and gilberto go was also a stupid piece of management. Gilberto though not as young and versatile.. would get the job done.. which is more than I can say about Alex Song. we also lack depth.. BUY A FUCKN WIDE PLAYER.. AND BUY A HOLDING MIDFEILDER.. Arsene its not that fuckn difficult.. Ive had enough of him having "faith" in their ability.. because to me thay could give a fuck about your faith.

    we will finish out of the 4 this year.. believe me.

  12. i had nough of this squad they just dont turn up adebayoris sp shit and he should be dropd or even sell him at 20mil if we can song,diaby,eboue,denilson, get rid they just not good enough for arsenal were is the passion and love what is happeng at arsenal.
    and arsen said 2night after the match that arshavin is just at 90% of wot not geting him he wouldnt sy nothing else i rate him he is mr arsenal but we need david dien back we are shit ofical.

  13. Paulie
    "kick on from here" are you deluded wrighty. How many times do people watch this shit team and still make excuses. Wake up, this team and Wenger hasnt got it and how the fuck anyone can think they ever will defies logic

  14. Sue how the f**k can you not feel negative towards the club right now. Been supporting them some 30 + yrs, and to my mind this currently is one of the worst arsenal teams iv'e seen, what makes it worse is that we show no ambition, urgency nothing. The transfer window might as well not exist in arsenal's mind.
    If we're honest we knew we weren't winning any league this season once we didn't strengthen in the summer.

  15. Mate... title was beyond us 1st Sept. 2008 when Wenger decided not to replace Diarra, Gilberto or Flamini!
    I love the bloke and he is a legend... but I can't defend him anymore!
    If we don't buy anyone in the next 5 days, Wenger deserves all the critisim he gets!

  16. Yes I did watch the game.

    Everton were very resiliant and contained us.

    The only player I saw capable tonight of doing something tonight was RvP.

    We lack players who can step up to the plate.

  17. ARSENAL fans are becoming ignorant.
    If it were not for Mr A Wenger we would be another Spurs.

    All teams have bad days. Human after all. We cannot but the title like ManUre or Chelski etc.

    We are a team, a club that has roots of integrity. Let's be realistic. having too many pops at the players because the FAn percieves that they are not trying is the act of a dickless fan.

    Things are going to end up superlative this season. I hope that the paranoid, negative, inept, knumbknutted fans will not join in the pleasure of our sweet moments.

    Regarding N Bendtner...Leave him alone. He is 20 and he has so much potential. All the ignorant fans will regret their negatory perceptions of the lad.


    Jefferson Davis.

  18. There is no great football and if we are all honest how long ago did we rip a team apart? build a team yes, but how many years is wenger going to be given to build without trophy??? this is not a side that can compete in the top 4 without buying!!!

    Has the wenger magic taken us as far as he can????

    I hope not but something has got to change.

  19. Hi wrighty, thanks for popping in to say hi the other night.
    I appreciate it mate..

    playing catchup isn't fun we needed 3 points but a 1-1 away to everton is a good result.


  20. No problems Avenell!

    Take care mate.

  21. Wrighty7

    ARSENAL fans are becoming ignorant.
    If it were not for Mr A Wenger we would be another Spurs.

    All teams have bad days. Human after all. We cannot but the title like ManUre or Chelski etc.

    We are a team, a club that has roots of integrity. Let's be realistic. having too many pops at the players because the FAn percieves that they are not trying is the act of a dickless fan.

    Things are going to end up superlative this season. I hope that the paranoid, negative, inept, knumbknutted fans will not join in the pleasure of our sweet moments.

    Regarding N Bendtner...Leave him alone. He is 20 and he has so much potential. All the ignorant fans will regret their negatory perceptions of the lad.


    Jefferson Davis.

  22. J Davis fans like you should support wigan/sun/new and the like. People talk like arsenal did nothing before wenger, check your history. Granted our most successful manager, but has shown no spark, drive to be the best, hunger for the past 4 yrs, like the team his assembled. Supporters who are content with arsenal right now, don't realise how big we are, or was soon

  23. Vela - Whats wrong with him?? Why wont Arsene play him?
    Wilshire - needs games - Everton away isn't for him yet.

    Sell Adebayor - last season has gone to his head.

    when all of our players back we will be good but unfortunately not great.

  24. i cannot believe it has come to this...diaby and song playing in the heart of our midfield...denilson playing wide...unbelievable... how can wenger not see this is just not right... i am profoundly dissapointed...
    we need real wingers, and a real DM...i have been with wenger up to now...but tonight was just too much...the whole midfield is just did we ever let things get this far?

