Sunday 8 August 2010

Double Standards From Arsenal?

I don't want anyone to get their knickers in a twist but is the official Arsenal website taking the piss?

All summer long we have moaned (and rightly so) about the way Barcelona have conducted their business in their chase for our skipper Cesc Fabregas.

Is it me or is this story on the site a tincey wincey little bit of double standards?

Cool, we haven't gone into a whole summer of tapping-up overload with this chap, and I haven't heard Bacary Sagna talk about Emir Spahic's Arsenal DNA, yet, but surely after the summer we have had, Arsenal would have used their noddle.

How can we grumble when this is on the actual Arsenal website?

We can't scream and shout about Barcelona when we are doing it ourselves. Of course Barca took tapping-up to another level. In fact, it was an outrageous level, but we aren't exactly doing ourselves any favours here.

Maybe I've got this wrong. Maybe I'm being a little touchy. But in my opinion, after what we have been through since May, we shouldn't be putting out things like this on our official site.

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. Not right no, Lets just hope it turns out more successful for us than it did for Barca in the 'Cesc saga'. I feel by seeing this we 'will' see Spahic at Arsenal, and this is some kind of reassurance that the guy is a good player and no another 'know body' signing we have all been dreading!

  2. I agree. I can't stand the whole transfer rumours thing on the site either. I wrote to Gazidis, and received a reply fobbing me off, and Hill-Wood, who didn't reply.

    I don't think it is our style.

  3. As I also suspected, the 'Transfer Linked' section was the thin edge of the wedge. I have also written to the club to complain and got a bland response. Although nowhere near in the league of the barca tapping up, it is not right IMO.

  4. the one thing we know for sure is that if its on the Arsenal website transfer rumour you know for a fact that player ain't coming! As soon as Joe Cole appeared on there it was a cert he weren't coming. We will sign players who aren't on there.

  5. i agree. i couldnt believe when i read tht

  6. Maybe after what barcelona got away with the club are thinking, if you can't beat them, join them?

  7. Maybe we are talking to Montpellier but have an agreement with them to keep it informal as much as possible and deny it to the press!?

  8. It seems to me that there is more to this than just a player being linked in the media.

    Why else would we see an interview with Sagna on the website saying how highly he rates Saphic?

    I expect him to sign for us this week. Whether that will appease the doomers is another matter altogether!

  9. I've heard this Emir Spahic has only recently just broken into regular first team football at 28.

  10. Wrighty7 said...
    I've heard this Emir Spahic has only recently just broken into regular first team football at 28.

    I looked him up, he is 30 next week. Seriously, why would we be interested in a 30 year old unknown? If he was any good surely he would have made it big by now.

    At 30, I would assume that he isn't going to get a long term contact, so the whole thing is a bit strange

  11. Saying a player is good and would be a welcomed addition to the squad IF he came is hardly "tapping up". What sagna did and what farcelona did are two different things.

  12. "Saying a player is good and would be a welcomed addition to the squad IF he came is hardly "tapping up". What sagna did and what farcelona did are two different things." - except there not!? . . . there actually the exact same thing!! twat ...

  13. Nice one wrighty - I read that this morning and thought the club have definitely pushed this out on purpose. They want to make it look like he's a good player so the fans don't start complaining that we haven't signed any decent/recognised centre-backs.

    Did any one else notice the commentators for ATVO in one of the pre-season friendlies slating swarchzer claiming he's not that better than Alumnia?? ... I suspect the same thing was going on there!!

  14. Wrighty7;

    You mean the complete hatchet job Le Grove did on the fella? Is that where you heard that?

  15. Your right it is out of order, but what is more out or order is the club trying to get Sagna to convince us that an unknown 30 year old is a good signing for us, this propoganda is all to get us prepared for the Silveste style siging at the end of the season. I love what Wenger has done for us but the board need to put more pressure on him, today he has been talking about finishing his managerial career with us, most top club's boards would be holding off from extending the contact of a manager that has not won anything over the last five year wouldn't they? I'm totally torn to which way i would go! If we don't win anything again this season would it be a good idea for Wenger to take a back seat and bring in someone like Pep maybe?
    Any way lets concentrate on the season ahead, i really don't think we are that far away but we need some quality in defence and in goal, and back up for Song.
    Hopefully this happens but i doubt it

  16. You really think the club have instructed pundits on ATVO to slate players were are linked with?

    I like a good conspiracy theory, like the Queen and Prince Phillip being Lizard people from Venus, but that one's just too far fetched!

