Sunday, 1 February 2009

£31 million pounds worth of s**t down at White Hart Lane

I have to laugh.

I've just spoken to a pal of mine who happens to be a Spud (unfortunate I know)

After the Spuds defeat by Bolton my pal has informed me that they have £31 million pounds worth of shit down at White Hart Lane.

He is crying into his beer because the £31 million pounds worth of shit is £31 million pounds of Arsenal rejection, a fact I love reminding him of!

Bentley and Palacios happen to be two players who couldn't succeed at Arsenal. Now they find themselves at Tottenham wondering where it all went wrong.

Keep it Goonerish...............


  1. how is Palacios shit!! How we can do with him now at Arsenal!! He's way ahead of Denilson n Song anyday!!

  2. LOL! Things that make you go..Hmmmm!

  3. Denilson will be 10 times the player that Honduran ever will be..

    look at the stats moron, top 3 passing, assists and some goals this season on Denilson. Palacios 30 games 10 yellow card and not a single goal...

  4. wrighty why are you advertised on newsnow when its just a site for you and your buddies. I made a simple unoffensive post on your previous blog to the internet tough guy "spike" simply because he saw fit to attack "paul". Yet strangely you remove the post. Strange but true, so in future I wont make the mistake of clicking on your posts as you seem happy with the 3 or 4 guys you have.

  5. Suddenly I dont feel as upset as before. Arsenal are invincible compared to the spuds and arsenal fans should remember that.
    Thanx for the uplift Wrighty7

  6. Agree with anon. Palicios will "in time" be one of their best players. IMO he is better than song and on par with denilson. Denilson still needs years to become a great player. If these arsenal rejects are worth so much then "in theory" Eboue and song should be worth over £40 million. Sadly, thats not the case; their probaly worth £8 million for the pair.

  7. Plus Palacios was played when he was supposed to be suspended.

    Spurs should therefore be deducted 5 points.

    Will it happen?

  8. mysterious anon nerd;

    Innoffensive fella?

    You called me a gimp and fool!" maybe that passes for polite chit chat in your secure unit, but down our way thats considered kinda rude!

    And where did i attack Paulie?

    Didnt happen, so its probably a good thing your likkle posts are being blocked.

    Move along...

  9. I think Palacios & Bentley are good players, but under bad management and in a team that has no importance they will suffer. Both players could've flowered under Wenger and if Bentley hadn't demanded moving on he would be a first team player now and an England regular. Palacios is one that got away when Wenger had him but obviously didnt impress on his trial, but maybe Arsene regrets it now because he looks like exactly the player we lack. Amazing to think that we had Flamini, Gilberto, Palacios, Diarra last year & let them all go....

  10. I really havent seen enough of palacios to have an opinion, but if the spuds paid £14m for him, that means he's worth about half that! Its a shame that when we had him, we were full to birstin with central midfielders, otherwise he'd still be at Arsenal now.

    Bentley is a rat faced twat! Instead of workin hard and keepin his head down, he got all charley big spuds, thought he was better than he was and burnt his bridges, again, if he'd stayed he'd be playing.... second fiddle to Theo........ or club AND country!

  11. well soon see if palacious is better than denillson in a few days....

  12. Well, not if the spuds get done for playing him against Bolton yesterday, as he was supposed to be serving a ban, apparantly.

  13. Goonblogger, check out the rules, Palacios was suspended for 2 more games after he left Wigan. The Carling cup game and the Fa cup game. Therefore he was free to play against Bolton. It doesn't matter that he was cuptied for those 2 cup games, he has served his suspension. End of story. Like if a player is injured while he's suspended, same principle. Get your facts right idiot, but I know you arses like to make up crap about us. Oh by the way, I bet you could do with Palacios and Bentley in your squad right now eh? Looking forward to Sunday, at least we can score a couple of goals. I think you will see a motivated side for that game.

