Saturday 16 January 2010

How about Cesc Fabregas in the DM role?

Alex Song has cemented his place in the Arsenal team as our defensive midfield rock but unfortunately for us he is away doing his duty for Cameroon in the African Cup of Nations.

Whilst he is in Africa Denilson was expected to replace him in the side. At the moment the little Brazilian is injured and will miss the game against Bolton tomorrow.

To be honest, who knows how long Denilson will be out for? When sustaining the injury against Everton it looked like he had been shot by a sniper. Hopefully he will be fit again soon. When the bullet is removed.

With Song and Denilson unavailable for selection it leaves Arsenal shorter than Arshavin in terms of options in the defensive midfield role.

Most people I know seem to believe that Diaby will play there. I don't think that would be a good idea.

In my opinion Diaby doesn't have the discipline or the concentration to fill Song or Denilson's boots. The man is a class player but his natural game is to attack and he tends to roam from his position. A DM cannot afford to do that.

Of the options available to Arsene Wenger I'd be tempted to play Cesc Fabregas there until the likes of Denilson and Song are back.

I know our captain has been in fantastic scoring form and has actually scored more than Wayne Rooney in an over 65's brothel lately but he has the intelligence to play there.

Fabregas' hero is Pep Guardiola. The Barcelona manager was a defensive midfielder and I believe that Cesc would revel in that role.

We've seen how good the skipper is further up the field but he could easily slot in as Arsenal's 'quarter-back'. Cesc is one of the best in the world at passing, keeping possession, is a fiesty little bastard and has the tactical nous to do the job properly.

It would only be for a few games and in my opinion he would be the best player to use there at the moment.

How about you?

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. Cesc has been our most effective attacking player this season and he should be in his most effective position, regardless of anything else.

    Somebody else will have to sacrifice their attacking instincts and fill in. Due to his physical attributes, Diaby looks like probably the best option.

  2. you have some good ideas most of the time but this one is off by a lot. In our new 4-3-3 without vanPersie, it's cesc who gives the offense it's potency. I say nasri or rosicky in dm.

  3. Diaby may have the physical attributes but does he have enough discipline?

    He could leave us exposed by his roaming from position if not.

  4. 'I know our captain has been in fantastic scoring form and has actually scored more than Wayne Rooney in an over 65's brothel lately but he has the intelligence to play there.'


  5. Fabianski

    Sagna Gallas Vermaelen Traoré


    Rosicky Diaby

    Nasri Eduardo Arshavin

    That would be my line-up.

  6. wrighty mate that is a fair shout to be honest, but what about big sol, as with his years of experience he could just drop back when Gallas and Verma want to bomb forward he could drop into the hole being left, and for me i would have confidence in him to cope with Bolton thuggery and any attack. plus with cesc i fear we may lose alot of our play in forward probbing passes. with diaby carrying the ball and cesc probing passes and movement with maybe big sol holding i think we could get sumat from the game.

  7. How about Thomas Vermaelen there?

  8. I'm wouldn't be too sure if Sol would be mobile enough to play there Ashley and it might be a big ask for someone who has played only 3 games in 8 months to slot in that position.

    He certainly has the presence.

  9. Yeah play a man who has only ever played in defence in midfield.


  10. Well, I seem to remember Sol Campbell in a few different areas when at the beginning of his career so he hasn't always been just a defender mate!

  11. Mate,

    Sometimes your posts are ok but sometimes you talk absolute fucking shit, this is one of the worst.

    If you have nothing good to say dont say fucking anything.


  12. 'Mate,

    Sometimes your posts are ok but sometimes you talk absolute fucking shit, this is one of the worst.

    If you have nothing good to say dont say fucking anything.


    Don't come here then mate. Could you explain why you don't agree or can you only shout abuse?

  13. Fabianski

    Sagna Gallas Vermaelen Traoré


    Fabregas Diaby

    Rosicky Eduardo Arshavin.