  17. Can't remember where I heard to be honest.

    All I know is we need to strengthen in defence and between the sticks.


  18. I'm down with that one Wrighty7! Hopefully this week will see us get the players in, or at least by the end of August.

  19. bunch of betwetters you lot. Too much moaning. Calm down.

    I didnt like that published the Sagna thing either. It is precisely the approach Barce took. But I think it does suggest that a deal has been struck.

    We HAVE signed a player linked on the transfer linked before.

    The player in question is the Bosnian captain. He turns 30 in a week or so. Arsenal are trying to sign a 4th choice defender. Odd that people can't understand that.

  20. Hi as a bed wetter can I just say that I would kinda prefer at least one CB we sign to have premier league experience personally, or maybe we'll sign a keeper with that experience?

  21. "there actually the exact same thing!! twat"
    No they arent, imbecile. Come back to me when sagna admits that world cup has not been a good thing for montplelier because he and his arsenal mates have been trying to twist Spahic's head.

    It seems like dont know the meaning of the term "tapping up".

  22. Thought the same thing when I first saw it, but quickly changed my mind.

    The language Sagna uses is informative and conditional.

    No slagging off Montpellier, no demonstrative weepy whining, and no mention of Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

    Bacary says: "WOULD be welcomed", "IF he does come".

    Not WHEN he comes.

    You see the difference.

    Anyway right now I'm not that much short of welcoming Silvestre back so sod any idea of double standards let's get someone/anyone double quick.

  23. Its not totally the same thing, Sagna says he thinks this guy would fit for arsenal.. What Xavi said was that they're looking forward to seeing Fabregas in a barcalona shirt coming season.. and it wasnt just Xavi but all of barca.. so fuck that its 2 total different statements..
    Am a regular reader, usually dont comment but thought i should this time! ;)

  24. Spahic not playing tonight for Montpellier against Bordeux

  25. It's totally the same thing - hypocritical and wrong.

    It seems to be the new paradigm though - to get the players to do the talking so that the club isn't perceived to be "tapping up"...

    Someone, somewhere pointed out what the NBA did to Mark Cuban for even hinting at interest in LeBron James - $100k fine, no arguments, for doing little more than mentioning his name.

    We've got to hold ourselves to the same standards as we hold others - otherwise we look like wankers.

  26. Just watching Montpellier v Bordeaux here in France this evening. He's not playing; hmmm....
    I too assumed that this was a big hint to the fans that someone was coming. Surely we wouldn't stoop that low if he wasn't, would we??

  27. Cancel that; he's suspended apparently. Maybe we are that bad.

  28. Yeah, I just saw he was suspended too!

    Thought there was more to it for a second!

  29. Wrighty7, I've never known such a comment with a void attitude!, are you writing your blog sitting on a pyramid, with all that condense weight the outside world seems a little slower!!.
    Post a decent comment and get back up white hart pain where we all know you lay you hat.

  30. "Wrighty7, I've never known such a comment with a void attitude!, are you writing your blog sitting on a pyramid, with all that condense weight the outside world seems a little slower!!.
    Post a decent comment and get back up white hart pain where we all know you lay you hat."


  31. I agree with you to an extent, Wrighty7. I actually don't think Sagna's comments are too outrageous really, as he hasn't issued a "plea" to join us. But as Rocky4Life said, the club have obviously asked him questions about Spahic, which is totally out of order.

  32. I don't think they are outreagous but I don't think this should have been published.

  33. It's been taken off the site now, thank goodness!


  34. Nope, it is still there

  35. How can they be the same? Arsenal have not had a bid for the rumoured target rejected as far as I know.

    Barca had their bid rejected and almost every official at the club and more than half the squad came out bitching and continued bitching til even today when Xavi came out claiming they'll land Fabregas in the January transfer window!