  25. Ok, i'm coming on here as an aston villa fan, not looking for trouble, but i'll recieve shit anyway. I just don't get why ALL arsenal supporters don't take villa's quite annoying and shows how your heads are still stuck up your own arses since the 2004 season..the current arsenal team lack ambition, hunger and the ability to win games while not playin well..take villa for example and they are the total oposite and have all those qualities. O'neil is buying players who have a hunger for sucess, we don't need no stinkin' superstars who play for money, we don't need no player who sees himself better than the rest, we have the perfect team that crave the success that arsenal can no longer regain. aston villa are the new arsenal and whoever martin brings in in the next 4 or so days will not only be a bargain, but prove to be yet another instant hit, just like the rest of the signings he has made..apart from harewood and shorey =P

    VILLA FOR 4TH...UTV..good luck to arsenal.

    your manager is past his time and it won't be possible to get arsenal back where they once was. you have blown it and you all know it. he has not only ruined you for this season, but for many more to come. hope you enjoy the UEFA cup next season, we are at the moment, BRING ON THE CL!

  26. Ok, i'm coming on here as an aston villa fan, not looking for trouble, but i'll recieve shit anyway. I just don't get why ALL arsenal supporters don't take villa's quite annoying and shows how your heads are still stuck up your own arses since the 2004 season..the current arsenal team lack ambition, hunger and the ability to win games while not playin well..take villa for example and they are the total oposite and have all those qualities. O'neil is buying players who have a hunger for sucess, we don't need no stinkin' superstars who play for money, we don't need no player who sees himself better than the rest, we have the perfect team that crave the success that arsenal can no longer regain. aston villa are the new arsenal and whoever martin brings in in the next 4 or so days will not only be a bargain, but prove to be yet another instant hit, just like the rest of the signings he has made..apart from harewood and shorey =P

    VILLA FOR 4TH...UTV..good luck to arsenal.

    your manager is past his time and it won't be possible to get arsenal back where they once was. you have blown it and you all know it. he has not only ruined you for this season, but for many more to come. hope you enjoy the UEFA cup next season, we are at the moment, BRING ON THE CL!

  27. Ok, i'm coming on here as an aston villa fan, not looking for trouble, but i'll recieve shit anyway. I just don't get why ALL arsenal supporters don't take villa's quite annoying and shows how your heads are still stuck up your own arses since the 2004 season..the current arsenal team lack ambition, hunger and the ability to win games while not playin well..take villa for example and they are the total oposite and have all those qualities. O'neil is buying players who have a hunger for sucess, we don't need no stinkin' superstars who play for money, we don't need no player who sees himself better than the rest, we have the perfect team that crave the success that arsenal can no longer regain. aston villa are the new arsenal and whoever martin brings in in the next 4 or so days will not only be a bargain, but prove to be yet another instant hit, just like the rest of the signings he has made..apart from harewood and shorey =P

    VILLA FOR 4TH...UTV..good luck to arsenal.

    your manager is past his time and it won't be possible to get arsenal back where they once was. you have blown it and you all know it. he has not only ruined you for this season, but for many more to come. hope you enjoy the UEFA cup next season, we are at the moment, BRING ON THE CL!

  28. Gentlemen,

    Why are you vicious about Wenger and his recent regime? The fact he spoiled you allis not good enough - you are all becoming greedy.

    This squad has the needs now to realise its potential. Unless you want the club to go into more debt and disgard its principles and try and buy their way to a trophy or to. Let Wenger get on with his job - and the fans (like you and me) can continue to wax lyrical about this that and the other...Which is our perogative no doubt.

    Some fans are upset tonight - but I firmly believe that the squad is good enough - always good to increase the competition for places.
    everton are not a joke side...They are a good side.

    Jefferson Davis
    Richmond, Virginia.

  29. Can all those supporters that signed up to a 60,000 stadium, to watch eboue/song/diaby and the like please raise your hand, Yeh, that's what I thought no one. Can the last person to leave the emirates turn of the light!

  30. Regardless of how frustrated I have been and continue to be, with the complete lack of squad strengthening, the unproven young players mixed with the light weight injury prone quality and the below average shite we currently have, not to mention the mixed messages from the manager, board and tea lady, I would just like to say, that despite all my doubts about us doing anything this season, especialy given the seeming complete lack of new signings this month and the constant reliance on shite like Eboue, I would just like to plead with fellow Gooners;

    For fuck sake, can you all please completely ignore or randomly abuse the cunts who run the Gooner Forum?

    Coz it;

    a) aint run by real Gooners
    b) and is shite!

    Thanks and good night


    Robin van Persie!!!!!

  31. Oh and by the way Wrighty7

    Real sad to see you succombing to the doom mongering fella.

    Out of all the teams in the top 5, we had by far the toughest game and came out of it with a point, JUST as the twats on SSN were saying oh how come Arsenal cant grind out results when they aint playing too well?

    A bit of perspective fella.

  32. What does WENGER have against Carlos Vela????????????????????

  33. NO team with Song/Densilson/Diaby driving the midfield will ever win the Premier League and will struggle to get in the top4. As for Eboue... I ain't even going bother! Wenger's blind, stubborn faith in these clowns will be his downfall.
    I read today Wenger's quoted as saying he is (financially) on a very good contract because he MAKES MONEY for the club. I'd rather he was paid untold to try & win trophies!