    Fabregas should not play the DM. Nasri is best suited for that role

  14. well said. I've been thinking the same thing for since last season. Fab is the answer to our DM problems. He has the intelligence and the discipline. You bring out the best in Diaby by playing him forward, while Cesc would probably only be less effective. Would also make teams less likely to press us, because Cescy would pick that apart.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'm soo bored on a Saturday afternoon with no footy but you're 'Cesc for DM idea' is complete bollox and likely to tip me over the edge.

    Wrighty that's the worst suggestion you've ever come up with in MY opinion;)

  17. While he certainly can play the role, I don't see the value in limiting our top scorer, highest assists giver and best player to the DM role.

  18. No, play to your strengths. Fabregas, although probably able to play the role well would be wasted there

  19. Didnt expect this from you Wrighty! IMO, this shows why we need cover for Song, since every gooner seems worried about that. What say?

  20. Yes Captain Fab could be very gd there like a sort of alonso role.
    but you would lose so much especially when we have no width we need Capt fab in attack.

    I think Sol could do the job that is a good shout but not when he so not match fit.

    TV yes he could do it if wenger reckons he's got the stamina but i've said it b4 you dont break a partnership like gallas and tv.

    I expect nasri to play more defensive he very good at protecting the fall back and he used to do play a holding roll at Marseille.

    Fab nasri Diaby
    rosicky edu AA
    i would say

  21. in the words of Comic-Book Store Guy ...

    "Worst Headline Ever"

  22. Real social dad:
    Nasri NEVER played DM at Marseille!

  23. in the words of Comic-Book Store Guy ...

    "Worst Headline Ever"

    Did you read the post then? Imbecile.

    I actually think this would be a good idea.

  24. anom 17:16 yes he did play as a more holding role @ Marseille
    not all the time but he did and can do it very well

  25. Wrighty, you have finally lost it. TV in the holding role though, may just be the ticket.

  26. think it should be a cm pairing tomorrow of cesc diaby and nasri/rosicky. cesc should be the one attacking while the other two help to combine for the dm role.

  27. in all fairness wrighty is actually correct, yes i agree fab is the catalyst for our attack but say what you want but deep down you know nasri or diaby playin dm temporarily will fuk the balance of the team up, Cesc is the realistic option atmo, The only one could do the job properly.

  28. I can't believe you said "Diaby is a top class player" ! That is the problem right there.Papers put him on the 7th heaven after dozen good games,and then he started slacking around.I mean - play 2 or 3 seasons in a superb form - and then act like a star.Also,this is the first time he played with continuity,without some minor injury that would have sidelined him for 3-4 weeks.
    Sure,he can become a top class player,but he's not there right now.
    As for Secs in dm position - that's a no go.He simply should not play there.Wenger think our squad is big enough.Now,prove that to people.You're facing a big problem without Song and Denilson.And you're playing a really physical team,away.If his lineup tomorrow wins - he's right.If we lose or draw - we are right for wanting to see reinforcement in the middle of the park.Fabregas should not play back.With Arshavin not doing anything over the last few games and Eduardo simply being out of touch and knocked around,wasting chances - we need Fabregas' creativity and finishing,or just being near the box.Running back and forth would be too much for him now,since he's coming off injury.

  29. Sangna,gallas, Vermalean, Gibbs
    Rosicky Cliche Cesc Nasri
    Arshavin Diaby

    Bringing Cliche into the middle would give us the best chance of intercepting passes, the quickest cover for opponents breaking from midfield. Diaby has played at CF and can provide the bit of power and Cesc will have the whole field in front of him.

  30. Guys, you can gather from games where Cesc isn't played as a DM but Denilson or some lesser person is in the DM role, Cesc wont be as dangerous in his normal AMF role because he has alot of tracking back to do to make up for his partner's lack in defensive nous. SO i gather played cesc in dm wont be a bad idea. You get 100% out of diaby and 70% of cesc. Instead of 30% of diaby in DM and 70% of cesc covering his ass.

