Wednesday 13 January 2010

If Sol Campbell can, then why can't Mathieu Flamini?

In bringing Sol Campbell back Arsene Wenger has done something that I never thought he would ever do and re-signed a former player.

Wenger is a stubborn man but perhaps this sudden change of policy is the sign of a person who will even go against his own principles to bring back silverware to us. This surely is only a good thing.

There is mixed reaction about Campbell coming back to us, that is expected, but at least it shows that Arsene is prepared to swallow some pride because he knows that it is best for Arsenal.

Some people believe that Wenger has an agenda regarding Arsenal and that he refuses to change his ways. Well, the signing of Sol proves that wrong.

As I've said Wenger is stubborn and appeared stuck in his ways but if he is prepared to mellow a little for Arsenal to win things then I think he deserves some credit for doing so.

Have you ever heard of the saying "The Grass Isn't Always Greener On The Other Side"? Well, how many former Arsenal players does that ring true with?

The list is endless.

I've posted about former which former Gunner(s) I'd like Wenger to re-sign in the past and Sol Campbell was top of the list. That's not entirely true. But a player I'd love to see come back is Mathieu Flamini.

I know, I know, he's a money-grabbing little traitor fucker and in the past I've even called him Fla-money but if we are ready to forgive Sol Campbell (who's past misdemeanors could be considered worse than Fla-money's, sorry Flamini's) then I'm ready to welcome the Frenchman back with open arms.

Of course it seems that Mathieu fucked us over. But in truth Arsenal are equally to blame for him leaving. We tried to sell him to Birmingham the summer before he actually left and we let his contract run down.

There is a slight chance that Flamini didn't feel wanted in the last year of his contract.

Having said that Mathieu did say he wanted to stay and the next minute he was swanning off to Italy to sign a contract with his boyhood idol's AC Milan. I'm sure he did the same to Marseille, so he had previous.

So really Arsenal and Flamini are both to blame for him leaving under such poxy circumstances.

What chance is there of being a reconciliation? With Campbell coming back there has to be a chance.

Who knows how Alex Song will come back from the African Cup of Nations? The man filling his shoes, Denilson, is injured. This injury may be more serious than first thought, especially when you see how the Brazilian went down completely unchallenged.

Fabregas would love it. Apparently our skipper and Flamini was joined at the hip when together. They certainly gelled and in my opinion could have formed a partnership as good as, if not better, than Vieira and Petit.

Yes, I really did say that.

A loan/permanent move for our former hyperactive midfielder would be good for the club. He is unhappy at Milan and we could do with his drive and determination.

Imagine a midfield of Song, Cesc and Flamini? Pretty solid. Add the likes of Diaby, Ramsey and Denilson . We would have the best midfield options in the league. Proper.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. No i disagree. Let him rot in the ac milan bench. We've got song coming back anyway and his much better than Flamini. He will be OK as a short term solution but thats about as far as it goes. If Denilson is expected to be back in the Bolton game. We wont need Flamini.

  2. I understand that but I do worry about what sort of way Song will be in when he comes back.

    He has been almost ever present for Arsenal this season, will be playing in difficult conditions in Africa and I worry he may suffer from burn-out towards the end of the season.

    The AFCN hasn't been kind to us in the past.

    Regarding Denilson. I hope he is available but his injury looked pretty serious to me!

  3. Because Flamoney is a money-grabbing traitor who constantly reassured the club he would sign, and then left to follow the money forsaking his friendship with Cesc and Rosicky.

  4. wouldn't actually mind having thierry back to be honest. we need a striker and he's not exactly wanted at barca. you know he would never reject us if we bid for him!

  5. Fabregas and Flamini playing in front of Song..............that would be immense!! I don't think you could get a better midfield balance than that!
    But Wenger won't bring him back!

  6. For some reason Flamini seems to still be loved by Arsenal fans. He told Wenger that he would be signing a new contract and then backed out of the deal in the summer. This meant that we had already sold Diarra. If Flamini had been honest and admitted that he was going to head to Milan in the summer we could have got a bit of money for him and played Diarra. Extremely harsh on Denilson - I don't recall Flamini playing as consistently as Denilson is when he was his age.

  7. Ole Gunner,

    I get that point mate. But Arsenal aren't entirely innocent in this.

