Sunday 11 October 2009

Will you just F**K OFF? Seriously, isn't it time Barcelona were done for tapping up?

I've lost all respect for FC Barcelona.

Of course they have the living legend Thierry Henry and on their day football-wise they are almost as good as Arsenal reserves but thats about it for me. To put it politely, they can go fuck themselves.

Its not Chico time but it has to be time for UEFA, FIFA or the WWE to throw the book at the Catalan's. They almost spend as much time tapping up Cesc Fabregas as they do playing football.

I'm sick of it!

Every week there are fresh reports coming from Spain that Fabregas will be a Barcelona player one day or that Barcelona are after him and will definitely get him in their ranks.

Is it not immoral and illegal to do what they do?

People like Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini are quick to have a pop at Arsenal for signing youngsters and pretty much any English club, for anything, at every opportunity possible whilst the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid get away with, well, pretty much everything!

It makes me sick!

I accept that tapping-up is part and parcel of football. Of course it is. But to do it so blatantly? It's seems like Barcelona are above the law and a blind eye is given to their infuriating antics .

Is it different rules for Barcelona? It seems like it.

Will Blatter and Platini do anything? Of course not. They are wimps.

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. I'd say it's beginning to get ridiculous but it's been a joke for quite awhile now. How they get away with it I don't know, but something must be done.. if only Fabregas had the balls to say 'Shut the fuck up or I might just decide to never come' but that would be unfair on him, I'm sure he wants to go at one point. Wenger should say it. Assholes.

  2. why can't all u gooner cunts understand that fab is as good as a player on loan..better spend your time asking arsene to stop poaching than cribbing about barca!

  3. Nice comment Moy, can I ask who you support?

  4. The problem is Wenger is a business man and he knows thats Fabregas is going to leave Arsenal one day and he doesn't want to ruin any potential business deals in the future.

    Barcalona, Real Madrid and many other teams have been tapping up our players for years and we behave in the appropriate manner by not tapping up players, but we never report anybody for taping up our players. It's frustrating because it upsets players, but i am amazed that Fabregas as stayed loyal this long or maybe he sees himself sittting on the bench at Barcalona and that why he hasn't left us yet?

  5. Oh, and fuck off Moy. What a retarded comment.

  6. Wenger has to come out and be strong like Fergie was with the whole Ronaldo incident. Enough of taking the moral highground, it's time to come out aggressively and say something.

  7. are there any psycho gooners out there who are willing to go to Spain and break this guys legs? It would be of great service.

  8. stupid arsenal scum. who gives a shit

  9. Wrighty7;

    I dont know why you are even rising to it mate?

    The catalan press have a newspaper to fill and the demands of FC Barca to appease.

    They need to be seen as bigger than Real madrid. Especially this season coz the Madrid club have spunked £200m+. barca have to make it look like they are in that league, although they do not have the financial resources of madrid.

    Hence the need to say that Cesc is as good as theirs. It is a pathetic sopa opera performed thry the media and obediently picked up by the lazy hacks over here.

    If cesc leaves, then we can all wish him well, it will not be down to anything spouted by the Catalan cunts or Real retards.

    he will go when he wats to. If we win shit, then he will stay even longer.

    But as I said, I wouldnt even let it bother you.

    Its all bollocks.

  10. it is ridiculous but unavoidable...this is how barca/real tap up players and it will continue. It is a shame since the beautiful attacking football that Arsenal have been playing this year but Fabs will leave by the summer and Arsenal will be paid handsomely. EPL football is a little too rough for the spaniards and the tax rate is so much better. We all knew Fabs would go home to Spain eventually. It will benefit Arsenal to deal while the iron is hot!!! (ridiculous transfer mkt prices)

  11. I vote for some violence. If some guy kept on sprouting some shit into your ears you would crack his skull open, shouldn't it be the same here?


  13. And the comments about Wenger needs to say shit. He has! many times. he has threatened to report clubs and UEFA have said fuck all, as usual.

