Friday, 19 December 2008

Rio Ferdinand must be "murking" the English media

Rio Ferdinand says that Wayne Rooney can become the best centre-forward in the world. He must be up to his usual pranks then!

Ferdinand fancies himself as a bit of a prankster so this comes as no surprise. He is "murking" the English media, expect him to pop out at any time to announce that he "murked" everyone.

Wayne Rooney is good. But the best centre-forward in the world? I dont think so.

I think that he is over-hyped because he is English. We English love to go over the top. Especially the media.

If Rooney was Spanish or French we would be saying that he is good but not great.

I spoke to a Spanish guy on holiday and he said that David Villa would piss all over Rooney, I was inclined to agree with him.

As I've said, Rooney is good. He works hard for the team and you have to give him credit for that, and he does have some ability, I can't deny that but the best, I think not.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. haha rooney and rio there a joke

  2. i think rio should be tested for drugs again

  3. watsup wrighty. to me, david villa is more of a natural CF striker, hes got that instinct. Rooney has the natural instinct/football brain but not the mentality/discipline. villa is more like henry in that they wait for their chances and save up for this windows of opportunity. rooney overdoes it a bit i think. if he can overcome that he could come really really good

  4. jonjon nip over to th other side... raif has got a blog..

    Sorry Wrighty avenell here..

    Fuck off! ha. ha.

  5. HI,i was wondering are you interested in link or banner exchange.I waithing for you answer.

  6. I don't think there are many better than Villa in europe right now (we cant say the world because there is probably some ridiculously talented 15 year old brazilian we haven't heard of yet).

    In fact Villa and Torres are probably miles ahead of most right now.

    After that there is a group of 7/8 top drawer strikers, I'd have Rooney in that

    This 'it's because he's english' argument only ever comes from the gooners are obsessed by thinking everyone has it in for their foreign legion


  7. But everyone does cuntchops
