Tuesday 3 August 2010

Exclusive: Cesc Fabregas Is Back In England.

I love the word 'exclusive'.

Anyway, just a quick one.

A few moments ago a pal of mine text me saying that he has just seen Cesc Fabregas at Heathrow Airport Terminal 3.

He couldn't speak to him.

Our skipper is back home. And home is the right word despite what those prats at Barcelona think.

Show him the love. Show him Arsenal is the club for him.

Barcelona have had all summer to love him up. Now it's our turn.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. Spot f*cking on Wrighty!!!!

  2. Corblimey Trousers3 August 2010 at 23:31

    We've got cesc fabregas.... etc.....

  3. he wont get my support that c unt

  4. Fuck off goonerr, get behind him.

  5. I like your words oh wise one. @Goonerr Are you sure your an Arsenal supporter?

  6. how can u call yourself a gooner fuck you

  7. I'll show him the love when he shows us a commitment to play for our club. So far he hasn't fit to open his mouth and clarify - despite unprecedented speculation that he's about to move, wants to move, has already moved etc.

    This is not good. It leaves a sour taste.

  8. Fully behind Cesc.
    I just hope Wenger gives him the tools to win the league.

  9. language Timothy, its a lady your responding to, not one of your foul mouthed white shirted mates. Look forward to you getting dumped out of CL in qualifying rounds pratt!!

  10. Welcome back Skippo. We love you here!!

  11. It`s like having Angelina Jolie as your wife,despite all the trouble ,you would still want to work it out!!Cesc is peaking ,and no one in their sane mind would want him to leave!!

  12. yay! But I'm not satisfied with this post, as there is no proof? Wheres the picture, wheres the actual words your *rabbit fingers* texted you? This is not very convincing, and you need to be more detailed, you need to answer either hes here or not. This blog does not complete that question, therefore I believe cesc is not back at his forign homeee. Sorry people.

  13. ann patey fuck me silly

  14. If you guys are really arsenal fans, you should show him that you still love him and support him. Look, we all share his frustration, somehow. Wenger has refused to buy quality players who are capable of bringing trophy. Cesc is quality player, but there is nothing he can do without quality players at the back, on the goal spot, or at the front. He has been stating this time and again, and Wenger is responsible for his and other stars' exit as he insists in his stupid youth policy.

  15. fuck fabregas

    contract riddance u ungrateful traitor piss of back to spain

  16. Come on cesc come on home

  17. il support anything in our red and white until the end

  18. Earlier on this evening I tried to leave a comment on Le Grove, mainly because they were slagging the team and manager, and the fact that we were rumoured to be in negotiations with Spahic. I thought Le Grove was supposed to be a forum about Arsenal, however when I tried to make a comment I was banned from the site. I didn’t use any bad language, and yet I was banned. Can anyone tell me why this is so?

  19. who ever boo's him is a cunt and is probably a yid in disguise. there are too many reasons to list for not booing him but if you wont do it for him and our club do it so barca dont get the satisfaction of dividing us from him. CMON CAPN FAB!

  20. hasnt been a blog you've writen yet wrighty that i have disagreed with you speak wise and true words, cesc needs are support, and whatever he decides to do il always respect him for what he's done for us!

  21. I will support Fabregas, but first he needs to talk

  22. i think cesc should just slap a t-fer request in and have done with the whole situation,there's to much water under the bridge now for him to come back and i don't blame him,it's all down to wenger him wanting out.