    Oh and fergie was really tough wasnt he? Hmmmm, thats why Ronaldo is still at United...Ooh wait...

  14. It frustrates me Spike, the thing is, when will it ever stop mate?

    Good comment though matey!

  15. Ivan Gazidis shud come out and say that we will bid for Messi in january and send some shivers down their crack....ASSHOLES....Mother fucking retards unsettling players.... Its time we paid them back in the same coin...MESSI + cash = Fab :P haha

  16. Spike it's not about Ronaldo going to Madrid, they just shut their mouth afterwards, that's all were talking about.

  17. its strange how come we gooners accept that cesc will leave one day. i bet there are loads of foriegn players out there who have ended their careers other than back home. so that excuse doesnt wash with me. i didnt here Henry, DB,Messi, talk about going back home

  18. NN,


  19. To the CAPSLOCK Retard;

    You are a spud, surely? We are a selling club coz of Wenger?

    Yep, thats it, isnt it...


  20. that's cause the french and Argentine league are shit mate.

  21. wow...they're tapping up Clichy as well...ruh roh

  22. that's cause the french and Argentine league are shit mate.

  23. Wrighty7;

    Yeah, it used to piss me off, but it is soooo stoopid, i dont even bother mate.

    Fergie said he wouldnt sell Real a virus, then sells em Ronaldo.

    Makes him look like a cunt, if you ask me.

  24. It will be difficult to keep good players from going to Barca/Real because of their "exclusive" tv deals and Real's shirt sales...simple economics..and btw players dont really enjoy the 50% tax on income

  25. song shits on anderson11 October 2009 at 21:25

    Cesc has gone on catalan radio and said he doesnt appreciate the tapping up barca do, this is a guy who has come out and said he hates the way a team that he and his family have supported for all their life deal with the way they buy players. he is aware of that. this reaction is just us gooners realising the faint reality that he may go back, it wouldnt surprise me if he didnt go to barcelona you know he understands the opportunity wenger and arsenal have given him and hes only 22 ffs he has plenty of time to go back to barcecuntola

  26. Spanish Crap Clubs need to be punished as others. The policy of containment of Spanish clubs that Plat,Splat follow isn't enough anyomore and it's not fair on Arsenal to have their best players constantly being tapped up publically. It's time that ARsenal do something about this, and it's time that Arsenal players know that we're a big club with ambitions and need to be respected.

  27. It's so much more than this. Arsenal are bullied by the media more than any club. You never hear about Torres leaving, there is something in this righteous path that wenger and the board takes, that makes the media and other clubs want to try and take us down.

  28. I don't know what's more irritating, the constant disrespectful tapping up or the comments from the overseas english speaking glory hunting barca fan here...

    We arsenal fans know he is going to go to barca one day, but saying it every week makes it disrespectful and a smack of ignorance.

  29. Spike Ronaldo wanted to leave that's why Fergie sold him,
    the question is does Fabregas want to leave Arsenal?
    Can we take kissing the badge as a clue, does Fabregas know that he may not get in Barcas team with Xavi and Iniesta Toure and the other dusch bag. Does he know other players who have left Arsenal eg his mates Hleb and Flamini only warm the bench. If he goes it will only be under Arsenal's conditions I feel and a move only beneficial to us.


  30. We are a more wealth club than Barcelona, (forbes list and others) only Real Madrid and United stand above us, but the way we all speak, the abuse we take, it sounds like were bloody Newcastle.

  31. Torres has been linked with United, Barca and Real. Likewise Gerrard has been linked with Real, Juve and Milan. Lampard, Drogba and essien too.

    Vidic was off to Barca coz his missus hates the rain!

    Players from all clubs get tapped up. We only notive the Arsenal ones, which is understandable.

    Hacks pick up on foreign news feeds now, more than ever. So, a story that would've stayed in Spain, italy, wherever, will now be over here in an instant.

    Hacks are lazy, agenda driven twats who can use a baseless Spanish story as a source for their own load of bollocks.

