Monday 5 April 2010

Why Do Arsenal Moan All The Time?

What a liberty. What a diabolical liberty.

Did you see that poor Karl Henry's sending-off against us?

It was never a red-card. Never.

I mean, going through a player from behind, two-footed with studs showing? How can that be a dismissal?

And that dirty foreign bastard Tomas Rosicky, rolling around the floor. What was he playing at?

Did you know Rosicky put fake bloody stud-marks over his calf as well for good measure? That cheating bastard.

Let's not forget Henry leaving his foot in on Theo Walcott's leg as they challenged each other earlier as well. Even the commentator said so.

Never mind all that.

Arsenal just don't like being kicked. We moan about it. We are moaning mother-fuckers.

Players like Karl Henry are right. Why do we moan all the time?

We are like the Victor Meldrew of football. Always whinging.

In fact its embarrassing supporting Arsenal. I can't believe that we even complain about our players having legs broken. The shame!

I might even start to follow Wolves so I can see the class of players like Karl Henry every week. Change the name of the blog to Wolvesy 7 or something.

I love watching good hard fouls and Karl Henry, Wolves captain supreme, is the man to give me my fix.

I have one word for you, Mr Henry and it aint pretty.


Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. I was suprised, on TalkSport they were saying that he should have got a 10 match ban as it was such a bad tackle.

    TalkSport are hardly known for sticking up for Arsenal.

    Now I read that Henry thinks that a red card was harsh, whats going on?

  2. wow simply brilliant!
    love it!

  3. when you see the tackle on walcott by henry look at hs face. he left his studs on walcotts calf on purpose and that should have been at least a yellow card.

  4. what is it with all these moaning 'hardmen' moaning about not being allowed to kick players up and down the pitch? getting sent off and then endlessly moaning about it?

  5. in my opinion, that Henry only complains about the red card because that is Arsenal and he will just shut his mouth up at other games...

  6. What is the world coming to, I cannot believe some of the media tried to stick up for Henry. The tackle was malicious and dangerous, the f.a. also need to look at his early stamp on Theo and ban this dick for the rest of the season.

  7. Why are Arsenal moaning? You'd have thought that four players in four years left nursing broken bones after reckless tackling would've been reason enough...

  8. More gutted with news just in the Song is out of the Barca match! :-(

    That's Gallas, Song, Fabregas, Arshavin, VanPersie, Ramsey, missing. Talk about the spine!

    If we pull this off it'll be the mother of all victories!

  9. Let's see if he appeals against the red card if it was cleary wrong for him to get sent off. Some how I doubt if he will.

  10. great article, perfectly summed up at the end.

  11. 93 minutes of time wasting only for us to score in the 94th. Hahahahahahahaha.
    Poetic it.


  13. Add in Henry's stamp on Theo in the first half and it sums up Wolves.. McCarthy's pathetic attempts to goad the Arsenal fans at the end sum him up. He should be charged with incitement...Sportsmanship and Wolves??? just don't go together... If Man Utd win the title they can (in the words of their chairman in 1999) send a crate of champagne and get a medal struck for Mick.

  14. Karl, I don't even pronounce his surname because is an insult to Thierry, as a football player he is a joke in the same level of Gary Neville and other cunts roaming free to kick players with skill, and as a human being that could easily have come out today and say "I'm sorry",well no, after all he is a stinky vegetable with 2 eyes only.

    My only surprise in all this, is the referee send him off. Forget about leg breakers or baboons like Karl.

    To be honest I was shocked as I grew used now to expect anything from the cunts wearing black, since Mike Dean stopped us in that unbeaten run in Old Trafford.

  15. Cunt....

    dim witted cunt

  16. What an unbelievable dickhead, he's so right we should only complain when a tackle breaks one of our players legs and god forbid a player who was out of the game for 2 years should stay on the ground after an ugly tackle. Unbelievable shite that comes outta players mouths these days.

  17. Brilliant post and perfectly sums up how we all feel about Karl Henrys tackles on Saturday...the muggy cunt. I got everything crossed that we make mugs of Barca Tuesday night...up the Gunners!!

  18. Chris M/VivaFrance3105 April 2010 at 18:41

    Great post like usual. As far as everyone and the media sayin we can't beat Barcelona......

    1980 againts Juventus, 1-0 Arsenal won.

    1994 againts Parma, 1-0 Arsenal won.

    2003 againts Inter, 5-1 Arsenal won.

    2006 againts Real Madrid, 1-0 Arsenal won.

    2008 againts A.C Milan, 2-0 Arsenal won.

    2010 againts Barcelona, ?-? Arsenal will win.

    Notice that in every single one of these matches we had injuries and everyone including the media (of course) had said we had no chance of beating these teams.

  19. You know wrighty, I read these guys say these things, it makes me soo angry. I come to your blog and all my anger vaporizes because you somehow seem to put my anger into words in a slightly humorous and less murderous way. Cheers

  20. LMAO! wrighty you are fantastic.
    Karl henry is a top class clown.wanker.

  21. Cheers for the comments!

    That twat Karl Henry is more of a twat than the word twat itself!