  23. am not blowing smoke back up fabregas's arse till he come out like wenger said and expresses his desire to be with us and not barca

  24. Cesc and Wenger are a class act. With all the shit being uttered in Spain the Only thing Cesc has said in public is that his future lies in Wengers hands. To which Wenger has reiterated for the illiterate members (and so called gooners) who do not understand clearly, that Cesc is not for sale at any price, he is our captain and he has 5 years left on his contract...What more do you dicks need to hear? Cesc say for the millionth time that he is comitted to Arsenal! Get a life and loosen up CESC WANTS TO SATY AT ARSENAL!!! PERIOD!! NOW GET BEHIND YOUR FOOKIN CAPTAIN AND CLUB!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. come on arsenal . come on cesc . come on Wrighty

  26. He will transfer to barcelona, he is cule whether you like it or not buggers !!

  27. I'll cheer for him, once he gets his captaincy removed and gets put in central midfield instead of Diaby so Nasri (a player who actually wants to be here) can shine.
    Sagna Koscielny Vermaelen Clichy
    ~~~ ~~~ Song Fabregas
    ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Nasri
    Van Persie Chamakh Arshavin

  28. Thanks Wrighty for that great news!

    @John: Le Groan is an anti-Arsenal site, they don't accept most pro-Arsenal comments.

  29. Sharp Gunner,
    He can tun right round fly back to Spain or better, to Camp Nou where his heart is. Fab has squandered my love and respect for him with his mindless flirtation with Barca. if he likes he can jump into a lagoon. Rubbish. We coped without Henry, flamini, Cole, Hleb, Veira and others. we shall cope without him. Over-bloated ego. Ugh!

  30. it was reported cesc happily accepted some kind of loyalty bonus last year, didn't he?

    so spending time with his DNA-pals during the WC changed all that? if he still wishes to go, cesc should ask his DNA-club to cop up 50/ 60m (pounds, not euro) to test arsensal's resolve... wouldn't cesc feel insulted if he's valued at similar level to milner at 30m?? i would...

    and if cesc does go this window, he must be forced to reutnr the loyalty bonus... basically arsenal should insist on a transfer request if he really want to leave, and in that case, we should put up him for sale, and sell to the highest bidder

    arsenal have to maintain its dignity here and now

  31. Fucking pathetic! Call yourselfs gooners your a fucking disgrace still not putting any blame on our beloved badge kissing cunt of a captain. The spinless fucker has been part of the barca tactics all along, to spinless to admit he wants to go. He's been quite happy for barca and their players to talk shit everyday in the papers it suits him because twats like you will always blame everyone else. Fuck him off and let someone take over who wants to play for our great club. Arsenal are much bigger than that goofy cunt

  32. give it up for cesc!

    it amazes me how badly these idiots miss the heavy irony behind
    turning against a player for a perceived lack of loyalty. they clearly have no idea of the meanng of the word!

    actually nobody is really that stupid. surely? all these negative comments must be from fans of lesser teams.

  33. I'm pretty sure Cesc wants to go! And I'm also quite sure that if an offer in the region of £50m came in then the club'd let him. But as it stands those Barca C***s don't have the money and Cesc loves Arsenal enough to not force the subject. I think that he'll go next season (if Barca have the money), so rather than booing him just accept it (he always said he was going to go) and appreciate what he has done/ will do for us. Whatever anyone says I believe that he does love the club, but whether he loves the club as much as the club he grew up supporting with his family and the first club to take him on?.... That's a different matter


  34. Our management and board have bout as much balls as our team at present. This courting of players is no new thing. Henri, Vieira anyone. Yet it only ever happens to the Arsenal. Season after season. I said it at the start of the season and I'll say it again. We will sell you Fabregas if you give us Mesi plus 20 mill. Otherwise fuck off!!! Finally I wouldn't blame Fab for leaving. After our lack of transfer activity again!!! Pathetic

  35. That twat thinks he can have the cake and eat it too.

  36. The media have fed us a diet of cr*p from Spain over the last weeks. Most of it's been distorted or just plain fiction. To their credit Arsenal have kept out of it. Now Cesc is out of their clutches the facts of the situation will emerge in the coming days. I know Cesc's reputation has taken a hit, but he should now put the record straight once and for all.