    Fuck em all.

  32. to anonymous at 21:20, because cesc's whole family is catalan~ supports barca all his life, he is a barca youth player, barca-his dream club he grew up with wants him and barca is about a big a football club can get. When you come from that sort of football background of course we gooners expect him to go there one day.

    If c.ronaldo said his dreams are to play in sporting lisbon then there must be something wrong. And for a top player to have a dream of playing in the french and argentine league isn't exactly ambitious either

  33. DO u think players worry about warmin the bench at 100 grand a week wake up

  34. marvin the martian11 October 2009 at 21:44

    This is all happening because Arsenal poached Cesc from Barca and Barca not being able to do anything about it at the time. Wenger admitted to taking advantage of bad times at Barca to tempt Cesc, but obviously the tide has turned since then, Abrca are much stronger nowadays and from the other hand Arsenal are a lot weaker than 6 years ago.

    Cesc was already a very promising player and a star of the U17 world championship for Spain who won the tournament in 2003 just before leaving for Arsenal, and whoever thinks Cesc would be the player that he is without Barca's education is sticking his head in the sand.

    Arsenal should stick to poaching from smaller clubs, or better still, stick to the players that grow in the academy like Wilshere and Gibbs and supplement them by buying mature players paying fair prices. I'm saying this as an Arsenal fan, bringing in young players who have no gratitude towards the clubs that helped build them will often backfire, same happened with Flamini and might happen with Merida as well.

    Saying all this, Barca representatives should shut up about it for a bit, no point in raising it again and again during the season.

  35. I'm not too sure about Barca having their own paper, but Real do. They tap players up through that, and FIFA say there's nothing illegal in that, somehow. It's like a geezer from Colorado Rapids tapping up Messi on behalf of Stan Kroenke, who is an Arsenal shareholder. It's all political bollocks because platini's beloved France have a relatively poor league and he wants to one day engineer that to the top of the pile, that's why he was pissed that Real nicked Benzema. He also stuck his oar in when Chelsea nabbed Essien, they got fucked over this year for nabbing a youngster from France, if the cunt had a backbone he will deal with the superpowers that are - Real and Barca.

    Nice one wrighty,
    Gunner #1

  36. anon 21:44 you're not a Arsenal fan.

  37. Gunner #1;

    There are 2 Catalan sports newspapers, I think. Both do the tapping up of players for FCB. Are they called Sport and AS? Can't remember...?

  38. marvin the martian11 October 2009 at 22:07

    anon 21:50 - You may not believe it but I am an Arsenal fan. I'm extremely happy when Arsenal wins and feel sick to the stomach when they lose. I just don't appreciate the whole poaching trend, just think it's wrong. How would you feel if Wilshere was poached and star within a year in another club? don't know about you but I would seriously hate it.

  39. Hay marvin.

    We dont need long distance glory hunters.

    Why dont you support a martian team, eh?

  40. Cesc joined arsenal to play first team football and win things, he's won nothing with you. You are behind man utd,chelsea,liverpool and man city...and even spurs could finish above u in the league. If you dont win the League (tin pot) cup, you will be trophy less again. You are also skint.
    If u hadn't beaten celtic in euro qualifiers, cesc would of gone to barca then (for 35 to 40 mill). Now he will join them next summer, the only thing to be sorted is the exact fee. Its a done deal, he wants to go home and win things.
    If you think barca play crap football and are not as good as your reserves, you clearly area fool. Only Cesc from your crap side could get in the Barca side. You clearly a prize pillock.

  41. AS And Marca are predominately Real Madrid whereas Sport and El Mundo Deportivo are Barcelona's poodles. As previously stated they have to fill about 20 pages a day on Barcelona therefore they come up with whatever they can. If your in Catalunya go into a bar and look at a copy, they are so much more professional than the rags we have here.

  42. Good to be a GOONAH!!11 October 2009 at 22:18

    Hi all,

    Wouldnt it be a lot worse if Barce (and Real) were deathly silent as was the case this time last year with Ronaldo?