  8. No chance. I like the idea of Flamini filling in on a temporary basis, least until Song and/or Denilson returns, but realistically, what's going to happen next? He wouldn't be happy warming the bench would he?

    Even if we offered him a short term move, that fucker would never agree, unless we paid him 200k a week.

  9. 1 no fee being paid for sol, flamini would cost a chunk of change
    2 flamini did the dirty big time - lied about intentions to sign
    3 flamini put in 2/3 of a decent season for us - sol did it for 4 years

  10. i'm not paying more money to bring flamini back here. rather spend it on someone else. only loan move.

  11. There was a report that Flamoney may be signing for the little clb down the road. Rather have him back with us than them...

  12. I agree Wrighty, when Toure came back from ANC, was never the same player and am worried if Song is not right we don't have a bulldog snapping at the heels.
    Flamster showed AW lack of respect. AW made him into quality player and always wondered if because he didn't play in Champion League final as Cole was fit may be his reason for moving. Anyway Spurs are supposed to be interested in him, so if he as good as Bentley, let em have him

  13. flamini is not as good as song, diaby denilson, ramsey, heck id rather play nasri there or eastmond or cocuelin before that back stabber.....

    he missed the boat on that one.

    as a member of the invincibles Sol is always welcome back


  14. Agreed. We can do with the bite of Flamini in that midfield especially with Song gone. A midfield of Cesc, Flam and Song will be simply unstoppable but where will Diaby, who's finally beginning to find his true form and consistency stand? Unfortunately, u cant compare the return of Sol with that of Flamini. One won trophies for AFC and the other was a one-season wonder. Dont forget Wenger told his stars they cant be allowed to leave the club cos unlike Henry(his visit last year was the occasion for the statement in question)who served the club and left without any misgivings. That's the class Sol belongs to. But Flam broke up and slowed down Wenger's project...a vacancy that hurt AW so much he had to change his formation.NOW that space has been filled by the ever-improving Song though a backup IS NEEDED and its definitely not Denilson(a few games will prove that). But will Flam(like Sol) be content to play as backup or be seen as lower in pecking order to Diaby? No, and thats why it wont happen lovely as the thot may be. Till Song returns, Diaby, along with Denilson, will have to play a deeper role behind Fab.This was what many saw as being anonymous in the Everton game;no, it wasnt anonymity but as Wenger described it afterwards, its the team 'finding a NEW BALANCE'of play in Song's absence.I pray it works as Wenger WONT spend on the midfield. A striker may come in a deal similar to the Sol's(gives credibility to the Saha rumour). But nothing more(hope I am wrong)except a few more 17/19 yr olds 'wonderkids'.

  15. we dont want him back. he burnt his bridge thinking that he would not need it. wenger has the capacity to get us a player who is just as capable if not more than flamini from a little known club and even if its a loan move, that player will never refuse. that is a million times better than signing flamoney. he should be charged with treason against arsenal should he set foot in the emirates.

  16. Would like 2 see the Flamster return, but this goes against everything Wenger stands 4...

    yes, yes i know he just signed Sol, but this is different because Sol came on a free - left - then came back on a free. Flamini would cost us a good 7-8m quid.

    would still have him if the rumours are true, and it meant us getting one over the spuds

  17. Surely the point is we desparately need bacup in central defense, whereas in midfield we have plenty of options if everyone is fit and present. Plus as has been pointed out Sol isn't going to cost a lot, whereas Flamini got his paycheck for the move to Milan, and Wenger quite rightly won't pay for someone who decided to leave on a free transfer

  18. Do you have any idea what sort of money Flamini is on at Milan?

    Let's put it this way, were he to return to Arsenal on his AC Milan wages he would be paid more than Arshavin and Nasri combined.

    That seems quite a sum for a player who had one good season for the Arsenal, does not get into the France side and is now nowhere near as good as Song.

  19. An Overrated, overhyped, average player who has been a massive flop in Milan as he was exposed for what his level really is when he isn't chasing money.

    Do not want the money grabbing cunt anywhere near this club. Flamini's are two a penny in football, Scott Parker could come here and do the exact same job Flamini did, as could countless other players in this league.

    if we did that, we'd have the experience we need. the drive, and both would take huge drops in chash to come home. We would definately win the league and have a great shot at the CL too. Maybe Wengers learning and being more pragmatic, the Sol thing makes sense to me, so hopefully so will these....