  37. I am an Arsenal die hard fan from middle east ..
    fabregas needs to help , to support from you , to lead our great club to win the trophies..
    No doubts he is the best player in our team and the premier league also .. why some of supporters want to lose it ??

  38. He's our Captain, no real fan would want to lose a player of his quality. C'mon Cescy you know it's better to stay at the Arsenal. Look at the others that leave, it's definitly not greener on the other side.

  39. TORRES confirms he will stay at liverpool , GERRARD also .. Then , Liverpool fans became happy .

    Why some fans here seem unhappy with back of cesc ???
    Welcome back THE LEADER...

  40. Im just wondering.. what is really the difference between Cesc and Adebayor? Cesc has openly flirted with Barcelona and not once said otherwise, Adebayor on the other hand did say they were just rumours.. but we show Cesc so much love? for what!?

  41. the fact is CESC tried to get a move from our beloved club this summer. he has broken something with the fans, he needs to know we are not 2nd choice lovers. Adebayor did not do 1/2 of what this little prick has done this summer and so many of you hated him. why should CESC be any different?! I am not saying boo him all season but at last 2 games.

  42. Cesc is no better than Adebaywhore, greedy cunt was happy to sign a seven year contract with back payments and a hefty pay rise no he decides he wants to go home and we should just let him go! fuck him. I won't bother booing him as he's not worth it but i certainly won't be cheering him. Any bets on how long it takes him to kiss the badge!
    All those idiots questioning the loyalty of fans who have slagged off Cesc should have a look at themselves, you are disrespecting our great club, buy putting a spoilt little cunt ahead of the loyalty to the team, he doesnt make Arsenal he doesn't come close to some of our greats
    Fuck him and fuck you spinnless idol worshiping sorry excuses for Gooners

  43. I think he will leave. I think he should be stripped of the captain's armband at the very least.

    I love Fab but its all too easy to slag off Barca - at the end of the day Fab has asked to leave, can you ignore that Arsenal fans and turn a blind eye? Really?


  44. @ rocky4life

    come and write a piece for my blog mate. Loving your words on LadyArse and here.

  45. The difference between him and Adebarndoor is that Cesc is captain of the club. Your captain is supposed to be the leader and heart beat of the team.
    I believe Arsenal to be at a crossroads. Everybody including our captain have to show some spine, resolve, balls call it what you will. So a couple of strong signings from the manager and the Board dwould not go amiss. Real tough signings as at the present moment there isn't a proper hard man in the Vieria mould in our panel or a leasder like the Ton. Compare Cesc to Adams in terms of leadership and you will see what I am getting at.
    If Barcelona want Cesc then its Messi plus 20 million. Otherwise fuck off!!!!

  46. WE GOT CESC FABREGAS..and those blaugrana c*nts HAVE NOT!..

  47. Ok - i'll stick my two pence worth in. Every time he played for us, including against Barca with a broken leg, you couldn't question his loyalty. Every nasty comment on here is all because of hurt. We are all f-ing hurt, to think that he doesn't think we are good enough for him. The fact is now he may not be good enough for us, because he let us down. I don't want to see him getting booed. I want him to explain exactly what has been going on, why he hasn't put in a transfer request, which i assume is an attempt to pacify us -if he plays for us again, I want more than a year, and I want to see him in love with the club - see it - no thinking we are some secondary to his bigger goals. This is NOT like adebye - he was a mercenary - Cesc WAS a gooner.

  48. It's clear that Fab wants to go back to Barca!! I don't think there is any point in keeping a player who doesn't want to play for our club! If he moves on we will move on!! Lots of big names have come and gone and we're still here!!
    Saying that, i just don't think Barca have any cash to buy the lad!! Would want at least £45m for him!! That would be more than enough to replace him and get a good GK and CB. All about Nasri this season!!

  49. I am with Rocky on this one. Why should anyone suck up to Cesc. People who would are the kinds who bend down and beg at the knees of their missus as she packs her bags for another man. Fcuk that shite. This site is a disgrace. Promoting begging is not for me. Sad wanker.

