Thursday, 13 November 2008


Let me start by saying that this post is not a dig at Liverpool. Far from it in fact. Its a dig at the media and their hypocritical ways.

Last night in their Carling Cup match with Tottenham, Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez decided against using any of his British born players in his starting line-up. I have no problem with that whatsoever, but what I do have a problem with is the media who haven't picked up on this.

In the past Arsenal have done the same thing, only to be absolutely mullered for doing so by the media. Why haven't Liverpool? Whats the difference between the two clubs? It's bollocks in my view.

Arsene Wenger has been destroyed by the media for picking eleven foreign players to start a game, I haven't heard, seen or read a sniff that Liverpool did the same last night.

I've read before that Arsenal are destroying the England national team by using so many foreign players. It's easy to blame other people when the finger really points a lot closer to home. England aren't that good and the media instead use Arsenal as a scapegoat. I'm fed up with it.

I honestly believe that the media have it in for Arsenal. The commentators for the Arsenal V Manchester United game the other day were so biased for United it was untrue.

The media need to take a big look at how they conduct themselves. Arsenal are slaughtered for using eleven foreign players, why wasn't Liverpool?

Maybe I'm reading into this too much............

Keep it Goonerish..................



    top site for arsenal goals and match highlights

  2. thats a porn site, not arsenal goals and highlights

  3. Belt-up. Arsenal are not the victim in everything.

  4. firstly redtube is a porn site and secondly your absolutely right. The media haven't said anything about Liverpool in fact I wasnt even aware that they didnt start any English players. The media love northern players and clubs

  5. I am a Liverpool fan, and too honest, i didnt even realize your point until you said that. Its very interesting. The reason why you probably didnt see it becuase everyone knows that the heart and soul of the Liverpool squad is english. Steve G and Carragher are staples in the Liverpool squad. And although you are overly observant about last night squad, there arent too many games that Liverpool are going to play with that line up.

  6. You're not reading too much into're exactly right! I've noticed the exact same thing and its annoying.. especially when they try to blame Wenger and Arsenal for 'destroying the England team'?!? Its all just another way for the media and whoever else to hate on us...

  7. I totally agree mate and please don't take this as a pop at Liverpool.

    The media just piss me off, had it been Arsenal last night we would have been accused of having no English back bone, ruining England's chances of trophies...etc..

  8. dont it worry you that there wasnt any british playing for liverpool last night, it would me but i dont need to as we had at least 6 on show tuesday

  9. You're such a fucking chav! Go away!

  10. Good and true point, but i think its due to the fact it was 'the carling cup' and that gerrard is one of englands 'heroes' so if the media rips liverpool, they have to fall on the fact that they have gerrard, carragher and pennant all ''good'' players

  11. Of course the media didn't mention it. Benitez wasn't being portrayed as the chief stifler of good old English football after McClaren's flops fucked up!

    Now Wenger is being seen as thye saviour of English football!

    Which tells you all you need to know about the fickle amoral and effin shite media we have in this country.

  12. the media are pro Man Utd than anything else

  13. what about the fact that chelsea calls out arsenal for playing kids but no one makes a peep about liverpool doing the same and getting crushed

  14. the media are pro Man Utd than anything else.

    After they've finished creaming themselves over Tottenham.

  15. fanner said.. fuck the media, fuck those commendators, fuck the pundits. England's future is in Arsenal !! Arsene rule !!

  16. I can remember when Liverpool had no English players in the starting line up.....

  17. They were all Scots , Welsh and Irish...



  20. I think that in the next few years, Wenger will be getting regular blow jobs from the press once some of the UK youngsters (Walcott, Wilshere, Ramsey, etc) start making the grade, so we really needn't worry - it is already starting now....

  21. add to that that liverpool played an entirely non english team in the 80's (when they were good). Although all players in said team were, british, how is that not a foreign team. They may have been british, but the argument is 'arsenal are ruining ENGLISH football' not british football, so to me, Irish or scottish is no different to french or tongolese. Is someone gonna argue thats not the case?
    id like to hear it (an intelligent argument, not a racist xenophobic twat). bring it!

  22. I don't pay attention to the english media anymore. You need to watch the French media, they love us. Also with coastal erosion the emirates stadium is slowly edging towards France anyway!
    Vive le Gunners

  23. Capello openly praised Arsenal today in the currant bun, telling all how he wished that more EPL sides would follow the youth programme Arsenal utilises, siting Arsenal as the future of English football. About time we were recognised for our contribution to the beautiful game.
    They'll be blaming us for the recession now the England manager has quashed their favorite myth.

    London Gun

  24. Of course the media have it in for The Arsenal. This is nothing new and it will never change so get used to it, boy.

  25. dunno if anyone will agree with me here but
    wat really annoys me is that after we beat man utd, they were so patronizing
    "good for them" little arsenal beat man utd with all their "array of talent"
    i think everyone can accept that it could have gone either way, which is normally the case when we play eachother but the media try to make out man u are out of our league all of a sudden

  26. Your posts have been growing in credibility for the last couple of weeks Wrighty.
    Liverpool is the Obama of the media (Don't get me wrong I support Obama). They along with Man U are able to do anything and everything with little consequences where as Arsenal is always in or creating some sort of a crisis.
    Just look at the English youngsters who are now playing for other clubs thanks to Arsenal's youth system. And look at our Carling Cup team.
    The media are a joke, unfortunately nothing can be done about it.

  27. It's because it's the Carling Cup and no one gives a fuck about the Carling Cup. It's because Liverpool, until Benetiz, had an English, academy-raised spine. It's because Liverpool is English to its Americanised core, and l'Arse has always been a bit suspect in that regard.

