Monday, 2 February 2009

Arshavin must think it's summer in England!

I've just seen Sky Sports and Andrei Arshavin was outside his hotel wearing a pair of bermuda shorts, sun glasses and some flip flops.

He is in his element. Despite the weather freezing every British person's bits off, Arshavin wanted to top up his tan.

I was almost in tears this morning because of the cold, however the Russian's would eat this weather for breakfast.

Arshavin basking in the equivalent of a Russian summer over here is great news for Arsenal. The deal should finally be done.

It has taken an age but we are almost there. The 6th best player in the world is set to join. It will be a boost to the club and us Gooners. Going by recent displays we need him.

Let's not expect miracles straight away, he isn't match fit. When he gets that fitness back he will be a great signing for the club.

With Arshavin signing, Fabregas, Walcott, Eduardo and Rosicky to come back from injury Arsenal look strong enough to finish in the top four at least. I actually fancy a top three finish.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. yup lets hope so wrighty

  2. Ha ha funny blog mate!

  3. Yup.. Lets hope!!!
    If this goes through... We will get a little bite back in our attack.

  4. Nirmit,

    Surely its gotta happen???!!

  5. Rahul,

    We could have a very potent attack when everyone is fit and Arshavin arrives.

    I think Arshavin is like Hleb with balls.

  6. Wenger wished for snow to make all us Gooners have the day off work and watch the story unfold.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  7. Don't get your hopes up, he's just on standby if Zenit, Arshavin, and Arsenal can all come to an agreement.

    I'm going to say it's still 50/50. I think he'll have be a huge bonus even when not playing. Many clubs speak of the added spark a new face around the place has, and it will take the media attention off of our failure to bring in a new player and onto the impact of Arshavin. All great things.

  8. A sign from God that he is a Gooner and he wants Arshavin lol. Should help Arshavin mae England a 2nd home ;)

  9. I really want him to join as I think the boost he'll give the fans and the team will be huge especially as we enter the final stages of the season. However I still can't get over this small feeling that something is still going to happen to bugger this deal up. Fingers crossed and at least we'll know either way in 7hrs .


    Sky Sports news reports that hes going to the Airport cos Arsenal dont wanna pay the money!


    I'm sick of this

  11. It's not gonna happen boys. He looks lost. If Arsenal were in for him he'd be out of sight.

  12. It aint gonna happen! Arsenal are being to stubborn and he is now gonna get snatched from under our noses you'll see.

  13. Just seen on sky sports he's heading back hone after we failed to meet his wage demands.

    Have we not learned our lesson with Alonso and Ribbery!

    Maybe if we stopped paying midiocre players (Song, Eboue, Adebayor)such a higher proportion of our wage bill, maybe just once in a while we can push the boat out!

    Bllody hell where's the ambition!!!

  14. If its true we only offered half his current wages and we pay Adebayor £80,000 then I very, very, VERY confused!

  15. Im sorry Wrighty 7 but one day you are going to have to see what is going on here. Despite all what you say this club is in big trouble now. When I say trouble I mean there is a strong likely hood we will fall into the bracket of mid table.

    For us not to be able to afford £15M for a player when Bolton are bidding that says everything to me. We now know when Wenger was letting experience go it wasn't because he wanted to bring the kids on it was because he had to lower the wage bill because we are skint.

    Clearly currently half the team we have are simply not good enough yet he comes out with the same old nonsense every week and treats us like children.

    What the fuck is going on? The club is in big trouble. Serious questions need to be asked of the board now.

  16. Joppa Road,

    I understand your fear mate.

    By the way, the only reason I said don't comment on here anymore was because you said the blog was shit.

    I know the blog isn't the best around but I thought that was out of order mate.

  17. Ok apologies for that, I am just worried and pissed off. Personally I don't like to see Arsenal fans worry about what is going on at Spurs as they arn't worth it - who cares. I just care about Arsenal and I will admit I think this could be a massive blow. I was thinking to myself well if we get Arshavin we have something to inject some life back into the team and prove my fears wrong. Unfortunately its looks as if I will be proved right. I really fear for them now. I fear for Wenger - he has obviously had his hands tied by the board. If we lose Wenger then we really are in big trouble.