  50. @anon it's not sucking up to him - he's a 23 three year old kid, who has probably got most things he wanted in his life. This time he probably hasn't- it does feel like an affair, which is a bit fucked up, so agree with that. If he accepts his head got turned, he made a mistake he should be forgiven - without him over the last four years we wouldn't have got anywhere, what with other injuries. If he goes, then we move on - it is just a player - but the likelyhood is he's not going anywhere, and if he's booed next year it will be shameful.

  51. Hey peeps any gooner chanting the praise of cesc can f$cking spin on my index finger cos Ade did the same and his poor mother was caused so why don't we also boo the cunt and his f$cking family. He can leave for all we care, sell the idoit and bring in Honda of japan. No player is bigger than arsenal. Wenger is to blame. Guns4Ever from Nigeria

  52. I've just seen Cesc coming out of a caravan in Southport. He's put on weight!

  53. Dont blame Cesc, our club are trying to fool us again! WHO the F**k is Koscielny no disrespect but Who is he! Not the type of singing to please our best players and our young king Cesc. Hes probably as discusted as i am! Tickets are not cheep an Were acting like a SMALL club. Im not fooled and Cesc isnt! nice 1 Wrighty.

  54. We're talking about a guy who was taken to the Camp Neu as a baby, a season ticket holder since a child who played for there youth team. . . OF COURSE HE WANTS TO PLAY FOR BARCA!! I'll still sing his name because he's a legend just like Thierry Henry. Another Arsenal player who WANTED a move to Barca.

    And anyone who thinks this is anything like the Adebayor situation is fucking demented. That was completely money orientated. This has nothing tm do with greed.
    Thanks for the update Wrighty

  55. C'mon people!

    If you have a bit of beef with Le Grove don't do it on here!

  56. I will show him the love - BUT he has to show us the love FIRST !!! No one forced him to sign the contract.

  57. I suspect that if Barca were not in such a big financial mess, forcing them to borrow 150m Euro last month to pay wages etc, Cesc would be at Barca now. Fact of the matter is Barca cannot afford the market price of £50+ million Arsenal are demanding and whilst I am absolutely certain Cesc had his heart set on leaving this summer, it wont happen this year because Barca cannot afford him.

    The Barca officials figure that the cheapest way get Cesc is if Cesc himself puts in a transfer request, Arsenal will then be forced to negotiate. That is why his Spanish/Barca team mates (Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol, etc) and his family (father, mother, grandmother, cat etc) are going public daily with their plea’s to Arsenal to allow him to go back home, hoping Wenger caves in and accepts what Barca are offering.

    But to his credit, as much as I suspect Cesc really wants to go back to Barca now, he has not put in a transfer request. Probably out of respect to Wenger (father no. 2) and the Arsenal fans who adore him.

    It’s not Cesc's fault Barca are financially in strife, but by the same token Cesc cannot expect Arsenal to accept £20+ million less than the market price suggests he is worth. So the stalemate continues.....I also suspect that the conversation Cesc had with Arsene before he left for the World Cup was that "As much as I don’t want to lose you Cesc, if Barca pay me your value, you will have my blessing"

    Personally I think Barca will sort out their financial mess eventually, they are too big a club not to, and Barca will eventually pay Arsenal what Cesc is worth, but it’s unlikely to happen this summer. That is unless Barca decide to sell some players (e.g.: Zlatan Ibrahimovic) ....

    For Arsenal's sake and our season that starts in 10 days let pray Barca ends this tapping affair immediately by either publicly saying we want Cesc and will pay his market price (by selling players to raise the funds), or confirm that Cesc will not be coming to Barca this season.

    If it’s the latter (most likely) then Cesc must come out and apease the fans and show his commitment to the club he is a captain of, the commitment to fight for trophies and the loyalty to the club that he is contracted to until 2015.

    Just hurry up already!

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