  21. Yeah, because we won so much with Flamini in the side didn't we.

    Some of you clowns need to move on and stop with the sentimental crap.

    Vieira's legs have gone, Henry is on his last legs, why the hell would you want these players back to destroy their legacy when they are shadows of their former selves.

  22. apparently flamini was an arrogant tosser,

    he was so offended by playing at left back for a season then he held a grudge against Arsene forever on after that,

    we can do without tossers like him disrupting the team spirit,

    great player but a tosser

  23. I agree with you Wrighty. Prefer him on loan, however.

  24. I'd like to know a bit more about why he's been on the fringes at Milan since leaving us. They had an ageing midfield when he went there and it looked certain that he would be part of their rebuilding. It's no good just looking back to his last season with us as a benchmark. It appears that Milan want over 5 million for him and given that he went on a free I can't see the club forking out.

  25. a central midfield of fabregas, flamini and song would be awesome.

    another poster made a good point is that CL final pissed off a lot of players who thought they should have played in the final - pires, flamini and reyes.

  26. Toure came back from ACN with malaria, his weight then bounced back and forth and as you would imagine was never the same player, and doubt Song (fingers crossed) will come back with anything similar. As for the Denilson haters just look at his stats even flamini could not hold down a first team place at such a young age imagine wat he would be like wen he actually the same age as him. I admit it broke my heart to see Flam drag his contract to and end and leave for a free after one fantastic season but let’s leave hi there in the past and look forward to seeing Rambo, Denilson, Eastmond and co. The future is bright The future is Arsenal.

  27. Falamini let us down by lying to Arsene and fans,Campbel left because he thought he let us down at West Ham see the diffrence.
    We made Flamini a top player and he beleived he is bigger than us just like Adebayo,Hleb but Campbel has made himself a bigger player before coming to us.
    Finaly Flamini can run 120mins on the pitch but Song is more skilfull and technical than him,this is the reason he did not make a first team football at AC Milan.Also remember he said he has liked AC Milan from chilhood so let him stay there.

  28. I see ur point wrighty7 but the problem is I'm not even 100% in support of Sols return (even tho he is a legend in my book) so I dnt think I wld be happy to see flamini back esp as he wld cost us more.

    Getting him back on loan will send a wrong msg in my opinion simply cos a loon like flamini can disrupt dressing room harmony as he wld expect sm kind of respect which he isn't due.

    Truthfully I'm nt a champ manager fan nor do I live in fantasy island, but I rlly do feel a new signing will excite every fan (even u wrighty) a lot more than d return of any arseanal fan. Personally I think I speak 4 a majority wen I say a versatile DM/CB would excite us, I know wenger has a few names on his scoutlist whether they r willing to come is a question, but I rlly feel we can do a lot better than bringing our old players back.

  29. I agree it would be a goo move to bring flamini back he would be the right player to balance the team so what if he left before!!!! we have all left or been left by girlfreind/boyfriend and have gone back life is too short to worry about these thing
    as long as the price aint too much !!!

    Dr Dan

  30. Just a thought as I said earlier let Spurs have him.
    What about if it was make Cesc happy, to have his old mate back beside him


  31. couldn`t agree more wrighty.there was two things i wanted this window,1st a top quality striker no matter what the price,i think we`ve done enough penny pinhing in the last 4 seasons.2nd the return of flamini,don`t mention honour,theres none left in todays money driven game.

  32. Well here is my two cent worth:
    The Flamster is certainly a good player, he has a great work ethic and almost certainly fit seamlessly into the current team...
    For me personally, was there were certain aspects in his demeanour on the field which portrayed a certain level of arrogance.
    The lad is a great player and has received many plaudits from fans and rivals around...but once a player seems to think that he can hold the club ransom because he is an essential part of the team and expects the world laid out at his feet...well then he certainly doesn't belong at the club.

    Again, I seemed to gauge this alot more as his tenure came to an end and it seems that Le Boss seemed to notice this as well...
    Look at Cashley, Flamster, Hleb.

    So he is being played out of position at AC...same as at the Arse (for a little while anyway) and he expresses his unhappiness...well if you played for Marseille, Arsenal and AC Milan and still not happy to play for the team...then maybe you belong at the Spuds son!
    Like I two cents worth.