  34. Everyting good at Arsenal, we can win it all, all competitions, good.

  35. After sacking incompetent Aliadiere, I expect Wenger to sack the incompetent Song after wasting another season on his little experiments.

    Arsenal should takeover (buy) a smaller team in another championship/league to bleed all those players there (Song, Bendtner, Ramsey etc..), and retain at Arsenal exclusively those who have proven their quality in that other league for a few years instead of doing that directly at Arsenal. It's just so obvious now that these experiments are so public and we don't need them, we just want a team with players of proven quality. Arsenal is not a public academy with every match just another public trial for this or that player, it is supposed to be a professional football club where these kind of trials all happen behind closed doors.

    Anyway it should have been
    4-5-1 with

    Adebayor plays better in 4-5-1 when he has more responsability

  36. i agree with you Wrighty. i guess we just have to fight for fourth or third place this season.
    we have missing so many player on injuries. can't wait to see rosicky, eduardo, cesc and walcott play together again.

  37. We played a brilliant side in Everton, so on balance, I think a draw is a good result, but since we are playing catch up in the race for the title, it obviously feels like a bad result. I don't think we are awful like some people suggest, we are just not fluent enough yet, but that will come, and is coming, think about it, Liverpool and Chelsea are both stuttering, Villa are nicking games here and there, and even Man U are nicking games (West Brom is an exception, but havn't West Brom been beaten like that before this season?), so none of the teams above us are exactly flying, that's why I think there's still so much to come this season, if we continue to believe and aim to catch Man U (however unbeleiveable that may seem), and we manage to get closer, then logically, even if we don't win the league, we will have surpasses the rest right?, so I think the squad need to continue to beleive and supporters need to show a bit more patience and understanding, and not dismiss the whole team as crap just because we draw a game.

  38. why is everyone on this blog so damn negative shame on you wrighty

  39. Maybe we have been spoilt but watching arsenal is painful at the moment. Since wenger arrived we have played with a flair we had not seen before. Every time we had the ball we looked dangerous whether it be a clever through ball from a Cesc,Pires,Hleb or a individual piece of brilliance from Bergkamp TH14 or evern now RVP.

    It was exiting to watch I was on the edge of my seat. last season I had the same feeling in the first half of the year, but this year its gone. The spark has left Arsenal. Wenger if he wanted Arshavin should have had the deal done so he joined at the start of the month he could of been playing now the same with any other targets but like all things off the pitch at Arsenal the situation has become farcical.

    For the first time I am worried we will miss out on CL footie next year. I dont rate many of the current side, Song, Eboue, Bendtner all are not arsenal quality.

    The problem starts at the top the board are mostly responsible, wenger has funds available tell him to start delivering trophies. Wenger is a hypocrite I believe in the young players bullshit then why not play vela or wilshire they are more talented than song or eboue.

    For those saying Im not a real fan because I disagree with wenger then fuck you I have suppoerted the arsenal all my life I pay thousands per year to follow them Ive been up at 5am to get trains to bolton for an early saturday kick off Ive slept on train platforms getting back from midweek away games.

    In my opinon we need a half time demonstration on Saturday, The club are taking us fans for granted. I have only felt let down by the club twice in my lifetime now and when they launched that bollocks debenture scheme when they demolished the old North Bank.

  40. Even if the chances are decreasing one should always keep up the faith.

  41. any one can see that the team lacks top class players and a real depth of squad,there is nothing wrong with the likes delinson,diaby,song,ramsey that playoing along side a few top class experienced players would not solve there just y should not ready for first football yet they should brought gradually not doped straight into the deep end.if you look at the current squad you strungle to see how many top class players there are,rvp,edawrdo,sanga,fab,nasri,risisky,so i only 3 top class plyers in midfield. that simply is not good enough.this is on herad arsenal out of the title race and its not evon fab yet and worse it is an acualy possibility that arsenal might not finish in the top 4. now if you look at manu fergi made shore he kept all of his experiened players , and he has also has invested alot on youth but has tons of experience and depth to there squad,8 midfielders 4-5 are experiened,4-5 wingers,and i have the most misly defence i ever seen 10 games without condeding a goal that is impreesive.

  42. can you fuck win the league, and you can also fuck yourself!

  43. i agree. I think the league has slipped away, especially with Man United's continued dominace. But, with chelsea and liverpool unable to pull away and villa due to loose some points, i wouldn't be surprised to see arsenal pull off a 2nd place finish.
    But the sqaud HAS TO BE MORE CONSISTENT. RVP has truly been sensastional this year, other than that its only been sagna whoose been consistent this year. Nasri and Clichy have had great games, but aren't always there. Anyway..i'm thinking a 2-0 win vs. West Ham saturday. GO GUNNERS
