Wednesday 3 July 2013

Why I Am Backing Arsenal to Be Premier League Winners 2013/14

Some people say I am far too optimistic for my own good. For me that glass isn't half-full, it's full to the brim.

Most, in my view, are probably just being polite and nodding away, whilst inside thinking I am a raving lunatic when I say this, but I think Arsenal will be champions next season.

They are great value to win the league at Betfair and I have to admit I have put £30 at 10/1 for them to do so.

Now please, don't rush me to the funny farm because I am being serious. I haven't gone crazier than the time Frank Lampard entered a pie-eating contest. 

I believe it can happen, just as R Kelly believes he can fly, and I have put my money where my mouth is and backed Arsenal to win the title. Our first since 1543.

We can spend the big money for the first time since, well ever, and are on the brink of signing world-class talents like Higuain and Gareth Barry (cough).

Not only, according to Ivan, can we splash the cash like Elton John in a flower shop but I think the likes of Manchester City and Manchester United will find it difficult this campaign.

David Moyes is a solid manager. In fact he could be a member of the notorious So Solid Crew but I reckon it'll take him time to find his feet at United.

Manuel Pelligrini is another who take time to settle. He is the first Chilean in English football since Adrian Chiles and I think the Premier League might be a culture shock. Well Manchester will be.

For the first time since I was a wee nipper Arsenal seem to be keeping the core of this squad together. It isn't being ripped apart, and with us seemingly looking likely to add decent players, this could be the best chance we've had in a long time to be champions.

Keep It Goonerish......    


  1. Problem is if Arsenal make signings which as we know is highly unlikely

  2. I agree and arsenal have to buy its time now to be a force again

  3. are correct about the raving lunatic part. The team is still filled with the same losers and the bastards in charge can't just give the selling club what they want because of 3/4 mill pounds extra until they lose out. Please keep your sanity. Arsenal at this moment is 4th at best. 5th most likely should gareth bale remain at Spurs especially with the calibre of players like villa and paulinho being added.

  4. I agree with you.

  5. I don't know why you people forget about Chelsea. Besides they have Morinho now, they still have the most talented squad in the EPL.
    I think they will be a tougher side than City or United.

    Good luck to Arsenal

  6. Ha ha ha ha! Men in white coats are on their way. There is being optimistic and there is actually watching what happens at AFC.

  7. cant see why we are messing about over a few million get fellani in early he will make the difference.

  8. I'm backing us winning the double!

  9. can anyone see Higuain coming in? It has been going on for weeks with no result whatsoever. Now the papers are claiming it has been stalled! WTF????

  10. not unless we stop buying injury prone sanogos

  11. there's a reason why no-one's after our players!

  12. You don't mention mourinho at chavski.....????

  13. You don't mention mourinho at chavski.....????

  14. Yaya'S a No Go.........? Let's see...

  15. So with everyone in the far east, who is actually working on the deals for Higuain, Fellaini and any other top players?

    Lost one to City already.... Jovetic.

  16. Wrighty7 is just attention else can you explain such a delusional statement?

  17. hope you put some money when u wrote this article. you would hv made a handsome profit judging by arsenal's position in the league table right now!

  18. Wrighty7,

    It's been 6 months since you wrote this amazing article, but I just read it today.

    Most comments here are that of AAAs (glory hunters) or fans of other clubs who do not understand the internal workings of the Arsenal as a club.

    If you were that optimistic back in July 2013, I wonder how you must be feeling right now. We did not get Higuain or any 'high profile' striker, but we now have Ozil and still top of the EPLl table.

    Though AW cautioned that it is not uhuru yet, and I agree with him. We'll just take it a game at a time and let's see where that leaves us come May 2014. Thank goodness nobody wins the league by popular opinion.

    Please Wrighty7, I like to read from you as the second half of the season unfolds. 'The audacity of hope' of Obama rightly comes to mind. COYG!