  33. Flamini didn’t have the best season when we’re offering him to Birmingham, just like Ade did had a brilliant season in a cohesive midfield with his best mates and when the big offer came in left, I don’t blame in as arsenal should have seen what was potentially an amazing midfield duo between him and cesc especially when they go on about the future. In saying that though, I agree that if he could come back he would be massive for our game and consistency in maintaining an unbeaten run against all sides in all comps alongside cesc and song and even ramsey, I agree with others that it would be awesome and would last a good while as they are all at a good age. They would all stay because we would go back to winning things consistently.

  34. good post wrighy.

    i agree that flamini won't be a bad transfert.

  35. AGREE ole gunner,
    if he was such a close friend as everyone claims of Fabreags etc,then WHY leave.

    The extra ££££ had something to do with it.Lets not 4get that Hleb and Ade were both also having a stonking season.

  36. Because Sol is a LEGEND, Flamoney is a wanker that gave us one good season and f'ed off for the money right off! We don't need this greedy cunt!!!

  37. Lets stop this internet myth that flamini was a great player.... he was not. He is a very good player yes but to tell you the truth as i stated earlier our whole midfield are better than him. Denilison is by far a more superior player.
    He cannot get in a midfeild of Ambrosini (38) Gattuso (35) Serdoff (admit he is still a top top player) Beckham (34) etc. and less not forget how far milan has fallen!
    dont get me wrong he was good when he was good, but to tell you the truth - I say he wouldnt get into our midfield right now.

    Also Diarra is a much better player too. if anything i would have him back


  38. The reason because kolo went shit was he lost his pace.Nothing else.

    Song on the other hand is 22.Okay, he might feel a bit of exhaustion for 1 month or so and not play to his optimom but he will bounce back unlike kolo.

    Kolo decline just coincided with ACN and getting malaria.People return back to their normal from sooner or later.He still would have become shit anyways even with the all these factors.

    On a another note.The person i would get is HLEB, that guy has got something we havent replaced yet.Im not talking about his communication with cesc on the pitch but his ability to slow down the game and cut in with his left or right foot.Eventhough Nasri does that sometimes, he always does it with his right foot on either flank.This slows us down considerably and lets the opposition be more organised than say if Hleb was doing that.

    Also people rave about Sagna being amazing in his first season.Hleb was the main factor of that happening.They complemented each other well.When Eboue or Sagna try to do something similar it is done with so much clumsiness i feel and it doesnt flow quite as it used to.Basically when Hleb was here we had more composure on the ball thus making us more composed in general.This is something i feel is much harder to replace than say a battler in the middle.How could do Hleb's job.He was so awkward as a player.I have been thinking about a player that resembles his playing style for 2 years.There is no one that can do it.

  39. I'll tell you a little story.

    Arsene was not sure whether Flamini was going to make it at Arsenal and that's why his contract renewal was left until his final year, then as Wenger started to discover Gilberto was on the decline, he decided to try Flamini out - and he was a success, so Wenger offered him a good contract, but like Adebayor, Flamini thought (on the back of that one season) he is now the dogs B****s in World football and therefore is worth much more, so Wenger said "forget it, on yer bike, i'll groom another kid..see ya". So Flamini was then going to sign and accept the contract offered to him "I love Arsenal and want to stay" he declared, which led Arsene to say "I'm confident he will stay" and thus he made no plans for a summer replacement, then one day Flamini's Agent Mr Something "Scum" Bag came to Flamini and said Milan have come in and will offer more than what the gunners are offering, what do ya think, to which Flanster says "lets bite their hands off, pack the bags, lets go to Milan", "but what about Arsene and Arsenal?", his agent said, "who cares, I want that money", Flamster said before heading to Milan to be the new bum on the subs bench. That could be a true story.

    As for Flamini's return, that wouldn't happen, because Flamini would now have to accept that he is behind Song in that position, because now Song has assumed the mantle and Flamini had his chance and gave it away, so Flamini would never accept that (after all that's how it is at Milan for him), to give Flamini Song's position now would be against team building dynamics - conterproductive, Wenger does not take away the chance given to a youngster, he gave Flamini the chance over Gilberto, he gave Fabregas the chance over Viera. Also Wenger never said he doesn't re-sign players, he just never needed to at Arsenal because he always replaced those that left with other good players (like Henry for Anelka), actually he has re-signed a player in the past, Thierry Henry left Wenger at Monaco and Wenger re-signed him at Arsenal! - and that turned out nicely.

