Saturday 23 January 2010

William Gallas Is A Disgrace

How dare he?

How dare William Gallas make a genuine attempt to win the ball and then end up injuring that poor Bolton Wanderers player.

That poor Bolton Wanderers player. That poor English player. Injured by that big French meanie.

And why didn't we kick the ball out? Bastards. Even that dirty Gallas had a chance to boot it out. After all, he was the guilty party in all this. That wanker.

Perhaps Bolton learnt from Arsenal not putting the ball into touch because minutes later, when another of their players was lying in a heap on the floor, and they had the ball, they decided to keep it in play.

They tried to copy Arsenal's blue-print but rather unluckily for Bolton they didn't score like we did. Well played all the same.

Never mind that in the past, there have been several attempts by Bolton players to maim Arsenal players purposely and that Gallas' bad tackle was actually a mistake. No never mind that.

Gallas is as bad as a mass murderer. That French bastard should be tried and then sentenced. To life. Or to play for Tottenham Hotspur.

Forget the Angel that is Matt Taylor treading on a defenceless Cesc Fabregas' neck whilst the Spaniard is lying on the floor.

That Holy brilliant Angel Taylor, he tried to help Cesc up. Albeit yanking the Arsenal's skipper up via his hair but the good intention was there. That good old English intention.

Don't worry about Kevin Davies, who has never fouled anyone in his life. That good old fashioned English centre-forward who last season said that Arsenal 'Scream Loudly'. Who's screaming now?

Don't forget the rules. You are allowed to kick Arsenal to a bloody pulp but they can't kick back. Not even via a mistake.

Typical Arsenal cheats.

William 'The Disgrace' Gallas obvously forgot those rules. And he is the reason Bolton will be relegated.


Keep it Goonerish..................


  1. Love it Wrighty just Love it. Wenger saying what we have all been complaining about too, far to late in my opinion as this should have been said many years ago.

    Well done mate.

    El Tel

  2. hahahahaha!!!!


  3. WENGER'S quote was awesome,

    'When we get kicked and lose the game,the question the press ask is 'oh,you did not fancy that?.


    When the bully gets some payback he goes crying to his mum,claiming ASSAULT!!!!

    Come on arsenal!!

  4. karma is a bitch! bolton deserve a bit of their own medicine, although i hope their player has a speedy recovery

  5. You got issues buddy. Quit judging people, that aint yo duty mate!

  6. I think you are the first to point out that a similar incident to the Gallas tackle occurred a couple of minutes later but this time Bolton had the ball and there seemed to be no thought of putting it out of play.

  7. Every week sides say to beat Arsenal you need to get in teir faces, get physical and rough us up. Prior to the Stoke game a few Stoke players said they would sort us out, we just get on with the game.

    I think there is a significant and demonstratable anti Arsenal bias in the Media, this is compounded by an anti French bias. This morning Mr Lawrence on football focus said it was a disgrace.

  8. Cheers El Tel and Goonerrez.

    Arsene Wenger was spot on what he said.

    The geezer is an absolute legend. Far too smart for his own good!

  9. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the straw that breaks the camels back for Arsenal and the media.

  10. When Denilson collapsed quite worryingly during the Everton game, I dont recall Everton looking to put the ball out of play. Instead they went and tried to score. They almost did score! And I don't recall anyone saying that was out of order on Everton's part. The media hate us and will always spin any incident in order to make us look like we're enemy of football, or should I say 'the enemy of English Football'

    keep up the good work Wrighty!

  11. Just been watching Football Focus and even worst still Soccer Saturday,where they all seemed to feel that Arsenal and Gallas should be strung up for such an offence??? worst culprit was the thich as 2 turds Paul Merson who started by saying what ungentlemanly conduct it was by both Arsenal and Gallas and then ended up saying that dirty paly from Bolton was part of the game qouting you can't just let Fabregas have the run of the park you go out with the instruction from his manager to take him out that is what used to happen when he played. Basicly saying that they can kick mthe shit out of talented players but thou shant respond.Phil Thomson was calling for the game to be replayed. charlie was our darling as he stuck up for us whole heartedly. The trial by camera whitch hunt against Arsenal has been growing pace for some time, I was so incensed by the anti Arsenal reteric that I was getting when watching the game on Wednesday that I turned of the volume when we where 0-2 down, needless to say as soon as I done that Arsenal scored and normal playing service resumed with the volume down,,,this is somthing that I first done when watching the Celtic game on ITV and recognising the witch hunt against Eduardo was overshadowing the game that I was watching, and strange to say have had to do this at least 8 times since. I don't need these pundits to tell me what I can see with my eyes I can judge the game for myself without their biased input.

