Thursday 21 May 2009

I hope you fulfill your potential pal

I'm glad that Philippe Senderos has said he wants to stay at AC Milan. For his sake, and for Arsenal's.

I've always felt that he would flourish in Italian football. The slower pace suits his game.

His best performances for Arsenal were in European football where the game isn't as quick as the Premiership, where at times, he looked out of his depth.

Senderos always tried his nuts off for us but unfortunately it was never enough. He is a confidence player and always played at his best when having a run of games under his belt.

I believed that he was always due a clanger at any time, even when he was on form. You could say that most of the Arsenal defence are always due a clanger too!

The problem with Senderos though, was that he couldn't shake off his mistake and his head would be down on his laces.

I think he is a great defender, on his day, and I will be sad when, not it, he leaves because as I've said, he always gave his all.

Maybe he could, and should, have become a mainstay in the Arsenal defence. Perhaps he would have under the guidance of someone like Martin Keown.

We all saw how good he was when Keown was brought back in 2006 to help the tactics at the back.

However, it looks as if he will be on his way and I'm glad it will be in a league that will suit him and with a team as big as AC Milan.

Good luck Phil!

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. I been following him he went to Milan, the first few months were horrid for him with injuries! He got over a problem with a couple of broken toes, then in one of the first games he started, he fell twice and fucked his back, but the games I've seen him play he looks like he really prefers Italian football, he has no pace so it definitely does suit him better, and I have a lot of Milan fans that have been pleased with him. He always tried hard for Arsenal but, if he made a mistake he let it get to him too much, and that was his downfall. He's definitely better suited for Serie A.

  2. Russian Standard21 May 2009 at 19:25

    Yep, I also wish him the best if he is to be sold. He has an excellent personality and seems like a really intelligent and nice person. He was also the one to help Cesc settle in London and at the club. And remember he won the Arsenal quiz and proved he was most knowledgable about Arsenal than any other squad member (Jens Lehmann, haha)...

    And I also believe that he could be a good defender for smaller Premier League clubs, because he is not too different to Brede Hangeland, who as we all know has had an excellent season at Fulham. One of the reasons for his success is that he is good at hiding his weaknesses, such as lack of pace, but the Fulham defence have also been VERY well protected by their midfield. I think that Senderos could have done a good job in such a defence. While Hangeland would probably make a lot of mistakes in the attack minded Arsenal side, with a relatively high defensive line. Therefore I really hope that Wenger doesn't sign Brede. He should definately stay at Fulham, who look to book a place in the new European League. Ahead of the poor Spudz, lol :D

  3. I'm gutted. I agree with your comments re Keown and I think with more games he could and would have blossomed. Unfortunately Milan will now be the main beneficiaries of all that development. Wenger needs to replace him with another big stopper and if Billy G goes him too. I like Song Djourou and Toure but we need some world class defenders to play alongside them, and a world class DM to break up play in front of them. Lots of work to be done...I do hope Martin K returns

  4. i was on strike today so fuck that swiss cunt never good enough god bless the posties

  5. source of this news, wrighty? been trying to find this but haven't so far. One rumour is that Villa might sign him. I hope they don't, O'Neill seems to do a good job with making defenders better. And senderos wasn't the worst we had!

  6. PLEASE come back to arsenal keown. fucking legend!

  7. Here you go Vertino,

  8. oi oi wrighty...

    senderbramble was one of those players that you always wanted to do well but just didnt have quite enough in his locker to be main CB at a top PL team...

    i hope he makes it with milan though...

    i'll hold no grudges if he wants to stay and make a career in italy and i hope he does well..

  9. Yep I hope that it works out for big Phil at Milan and I also hope that we get a decent price for him. I'm sure that an extra 4-5 million would add nicely to our transfer budget.

    Irish Gunner.

  10. Always wanted Big Phil to make it at Arsenal. He is a proper old school defender. No wonder he was called the new Tony Adams! Unfortunately, the rabbit in headlights look and turning circle slower than an oil tanker meant he just wasnt cut out for us...

    Hope he has a great career where ever he ends up... And Johan Djourou fulfills his potential and becomes a top class CB for us!

    Oh and the cash from selling Senders will come in well handy too!

    Gallas and Hangelenad 1st choice Cbs next season per-lease Mr Wengerbot!

  11. What happened with Keown and Wenger, why did they break a successful coaching team and why hasn't wenger replaced him!?

  12. I'd love Keown to be a coach at Arsenal, but he was only doing his UEFA badges with us. Thing is, everyone credits HIM with our Champions League defensive solidity... How comes then, our defence in the league that season was effin shite???

    Answers on a postcard please...

  13. suits a league with all the slow old men

  14. basically senderos did not belong at Arsenal. we played a too high line for him to recover if a striker went past him. the way wenger plays, pace is the most important aspect for any defender and big Phil simply did not have enough. Italy is unquestionably slower. he is a good defender so I hope he does well there.

  15. Thinking about all the Arsenal players playing at Arsenal and outside, a thought just crossed my mind! Who is the first player ever to cheat Arsenal and take advantage? Answer: ADEBAYOR. He had a wondeful last season and took us at rasom and blackmailed us into giving him a better pay and everything. Now that he has 80000 pounds per week for the past one year through pure extortion he is bailing ship for "Greener" pastures. Only thing is he doesn't care if its greener or blue or purple as long as he gets the money. Cashly cole is going to get some fierce competition from Emmanuel "Poundabayor".

  16. Who cares, he's a clown.

  17. more cash for us which i want to see spent!