  40. I believe sometimes we need to let things go and learn how to forgive as an Arsenal fan, perhaps he has realise that money can't buy love we gave him here as a Proper star, so to me He's most welcome, but we need to plead to the maestro so that he can strenghteen our front line by buying a calibre striker in a like of Hugo Rodallega. He's going to be a wonderful signing for a long time to come, hope that's the case by the end this month. C'mon the gunners

  41. You lot treated Flamini like a cunt to start with then when he had a good spell you expect him to sign a new deal and not go for a big money move. As for Sol, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, let's hope he doesn't have another nervous breakdown during a game or try and bum anyone.

  42. Guys seriously cmon. What drugs are you on? Denilson is nowhere near Flamini. Obviously you most have totally forgotten about 2007-2008 season. Flamini was immense, he was the perfect sidekick for Fabregas and he did the dirty work with elegance. Not to mention the fact that he actually had pace and great accuracy in his right foot.

    Denilson for me is a GOOD player but not a GREAT one. He does not have pace, he is not a great passer of the ball and even though he has admittedly scored a few goals his shot is not very good either. His positional play is a little bit better than average but his backtracking is really bad. You could make quite a long Youtube clip of goals that has come from Denilson being dispossesed and failed to backtrack.

    I would love to see the Flamster come back in to the team even if it would be at the cost of Denilson.

  43. Flamini > Song/Denilson.

    I'd take him back in a flash.

  44. I will give you 140000 pounds a week reasons.

  45. bring henry home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. I'd rather have Diarra.

    Still irritates the heck out of me Wenger let him get away... and I suppose it was sort of Flamini's fault.

  47. Come on Flamini isn't even get in the milan team. 7 starts this season.
    Leonardo must know something or maybe he's waiting till he's past 30 like the rest of the milan midfield.
    Also we're playing 433 now instead of 442 and flamini would he fit in to the system?
    Plus Flamini was a box to box midfielder not like song at all who it really a centre half with the legs to play in the middle of the park.
    Would flamini fall back in to centre half postion, like song does when TV or gallas run up the other end, i dont think so.
    This is the reason we havent been conceding some much from counter attacks.
    See what happened without song on weekend. almost 2 counter goals 1 from pienaar and James Vaughan almost scored after someone shot denilson.
    Also i feel diaby and ramsey will be better than flamini.

  48. Because Flamini expects to actually be paid, and wenger/board don't like that.

  49. Theres noting wrong bringing flamoney back he is good but i think we need a quality sriker like (IGWE)i mean Henry in Nigeria we call him IGWE means KING.Yes we have a good team now but we lack STRIKER.GOOD LUCK GUNNERS.

  50. Sol Campbell in his prime was without doubt a world class performer. He was a rock, a model of consistency by which all should measure up to. He had the perfect combination of height, power, pace, and reading of the game which all centre-backs desire. Unlike some other top quality players, such as Rio F, Terry, I never recall Campbell making any high profile gaffs which cost his team dearly (well at least not on the field).

    He was equally as vital as anyone in the Invincibles line up that dominated English football like no other. As great as the likes of Vieira and Henry were in that team it could easily be justified that Sol Campbell actually had the hardest job of the lot. Yes Vieira bossed the middle of the park like I have seen no other; yes Henry at times single handedly destroyed teams and won games. But the quality of support these players had was very different to that of Sol Campbell. Henry always had the likes of Pires, and most notably Bergkamp feeding him with the chances to win games in the style in which he did. Vieira always had the likes of Gilberto holding behind him, and the ever industrious Ljungberg working the right flank. Campbell’s role was difference. That back line consisted of Ashley Cole, Kolo Toure, Sol Campbell and Lauren. Ashley Cole was without doubt a top draw left back (cringe), but at the time a young one and one whose attacking instincts at times left the defence exposed. Kolo Toure’s deficiencies have become all too clear since Campbell left the club, and Lauren although a solid performer, is generally considered just about an above average full back. The question I would ask would be, without Henry, without Vieira, and with different personnel, would we have won the league? Probably not. Without Sol Campbell, would we have? Definitely not.

