Sunday 24 October 2010

Sorry To Burst 'The Manchester City Bubble'!

I haven't wrote a blog for a while (really getting lazy!) but thought that whilst the missus is watching the X Factor I'd get behind the keyboard again. I should do it more often really as I find it very therapeutic and wonderfully invigorating (check out my big words) especially after nine pints and two cheeky tequilas.

What a fantastic performance today and I'm very proud to be a Gooner but going by the commentators on Sky Sports I think we upset them a little ickle bit. I know Andy Gray is a lead commentator every week but I'm not sure who was alongside him today. I hope it wasn't Martin Tyler because I actually quite like him.

All I know is (and its all I kept hearing) Manchester City were 'very courageous' and were unlucky. Courageous? In what way? Because they went down to ten men? Do me a favour! And before anyone grumbles that Arsenal only won because Manchester City only had ten men better think again.

Of course the numerical advantage helped us but the way we played today they wouldn't have beat us even if they started with twelve players. I have no doubt we will hear plenty of moans about the sending-off but the truth is it was the right decision and Boyate gave the ref no choice.

I think hardly anyone expected Arsenal to go to the City of Manchester Stadium and win, let alone win so convincingly. And it was massively convincing too. The commentators did their best to take their shine off the Arsenal win and their tongues were so far up City's arse it was unbelievable.

Had Chelsea or Manchester United gone to Eastlands and won 3-0, albeit against ten men, we would be hearing nothing but praise and how ruthless they were. All I heard today was of Manchester City's bravery. Did everyone think they were going to just lie down?

I think we burst the Manchester City bubble today, from the media point of view. Nobody gave us a chance and every man and his dog wrote us off. We really upset the form book.

In the bookies for the first time in my whole entire stinking existence (that I know of) Manchester City were favourites to beat us today. Not surprising when they've spent a record £3456324 billion on players really.

I really fancied us to win 3-1 and Nasri to score first. The odds? 200/1. So on goes a fiver. I think its the only time in my life I wanted the opposition to score. My arsehole was really going when we scored the third and when Fabianski saved in the last minute I really rued the day he became good. Wanker.

Anyway we've proved we can beat a 'strong side' like Manchester City so maybe a mental barrier has been lifted. It's true we've struggled to pick up points against sides like City, Manchester United and Chelsea recently but maybe this is the turning point.

I'm sure some people were urging us to lose today just so they can say 'I told you so', well we've stuck two massive fingers up at them and given them the wanker sign. Any doubts that we can win the league surely have evaporated. We CAN win the league and we CAN beat the so-called other big-guns no matter what the likes of Andy Gray say.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. Haha

    Great, great win today. Strong team vs the Geordies please Arsene. Need to keep up he momentum.

  2. It wasn't Martin Tyler mate

  3. Thank gwad it wasn't M Tyler!

  4. Can I borrow 1000 pounds mate... Oh wait sorry :)

  5. was-a-dejected-arsenalfan24 October 2010 at 21:45

    exactly my feelings wrighty,i was wondering how cum the sky muppets were feeling sorry for shiteh. they were supposed to role us over blah blah blah...talking about how many winners in their squad blah blah blah....this is the performance we have been waiting for.i take back a lot of things i have said about fabianski & denilson,i think they were blinding..glad to see us puttin in hard tacles too,they always say we soft.they dont mind when neville,scholes,gerrrard,rooney & flampard do nasty tackles. back to 2day big up the gooners big up wenger..big spliffs all round

  6. You deserved your win today pal,but how you can say being down to 10 men for 86 minutes would not of made a difference is a bit of a silly comment,with 11 men on the pitch we would of beat you im convinced of that,we will never know the answer to that and Boyata ruined the chance of a better game,but 3-0 11 against 11,no chance.

  7. Brilliant win today, I'm still buzzing from the excitement, particularly as all and sundry had us down as losers today. If matety hadn't scathed down Chamattack, then he wouldn't have got himself sent off, simples really. Bring on the Bar-codes, that what I say!

