Wednesday 5 October 2011

Clive Allen Should Look In The Mirror

Before calling Arsene Wenger 'Two-Bob' perhaps Clive Allen should take a long good look in the mirror.

Mind you, I don't think there is a mirror out there powerful enough to withhold his ugly mug for longer than a second.

If Clive Allen was dignified in victory then maybe Wenger would have shook his hand in the aftermath of our defeat against the Spuds.

Instead, Allen had the look of a deranged lunatic intent on winding up Arsene and then acted like a petulant teenager when ignored.

In Harry Redknapp our gaffer shook hands with the most important person he needed too. He didn't need to shake anybody else's.

Like many others Clive Allen is trying to paint Wenger as a sore loser here and believes he was in the right.

In fact, Allen was more out of order than the condom machine down my local and was just stirring up the situation.

We all know that Arsene Wenger can be a bad loser but this was just kicking a man when he is down.

Allen tried to play on this and by calling Wenger 'Two-Bob' he has made himself look like a stupid little brat.

If the shoe was on the other foot and Arsenal had won, would Allen have chased Wenger from the bench to the tunnel like some lovesick stalker?

And did Harry Redknapp shake hands with all the Arsenal backroom staff?

I didn't see Vic Akers running after Redknapp waving Gervinho's dirty sock at his face because he didn't shake his hand.

Perhaps Allen holds a grudge against Arsenal.

After all, we did buy him and then sell him two months later because his body odour destroyed all the arm-pits of the Arsenal training kits.

Or perhaps Allen wanted to thank Arsenal for his fantastic career at the club and believed the only way to show this was by shaking Wenger's hand.

Whatever the case he has made himself look like a goading infant and would go a long way by apologising to Wenger because he showed him a complete lack of respect.

Keep It Goonerish......


  1. Arsene Wenger make me sick. But on this occasion, I have to say that Allen was the total prick.

  2. bad losers, and your all a bunch of cunts

  3. I can't believe people are ignoring the fact that this is the same Clive Allen that barged into Wenger from behind in a cowardly, unprovoked attack, in Wenger's technical area last season.

    Allen is a c&$t of monumental proportions, and deserves zero respect from anyone, let alone Wenger.


  4. It's "you're all a bunch of cunts"...knuckle scraper


  6. I love the way all these anonymous spurs fans are running on the site saying something then running off. Firstly clive Allen was in the wrong. Secondly being a sore loser comes from being a winner, and winners don't like losing.

  7. what does two bob mean?

  8. Tottenham don't have a winning mentality, that's why when they win, they do not know how to react. It comes as more a shock to them that they have actually won a match. Bless the little Spud fans.

    On another note, we seriously need some new coaches in the back room staff to help Wenger out!!


    Turns out we have two of the 10 ten richest owners in Football, yet we can't afford to do any business... WHAT THE FUCK?

  10. Only a gooner can condone this behaviour. Pathetic. You are a fcuking plum. I hope the next time you look to shake someone's hand, they refuse. According to your wharped (arsene wenger land) logic, you would then need to blame yourself.

    Why don't you do this society a favour and fcuk off.

  11. ooh goodness another AKB. What is the matter with you people. Is Wenger not to blame for anything?

    Allen was right, the bloke is two-bob. I don't give a fcuk what he done 10 years ago. Season tickets are purchased for the year ahead not so people can recall past glory.

  12. Haha - you are calling Allen ugly. Your picture on the site, looks like a chimp's anus.

    What the fcuk has Allen's looks got anything to do with anything, you flower.

  13. you're the plum you dirty little spud. allen is a diseased faced little Cu.t with a little man complex. why should wenger shake his hand? would you shake hands with adolf hitler just because he offered you his hand. of course not. wenger is correct to ignore this piece of sh't. i would of chinned the cu't myself.

  14. "Haha - you are calling Allen ugly. Your picture on the site, looks like a chimp's anus.

    What the fcuk has Allen's looks got anything to do with anything, you flower."

    Ha ha, loved this comment!

  15. I have been a Spurs fan for almost 50 years . I was. Spurs fan long before most of these foul mouth yobs were born. The know nothing about supporting a football club be it Arsenal or Spurs. They also know nothing about good manners or respect that is why they think what Clive Allen did was correct. Allen was trying to be clever and disrespectful to one of footballs greatest managers. Wenger did not rise to his atempts to belittle him making himself look right prat. I am sure this post will be answerd with a canonade of abuse but there you go. It had to be said.


  16. Well said Peter.

    Fantastic comment!

  17. You know the fans are shit when you cant distinguish their comments from a spud. Honestly some of you commenting need to get your head checked, since when do we turn on everyone because wer not doing well, doesnt that usually mean back the team til we get back up there, my god..

  18. Wenger is still 7 bobs short of Clive Allen from what I can make out

  19. I think we need a handshaking coach

  20. Well said Peter, and those idiots singing about the coach in Angola, words fail me - I don't want you at my club

  21. Clive Allen should look in The Sun as well they also said he's a cunt

  22. "According to your wharped (arsene wenger land) logic,"

    wait....what was that?

    "According to your wharped (arsene wenger land) logic..."

    wait....say warped.


    say warped.


    You're a whanker.

  23. All you spurs shit Cunts are not even worthy to kiss wengers arsene, so go back to 1961 where you will stay forever CUNTS! Inbred wankers!

  24. What kind of queer cunt team has a cock on their badge? Clove Allen is a mokey faced cunt, even makes Keown look pretty!

  25. Boys, you have to face up to the fact that the Spuds are better than us right now. And also that the move to the stadium was made to enrich certain individuals, not to make AFC one of the top clubs in the world. How much more evidence do people need, it is staring them in the face. We need a new board and a new manager.

  26. I have been a strong critic of Arsene lately but on this occasion i think Arsene is right not to entertain that cunt Clive Allen guy. . .Oops

  27. I completely agree with the previous comment. I think Arsene is right not to entertain cunt.