  31. anom 17:50 are you even a gooner
    "You're facing a big problem without Song and Denilson.And you're playing a really physical team,away."
    Not we're.
    and anom 17:52 is gibbs gona play with a broken foot??
    clichy couldn't play in that role he's not a reader of the game.

  32. its only bolton, twice, that we'll be without denilson. They'll probably bypass the midfield with long balls anyway. i think blooding eastmond in the prem may not be the worst.

    having said that, coyle may not play the good old bolton style.

    if wenger isnt convinced with craig then it has to be fab/nasri. they are the only ones smart and disciplined enough to play the role.

    if all goes well, cameroon lose to tunisia or the other side in their group and are out at the groupstage.

  33. Our Next 5 premiership games decides whether we will win the title or not.

    Jan16 Bolton v Arsenal
27 Aston Villa v Arsenal
31 Man Utd v Arsenal
    Feb7 Chelsea v Arsenal
10 Arsenal v Liverpool

    Most of our first team are injured now. We need the players in top form NOW!!!

    Wenger should not question buying at least a strong technical striker
    and another versatile player that can play both DM/CB, like a YAYA toure (he made a statement recently of being disappointed that Wenger opted not to finalize the deal a few years ago).

    If in the next 5 games we do not get at least 11 or 12, we wont win the league.

    This is straight up fact, and if people don't see it, they are just ignorant or don't know shit about football.

    It is now the time that we need players to be fit and in top form, and this is where we have been crashing for the past 3-4 years.

    I know financial crunch..blah blah.. but the owners say we have money to spend, so Arsene should spend it rightfully to improve the team. We don't pay them high prices for tickets and to watch matches, so the money gets invested in the future. We spend it so we can see it now.

    It is factual that there are strikers better than Bendtner, wingers better than Walcott, midfielders better than Diaby, defenders better than Campbell, that are available and that we can afford to buy, and that will actually improve the quality of the team (ie. ARSHAVIN).

    I sometimes think Wenger just makes the signings to please fans, ie Sylvestre (I mean, why would your number 1 rival sell you a player for so cheap? It is because he sucks) and Campbell, well I think his age has got to him now.

    Wenger is DREAMING that Djourou will become fit and be the "dominant" 3rd center back/replacement for Gallas next year.

    We pay for results NOW, and we need it NOW, and we need players NOW!

  34. Real Social Dad . . . of course I'm a gooner ! I wrote that part as if I was speaking directly to Wenger.
    As a reporter,for example.
    If I wasn't a gooner,I wouldn't be posting comments here.That would be stupid.

  35. fiberglass you cant guarantee a player you buy is going to adapt and play well from the off.

    Anom 18:23 alright mate just read it wrong but then you are posting on a blog and talking to other posters not wenger.

  36. without RvP we need fabregas pressing forward, i think you are correct about discipline and diaby shouldnt play there, but how about stick sol in the back line so vermaelen can play dm role, or maybe use rosicky there?

  37. It has to be Nasri in the DM role. He loves to play there, and also has the intelligence the nasty side to his game to do so. He's asked Wenger to let him play there in the past because he likes it so much.

  38. Real Social Dad

    I never said they are guaranteed to perform well. And I agree with you on that point.

    If you buy an experienced, established quality player (an international level player), they usually adapt quite well and quickly.

    Examples- Arshavin, Torres, Ballack, Sagna, Vermaalan

    examples to other leagues- ibra, kaka, ronaldo,

    If you are a good player, you will impact the team regardless, not necessarily by goals, but more by, vision, creativity, work ethic, etc..

  39. Arshavin, Sagna, Vermaalan
    were all research throughly and thats why they needed no time to adapt
    unless we buy some one like "the winker" Ron
    but mayb we'll get Zarate 40 mill euros is a bit steep but maybe that just for man s*ity

  40. Fabregas and Song are the best tackling players besides the defence.

    For me Song and Denilson shouldn't play tegether.

