Friday 1 March 2013

I Love It When Gooners Play For Arsenal

Bacary Sagna has been ruled out of the North London Derby this coming Sunday after busting two of his dreadlocks and there seems to be a mass debate (not masturbate) as to who will replace him.

I'm seeing plenty of opinions about the subject and one bloke even went as far as saying that Arsene Wenger should bring Lee Dixon or Lauren out of retirement as a one-off.

Of course whoever plays there could be in for the ride of his life. Gareth Bale has been playing out of his skin recently after AVB, the gravelly voiced S*urs manager, offered him a lifetime supply of bananas if Bale managed to help them finish above Arsenal.

Now I don't think its fair at all that monkey's as talented and fast as Bale are allowed to play in the Premier League but there's nothing in the rule book to stop it apparently. 

So we have to stop an in-form primate without using a tranquilizer and we have our 'best' right-back ruled out. Triffic.

People have said that Bale won't play down the left because he has this new free-role but if S*urs had any sense they would use him there because our number one right-back is out. It could be our weakness.

That said, funnily enough, I'm more than happy for our supposed second choice Carl Jenkinson to start on Sunday. And I don't think it would be too much of a weakness either.

Jenkinson is a Gooner. He is one of us. If he didn't play for Arsenal then I've no doubt he would be in the stands with us telling AVB to suck on a strepsil or tormenting Bale about that Orangutan who banged his sister.

He'll want to play more than anyone in that Arsenal squad because he knows what it means to play against them. He had Arsenal bed sheets for crying out loud. 

Not only is Carl a Gooner, but he is a decent fullback too who started the season in more decent form than my pal down the bookies last Saturday.

He may only be young, and has a lack of experience in this type of game, but he is fast, athletic and could be just the type of player who should start because he will want to win so bad.

I've seen it said that Laurent Koscielny or even Aaron Ramsey might start at right-back on Sunday and in my opinion that would kill Jenkinson. Having someone playing ahead of you in your position who doesn't usually play there would be soul-destroying. 

Arsene Wenger bought Jenkinson into this Arsenal squad to fill in when needed and to learn from Bacary Sagna. He should be used against Sp*rs this weekend. He can cope.

I love it when actual Gooners play for the club. It fills me with a lot of pride. Jenkinson is living the dream and I wish someone like him all the luck in the world. 

Imagine playing for the club you love? How good would that be? I could have played for Arsenal but I was too good and banned from English football. That's a true story. I swear.

There won't be as many players in the Arsenal squad pumped up as much Carl will be for this game. Play him.

Follow me on Twitter @_Wrighty7

Keep It Goonerish.........


  1. "Now I don't think its fair at all that monkey's as talented and fast as Bale are allowed to play in the Premier League but there's nothing in the rule book to stop it apparently"

    Surely I can say the same thing about Walcott? Or would I be deemed racist for refering him to a monkey because he is black? Why is you comment about Bale allowed to stand when an identical comment about a black player be jumped upon instantly? Double standards -Disgusting gooner....

  2. That comment makes no sense whatsoever.

  3. Shameful article, why is this featured on newsnow?

  4. Are you for real Jamesy?

  5. Do you know the definition of the term racism?

  6. ah so Gareth Bale is a monkey but yet you have Bacary Sagna who looks far more like a monkey even has the right skin tone #JustSaying

  7. "the gravelly voiced S*urs manager, offered him a lifetime supply of bananas if Bale managed to help them finish above Arsenal."

    "Now I don't think its fair at all that monkey's as talented and fast as Bale are allowed to play in the Premier League but there's nothing in the rule book to stop it apparently."

    Now I have a deep passion of hate for the Spuds as much as the next Gooner but that is just petty and in bad taste.

  8. Of course.

    Strepsils leave a bad taste.

  9. Good to have you back Wrighty after the last pro-betting blog! Was strange!

  10. Ur a cunt I was their at the library earlier in the season and the loudest you got was when 2 german players scored and anti jewish songs were sung I admit was only a section of fans singing rest were in grossed in their books Id love to bump into you sunday.

  11. So many spuds commenting here what the hell has happened mate

  12. Replies
    1. Good article.... I dnt care about the "racist/no racist remarks....

  13. Your picture looks like you've been caught short masturbating at your desk.

    Clearly from that pic and your idiotic ramblings, you are a total and utter cunt.