    Mostly, it's because there's a giant conspiracy led by the FBI, the CIA and headed by Bond, James Bond, to insult Arsenal, in the hope that Osama bin LAden, an Arsenal fan, will become to irate that he'll stick up his head and give the snipers a clean shot. So shush, Wrighy, you're ruining it for evryone.

    But seriously, notice how the complaints have faded since the emergence of Walcott, and to a lesser extent, of Wislhere?

  28. As for the aftermath of the Man Ure game i found it disgraceful that Clichy's handball which was from two yards while he was trying to get out of the way got a lot more mention than the penalty of Nasri which was blatant and a sending off(that was out of the question). The delibarate and clear foul on Diaby by Carrick was as if it never happened! In the end they found themselves complaining about the referee when the ref played us 70-30 against at home! So yes the media have it in for us for sure!

  29. You know what is more important than that, is the fact that this was Liverpools younger team and there are no English players. So the future for Liverpool is foreign whereas the future for Arsenal is English. That is more worrying yet as you rightly point out, the media say nothing. Guarantee that if it was us we would have been blasted to the high heavens for it!

  30. I'm definately with you on this one mate. It made me so angry when Wenger was vilified by the media and the football pundits of the world for fielding 16 non English players but when other teams do it then nobody notices. Fact of the matter is England as a football team are shit, I have never supported them, in fact I think it's amusing to watch England fans get worked up over a tournament only to be knocked out early. I take some smug satisfaction from this!

  31. it's 'cause liverpool have gerrard and carragher in their starting 11 most games

  32. Wrighty, good point/ blog.

    One thing that puzzles me is that Liverpool have won the FA Youth Cup recently, with local lads, so there is the talent there.

    I think one of their youth team coaches left as they young players were not getting their chances.

    Some of the players on show were poor, like their full backs, who are new, not from the youth, and cost good money. Rafa cant buy full backs.

  33. i too felt during the man utd game the commentators were jumping on every chance to criticise a lot of what they brought up was valid and has been mentioned on arsenal blogs. however the glee in their voices and the sheer number of times they found it necessary to bring them up was infuriating. not only that, but when we were playing better and took the lead they kept finding reasons (ie clichy's hand ball)to insinuate that we didnt deserve it. I remember one incident in the match when a controversial decision went arsenal's way and one of the commentators could be heard saying 'shut up!' away from the mic. i wish i could have seen the look on their faces at final whistle.

  34. its actually more worrying when your reserve 11 is all foreign than when your first team is all foreign. if all the players that are coming through and being trained and improved are all foreign then surely that has a far bigger impact on the future of the English game? Arsenal have always trained English players and most of them ended up going elsewhere to play football but many of them have and do play for England. In terms of technique arsenal train their English players well but are constantly slated in the press for ruining the English game. the media do have it in for us but hey ho, thats the way it is.

  35. I don't think there's anything hugely synical on the part of the media. I just think most people in the sports media are very stupid - Shearer, Hanson, Lawrensen, and co. are right at the forefront of stupidity.

    The trouble these people have is they read everything at face level, with a short-term view. They see an Arsenal starting line-up with some Frenchmen and only one English player. The conclusion is: Arsenal don't have any English players. They are ruining football for the national side.

    Of course, the reality is: Arsenal have the highest proportion of English players in their youth academy than any other Premier League team. Arsenal are also the club to have produced the largest number of young English players currently playing in the Premier League.

  36. anyone pick this up during united game.

    while Ronaldo had dribble through three arsenal players.

    Andy Gray commented that Ronaldo could of left his foot in any of the tackles and taken a dive?

    Wtf whys he promoting diving?
    he talks shit sometimes.


  37. Frankly that's a ridiculous question !! Surely by now you are aware that Liverpool are given a 'free pass' by the media who dare not criticse the club for fear of their outlet being banned from Merseyside. You only have to watch post match interviews with Benitez to see how he's immediately offered an 'easy out' such as a contentious penalty or goal when questioned about a poor result &/or performance.

  38. the english media have been & always will be the biggest bunch of c***s yo will ever come across when it comes to arsenal coverage-they hate us with a vengence & any praise at all is done through gritted teeth-they are MANURE lovers to a man none moreso than sky tv,motd,the sun & talkshite radio-nuff said!!

  39. I thought it was only Wilkins who said anything? And he ended up looking like a cunt anyway

    My view for what it is worth Wenger is spot on to play his kids in this, it's a second rate comp and they should be grateful arsenals kids are so good. Also arsenal go out of their way to make this silly cup more appealing by having entry set at a tenner


  40. They really do hate Arsenal and that's that. Sad thing is it even goes beyond English Media. Look at "Tommy Smyth with a Y." Annoying Manure and Real Madrid fan. Can't even hide it in his commentary. Like most of you gooners said, Arsene Wenger has done more for English football than most through his youth system. I remember Tottenham's players having a bout of food poisoning a few years ago before a crucial champions league spot decider. If their reserve team had the experience Arsene gives his youth team through the carling cup, Jol may have called up some of them. Look at Clichy, Cashley, Song....etc. All products of carling cup boys. Ride on Arsene. The professor knows best!!!!!!

  41. The funny thing is your wrong. Rafa introduced a young RB in the 2nd half, Darby was his name i think.

  42. not really sky sports had a bit of a dig at liverpool for not having any british players.

  43. i am not even w8in for the villa match to get over to write this.. our team should be ashamed of themselves.. even the 'kids' have shown more strength while playing.. no chances and too much inconsistency, thats our style of playing.. u know the best part, our old excuse of being only able to play against 'football' playing teams is also down the drain now.. we need to find someone to break down defences, and arsene if we need something out of this season plz look at winter window.. i think thats our only hope now..
