Wednesday 29 September 2010

And We Think We've Got Keeper Problems!

Take at look at this link here.

You gotta feel for the poor bastard aint ya?

I've heard a rumour this fellow is on his way to Arsenal in January.

A big talking point is who will be between the sticks against Chelsea this Sunday.

I can't see Arsene Wenger throwing Wojciech Szczesny in goal despite the young Polski claiming he is the best goalie in the history of the universe.

Szczesny is like the Nicklas Bendtner of the goalkeeping world. He believes he is better than what he is.

Whilst this self-confidence is admirable it can also be seen as delusional. Declaring he is better than Iker Casillas and Gianluigi Buffon put together is an amazing claim.

And while I made the last sentence up I have no doubt that he actually believes it.

I like a bit of self confidence in a keeper though. The best all have that arrogance and from I've seen of Wojciech (and heard about him, a pal of mine plays for Brentford) he has what it takes to go all the way.

I just feel the Chelsea game would be too much for him.

I wish he could lend a bit of that confidence to Manuel Almunia and Lukasz Fabianski. It has to be said though that Fabianski is probably feeling the most confident he has ever been in an Arsenal shirt.

Surely Lukasz is number one choice for Sunday?

I seriously think that Manuel could run off the pitch like the keeper does in the link above if he made another serious mistake in a match. Especially in a game as high profile as this one.

Almunia is a confidence keeper and his must be at an all-time low. There is no way (in my opinion) he is injured at the moment. In his frame of mind the last place he wants to be is in between the goal-posts.

I feel for Almunia. It was clear that Arsene Wenger wanted a new keeper over the summer and truth be told he should have got one.

By failing to succeed all Wenger has done has undermine the Spaniard. It was only a matter of time before he fucked up and when he did it is clear to see the effects of him.

He is gone. Devastated, and I wonder how much more we will see from this season. Seriously. I reckon that is it.

I asked for support for Manuel at the beginning of the season, well now we just need to support whoever is in goal.

Perhaps we could play monkey-rush?

Keep it Goonerish...........


  1. What a shit post.

    The two mistakes that keeper made had nothing to do with the flapping and schoolboy errors Flappy and Almunia have been making.

    The Arabian keeper's mistakes had nothing to do with his ability as much as it is with the two shits we have at the club.

  2. why are you defending MA1? he cost us the CL final against Barca, he cost us any chance of a reprieve in a shit performance on Saturday. for the last four years he has cost us and the reflected perfomances do not allow the crap coming up behind him to perform at a higher level. i have been a season ticket holder for over 30 years and we MUST replace him if we want to be champions again!

  3. Can't feel sorry for Howlmunia anymore.

    The scars of B'ham last season was the straw that broke his donkey back! It was 'another' one too many. On Saturday it was ridiculous! He did exactly the same gaffe against Bolton as he did for WBA's 3rd goal. He is RUBBISH and should never wear the shirt again.

    Fabianski should be No.1 with Chezza No.2 - and the moment Fab f***s up again - which unfortunately he will - then stick Chesney in.

    Surely an over-confiden goalie is better than one who is waiting to make a mistake!

  4. @LouGooner:

    If you think Almunia cost us the CL final last season, I believe you're very much mistaken! Regardless of how Almunia performed, Barca were far and away the better team over the two legs and would have gone through anyway.

  5. wrighty, its like this, almunia is like the geeky bloke who gets lucky at the disco and gets to shag the beautiful bird (several times )
    now she is a sucker for punishment (the self inflicted type )and allows herself to be abused again (and again )by another geeky bloke
    its not rocket science, its FAB

  6. Firstly, whoever left that first comment is a complete twat.

    Secondly, Fabi deserves our support now. I happen to agree that it looks like he has suddenly become our number 1 but if he makes a mistake I can see Almunia getting back in, so it might not be the end of the clown yet.

    Szczesny needs to remain patient for another year. His time will come and he has all the attributes to be a big success.

  7. I think the last time Flappy opened his mouth saying he was ready to take the #1 shirt he let quite a few goals in. Can anyone recall the last time we had a clean sheet with him in goal? Hopefully he has a blinder against the chavs, but it's looking awfully bleak.

  8. Did anyone see the second video??? I cant stop laughing!!!! LOL!!!

  9. Could anyone please provide a link where Szczesny declared himself as "better than Iker Casillas and Gianluigi Buffon put together"? I can't find anything even remotely close. Although I don't care for players badmouthing his manager to the press, I do feel for Szczesny's frustration for not getting a chance even in the Carling Cup, especially after witnessing consistent goof-ups by the No 1 and No 2. I am indeed quite worried about the game on Sunday, not only the GK position, but the way we have defended lately.

  10. shit article, talking nonsense about Chesney, etc.
    Chesney (Szcesny) should be our Number 2. But we still need Number 1.

    Aluminium - OUT.
    Enough is enough.

  11. "If you think Almunia cost us the CL final last season, I believe you're very much mistaken!"

    Shishir, I think he means THE CL FINAL AGAINST BARCA. When Almunia was very poor at the near post for the equaliser, and even worse for their winner.

  12. Anon, you plank - The writer says in the article that he made that bit up.

  13. I dont understand the constant need of our "fans" to knock down our players.

    Are people that retarded to not know that WE CANNOT GET ANOTHER KEEPER TILL JANUARY ATLEAST!!!

    Is the constant intimidating of Almunia going to improve us? You'd be highly fukd in the head if you think that it's going to improve anything.

    It's important that we give support to whoever is between the sticks. Only that will improve the team. Ironic cheers and booing will get us nowhere.

    Nice post!

  14. I totally agree with iceman!
    What good can possibly come from us giving our own 'keepers sh1t! We need to get behind them and give them some confidence as the media are and will continue to give them enough greif without their own fans turning on them! I think its fair to say that we all want a new 'keeper but we can't get one now until the January window, so lets get behind the ones we have and actually show our team some support instead of whinning like little bitches!

  15. thats why Arsene always praised the Away fans, because they know what true support means, agree that Almunia and fabski suffer a lot from the constant groans they get from the home fans, think Roy Kean mentioned something similar about Man-U home fans eating prawn sandwiches etc...

  16. No point saying Fab is at last fulfilling his wc potential Prove it on the pitch against Chelsea.I have a feeling this time Drogba ainto going to be given the freedom of ES.
    I believe the two FM will keep an eagle eye on him. The defence and md must defend and attack as a team. The defenders must not be sucked and go awol.
    Then we shall see.

  17. Arsene has made this mistake, and it will cost him too long. Gotta find a keeper.

    Arsene Wenger’s Potentially Massive Mistake
