Thursday 7 October 2010

Would You Take Him Back?

Scrolling and rolling through the NewsNow headlines I was intrigued to see one of the top stories in the last couple of days was one that involved Lassana Diarra 'demanding a January move to Arsenal or Tottenham'.

It was from the Metro newspaper and I would to know how the story came about. Could it be possible that Diarra would come back to the Arsenal? I can't see it. But would I have him back? I'm not sure!

I know he was a little fucker when he was here but if he had been a little more patient I have no doubt he would have developed into one of the top defensive midfielders in the world and been a crucial player for us.

I could kind of understand why he wanted to leave us after only five months at the club. It must of been frustrating to sit on the bench despite having obvious quality.

He was in the same situation at Chelsea before he joined us so he probably felt he was just switching one bench for another. The splinters in his arse must have been excruciating.

I think Arsene Wenger dropped a bit of a clanger here. Despite the fact Mathieu Flamini was playing out of his skin, Diarra should have been given more game-time because Flamini's future wasn't secure at Arsenal as his contract was running out at the end of the season.

Since his departure Lassana Diarra has been less than complimentary about Arsene Wenger. That's what makes this story about him coming back appear more fishy to me than Diarra's dolphin shaped head.

He seems to get upset when he isn't played and is up to the same tricks now at Real Madrid. Threatening to leave another club again gives me the impression he throws his toys out the pram rather quickly.

The question I'd like to ask is would you take him back? On the pitch I rate him very highly and in my opinion he is one of the best in his position. The question is his attitude. It's clear he can be a petulant little bastard but I think if he is playing regularly then you wouldn't get a peep from him.

I'd take him on loan, if possible, to test the attitude.

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. not one of wengers best decisions in terms of transfers letting , flamini and g.silva leave in consecutive transfer windows when there was an adequate replacement we could have promoted from within. You get the sense he was an arsenal player in terms of quality but not in terms of attitute in which he was more sutied to chelsea ala william gallas a bunch full of superstars who bitch and moan when they dont play. 6 month loan brilliant shout mate. i wouldnt pay anymore than 10mil for him not when we already had him though.


  2. No thanks! Good riddance to bad rubbish. The fact that Arsene trusted Flamini's word that he was going to sign his contract is water under the bridge now. Diarra is trouble with a capital T and he can fuck right off as far as I am concerned as we have moved on and have much better options in the squad now. He would not be guaranteed playing time and seems to have a problem with competing for playing time, so I don't see a place for him in the Arsenal squad.

  3. Always an interesting read...

    Diarra? It looks like we have a good vibe in the dressing room at the moment and I would prefer not to introduce a disrupter if we could get the equivalent talent without the baggage.

    I enjoy your posts a lot and have a request...when you cite an outside link, is it possible to set it to open in a new tab? Thanks and keep up the good work.

  4. Do we need a player in that position? I think yes we do.

    Do we need that particular player in that position? I've got to say no - he has an ego problem and we don't need primadonnas.

  5. He can jolly well fuck off

  6. I would take him back when I look around and see what we have. Get rid of some of the dead wood and bring in quality.

    Listening to my first podcast yet mate? I give you a mention at the end and will do more of a feature on blogs in future. This first time was just like a test run but if you are up for chipping in on a future podcast that would be cool.


  7. I would like both the Diarras they cant possible be worse then Diaby and Denilson both it will never happen.

  8. We'd get him back if it wasn't so expensive to clean his tank and buy him so many fish. His mackerel demands are just far too high.

  9. Why would he want to come back to arsenal.

  10. Hell YES ! ! ! !

  11. Wrighty, as far as I know Arsene Wenger very seldom takes back ex-Arsenal players. Latest exception was Campbell! Even then, it was more of a desperate situation and necessity.

  12. based on what we required to bolster the squad:- Yes.

    based on his temprament :- No

    He's orchastrated a move out of every club he plays at because he wants more playing time. seems to use the media to do this and will unsettle the team.

    Overall: Nope, prefer someone else

  13. Arsene is revengeful So forget it.

  14. It was in The Metro which has recently come out with some stupid headlines (even for a newspaper). So it won't happen anyway. Plus the fact that Wenger wouldn't rake him back after what he said

    - Scooch

  15. wrighty, do u not think we have got enough french speaking players at arsenal already. the premiership is a battle and france have never won one of those

  16. He sat on the bench because he simply wasn't good enough.

    A lot of people set store on his tackling etc, but what most fail to have noticed is that his distribution when he did get game time with us was very, very poor.

    There's not a lot of point in winning the ball if all you're going to do is give it straight back again - something some of our players would have done well to notice in the game against chelsea (and 2 others).


  17. I would rather have Helb back any day

  18. He's great on his day but inconsistent with a bad attitude. I'd rather have Song and Diaby in that position, plus Frimpong is gunner be amazing when he returns from injury and gets some experience under his belt.

  19. Neither Hleb nor Diarra, but on a loan definitely. Put the dolphin headed lad back on the bench, after all AW cannot hinder Song , Denilson and Ramsey's development!

  20. can he play in goal?