  41. i love the non-knowitalls on here who must watch games with thier eyes closed and to that fact read with their eyes closed too.

    i completely agree with you wrighty i think cesc (for now) until song and denilson return to the squad could fill this void for a few weeks.

    think about it, how many people have said that song is good at breaking up play but does not have that killer ball from deep to split defences. well cesc is the answer good in the tackle, strong, quick (prob quicker than song as villa found out) tactically aware, positionally hes very good and heres the icing on the cake he can thread a ball through the eye of a needle allowing diaby and rosicky to cause havoc :).

    the only downside to this as we found out on sat against the toffees, was that when song plays DM and our CB's push forward song being a CB himself drops into defence to help out and is fully capable to fill in whilst willy and thomas rush back, i personally dont think cesc could perform that role which has become important to us this year.

    i would personally put another centre back on the field alongside gallas and play vermaelen in DM as he is mobile good with the ball at feet and strong defensively pitty djourou' unfit cause he could be another suggestion and would fit perfectly +adding height to the team but who will play at CB with big willy gallas? SEnderos, silvestre or sol.

    Sticky little bugger isnt it!

  42. Can't have Cesc at DM, he would get overun by the numptied from oop norf.

    Diaby has to be deployed there imo.

  43. fabinski
    sagna wg tv clicy

    rosisky daiby fab nasri vela

  44. would love to see fabinski start in goal.. can't see it though.

  45. by the way nasri is not savy enough to play DM he has no positional sence for this area of the field i ask you all to watch the pienaar goal last week and have a good look at the player for some reason instead of staying in a central area to stop a run through the middle and didnt NASRI!

    pienaar played a 1-2 with cahil, traore had cahil covered but nasri decided run over and double up on cahill instead of filling in at CB allowing stevie p to run through and apply a tidy finish which could have cost us dear.

    another example of nasri's incapabillity to mark a player was against chelski, ashly cole was marked by nasri cole then played a 1-2 with another player and instead of staying with his man he followed the ball inside like a dog after a bone and left ashley free to whip a ball in to the advancing drogba, no need to remind you what happened next.


  46. Cesc would do a great job in dm position but I hope he doesn't play there because the last thing we need is more injury to our captain from all the tackles. I would play diaby in that position and ask cesc to cover for diaby so that we won't be left exposed everytime diaby 'forgets' his role.

  47. In answer to your main question no,no NO NO and NO! He can play there no doubt but we don't want him to. He's scoring way too many goals to push him back there!


  49. I think you might have upset a few gonners judging from some of the responces here wrighty. But i do understand where you are coming from. However i would play rocisky in DM. I think the lad can do the job without taking cesc from our attacking options. Thats my view.

  50. I totally agree about what you said about Diaby. He's an attacker and not focused enough to be a proper DMF IMO. But I think he's our only option now since Le Boss isn't exactly a risk taker so he probably won't play Cesc as DMF...ever.

    And BTW, big LOL @ 'leaves Arsenal shorter than Arshavin in terms of options' !

  51. Wrighty,
    I was intrigued when I first read your headline, was this a viable option for Wenger?It's probably not a bad shout given the options left, I would agree with the Diaby shout, I've said exactly the same thing myself about the whole concentration issue and self control to play that position.This might be a contentious one but I wouldn't have minded seeing Senderos play there as a stop gap until we get Song back but, I probably have more of a chance of playing than big Phil!
    So given what's left, Cesc could do the job as well as anyone.

  52. seems likely that ramsey will play DM

  53. i dont really understand why people come and comment just to have a go and on an article they werent forced to read

    if you dont like it why
    1. come back to the site
    2. spending even more time commenting on it
    3. and not just fuck off :)

    i think fab in the dm role is the safest option with nasri injured and rosicky is so fragile one big tackle an he could be out for another 6 months.
    Fabregas is a strong lad and takes big tackles anyway [took a few at bolton on sunday] so i think he would be fine playing there till song comes back

    could possibly have


    Sagna gallas TV Clichy

    Ramsey/Rosicky Fab Diaby

    Vela Dudu AA

    but thats just my 2 cents :)

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