  14. Could they possibly take one more reject, Eboue is really embarrassing. The diving, histrionics and overall selfish, lazy play is appalling. Personally I think Palacios will come good for them but Bentley is a loudmouth wanker constantly talking s**t. Sell Ade somewhere else swap Toure for Richards and buy the meanest DM you can find. Someone who is taking names and gives us protection for the back four. This si all based on Arshavin coming in as well. If Gallas leaves this summer get what you can for him and buy Hangeland or Upson. Hangeland and Richards sounds pretty nice huh? Djourou for cover, Troare back gives cover on the left and all will be well.

  15. bubble

    You sure about that mate? Seems a bit weird that even tho a players inelligible for a competition, like the carling Cup and FA Cup, he still serves his ban. Weird

  16. Oh and Im sure the spuds will score a shit load of goals... in the Championship!

  17. Not keen on this blog at the best of times but do browse it occasionally. This post fits right in with the usual crap I expect from it.

    When you are having to have a dig at Spurs well that to me shows how far Arsenal have fallen this season and IMO the fans are becoming as deluded as the Spurs fans they mock.

    Fact both the players you refer to would easily get in this Arsenal side. Bentley or Eboue - I know who I would prefer. Palacious would be a welcome addition compared to having to watch the shite that is Denilson & Diaby.

    I also hate this blog because it is so far up Arsene's arse its scary.

    Wake up Arsene and Arsenal fans. What a joke of a post - pathetic.

  18. Joppa Road,

    I suggest you don't read the blog then mate and stick to your own.

    As for being up Wengers arse??!! You must be joking!

    If he deserves critiscm then he will get it from me.

    My previous posts can vouch for that!

  19. FFS! Now we aint even sposed to slate the spuds on occasion now! Joker!

    I also find it sad that due to a sheep mentality, the likes of Denilson will never get any credit for the improvement he's made this season. Its like, well, someone told me he's shit, so he is and always will be... Baaaaaa

    Palacios may well get in our current midfield, given the injuries, but at the time, he was surplus to requirelents, in hindsight he shouldve been signed.. But £14m??? Jeeeez

  20. im a tottenham fan i think captaincy and leadership is ruining us, why is ledley king first captain wen he doesnt play if we put woodgate captain maybe a more leadership role would come out of the lane more often, and palacois shit?? not a perfect start but we changed shape becos of dofeo injury and hes was doing wrong thing,

  21. I just fear that if we are not careful this season could become the norm and players such as Almunia, Denilson, Eboue, Bendtner, Diaby (although I hope Diaby can become good) and dare I say Ade will also become the norm.

    Despite what Wenger has said all season its clear almost have the current team are not good enough. Moving to the new stadium seems to of taken us backwards IMO - just look at the calibre of player we have now. Am I wrong here? Slowly (but very cleverly by Arsenal) we are beginning to accept the current situation despite our fans paying the highest ticket prices etc. To not strengthen this team which it looks like we wont is just sheer madness. I don't want Wenger to go but you have to say this season is just not good enough.

    Just because I dont agree with this blog doesnt mean I shouldn't comment.

  22. We have started to lower our expectations every season with this squad. These lads probably need some inspiration.

  23. agree, am so hoping we can get Arshavin. At first I wasn't too keen but now think we should do everything we can to get him. I am amazed no one else is in for him.

    Just out of interest I missed the news saying Huntalaar had gone to Madrid. Really rated him, how much did he go for and when?

  24. Again, i dont agree that fans are lowering their expectations, well not all of them. I dont know where this kinda shit comes from? Its like if you say something often enough, people will believe it!

    Like when you list players that are apparantly not good enough; Bendtner, Denilson??? They have shown real signs that they are good enough, the question is, why arent there more players in the squad so we arent relying on young players week in?

    The move to the new stadium was always goona affect transfer funds, we were all told this shit before and back then, when we had the likes of bergkamp, henry etc, we all (probably!) agreed that it was worth the sacrifice. Now, those players have gone, it dont look like such a good idea!