    No, these are completely different situations, sangna was probably posed the question and responded and none other in Arsenal have lined up to ask the rumoured target to "Join Arsenal".

  36. Somebody clearly removed it but seems to have forgotten to remove it from the archive section.


  37. I propose that Arsenal fans World wide post letters once a week for the next four weeks to UEFA & FIFA complaining about Barcelona FC's 'tapping up' of Cesc Fabregas. Also post a letter just once to Arsenal FC requesting that they formally complain to UEFA & FIFA. I have drawn up 3 template letters that I will email to willing participants. All you need to do is type in your own Name & Address before printing off & posting. Momentum will be boosted by you forwarding the email to every one of your Arsenal FC fan family & friends, encouraging them to participate.
    Please see ....
    The aim of repetitive letters is to create an Admin headache for UEFA & FIFA with thousands of letters received from all over the world & display the strength of feeling from Arsenal FC fans. The purpose of the single letter to Arsenal FC is again to display the strength of feeling from us fans.
    My email address for this campaign from where I will email you the letter templates is ……..

  38. I think your blog is pretty good on the whole, but maybe you could consider changing your name from Wrighty because he has shown himself to be a complete tit in recent years, and an utter idiot to boot.

    Nothing personal, he just pisses me off with all the shit he spouts in the media.

  39. I think your blog is pretty good on the whole, but maybe you could consider changing your name from Wrighty because he has shown himself to be a complete tit in recent years, and an utter idiot to boot.

    Nothing personal, he just pisses me off with all the shit he spouts in the media.

  40. they took the link of the arsenal site. someone there must be reading ur blog haha

  41. publishing this means one of three: 1- its almost a done deal with this Emir geezer. 2- to direct attention & media focus on him while they work under the radar to bring a totally different name for a sack of a low fee. 3- they are going for a different player but they published it to tell that other player "look, you not our only option .. we might go for Emir if you dont join us" & use the story as a bargain factor basically


  42. " Dear Arsene Wenger,


    Yours, A True Arsenal Fan. "

    I couldn't help but feel this, ever since our beloved Arsenal had won a TROPHY. And by trophy i mean " Any Silverware That ISN'T THE FREAKING EMIRATES CUP !!!!!! ."

    I hate how Arsene keeps talking about faith , and learning from our mistakes, i mean mate , do you even look at your OWN mistakes!!!!!

    He keeps doing the same thing every transfer window , and i can't help but feel DEPRESSED.

    To see almost everyone scoring against us, as we become the laughing stock of almost any non arsenal fan in the world, is just disgraceful.

    Don't get me wrong , i LOVE Arsene Wenger, i rate him HIGH, but lately , he's been nothing but a foolish stubborn bastard.
    I just can't breathe whenever the likes of Drogba, Rooney or (Almunia!) run across the emirates celebrating their goals, or in Almunia's case , his OWN GOAL?!?!?!, ANYONE?!

    Mate , just let it goooooo, don't be a big spender , just get us a Tough player at the back , and a decent goalkeeper, that's it.

    You know what bothers me the most?
    The fact that every single year, Arsene asks us for one thing & one thing only , our support , and we've never been unfair to him or OUR Arsenal. Yet he manages to be unfair to us every year, and the fact that we get bashed by almost any team is nothing but a proof.


  43. well said Gooner4Life ..

    it came a time during Wenger's era where i wasnt worried about winning against the likes of West Ham, Wolves, Birmingham, Wigan etc ..

    it was a matter of how many we're going to score rather then if we gonna win or not ..

    sadly its not the case any more


  44. We are Tottenham, super Tottenham, we are Tottenham, from the Lane.

  45. "We are Tottenham, super Tottenham, we are Tottenham, from the Lane."

    don't you guys have your own blogs?!
    ...lo0ol..super tottenham...hahahaha
    looool fucking hilarious

  46. Hi, I'm Riccardo, I would like to make an exchange of links with my soccer blog...STADIO GOAL. Let me know if you are interested in it...thanks...have a good day with you good work!Keep it up!

  47. hi wrighty,

    completely agree, said the same thing myself

    well said
