Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Wilshere is too young to drink MOM champagne!!!

Arsene Wenger's young side should be ashamed of themselves. That was a DISGRACE!!!

Those kids embarrassing those experienced players like that. I mean what were they thinking? Where was the respect?

Loved the performance tonight. Absolutely loved it. It was top notch and these boys played again with no fear what so ever once they crossed that white line.

The lads were a true joy to watch. They stroked the ball around like the first-team, if not better at times, and destroyed an established Premiership side in Wigan who are far from a mug team.

The whole team were excellent tonight and Arsene Wenger should be very proud. The quality shown tonight was unbelievable.

The score finished 3-0 and it could have been more really. It probably would have been more had the influential Jack Wilshere not been substituted. He had to be subbed though, he is so young that it was past his bedtime!

He will be some player though, and he will have to wait until his 18th to drink that MOM champagne!

I could go through the whole team and say how well each individual played. I can't be bothered to do that because I'm tired so I've set up a BOM (boy of the match, they are only young!) poll on the top right of the blog.

Feel free to cast a vote or leave a comment!

Keep it Goonerish.................




  3. United played with Tevez!!! We have Simpson!!! Outstanding performance. Cant believe the average age of 18. Jack Wilshere "man of the match". The future is brighter then ever. Mark Randall will be new Gerard but of his own style. Gunner4ever

  4. Thats nice Arseblogger, I really hope that isn't the well-respected writer of Arseblog.

  5. What a fucking mug Arseblogger is. Fucking idiot!


  7. I've been getting these stupid porno comments on my blog over the last few weeks.

    It cant really be Arseblogger can it?

  8. Arseblogger should go Fuk his MUM........Simpson was easily Man Of The Match.....Shit him and Vela should be ahead of Bender surely!

  9. aoran ramsey . the first 100 million pound player. man of the mach by a street.

  10. I think I would like to hear from Arseblogger before I really believe its him.

    Could be a hacker?

  11. Plenty of good performances tonight, for me it has to be Wilshere or Vela. I see no reason why these two shouldn't be featuring in the league and Europe. Particularly Vela, what more does he have to do to get in front of the frankly average Bendtner?

  12. Sorry, Wrighty, I don't want to nit-pick, but I'm one of those people that has to!

    Of course Wilshere can drink the champagne. He is over the age of 5!

    He cannot purchase it, but he could drink it in a pub. The law only bans you from buying alcohol, and consumption in the bar area, the rest of the pub is okay!

  13. Made a similar comment on the other post, but seriously, Fabianski is already better than Almunia.

    Far better.

  14. Don't ever forget about the way Djourou & Song defended.

  15. You are an absolute idiot Wrighty7!!! Always the first to slag Aresene Wenger off for his youth policy then suck his balls when his philosophy works. A hypocrite and an idiot...

  16. What a result!!!!!! That was some of the best holding football I've seen. Wilshere can keep the ball from anyone, no matter how big or rough they are. Last night he was being knocked over and then just popped back up with the ball at his feet. Absolutely amazing. For the comment about Fabianski being better than Almunia, I think you need to watch the match again and Fabianski's performance last saturday.

    At times he shows a lack of confidence, like coming out to collect a ball. But he is only 23 so he's got a long way to go before he is at his peak. He does look very promising though.

    Vela is going to be a great striker. That chip from outside the box was amazing and shows his vision. Things are looking up Wrighty!!!

  17. Hello mate, I notice you have a link to Carlyluvsunited on your blog.

    You should know that she's a fake, uses pictures of other girls to befriend gullible children and con them out of money. Tried to have a United forum hacked. being investigated for links to child porn. The list goes on. Check my blog out for more details.

    She's not somebody you want to be associated with.