    We just announced world record turnover figures. £313m/a. Barce are not anywhere near our league financially.

    Let them talk. Should we report them? Yes. Or how about we just steal more of their players. Fabregas, Merida, and next time it will get Messi.

    Love to get these twats in the CL this season. I quite fancy finding out who plays the best football. Our RVP, Arshavin, Nasri, Walcott, Rosicky, Cesc, Diaby, Eduardo, Bendtner Wilshere group of forwards is a match for anybody.

  43. inside tip arda is set to replace fabregas

  44. he will cost a fraction of fabs price and under wenger has can be just as good if not better

  45. turan is a winger not a playmaker

  46. to all u gooners out there i know this is off the subject but it about time we lay off bentner his a young player and not having the support of his fans is not gonna help i beleive he can shine with our support

  47. i agree give bentner a break

  48. Bendtner was excellent for Denmark last night. he is their main man now.

    He created so many chances, but Rommedahl was soooo shite....

  49. Yeah fuck off Moy! What a fuckin bunch of dirty rotten stinking fucking arshole stincking cunts they are............

    had to get it off my chest.....;)

  50. to everyone being so sure of cesc leaving in the summer are retards

  51. some arseholes running about arsenal sites, brave superfan spike who hides behind a computer spitting filf , fukin tosspot

  52. spike wouldened know a football from a dildo. arse bandit

  53. You can f*** off yourself arses. Barcelona are not tapping up anyone. This is media bullshit speculation. You're afraid of losing a player you were not supposed to have from the beginning.

  54. why are people going psycho al of a sudden? What did the guy do?

  55. Fuck me, if you are gonna slate me properly, at least learn how to spell you illiterate cunt.

    Yo mama must be soooo proud.

  56. NN, I really should be ignoring you, hopefully so you crawl back into whatever rotten a-hole you fell out of, but seriously man, you say "we" about Arsenal and then say our captain would be happy warming the bench at Barca for money??


  57. And what is it about these blog gimps? They always seem so repressed and sexually frustrated. They cant help but mention bum love all the time.

    Come out the closet, you will feel loads better.

  58. oh sorry spike. didnt know this was an english exam. dick. is that spelt okay?

  59. nn;

    Haha! Very good. But It was for the other twat.

    The one who accused me of spitting "filf"

    Unless that was you of course?

  60. Francis from Gibraltar says:
    From experience these Spanish Bxxxxxds are experts at achieving their 'goal' thru the press.They will go on & on & on until everyone believes its true.When the fruit is ripe they achieve their target.Lets hope the tree holds to the fruit.
    It is all up to Fabregas really but remember he is not Spanish he is Catalonian and he may not be thinking like the Spaniards do.

  61. sounds like ur homophobic spikey

  62. guys by the sounds of it Cesc's grandfather is seriously ill. Let's put this aside and as Arsenal fans our thoughts and prayers are for a speedy recovery to grandpa Fabregas.

  63. oh my days, there are some thick fuckers on tonight.

    to the retard at 22.59 who said it isnt tapping up because its just media speculation - u dumbass, their technical secretary came out and said this shit, but as usual the scummy tabloids in spain and england reported it as though fabregas just went on x factor and sang "I AM JOINING BARCELONA IN 3 MINUTES AND 11 SECONDS OOOOH YEEEAHHHH!"

    i stick to skipping over the bullshit that the papers write and reading only the quotations in question. that way u can interpret wots being said with ur own fucking brain, or do u need the sun to translate simple english words into cohesive thoughts that run through ur thick fucking skull?

    im only having a go at those stupid arsenal fans who get swept up with media garbage and then go on shite like talksport and cry about how its the end of the world and wenger needs to get infinitum.

    did fergy telling madrid to fuck off do anything? no. at the end of the day ronaldo wanted to go there and ferguson getting a restraining order on the whole of fucking spain wouldnt have stopped that from happening.

    the same thing will happen with cesc. if he wants to go, he will. END OF.

    my personal opinion is that i think he is a player of honour, and him kissing the badge (unlike ade-greedycunt-bayor) actually means something. fuck what anybody else says, thats wot i saw and thats wot i believe.