    Enjoy your weekend, except Sunday when you will be back trashing at your tiny pecker extra hard to literally beat out the frustrations of a nightmare north London derby for the "gooners who played (and got beat) for Arsenal"

  14. bale's face is curved in the middle like a monkeys face. and for sure those bananas promised him by AVB is making him work harder

  15. bale's face is curved in the middle like a monkeys face. and for sure those bananas promised him by AVB is making him work harder

  16. Well just to point out 2 Cunt Wrighty 7 ur fucking idiotic artical got on spurs news now hence reply by the mighty spurs dont do scum websites so are you going to the game sunday or you an arm chair fan or too scared 2 to come to N17.

  17. Wrighty7. The arsenal bell end who has "chicken balls and special fried rice"
    Tattoo'd in big ass chinese lettering on his arm by the looks of the profile pic. Lol
    Fuck me mate.
    Did you think that looked the dogs bollox when u got it done?
    Stutting around pubs so people could see your big handicapped size chinese lettering tattoo? lol.

    Oh dear. Lulz

  18. gareth bale the monkey! hahaha, good one.meanwhile its just a joke, whats up with all these gooners. gooners can't take a joke nowadays, Wenger's perpetual ineptitude has made everyone grumpy.:(

  19. Tottenham mugs go cooment on your own blogs. Wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers wankers

    You were all born in a brothel, born in a brothel, born in a brothel

    1. Are you George?!?! Hahahaha scared scared gooners

  20. @ Kushagra Pandey

    Because if you post a blog about Spurs it will appear on the Tottenham Hotspur Newsnow page

    Quite simple when you use your brain cell, really

  21. Jamsey2013 - are u sure u never called Keown a monkey? I'm pretty he got it much worse...

  22. Brilliant! One the funniest articles ever! I love how before calling Bale a monkey you said that AVB offered him a lifetime supply of bananas. It sparked my imagination, in a matter of a second it glanced: bananas-Bale's ears-monkey! You appreciate even more when you figured out the joke by yourself. Regarding the game, we'd appreciate it even more if the scoreline will be 5-1 or 6-2!

  23. Wow look at all these illiterate spuds commenting on here. No wonder everyone thinks your a bunch of fucking idiots. School would help son.

  24. its funny to think that arsenal will loose on sunday..tottenham under AVB has conceded 10 goals from arsenal in their last 2 games.besides AVB has not gone close to winning arsenal before.even when he was in chelsea, arsenal trashed him 5-3 in stamford.all records are against tottenham even with inform bale

  25. its funny to think that arsenal will loose on sunday..tottenham under AVB has conceded 10 goals from arsenal in their last 2 games.besides AVB has not gone close to winning arsenal before.even when he was in chelsea, arsenal trashed him 5-3 in stamford.all records are against tottenham even with inform bale

  26. its funny to think that arsenal will loose on sunday..tottenham under AVB has conceded 10 goals from arsenal in their last 2 games.besides AVB has not gone close to winning arsenal before.even when he was in chelsea, arsenal trashed him 5-3 in stamford.all records are against tottenham even with inform bale

  27. LOL, thanks for commenting on the blog.

    I'm surprised it has come up on Tottenham News Now though!

    Says nothing about them in the title.

  28. As a Chelsea fan it sickens me that arsenal fans are so racist. its well out of order.

  29. "Ur a cunt I was their at the library earlier in the season and the loudest you got was when 2 german players scored and anti jewish songs were sung I admit was only a section of fans singing rest were in grossed in their books Id love to bump into you sunday."

    Ha ha. I suppose you don't join in the abuse thrown at Wenger then when you all pipe up?

    Them anti-Jew songs are wrong, I admit that.

    As for loving bumping into me on Sunday. Don't make me laugh. Keyboard warrior.

  30. Lol u spurs twats!

  31. this article is ridiculous and racist! shame on the person who wrote this article.

  32. Hey dumbfuck!!!
    nice article. Totally shows the mentality of filthy gooners.
    A guy is performing so good,that you can't even bear it,but you have to comment on his looks. football is about sportsmanship and not what you motherfucking gootards think. well, you red faced wanker go look up yourself in the mirror. cunt!