    Also what does this say to the likes of RVP, Fabregas and Walcott with contacts coming up. Not happy times. I expect better.

  18. ps.hopefully by the end of the day you can call me a twat and we will have signed him. I hope I am wrong.

  19. More fuel to the fire, we have no money... when will all the dreamers wake up.

    Certain blinded blogs are very keen to point the way of the annual reports, PMSL.

    If wenger slapped them across the face, ten times, and said " we have spent 400m (ish) on a new stadium, we have some of it loaned to us, there is a 100m + payment due this spring to the banks, i have had no choice but to use a youth policy... they would still not get it.

    It's almost unreal how stupid some are. Leboss has AGAIN made reference to his lack of funds when asked why manure are so many points ahead of us.

    WAKE the phuck up you goons.

  20. Joppa road,

    No worries mate.

    I only wrote that to add fuel to the fire of derby week!

    Little bit of banter!

    Its true that these are worrying times for Arsenal.

    We seem to be facing an uncertain future

  21. talks ongoing...I want you to be calling me a twat by 5pm!

  22. ArsenalAngRy........What is going it only the fans who care...what is the real problem..I wish someone in the dressing room would do some straight talking.IT IS TIME TO PUSH THE BOAT OUT!!I still dont think we will lose any more league games this season!

  23. Hi Wrighty! a day off then?

    Sky sports are telling us all this bullshit hoping some of it is true.

    but it's arsenal that are lying...

  24. Gutted we really have fallen by the wayside.

    Ive had enough. If AFC think im paying £1300 for my season ticket next year they have another thing coming I wont pay it.

    We dont want blockbuster names just quality first team ready players.

    I will wear black at the next home game and will not purchase any refreshments or merchandise until there is a change.

  25. Lads dont worry: Arsenal In Ongoing Talks With Zenit Over Arshavin - Report
    Despite reports that surfaced earlier indicating the contrary, the Arshavin deal is not off. Zenit and Arsenal remain at loggerheads over the fee indicating that an agreement could still be reached...

    Andrei Arshavin's long-drawn out move to Arsenal looked as though it could have been frozen out this morning, as the north London club and Zenit agreed no fee for the player's services.

    Earlier reports suggested that the Gunners could not afford to pay Zenit's negotiated valuation. The UEFA Cup winners rated their second striker as a £20 million commodity, but since talking to Arsenal that valuation decreased to £15 million.

    Arsenal though have yet to increase their fee from the last rejected bid of £12 million plus £3 million of add-ons.

    According to Sky Sports talks are continuing this afternoon in an attempt to salvage the transfer.

    If a fee is agreed then Arshavin will not have far to travel as he is already stationed in north London.

    The transfer deadline is currently set at 17:00 GMT.

    FA Premier League general secretary Mike Foster earlier explained though that the Premier League were talking to the FA and also to FIFA in order to see if the deadline can be pushed back a further 24 to 48 hours because the inclement weather conditions is having a direct effect on players, agents, and clubs moving from one end of the country to the other.

  26. great blog wrighty finally a positive blog.i sadly cant see arshavin signing in the next 2 hours because of our cheap sick of all this doom and gloom around arsenal blogs.okay were fifth but chelsea are slipping and villas luck will run out so we should secure fourth spot.on the arshavin subject im just pissed off as anybody as i think he could of made a huge difference.

  27. It seems Joppa Road is a twat! ;)

  28. Check out his stats on wiki he has contribute to around 20 goals every season for the last 9 seasons with Zenit, either scoring or assists. In 2007 he contributed to 40 goals for the club, scoring 15 of them and 25 assists.


  30. Hey Wrighty! don't stop writing your blog!

    i am a regular reader but don't leave comments that often, (actually this is my 2nd time hehe)

    and i really appreciate your work!
    i'm sure others do as well!
    the ones that call your blog shit can read something else, simple as that!

    keep up the good work! :)

  31. Thanks ArsenalDK,

    It really is appreciated mate.

  32. Wrighty why and who keeps calling you a record thief lolllllll