    The problem many of these true sporting greats have is when to bail out, when to retire and the best way, and often the hardest way to do so is to go out at the top. Go out as a champion. The likes of Tony Adams, Martin Keown, Patrick Vieira are all players who strike me as going out as champions. If they stayed on possibly a season longer, the decline in their performance would have been clear to see and criticism would have been widespread. Other sportsmen simply go on too long, whether out of love for the game, or love of the money that comes with it, an example being Roy Keane whose presence in midfield declined to the point he was often being asked to play at centre back late on in his career, which in the past would have been unthinkable. We are currently seeing this from Gary Neville and Paul Scholes - who I personally believe should have retired last summer. Why carry on when you have nothing to prove is the question often asked of sportsmen that do carry on that little bit too long. This is often a bad decision for legends, whose image is slightly degraded by performances that show signs of decline and fail to show the ability and consistency that we all have become accustomed to.

  51. Sol Campbell is different, he was a great. However this great still has a point to prove, as he did not go out at the top. He went out having lost a Champions League final, having previously gone AWOL on a very young struggling Arsenal team against West Ham at Highbury in a game Arsenal lost 3-2 (the last defeat at Highbury). This is not the act of an experienced head, a key component for club and country. However this was the act of a man clearly fighting some personal demons. Yes he went on to win an FA Cup for Portsmouth (more than he ever won at Tottenham I would like to add smugly), but a man with Sol Campbell’s ability and stature in the game was never set to go out of the game having played for an average Premiership club, and definitely not playing for a team as far down as League 2. This decision to join Notts County was one of the most bizarre in history, a player whom I am sure many a Premiership club would have desired, joining a team in the same division as Barnet. This decision puzzles me still, the answer at the time given simply as a financial one. If this was the case however, why would he the walk out on this lucrative deal if it wasn’t for footballing reasons and his own personal aspirations?

    This is a man who has a serious point to prove. If he retired now, or went out playing for Notts County in the lower divisions of English football there would always be questions of his temperament, having gone AWOL on Arsenal, questions of his loyalty having left Tottenham on a free to join bitter North London rivalries and walking out on Notts County having made just one appearance after signing a five year contract.

    His ability would never, and has never been in questionWenger does not make rash decisions, he is a highly thoughtful man (sometimes too thoughtful for his own good) and I am sure sees no reason why Campbell cannot contribute to this Arsenal team, just like the likes of Steve Bould, Tony Adams, Martin Keown, Lee Dixon, and Winterburn did in the twilight of their careers. It wouldn’t even surprise me in the slightest if Campbell got another one year contract at the end of the season.

    It all points to a great move by Arsene, whose team and in some ways himself has the same point to prove as that of Sol Campbell. Let’s all hope his influence is a positive one and can help Arsenal on their way to a trophy winning season, the first in the second decade of the 21st century.

    “Heeey, hey Tottenham, Oooh Ahhh. I wanna kno-oooow, where your captain’s gone?”

  52. NICE points tho

  53. The thing about resigning Campbell was he cost us nothing, he left for nothing and he is rejoining for nothing.

    Flamini cost us nothing (apart from compensation?) and the same situation when he left. AC are apparently asking for £7.5m? I cannot see Wenger coughing up the money for a player we had for nothing.

    It's nice to see he has overcome personal pride to let Campbell returning but I cannot see him having the same conviction in allowing Flamini returning.

    (although I would like to see a D/M come in on loan to cover the short term, same for a striker)

  54. Philip says...

    WITHOUT A DOUBT WE NEED ANOTHER DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER.....Is it just me but DENILSON just does not cut it in that position, the back four were so exposed against everton it was ridiculous......WENGER should sign Sporting Lisbons Veloso, technical and can also play centre half jus like Song.....If you look at the best team in the world Barcelona, they have two good holding players in BASQUEST (think that how you spell it) and YAYA TOURE and they went on to win the CL. OUR best three would be a set that rivals Barcelona's three, they have a creator in XAVI, a dribbler and one who make runs in INIESTA and a holding player in YAYA....OUr three would be CESC the creator, DIABY to make runs and dribble and of course SONG in DM or Veloso. with that we will win it all. TRUST ME!!!! I know my football.

  55. Veloso.

    There, I've said it.

  56. I'd defo take him back if Milan didn't want too much,those saying that bringing him back would stifle song don't get it, he would actually block denilson which would be great cos he's a very average player n shouldn't b in the first team, denilson should be on the bench until his good enough.,

    Fab/song/flamini would be b best midfield in the league

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