  64. Platini is Barcelona's bitch, they fuck him balls deep in the arse then spunk on his face and he says thank you & snowballs Blatter.

    Thats what i think.

  65. It's Arsenal's fault. If we act like a pussies, Barcelona will treat us like pussies.

    Every time a story like this hits the British press, "sources connected to Arsenal" should leak stuff to Spanish press. Stuff that destablises and undermines Barcelona. They could say that Messi is interested in a move to the Emirates or that Cesc would only move to Real.

    The Spanish press would love gossip like that and, although it isn't true, it would put pressure on Barcelona. Nobody could trace it back to Arsenal, but everyone would know not to fuck with us.

  66. Funny how some people still seem to blame the boss for this LOL WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!! This is what they want. Your falling right into the trap. These papers target Arsenal fans because your so easy to con. Wrighty7 I agree with you all the way but some of the fans are going crazy. I even heard a fan blame Wenger for Theo's injury, THAT'S JUST CRAZY.

  67. Wrighty mate...

    as i oftan have said...those inglorious barca's are nothin more than a bunch of crack addicted whores, soon they will be sitting on a street corner hoping for a quick fuck and a fix...

    it is time we stood up..and acknowledge them for being a *club*?? with No honor..No respect..No pride..

    so for me its simple..what a shitty club..


  68. This is some very ignorant stuff on this site. I do not condemn what is happening right now but this is purely the medias fault. those out there blaming barca for answering questions at press conferences are acting like a pack of uneducated fools. I don't support what the media does in the slightest but the least you can do is blame the party responsible. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

  69. if you don't support Arsenal a better use of your time would be to fuck off - sad cunts, why not bother st mirren i hear they have decent blog - let me see am i remotely interested in st mirren..? er no....probably no point in visiting one of their blogs and being a cunt.

  70. heyrube seriously you can't possibly believe that the media do barca a dis-service. far from it they twist the media to their own ends and have media outlets loyal to their club to put this stuff out there because at the moment it is not illegal.

    blatter and platini are corrupt plain and simple. guess all those african and south american youngsters trafficked into spanish and italian football which has been going on for years isn't a talking point for them.

    Almost forgot fuck off moy et al go find some porn to wank over or dive off blackfriars bridge at high tide you pointless cunt.

  71. Wrighty,

    First off, I am a Valencia fan, but I do like both Barca & Arsenal. We, at Valencia, have been going through a lot worse over the last couple of seasons and hence, I understand your frustration. But I do think you and other Arsenal fans are letting it affect you too much.

    If teams like Barca and Real Madrid want a player, their newspaper rags and sections of their fans would do anything to get him. However, If you don't want to sell him, you don't have to. Valencia has been in grave financial trouble for a while now, even coming close to bankruptcy. We've had vultures circling over over heads, looking to pick up our stars like Villa and Silva. With our financial situation, everyone and their mother was willing to bet their lives that we'd have to sell Villa.

    And the usual procedure followed. Both Real and Barca had 'news' reported that he was already sold. Real newspaper had a cover photo of him in Real Madrid jersey. Barca held talks directly with his agent and repeatedly reported that Villa wanted to go to Barca. The fans of both clubs followed suit, with discussions and polls and plans on how to integrate Villa into their attack.

    But against all odds, we kept him. The club put a high price tag on him and refused to sell him for anything less. We were accused of keeping him against his wish, being unambitious, making a blunder etc. But the bottom line is, we still have him, and he is the leading goalscorer in La Liga.

    So the point is, if you do sell him, it would be because you club/coach sees a reason to do so. If they don't, they should be able to keep him. Getting riled up over what Barca's papers or fans say isn't gonna help. And really, I can't say I blame the fans for what they do.