    I dont agree either that half the team aint good enough, either. There are definitely places up for grabs, hopefully arshavin will be replaceing a certain RB turned right winger sooner rather than later!

  25. Huntelaar went for about £25m I think, with add ons making as much as £30m.

  26. theres alot more than 31 million pounds of shit a hell of alot more, tbh wee need a spark, and truly all our midfeilders( except rosicky) are so young theres no strong experience there to guide the young players through hard days, only a bunch of youngsters and eboue who cant lase the boots of jac wilshire and jac still doesnt get a game

  27. Spike, true but we dont have enough experience in the squad to bring these youngsters on like we used to. It would hurt for him to spend a few quid on quality. Then maybe it would take the pressure off the likes of Bendtner, Denislon etc because at the moment they are not good enough.

  28. Joppa Road "Moving to the new stadium seems to of taken us backwards IMO".

    You gotta be kiddin me... How could moving to the new stadium would had taken AFC a step backwards. Financially, our club is doing really well and in a few years to come we will be able to spend OUR OWN MONEY on anything. Remember dude.. we don;t owe anyone anything, while the rest of the clubs have to be arse lickin some billionaire who can leave em any day..

    Liverpool is hoping and hoping they could have a new stadium? For what? MONEY! So, don't give me this BS that the new stadium took AFC a step backwards.

  29. BTW Wrighty, I think some of your previous posts had been great. But IMO this is not needed. Seriously ask yourself, is Bentley and Palacious really shit? We can seriously do with them now. I mean not for 14 million, but I won't agree that they're shit. A lot of star players today are Arsenal rejects, they are still class. Upson? Yaya Toure? Ronaldo almost signed, Eto almost signed... Many many more...

    Also, if people wanna have a go at Arsene, let it be.. Personally I'm a great fan of him (for his football style) but not everyone is like us. Some expect us to perform by winning. I mean, you're not defendin a manager who had won a treble last season.. Its been 5 years since Arsene won anything big. I mean he can be a great Accountant, he can be a good Youth team coach. But as a manager I think he's great but i accept the fact that not everyone thinks so.

  30. majaa I dont agree. To say we don't owe anyone anything is just laughable and shows a sense of naivety. Lol. nope only we only owe anything from £250M to £450M depending on what figures you believe. Truth is we dont have money to spend on player and wont do for another 10 to 20 years unless we get some outside backing.

    Its not just the financial side of things I was talking about anyhow. I think the club has lost something since moving. The history seems to be going too. Look at the badge, the kit - shocking.

    I too don't want to see Wenger go as he is the best we have ever had but I am getting tired of the excuses and the way expectations are being lowered with no real explanation of why. If we are skint come out and say it. Don't keep treating the fans like idiots. One minute we are richest club in europe / 7th in the world yet we can afford 15M for Arshavin. Something isn't right behind the scenes.

  31. Since 2004 AW has handed the initiative to the red faced.I don't know about the money available but since then the gunners have declined and the latest is AW asking the fans to be patient.
    This has been going on for a number of years. This cannot be allowed to go on otherwise Arseanl will become like Newcastle, MC or even Wigan.
    If AW had only added something to the squad in the summer things would not have been so so bad. High profile departures were replaced by kids and here we have AW pleading for patience.
    IT's time he knows this can't go on forever until his experiment bears fruit.
    Time is of the essence and all epl teams are constantly acquiring players to improve the team with immediate effect not unti five years time. This is a lesson for the Arsenal manager.It's time for his experiment with kids to stop and get someone who can play in the senior team now not in two years time.

  32. To be honest im glad we have moved foward in our stadium. 2 of the richest clubs in the world are real and barca, by whom they get all ther money from shirts, ticket sales, members etc.
    We will be like these teams soon enough.
    The future is bright for arsenal.