  33. Have a read of the article. Properly.

    I think you'll find I'm giving Bale a little compliment in a way.

  34. your article is not complimentary at all. its vile and its racist.

  35. Your Granddad is proud... your Granddad is proooouuuud... Carl Jenkinson, your Granddad is proud!

    Sing it loud and... well ... proud. Proud to have one of us lining up for us.

    I expect nothing short of an excellent performance from the Corporal at the swamp on Sunday.

  36. Wait. Are people really saying calling a white person a monkey is racist?

  37. Im the same guy who said id like to bump into you sunday and your artical came on spurs news now and the only thing you have said worth listening to is anti jew songs are wrong and by the way Im no keyboard worrier I doubt that very much as slow typist you never said whether your an arm chair fan or go

  38. ^^ Why would one worry about their keyboard? ^^

  39. Or, conversely, what worries a keyboard? Sugary drinks? Are you telling everyone you're not a sugary drink? Good for you mate!

  40. Well if you read previous posts this idiot accused me of being a keyboard worrier wot ever the fuck that is.

  41. You're a keyboard warrior. Simple. Threatening over a computer.

    "If you bumped into me Sunday"

    Make me laugh though so cheers.

  42. well wot I said was Id love too bump into you up Spurs Sunday cause ill be their obviously cant back up your comments.

  43. The only thing obvious is that you can't spell.

  44. You'd like to "bump into me" on Sunday.

    What would you do?

    Say horrible things?

    Go lay your head down for an hour or two.

  45. Looking forward to coming back here on sunday to gloat after the "monkey" sinks your leaking Arse of a ship :-)

  46. Ha ha! He may well do that. Playing fantastic at the minute.

  47. lay may head down for couple hours what the fucks that all about clearly armchair fan bored now.

  48. Glad you're bored. You might stop boring me now and go away.

  49. Gooners never change cant make up your own come backs.

  50. Funny that.

    I've seen a couple of comebacks recently.

    5-2 and 5-2 ring a bell?

  51. Spurs fans use the word "yid" yet call wright7 a racist!

  52. That's two good comebacks indeed. Zing!

  53. Calling Bale a monkey isn't racist. It may be in poor taste, though.

  54. Well if Bale can be called something that in this day and age is considered bad taste and yet the gooner scum think its funny then so be it. The wenger bus is coming and all the kids are running it only costs a fiver cause wenger is the driver. Wenger fiddles with your team before each game big fiddler like him. You fucking mugs are getting a good seeing too on Sunday is going to be funny laughing at all you cunts.

  55. funny article! Hey Wrighty if the Spurs twat wants to "bump into you" huck a DVD at him! Shift of power my ass, 10-4 in the last two.

  56. cmon lads give credit where it's due, he has clearly wrote this controversial article to fuel some sort of hate filled discussion and bump up his view count and it's working, even if he is a fucking moron.

  57. Is it racist to point out that he has similar facial features of an ape? What of apes maybe its offensive for them to be compared to a diving derek like Bale.

  58. My goodness, Spud fans, you are so simple, bless you all.
    You do understand that a comment deemed to be racist would need to be derogatory about a persons "race." You simple folk may take time to notice Wrighty is making comment on Bales "Face" not his "Race"
    So Wrighty you, my friend, are today a "facist" you naughty boy.
    Let's all hope monkey-boy is in crap form.
    Love the post Wrighty!

  59. I love reading the comments posted by the Juden followers.

    Mugs, always in our shadows . . . two bob oven dodgers.


  60. Spurs fans saying we are racist is declaring that bale is really from a monkey race :)

  61. Bale looks like a monkey. So what? Walcott looks like lewis hamilton. Cazorla looks a little bit like rat. Lewis holty looks like a shit luka modric. Hahahahaha!!! Anyway good article about Carl. Its great to have more british players af the club and 1s who are proper gooners.

  62. Ha ha ha ha wankstain.your season just ended today.

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  65. Ian Wright I have a lot of respect for you as a former player (legend) at Arsenal but opting to take Lee Dixon or Lauren from retirement to compliment our right-back position is out of this world. Francis Couqelin is a versatile hard working young man who is much better than Aaron Ramsey. He can play in that position and mid-field better than many other EPL players, why not give him chances like what has happened to carl.

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