    And there's another point to consider as well. Spanish teams cannot offer a contract to a player until he is 18, while English clubs can. So you basically took him from Barca while they could do nothing about it.

    Also, I've to point out that, for a neutral, a statement like 'on their day football-wise they are almost as good as Arsenal reserves' at the beginning basically says that this post is more emotional rather than rational and undermines its credibility.

  72. Don't stress people Ramsey is the real deal. Whatever happens it's all good.

  73. What you guys dont understand is that Barca need to continuously shout that they want Cesc home because the boy has not dismissed the possibility of transferring to Real, which frightens Barca alot... You gunners have stolen two big Barca talents, which annoys the hell outta us, but then again u guys say that ur sick of Barcas statements about bringing the boy home, where is the logic? Some day this transfer is bound to happen, its only a question of time, extremely naive of you to think otherwise...

  74. "Our RVP, Arshavin, Nasri, Walcott, Rosicky, Cesc, Diaby, Eduardo, Bendtner Wilshere group of forwards is a match for anybody."

    Do you really follow football? You do realize that Cesc, Diaby, Wilshere and Nasri are best used in the midfield, right?

    That leaves you with RvP, Arshavin, Walcott, Eduardo and Bendtner. Do they match up to the quality of Messi, Ibrahimovic, Henry, Krkic and Pedro? Certainly not. And anyone who disagrees displays an inordinate amount of blind allegiance.

    I mean no disrespect when I say that Cesc is the only Gunner that would have a shot at cracking Barca's starting XI. And even then, he might have to take a backseat to Xavi and Iniesta.

  75. Rvp - Netherlands main forward

    Eduardo - One of the highest domestic & international strike rates in world football

    Arshavin - No comment needed

    Rosicky - world class player

    How in the name of god does that attacking line up not match any team in world football?

    Think again.

  76. Wenger has a nice problem because the longer Fab stays the more Arsenal see him at his full potential - which is completely off the scale.

    But the longer he stays the more frustrated Ramsey will get. Its pretty obvious even to a casual observer that Ramsey was bought as an insurance policy against Fab4 leaving.

  77. I'll concede you Arshavin and say that given Henry's performance this season, he would man the left side of Barca's attack better than Henry.

    But Messi and Ibrahimovic? I'd take those two and stick myself as the third forward and choose that over the trio of Eduardo, RvP and Rosicky.

    Rosicky is a world class player, but the same can be said of any of Barca's starting XI save Valdez.

    RvP over Messi or Ibra? Let the numbers speak for themselves. RvP has only two goals to his credit, Messi and Ibrahimovic have at least 5 each.

    Eduardo may trump Krkic but even that point is disputable.

  78. Why aren't Barca poaching Diaby ?

  79. I fucking hate the barcelona scums. Every time I play football manager, i rob them of their best players and sell them reserves whilst nicking all the fund they have, they usually get relegated during the season, oh why lord, why can't it be like that? They proclaim they are Catalans yet they want to play in the la liga. We will nick some more players from them in the future. UP THE GUNNERS

  80. well at least barca are willing to pay big money for cesc..what you guys pay to get him from barca 6 years ago(or should i say stealing?)..arsenal manipulated the spanish law to persuade cesc to leave barca and come to arsenal

  81. Pathetic, Ironic and Hilarious12 October 2009 at 14:50

    Barcelona, while spending massively on their youth academy, always lives the concern that the EPL parrots will come and hunt their players. FOR FREE!

    Two rubbed by Arsenal (This year they rubbed a third I guess), One by Liverpool, and another by Man Utd (Barcelona won him back, though).
    What goes around comes around. At least Barcelona PAY to get them the amount of money their team AGREES to receive.

    If you don’t want to sell him and he want to stay, then there is no case. If he is not so sure why he is playing for your team, then its your problem that he is not committed enough to avoid being unsettled.

    Live a life.

  82. Did not see your views on the comments of Ivan, Wrighty.

    I think he said it cause his master, Senor Moustache wants to acquire the club by financing it with debt from its internal assets later.

