Sunday 6 December 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, back in the race we go!

Morning all!

My football match was called off due to adverse weather conditions. Apparently it's too wet. The groundsman may have a point, I'm sure I just saw Noah go past my bedroom window. Now my problem is that football on a Sunday is one of a number of physical activities in my week. The others being getting pissed and drinking from dog-bowls. I could just go swimming. It appears that a swimming pool has formed itself in my back garden over night.

Anyway, onto Arsenal and this very rare Sunday post. So rare it could be a collectors item. We are back. We looked very impressive against Stoke City yesterday. The pessimistic will say that it was only Stoke but you can only beat what is in front of you. We did. And did it well.

A lot of stick has been thrown at Arsenal lately. Well it was always gonna happen, and we probably deserved it. Three defeats in a row aint the greatest of form but maybe this stick gave Arsenal a kick straight up the jacksie.

If I was Arsene Wenger I'd use little man syndrome for these players. We are probably the smallest team in the Premiership. Not quite Snow White's mates but not far from it either. On their day these little fellas in Arsenal shirts can play the best football ever seen to mankind. That's no joke.

Our problem is the likes of Chelsea can stop us from playing this Harlem globe-trotter style and brand of football. We seem to be out-muscled. I wouldn't say bullied but even if we eat our weetabix man just can't compete.

What do we do? I think we need to get the cheque book out. Le Boss needs to dust down the old wallet and spend some wonga. I'd sign a striker because in my eyes you defend from the front and the little fellas like Eduardo and Vela, try as they might, won't get a lot of joy from the likes of John Terry.

Nickla Bendtner could. But like RVP he is injured. RVP's season is pretty much over. It aint pretty though. You cannot rely on Nikki B all season because we could find ourselves in this position again. Like we are in now!

With this new formation we are using, one main striker, you need someone with plenty of strength and work-rate. RVP was beginning to show that side to his game before he was written off for the season.

Over at Le Grove they give Arshavin a big gee up. He signed in January last season and he gave Arsenal and Gooners a real lift when we needed it. Signing someone this January could have a similar impact.

So who do we sign? In my opinion, it doesn't even have to be a permanent deal for anyone. A loan signing could do the trick. In some quarters I've seen the name Adriano mentioned. Now I used to love Adriano. He was massive in my eyes and I don't mean his weight. He has had some well-publicised problems but he seems over them. Perhaps a loan deal for him? If, he was back to his best. And he would be available in the Champions League. Wenger would be ideal for him.

Chamakh is an obvious choice for some. It's known that Wenger has shown interest in him in the past. Like Arshavin was, he'd be cup-tied in the Champions League so it wouldn't faze Wenger to sign him. He'd probably be a cheap option. Wenger style.

It's difficult thats for sure but there are options out there for Arsene Wenger. If we do make a signing it needs to be someone with a physical presense. Little Arshavin did the trick yesterday but we can't rely on that for the rest of the season.

Keep it Goonerish...............


  1. couldn't agree more with you on adriano. think he'd be perfect for us on loan and it wouldn't do his world cup chances any harm by playing for the mighty arsenal! also would like it if wenger went for mario balotelli.

  2. I would go for Edin Dzeko if he wasn't cup-tied

  3. So we are back in the race. Win the game in hand it is five points. It aint as easy as that.Yes Stoke were beaten but a number of high profile games involving AV and Pool all fighting for the top four places.
    Win these two games and maybe the odds will shorten. I have my doubts. Arsenal playing style is easy to fathom.
    They were taken to the cleaners by Chelseas.Oneill and Benitez are pragmatic tacticians. They will hit the gunners on the counte and
    the gunners forwards could be brushed aside in a one on one .
    The gunners height is a cuase for concern and set pieces and corners could cause mayhem in the gunners defence.

  4. Back in the Title Race?

    Get serious. Our problems still Remain, they have not vanished because we won our home game vs stoke.

    The fact of the matter is that we are Still behind Englands Top Two Clubs- United & chelsea. (as hard as that is for me to admit, it is what it is) Beating stoke proves nothing.

  5. Yeah but City beating Chelsea does mate.

    It proves to me that you could probably 6-7 games this season and still finish champs.

  6. But we will still drop mre points than the Mancs or Chavs because we need a keeper, a good DM, and a leader on the pitch, we are simply not good enough because we are diddy men who get pushed aside too easily, we will finish in the top three but we will not win a trophy this season because we need to win ugly sometimes, this is the most physical league in the world and even Barcelona,Real or Juve would struggle to win games up North in the rain,snow or hail.Set pieces we can't defend and we lack steel, everyone can see, let's not kid ourselves. I realise early we wouldn't win a trophy so it means I can enjoy watching Arsenal a bit more because my expectations aren't as high as some of the new breed of fans we have

  7. It's a top-class goalkeeper that should be number one on our list - Ramgun

  8. Its the delusion of people like wrighty7 that perpetuates our mediocre seasons year after year. This team has about as much chance of winning the league as Scotland have of winning the next world cup.


  9. BnT,

    So you are saying we have a chance?

  10. LOL Wrighty.

    I agree with the point about the crowd though, thats spot on.


  11. I live in Brazil now days I have been watching Adriano very closely he is back on form I can tell you this the man is unstoppable is like a tank. He would be perfect for us.We also need a goal keeper Almunia seems to be insecure and anyway he was never a great keeper.

  12. I don't think we've ever been out the title race Wrighty but we need a good december to stay in it as well. This season's been great cause everyone's capable of dropping points at any time and no one's invincible. United will drop more points you can believe that and Chelsea will when some of their big players leave for the ANC but we've just to drop less point than them. December is gonna be huge cause with the injuries we've just gotta get through the month with as many points as possible and make it to January where we'll buy one or 2 players hopefully. It'll be interesting to see what striker we go for my first choice has always been Dzeko who's just awesome.

  13. with all the injuries, Arsene might just have to buy an ENTIRE team in January let alone a striker!! I'd rather have carlton cole though..

  14. Wrighty, i enjoy your blog, for the record.

    City beating chelsea proves what? that City are Ahead of us? I mean, city and chelsea have now both Comprehensively Ripped us to shreads.

    I'm not saying arsenal are doomed to relegation, but we have to accept that the best we are fighting for is 2nd or 3rd place.

    Until we buy a Proper GK, and a proper CB to compliment our attacking options.

    My solutions?

    Tim howard. With all the money city, spurs, and villa are playing with, combined with the top4, everton will struggle to even make the europa league and its minimal $$$ injection. They soon could be relegation fodder.

    I'd LOVE to see wenger go after him. He is a top class keeper, similar to Given who would Excel at a TOP TOP club.

  15. I reckon if we can stay within 6 points of the top until the transfer window opens then we have a chance. I'm convinced Wenger will buy in January.

  16. Wrighty, i hope you comment on my latest post when you see it mate. Thanks.

    and to the above poster who is convinced we will buy in january...

    LULZ :p

  17. Hi Juan Carlos,

    I understand what you are saying mate. What I mean it appears that even the 'Invincible' Chelsea will and can be beaten.

    I honestly believe that this season will have the most open title race in years.

    Whereas before you could only afford to lose maybe 2-3-4 games to be Champions, I reckon you could lose around the 6-7 mark and be winners.

    I think its obvious that out of the top four and Manchester City we have the weakest keeper but even the likes of Cech and VDS are making mistakes.

    I honestly blame the new balls. They are wicked for keepers!

    I really believe we missed the boat with Shay Given. Top class.

    Tim Howard? He struggled at Manchester United but is now a lot more experienced. Who knows? He could thrive at a bigger club these days.
