Monday, 15 December 2008

Wrighty7 blog is a year old!


How fast can a year go??

Its been a whole year since I began writing the blog. Many will say that I haven't improved and I'm inclined to agree with them!

I began writing Wrighty7 because I used to write a lot of comments on Arsenal Analysis and thought that maybe I should have a go myself.

I was helped a lot by 1970's Gooner who writes on the blog. To be honest he inspired me to start Wrighty7 and I'd like to thank him for all the help he has given me. It is appreciated a huge amount.

Arsenal Analysis is one of the first blogs I look for every day and I recommend it to anyone.

I'd also like to say thanks to Pedro and Geoff from Le Grove. I think Le Grove is a blog that is misunderstood in many ways. In a year it has grown into one of the biggest Arsenal blogs around. So many read it and contribute, they can't all be wrong can they?

I think Le Grove takes a lot of unfair stick. Pedro and Geoff are only giving an opinion on Arsenal. Same as all the Gooner sites around.

I'd also like to say thanks to all the Gooner sites on my blog roll. They swapped links with me and helped me to build Wrighty7.

Every blog is different and thats what makes them so good!

Newsnow, Goonernews and Arsenal News have helped put my blog out to a wider audience and for that I'm grateful.

From a personal point of view I'm over the moon that I've reached a year of blogging.

I realise that Wrighty7 is not the best written blog around. I try to keep things simple and I think that Gooners relate to me because I write from the heart about my beloved Arsenal.

I will continue to write the blog because I've enjoyed doing it. It's turned from a hobby into an obsession.

Thank you to everyone who has read my blog over the past year and thanks to those who have left comments!

Keep it Goonerish.................


  1. Well done mate.

    Keep up the high-quality articles. :)

  2. Congratiolations!!!

  3. well done mate. You do write from the heart and thats what I like, because you are normally spot on. Fancy websites dont do much for me, but the content and message are important, so basically keep it up.

  4. well done wrighty keep it up!

  5. Wrighty mate, keep up the solid work and I hope you're around for more years to come. Have lurked for a while and always check here for your opinion (you write from the heart, its obvious, and a true gooner at that) and will definitely take you up on that offer for help sooner than later :)

  6. Well done on the first year Wrighty7. Good stuff.

    The posts over the weekend provoked some good debate. I know we all want to make Cesc feel warm and loved at Arsenal, but don't you think he needs to pull his socks up and get proper stuck in as well?

    Its hard to see in our current midfield who the "world class player" is, and it certainly isn't Cesc on current form.

    I love Csec to bits but I reckon Xabi Alonso would much prefer to play with Gerrard and Mascherano.

  7. Happy Birthday Wrighty7!

    Keep it going mate...

  8. Wrighty7,

    I agree that you aren't the best written but I will also agree that you write from the heart and are usually correct in what you say.

    Yours is a very underrated blog and you continue to be fresh in what you write.

    You never copy other blogs and try to keep things different!

    Good luck in the future Wrighty!

  9. Hey Wrighty, happy birthday mate and many more!

  10. I must say this is my favourite Arsenal blog I admire your positive outlook on all things Arsenal and the balanced inteligent view you put across.

    Keep Up the good work fella.


  11. good site

    Happy birthday

    Mark C

  12. well done wrighty, you're never afraid to express an opinion and that's refreshing.

    I don't think any of this is about being right or wrong, it's about discussing things and seeing where other people are coming from, as opposed to banning dissent and polarising the debate like the Sun.

    A lot of people read the Sun, doesn't mean it's any good though, just says what a lot of people want to read, and there is a big difference.

  13. also wanted to add wrighty, your blog especially along with one or 2 others was one of the inspirations for my own blog. keep on truckin and happy bday

  14. Happy birthday Wrighty7, keep on keeping it goonerish!

  15. Well done Wrighty.

    I always enjoy your site.


    Big Raddy


    Here's to another year of you keeping us entertained with your great blog!

    Have a Peroni on Le Grove and keep up the good work!


  17. Happy 'B.Day' Bro, Just love this Site..
    Keep doing What You Doing Mate, We really 'apreciate' what You've done 4 One Year, so Thanks Bro and God Bless ya.

  18. Happy Birthday Wrighty

  19. Well done on the year Wrighty; suffice to say i do not always agree with some of your comments but you do talk a lot of sense, as shown by how big your blog has become!

    Congratulations and happy Xmas to you, and all Gooners out there


  20. Happy birthday Wrighty keep up the good work

  21. happy birthday mate

    keep up the good work dude

  22. tbh....your blog and arsenal news review are the only two i read mainly..unless others have an interesting and appealing title i dont even bother...i guess the more logical but rather pessimistic view on current arsenal news is arsenal news review and he even has some inside knowledge (whether true or not) on the club especially about finances etc..but your blog always gives me optimism which i you're kind of a straight shooter too! i have commented a few times thou but i tend not to do it alot cause other people usually cover what i have to keep it up wrighty...heres for a decade more!

  23. Well done mate.
    Keep up the good work. I always reading your blog as sometimes you have the same opinion as me.
    Great job.

  24. Congrats on a year and keep the excellent articles coming. Your blog is actually what inspired me do start my own, so you've sort of passed on the blogging legacy. Congradualtions again on a year!

    Fab 4

  25. congrats to u wrighty, u are one of my favorite Arsenal blogger. keep it up bro!!

  26. Thanks for all the kind comments!!!

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