  8. A depressingly poor Arsenal team struggled to beat/lose to a superb Man City team that we have paid millions to endorse. Mancini said after the game that he felt Clattenburg wasn't paid enough. Sky Andy Gray Gray et al were disraught. Is that spin? Nope, that is exactly the way the game was commentated on. Fuck them, We are The Mighty Arsenal.

  9. Great result today,still a bit scepticle about the defense.the piss pot cup must surely now b a priority regardless how strange that seems

  10. It was Steve Benyard, pardon the spelling, I didn't bother to check his name correctly. Yes the way we pass to get out of tight spot, keep the ball is something to behold today.

  11. How did your shitty, inbred blog sneak onto my NewsNow? Ban button pending!

  12. was the same last time too with the eboue call everytime diaby touched the ball..chamakh being fouled yet he dived clearly and is a disgrace...then he finishes it off and its coz carr was scared to put a leg in else chamakh would tumble again...he gets elbowed and "he has a low threshhold for pain"...

    its an every week thing :)

  13. It was Tyler. Thought he was contradicting each of Grays ridiculous comments about not deserving lead/being lucky.

  14. MCity: they are strong, brave, tall and brainless

  15. Fantastic write up, Wrighty! What a win. Mental block indeed! Maybe these kids will learn to scrap more for their suppers than they have done. I feel alive again!

  16. @ the anonymous city fan. you cant say we wouldnt of definately beat man city 3-0 either had they kept all 11 men.

    the sending off changed the game sure. but sometimes playing against 10 men is actually harder for the team with the extra man. it shouldnt but thats football for you.

    had silva been clinical in the first 3 mins. we would of been 1-0 and that would of changed the game. if man utd or chelsea played like we did today they would of got applauded. we were more clinical and overall more decisive in moving the ball etc and thats why we won.

    arsenal in the past have gone down to 10 men and been slated for not winning a game. well city should have to deal with it too.

  17. I wonder why people complain about one team being 10 men. Had Arsenal not won despite domination, nobody will mention the 10 men was responsible for Arsenal domination.
    I don't see any reason why there should be a 'had it been 11 men' clause. Anyway the tackle was a red card offence. We've seen several games where the team with 10 men won. Finally, maybe we've forgotten they claimed city are bigger team and clear favourites. So saying Arsenal losing at home 3-0 to lesser team because they are 10 men is unutterable.

  18. It was very important to win today. If we had lost, we would have been behind City, Utd, Spurs and WBA. And all the so called pundits would have relegated us to 5th or 6th this season.

  19. It was Martin Tyler, the guy on the FIFA series.

  20. haha, that's like my brother a yucky Chelsea fan, he says we were lucky.

    Sucks that I have to live with one, but I take pride in the fact that he isn't a real one. He once supported the mighty Gunners but I guess he got fed up of no trophies and sold his soul. He also sympathizes with the likes of Real and Inter. So I don't take him seriously.

  21. City are a very big strong muscular team-they really put it about-De Jong in particular- he is one over-physical player- but as such a big team- they can tire if they play 2 games in a week with high intensity. I was worried about Dojorou early in the game and he settled down- even before Tevez went off.
    But he is not the finished article. Denilson also looked rusty early on.
    City gota lot aof dubious freekicks and Clattenberg favoured them before he rightly sent Boyack off.
    Really, Arsenal could and should have won by more.

  22. The thing is - did anyone claim Barcelona were "lucky" when they beat us in the Champions League final after we had Lehmann sent off early in the match?

  23. Well said Andes!!!
    That should be a question for all those silly newspapers questioning our victory!!
    and about the red card,,,lets see,,,
    Boyate doesnt make the tackle, Chamakh goes through on goal and scores! We already get an upper hand..and go on to win!!

  24. Well all I know is Mancini is a whiny cunt. Shut up and accept the loss. "he didn't deserve a sending off" fucking of course he did. I like rape as much as the next man but we all know it's illegal

  25. Great game yesterday. We played very well. Pity Fabregas missed that bloody penalty though. 3 points is all that mattered yesterday and we got it! I hope now, we can start finding the belief and push ourselves to win trophies.

  26. Hey Wrighty, top notch, Never thought much of Andy Gray!!

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