  12. Just been watching Football Focus and even worst still Soccer Saturday,where they all seemed to feel that Arsenal and Gallas should be strung up for such an offence??? worst culprit was the thich as 2 turds Paul Merson who started by saying what ungentlemanly conduct it was by both Arsenal and Gallas and then ended up saying that dirty paly from Bolton was part of the game qouting you can't just let Fabregas have the run of the park you go out with the instruction from his manager to take him out that is what used to happen when he played. Basicly saying that they can kick mthe shit out of talented players but thou shant respond.Phil Thomson was calling for the game to be replayed. charlie was our darling as he stuck up for us whole heartedly. The trial by camera whitch hunt against Arsenal has been growing pace for some time, I was so incensed by the anti Arsenal reteric that I was getting when watching the game on Wednesday that I turned of the volume when we where 0-2 down, needless to say as soon as I done that Arsenal scored and normal playing service resumed with the volume down,,,this is somthing that I first done when watching the Celtic game on ITV and recognising the witch hunt against Eduardo was overshadowing the game that I was watching, and strange to say have had to do this at least 8 times since. I don't need these pundits to tell me what I can see with my eyes I can judge the game for myself without their biased input.

  13. good Wrighty.

    fuck bolton cunts

  14. lets see, eduardo-leg chopped in half, diaby-leg chopped in half, cesc-abused like he was in a bar fight, whole arsenal squad-kicked to bloody hell. if arsene is looking or a reason for all the injuries it is probably because arsenal is the most fouled team in the league.

  15. Charlie Nicolas what a true gooner.
    Paul merson, phil thompson complete tossers!

  16. Great stuff wrighty!!!..Pathetic cunts

  17. senderos is better than gallas then.

  18. excellent post......pissed myself laughing.

    It’s simple why the media don’t like Arsenal.......we don’t have a Rooney, Terry, Gerrard, Lampard for the media to suck on their English dicks......the media butt holes goes all moist when we see any of the English players mention score or put in a tackle......

    BTW – I’m English so please don’t brand me as racist I’m just stating facts....

  19. I watch all games on mute now.

  20. Cheers to Arsenal!! Come on!Kick them, beat them!! It's so funny, cos the last I expect is for Bolton tough and rough thugs to start whinning. Isnt it surprising?? Cheers Arsenal!!

  21. Merson should never be allowed to The Emerates again.wanker.god bless cnarlie Nicholas

  22. Good piece. But consider this.

    Many people (like pundits) have grown accustomed to judging things on their eyes only. Blocking out rational approaches and any diverse thoughts on the matter.

    If they see a unfortunate clash resulting in a victim (Bolton losing their lead) pundits look for the perpetrator. Because that's what entertains the viewers;Catching the bad guy.

    Another reason I think Arsenal gets so many stick from the press is because our club makes more statements about fair play than any other.

    Therefore our actions will always be under a spyglass. Probally cuz we have a manager that takes full responsibility for moral leadership in a football world gone crazy on glamour, ego and pricetags.

    But to me that's not a burden but a blessing. I love the way Wenger leads my club.

    Salute to all Gooners


  23. ^^^

    good post wrighty.

    but the comment above mine, is one of the best i've ever read, in terms of content

  24. Good post Wrighty.
    This is one incident where the ref got it right from the beginning-yes-however unlikely that is-even though he was only a few yards away from the incident at the time-and plenty of pundits-including former ref Graham Poll got it wrong.The TV viewing angle is misleading. A frame by frame analysis of the contact shows Gallas got to the ball first-Davies' momentum took him into Gallas and contact between the 2 players resulted in the injury and the ball coming off Davies. It was not even a foul. Given that "leaving their foot in" was a key part of their game plan for roughing up Arsenal, the unsurprising consequence is a greater likelihood of their players injuring themselves.
    The hypocrisy of Bolton over the injury is staggering and Wenger is 100% right the media try to brainwash us with their biased low standard journalism.

  25. Great post and I like the words spoken by the Prophet in his press conference, I mean Wenger. ;-)

  26. Great read...Keep it Goonerish.

  27. Anyone see the Man U game.

    Rio Ferdinand actually turned around and punched the guy.

    Man U scored when Hull had a player down.

    A hull player took out the linesman and then did not even check if he was ok, as if the lino was faking the injury.

  28. do you hate gallas because he is french who try to match bolton physical game please watch the footage carefull before you rush to your stupid comment

  29. Bolton are cunts. The vast majority of the media are cunts. Nuff said.

  30. It's not just Ian wrights legendary status that has been removed, its sniffy aswell.

  31. Luv it Wrighty. Eduado fell on d box & they made fuss of it, Rooney did same after one week & nobody said anything about it. Arsenal scored when a bolton player was down & they've been wagging but Rooney (Man u) scored same yesterday & those wankers sid nothing about it. I luv Arsenal & will forever do inspite of what the wankers say or do. GOONER 4 LIFE

  32. Love it Wrighty just Love it. Wenger saying what we have all been complaining about too, far to late in my opinion as this should have been said many years ago.

  33. Wrighty,

    I am surprised that you're surprised, I though you knew:

    good write up mate!

  34. Wrighty

    Brilliant mate.

    As for Merson?... Well, I'll liken him to a crack whore that will do or say anything for his pimp (SKY) to give him more money/still employ him. He's got some finincial difficulties still hasn't he???

    Just couldn't believe it when he said you can't have Fabregas running around and have to let him know he's there.

    We love you Champagne Charlie!

  35. shame on you merson!!you above all should know the unjustified stick arsenal & their players get in the media,yet what do you do?-sell your soul to the devil!!you have a place in our hearts but if you keep this up you'll lose all credibility....

  36. one word...brilliant...
    nice work mate..=D

  37. The work of a genius! We need such people in media! thumbs up!

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