Tuesday, 16 December 2008

The "Martin Taylor is innocent" campaign will begin again........

I can see Arsene Wenger now. Questioned about the return of Eduardo.

"Eduardo will be like signing a new player"

That's one excuse for him not signing anyone in January I suppose. But to be honest it's true.

Eduardo will be like signing a new player and I can't wait to see him wearing the number 9 shirt on his back again.

Like every Gooner I was shocked and horrified at the injury that Eduardo suffered.

I was angry at the time because I felt that he didn't get the sympathy he deserved from the media.

It turned into a "Martin Taylor is innocent" campaign. I've often wondered how the English media would have reacted had it been Wayne Rooney on the end of a foreign players tackle.....

I suppose what is done is done and we should just be happy that Eduardo can resume his football career.

I hope he has recovered well. Not only for Arsenal's sake but for his career too.

He was beginning to find his feet in the Premiership and began to show us Gooners what he was about. I liked what I saw.

Gooners don't need me to tell them to be patient with him. We all know it will be tough but I think that Eduardo has the character to continue his career.

I actually believe he will come back stronger and even better than before. It will take time but he will get there.

Many Gooners believe we lack a natural finisher. Eduardo can be that man. He reminded me of Robbie Fowler. Robbie Fowler was deadly and Eduardo can be just as deadly.

Fingers crossed for Dudu tonight in his comeback!

By the way, thanks for all the kind comments for yesterdays blog!

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. goooood luck dudu, cant wait until you're 100%. and the post incident support for taylor was an abomination to sport.

  2. totally agree wrighty

    its been a long time, but hopefully dudu can hit the ground running, like you, im not expecting rome in a day and im going to give him as much time as he needs but it would be a real xmas treat if the lad can shoot us to a trophy, there would be nothing better.

  3. I know from hearing from someone close to Cesc that he was very very affected by the media reaction to Eduardo's injury, and I suspect he wasn't the only one in our younbg squad who was upset by it all. They were shocked about how much anti-Arsenal sentiment an injury to Eduardo dredged up.

  4. my only worry is that he could be plagued w/niggly injuries. i really hope not though

  5. If any English international was on the end of a tackle like that from a foreigner then I wouldnt e suprised if they left because of fear for their life. The media stirr so much shit and a lot of fans would probably try go after them.

    Both of Rooneys tackles on the Aalborg players were awful. He could have potentially blinded one and broken the other ones leg yet nothing is done!!

  6. I believe the entire team has been left 'emotionally scared' so to speak, and that Dudu's return will assist the healing process. I for one, will wince everytime the opposition goes anywhere near him. Only God knows how he will cope. Thankfully Eduardo has overcome the physical aspects, let's pray he will deal with the psychological side just as well. I wish him the best of luck.

  7. I believe the entire team has been left 'emotionally scared' so to speak, and that Dudu's return will assist the healing process. I for one, will wince everytime the opposition goes anywhere near him. Only God knows how he will cope. Thankfully Eduardo has overcome the physical aspects, let's pray he will deal with the psychological side just as well. I wish him the best of luck.

  8. He had a good 45 mins

  9. Good to have him back...

    Just hope he will not be as scared as Pires was when he came back...
    He never became quite the same player again...

  10. Good blog as always wrighty...

    it was interesting seeing eduardo back and i thought it good the way he didnt seem scared of a challenge or two.

    quick question: i also write a blog - how did you get yours onto newsnow originally - i think i can get way more members that way...


  11. I agree with you Wrighty.
    But my only concern is when he got another tackle, he might be off for 3 months or more but he's hungry and when a man hungry he will play his best game. Can't wait to see him play and score for us gooners.

  12. nice site you have here wrighty, i was wondering if u fancy swapping links www.arsenaltoday.wordpress.com

  13. Henrik Larsson scored 50 goals the next season after his horrif leg break - it's all about charachter and mental toughness

    I hope Eduardo gets back to where he was quickly and moves on because there is no doubt the geezer is a class act

    But why dredge the Taylor sht back up? It was a horrific, clumsy tackle from a very mediocre player - who gives a sht whether he is innocent or not? Dudu is still playing for a top 4 club, where the fck is Taylor?

