Thursday 8 March 2012

Robin van Persie Won't Go To Manchester City

The speculation surrounding Robin van Persie's future has become hotter than the vindaloo I had just before Christmas. It was so hot, I haven't had one since.

Such is his form, every top club in Europe will be keeping their beady eyes on him and his contract situation at Arsenal.

Roberto Mancini is the latest man to start talking. To be fair he was quite complimentary about the club, and of course, the man he is trying to butter up like a slice of bread, van Persie.

Despite Mancini flirting and sniffing around I'm not worried about Robin leaving Arsenal to join Manchester City. 

I don't believe that he would join another club in England because he loves Arsenal too much and deep down I really believe that he will sign another contract with us anyway.

Of course in the past I have been wrong. I said Cesc Fabregas would stay at Arsenal but the pull for him to go back home was an exceptional situation, what with his Barcelona DNA and all. 

Not too sure but I have never heard anyone talking about Robin van Persie's Manchester City DNA, and I don't think he has any family living in Manchester, so the emotional pull isn't there.

His heart strings are pulled by Arsenal though, and maybe Feyenoord, so his love for the club will be a crucial factor in his future. 

In my opinion, money isn't the be-all and end-all with Robin. Of course he want's to win trophies, and he'd have a great chance of that at City, but most of all he wants to win them with Arsenal.

I have said that even if we didn't qualify for the Champions League next season I feel he will stay if we show intent in the transfer market. I still have that opinion.

The Dutchman has become the darling of the Gooner faithful. We love him more than Wayne Rooney loves the bum-hair transplanted onto his head.

He knows that love can quickly be turned into something more sinister and a move to Manchester City would be the ultimate sin in many Gooners eyes. Seeing him in a City shirt would make our eyes bleed.

When van Persie kisses the Arsenal badge you know that it means something to him. He is a Gooner too and someone who is desperate for the club to do well.

And we will do well. If Robin van Persie stays.

In the past Arsene Wenger has had close affinity's with his captains. But I get the feeling the bond he has with van Persie has developed into something bigger than anything before. 

I think the fact he has seen Robin progress from a temperamental little git into a proper leader of men will persuade him to listen to the striker. And his opinion.

Our previous skippers like Thierry Henry and Cesc Fabregas have been given the armband based on keeping that player at the club. You could argue the same was done with Robin. 

The difference is van Persie has truly thrived on it and has become a very good captain. In my eyes better than Thierry and Cesc hands down.

Robin van Persie can become a true legend at Arsenal Football Club. Everything is set for him to be spoken about in the terms of Tony Adams, Dennis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry and most of all Igors Stepanovs.

He wouldn't risk that status to join Manchester City. No way.  

Loyalty is something that is very rare these days in football. Its even rarer than Frank Lampard leaving any of his dinner.

Robin has bundles of loyalty to Arsenal because Arsenal were loyal to him when he was always keeping Tomas Rosicky company in the treatment room. He owes the club and I think he knows that.

He knows the feelings of Gooners. We are desperate for him to stay and he wants to. Now its over to Arsenal to back-up his, and our, the supporters, ambitions. 

Follow me on Twitter @_Wrighty7

Keep It Goonerish.........


  1. What the hell was he doing with all those shoes??!!

  2. True. Robin may leave, but not to anyone in England. He's more classy than that.

  3. Haha! RVP will go to the highest bidder. Hmmmmmmmm!! I wonder who that will be. Blue Moon Rising !

  4. Well said wrighty!!! Man city are just a time bomb waiting to explode an I can't wait for the day that club ends up in tatters when there super rich chairman gets bored of funding that jumped up mid table team!!! RVP is an arsenal legend and can't wait to see him with padolski nxt season!!!

  5. Man city can suck my dick!!! Get off the doll u stinkin mancs Hahahahaha

    1. Man city are the worlds first team to win 8 champions leagues so get your facts right stupid kooti

  6. One word - Bergkamp.

    Three more - Dutch, loyal, legend.

  7. i think you should take that picture down. if rvp sees that he will see that his bedroom hasny changed much, still no winners medals on display.....oh yeah 1 fa cup.

    1. Wow very funny!!!! And what team do u support u arse wipe ???

  8. this mancini, why cant he just buy Arsene, it seems he wants to build a team out of Arsenal. you can buy all the players in the world, if you dont know how to use them it doesnt help.

    1. Mancini = world best football manger.. You are jealous that you no have manger like us.. Death to the wenger, and his dog look FAT! Hahahahahaha man city are best team in world! No one good as us we best than barca we have mancini. We are bet well, wenger no mancini cos he dog FAT looking. HAHAHAHAHAHA

  9. Lampard dares not to abscond his dinner....and the rooney,s artificial head. what a classy comparison

  10. I agree and with the German sniper joining maybe well shoot up the table even more next season with some more signings!

  11. Love the article Mate and especially loved the jokes about Rooney and lampfart...
    I basically believe everything you said AW showed faith in him thru all the injuries, he loves us for that..
    Mon the Arsenal, all these rich sugar daddies and clubs changing managers all tine, makes me feel even luckier to be a Gooner!!!

    1. Wenger must die! He dog FAT. He not manger of arsenal , he pig FAT dog arsenal.. HAHAHAHAHAHA wenger have dog that look like FAT. Mancini dog= SKINNY arsene wenger= FAT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHGAHAHAHHAHSKFKSOE

    2. Go die in a hole u man slag

    3. Your dog= FAT. I kick your dog he FAT. You slag FAT. Monkey is not apprehend able FAT. I no Mancini win wenger make him his sex slave who FAT and wenger like! HAHAHAHAHAHAHSHAHAHAHAHHA very nice

  12. Proud to be a gunner....
    Anybody with the contacts of the anything....I want to give him a personal advice....not on how he handles the team or how he does his transfers but something constructive....
