Monday, 22 December 2008

This is why it's frustrating to be a Gooner!

When Arsenal went down to ten men yesterday I must admit I feared the worst.

Liverpool were controlling the game up to that point but the sending off changed everything, surprisingly in Arsenal's favour.

The attitude shown from the Arsenal players after Adebayor's dismissal was top class.

The red card created a siege mentality throughout the Arsenal ranks, the players worked their socks off.

Gooners who attended the game should be proud of themselves. The atmosphere was electric and this buoyed the players who responded with a real backs to the wall performance.

The players at Arsenal really frustrate me. The commitment shown when going down to ten men is what we Gooners what to see all the time.

I've lost count of the number of times this season when I have seen lacklustre performances and the players look like they don't want to be there.

Why does this squad only seem up for it when we are up against it???

If Arsenal played like they did when we went down to ten men yesterday all the time then most Gooners would be satisfied.

We want to see the players giving everything and I couldn't begrudge them defeat if I saw that they were giving their all.

Arsene Wenger is right, these players do have character. I've seen it against Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool.

But the problem is we don't see enough of it.

Keep it Goonerish.................


  1. spot on Wrighty.
    All we want is to see them show some bollox.
    The crowd certainly showed some and the team responded.

  2. This article couldn't be more right.

  3. Well, I must admit to having the same thoughts but then, it is one thing to put in a do or die pereformance for 25 minutes at the end of critical game like yesterday, it is a completely different thing to do that for 90 minutes in every game. The players were on their knees at the end of the game yesterday and it is too much to expect that for the full 90minutes - although it would be nice. It does show what they are capable of, however.

  4. praise to denilson and song!wut a work rate.but diaby was VERY frustrating.too slow, too laid back, didnt seem to care and always let the ball off easily

  5. Commitment is the key word.If they all played with the commitment of a Ray Parlour i wouldnt mind if they were relegated.

  6. wrighty7 remember me? i was the cute blond who let you tea bag me! :) Drop me a line if you wanna meet up again xxxx

  7. AW continues to be linked with potential stars rather than the established star. As someone wrote in his final days at Monaco,he replaced the older players with younger ones.The rest is history.
    I for one feel he has been getting away with his policy which for the past few seasons have not been working.
    Well in spite of what he says about the title,I think as far as Arsenal are concerned it's gone not mathematically as yet.If he aint careful Arsenal could even miss out on one of the cl places. Then what?
    Tear up his blueprint and admit he' wrong or continue with it and the transition which has been said these past seasons.
    Let me state categorically no one is bigger than the club.Yes his methods may work not now but in two years time. The immediate future is of utmost concern to all gunner fans.