  33. Yes we do owe a sum, but which club doesn't? At least our accounts is in papers.. We have a PLAN. Like i said earlier it'll probably take some years before we can settle all these after which we can be one of the richest football clubs. But I will not agree that FINANCIALLY we are moving backwards.

    But I do agree with what you're saying.. Something is really wrong with the team mentality, something is wrong with the way Arsene deals with his players. Something is wrong with the way the management deals with transfers and the press conferences. Im getting tired of the excuses as well.. I mean they don't Adebayor's wage to 80k pw(i arte him very lowly) but they cannot afford another 5k for flamini(he's only earning 5k more in milan)? It does get really irritating at times. But i guess Arsene is the kinda guy who's very secretive, so we cant really judge wat happened.

    I will say Arsene shud be blamed for the team mentality. Henry said he's thinking of moving, he got a mega contract and captaincy, gallas said some shit, he was the captain next, adebayor said he wanted to fuck off he was given another mega contract, cesc was thinking of spain, he was given the captaincy, kolo applied for transfer next game he's vice captain, eboue was booed, next he's in starting line up ahead of everyone else. WTH...

    I understand your frustration... Cheerz..

  34. I think the transfer problems originate with the board, I am sure as a football man Wenger would want to work with the best possible players. The problem seems to be that Arsenal are always trying to get a bit knocked off. The haggling is all good but one of my friends put it best (Man U fan); when Man U want a player they get that player, it doesn't matter what they have to do, they get him. Arsenal do not do this. An extra 2/3 million in the summer could have got us Alonso, Arteta, etc and the extra revenue from finishing higher in the table would have compensated.

  35. It is only arsenal who value and cry over ex-players even when they are not playing well. Gilberto was going down.. Veira was going down Flamini was not honest Diarra wanted to be played more often than flamini so he left. Palacios is no where near denilson. Offer denilson and see the offers which would come in for him

  36. bubble9, how sad you have to come onto An Arsenal site and cry like a baby, you still hovering just above bottom, still sad, still shite and still 'forever in our shadow

  37. I am not an arsenal or a spurs fan but lets get a few things right, Palacios is soooo much better than Denilson, i think he is massively average only so often showing glimpses of potential. Bentley, well he's a pre maddona who deserves the position he is in. Fact is Arsenal are a selling club and Spurs are a buying club, how many of you 'Gooners' or Goons wish your board was as willing to splash the cash like Spurs, it might end your four year wait for some silverwear.

  38. £31mil of s**t ? what about THAT wonder goal Bentley scored against the Goons last year, that was s**t right ? I creamed my pants when Bentley scored that gem, all went quiet (like the Library) except for a bundle of players, copper and stewards on Bentley, classic! Palacious, s**t ? That's why the two Manc clubs were after him before we nabbed him, and Bruce saying he was Wigan's best player...come back when you've wiped the s**t out ya gob...

  39. palacios is not an arsenal reject, he never played for us, wenger did not sign him because he couldnt have so many similar players(which at the time were gilberto silva, flamini and diarra), it was flaminis fault for giving his word that he would stay, wenger truting him let other players go and dint sign palacios either and now we are left with on defensive midfielders...flamin b*stard

  40. yer there both shit just like diarra ayyy, hmmm i think not hes a beeter player than anyone you have and you were stupid to let him go to us(pompey) just to prove you wrong, a player who stands out in a world class set of players at real madrid, come on you blues

  41. Goonblogger said...
    Plus Palacios was played when he was supposed to be suspended.

    Spurs should therefore be deducted 5 points.

    Will it happen?

    01 February 2009 20:46

    actually you spasticated gooner scum, The suspension picked up from 5 yellow cards is effective as of the SUNDAY after the final yellow car is recieved.

    Typical gooner.

    Palacios is what your team needs, not a tottenham reject like Arse-shaving.

    This blog is amazingly narrow-minded and immature. I like the fact that you dont have anything intelligent to write about, therefore result to slagging off better footballers than your own.

    Grow up and write about current issues you numbnut.