    Gazidis clearly does not care if Wenger wins a trophy this year, he just wants him out so that his masters can proceed with the acquisition. This is why he has started to prepare the field by using trophy as an excuse.

    The yankees do not care about the club, they want just control. You know what, I am starting to like Usmanov. In any case, if Wenger goes on this basis, it is shit.

  83. no player has ever left arsenal and not regretted it. i think cesc realises how lucky he is to be playing week in week out at one of the top sides in europe. unfortunately wenger will sell if the price is right he has got wiltshire and ramsay to replace him its what wenger does!!

  84. Keeping Barca aside, Wenger would make a perfect african safari hunter. He knows how & when to poach, wait & pounce on the opportunity. all you ARSENAL FANS stop crying like cristiano ronaldo! you are getting the taste of your own medicine. Have fun :-)

  85. "if only Fabregas had the balls to say 'Shut the fuck up or I might just decide to never come"

    Uh..sorry, he's said this again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...

    We as fans have a responsibility to ignore the garbage that Barcelona spews out. Cesc has done his bit. He kissed the badge, told us in his own words that he loves the club and it hurts when people don't believe this and told the Spanish press that he wasn't interested in discussing transfer stuff.

    Is that not ENOUGH!?

    Stop paying attention to these comments. Ignore them. Enjoy how Cesc plays in red and white...if we believe he'll stay, he'll have more of an incentive to remain here. If we doubt him, then well...

    We need to ignore these stories and we need to show appreciation for how much Cesc has given to us. He could have gone to Barcelona easily and been a part of the treble, but he didn't. Even after last season which was far from great for him, he stuck around and believed when so many fans were calling for Arsene's resignation.

    If that's not loving the Arsenal, I don't know what is. Respect him for that at the very least and ignore this shite from Barcelona. They're too pathetic to deserve our gem.

  86. To the WHINEY WHINERS13 October 2009 at 09:48

    "They're too pathetic to deserve our gem." LOL!!

    Your "gem" didnt move yet first because barcelona didnt really offered him the chance yet regardless of his countless comments that:"He would love to play in Spain again...Barcelona is the team of his family...but he is commited to Arsenal AT THE MOMENT". They want him now as an election candy, not for football reasons. And thats what brings me to the second reson:

    Your "gem" know that he can barely guarantee a place on Barcelona Bench. So its smarter to stay where there is less quality and be the star. Do you watch Spain NT? With two different coaches he failed to convince that he can be a starter.

    Take this fact : In Barcelona youth ranks Barcelona have talents for midfield that will be in two years much better than Cesc will ever wish to be. But dont worry, your coach is roaming around like a crew trying to steal at least one of them, so after few years you start calling him "YOUR PLAYER".

    "no player has ever left arsenal and not regretted it."

    I dont think henry regreted moving to barcelona. He achieved there what he failed to achive at Arsenal even in his peak. CL!

    Yes Hleb regreted moving, and barca regreted signing him. He performed well at Arsenal, but thats only because its easy to look good at Arsenal, you know...

    From all the comments you made: You are a better team that will turn Barcelona into pieces if you meet in CL, and you are better financialy. Then why are you worried? Feel free to tempt any Barcelona player you like. Fair game. If you really belive in all the shits you wrote so far.

    Guys, you forgot to take your pills :P

  87. Wenger is hardly to blame for anything. When the fucking cowboy hell wood says to him ' we do not have money' what do you expect arsene to do. he has to sell of course. those bastard americans will not sell arsenal to Osmanov. But when they do, I bet you will see a team that will dominate Europe for years. YOu can just imagine what we could have done last year had we kept Hleb, Flamini, G.silva and Henry. we made it to the champions league semi-final without them. Despite all that , I am very optimistic this season and we will win something. Finally, IN ARSENE WE TRUST.

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  89. Some women will spread a lie faster and wider than they’d spread their legs. These women are worse than whores. These women are politicians. See the link below for more info.

