Sunday 17 May 2009

Michael Owen on a free?

I know what you are thinking. Shut up Wrighty7 you divvy bastard. I thought the same thing myself!

But think about it. Owen may seem past it and more over the hill than Joan Collins but maybe, just maybe, he could do a job for us. A two-year pay as you play deal perhaps?

Owen is hugely experienced and has scored goals for fun over the years, at every level. Surely he still can?

People say that he is more interested in his horses than his football career. What an opportunity to prove those doubters wrong.

Wenger took a risk on Bischoff last summer. Why not Owen? A hungry Michael Owen, who still is only 29, can cut it at the top. I'm sure of that.

He's available on a free transfer in the summer. Got to be worth a sneaky look?

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. he wud surely be worth a punt - but his wages mite be a problem. if we were to sign him, he cud at least offer some pointers to bendtner on how to put ball in goal as well as his experience rubbin off on the other young forwards in the team. i wud deffo give it a go.

  2. No way, sorry wrighty but your way off with this. We've already got the best goal poacher in the world in Eduardo. Plus that we've already got vela and simpson who have much better all round play than owen. Remember owen can't actually run and his link play is rubbish. Not even worth a punt.

  3. Same type of player as Eduardo apart from Ed is awesome. Don't need him. Need a Huntelaar!

  4. He would be an ideal signing.....there is nothing like a new player in the sick ward to cheer up rosicky,clichy Rvp etc

  5. COYS??

    More like cheese and onion Mccoys!

  6. Would be a good player for the youngsters to learn from

  7. HA owen fuck off and take wenger and ade with ya.............

  8. Oh jesus fucking christ no

  9. I was thinking about what would happen to Owen when the magpies go down. For me, Owen for Arsenal simply won't work. We already have Vela and Eduardo who are our goal poachers. Owen is on decline, I can't see him scoring in those games where teams park the bus, you know kinda like yesterday...

  10. As has been pointed out in the press recently, he might only have 8 goals this season but he's got the highest chance conversion rate in the Premier League. Better than Torres, better than Drogba, better than Ronaldo. Oh yeah, and better than Adebarndoor. On a free he's got to be worth a few goals for us, and if we can negate his injury pronenss by working out some sort of pay as you play deal with him he's worth a punt.

  11. Id rather put walcott as CF(2nd choice behind edu) he'll scare people with his pace..and buy a proper RW..someone in the lunjberg mould..someone who can score from outside the box unlike owen..

  12. This is totally off the subject but i dont do i blogg and i think there is something that needs to be said and Wrighty you have a good blogg - so apologies for intruding.

    Its about time the fans yes the fans started shwoing the players that they also care about them too. Yes we have been shite this year i admit, but we want to keep he majority of these players for next year and the way we have been acting towards them and what they have heard us said maybe i would consider do these fans still want me here DO THEY CARE. We hardly ever sing indivdual players names anymore there is not the same connection with the players IMO I could go on about this alot more but I wont, So after the stoke game lets show these players we do care are and we are willing to get behind the team reasdy for next year!!! COME ON YOU GOONERS!!!!!!

  13. Dude.We already have enough injury prone players.WAKE UP!!!!!

  14. I'm awake! Its just an idea

  15. Is that anon Adebayor in disguise?

  16. past his time, if we buy a striker id say buy someone world class with the money we get from selling adebayor, or maybe ask for ronaldinho in exchange if we sell ade to milan???

  17. Pritpal,

    How about selling Ade to Milan and getting Flamini back as part of the deal?

  18. yep i would love flamini back but would wenger do that thats the only thing. if he would then hell yes get him back in here because look at our team with him in. getting flamini or another dm in is more crucial then a cb as last year we were 4 points off.

  19. This a joke, not sick note Owen to add to RVP and Diaby.

    Better we try and prise Huntelaar from Madrid, while I'm on the subject, everyone keeps talking about a new central defender then
    why not get Lescott from Everton, problem solved.

    First order of buisness for the closed season - get rid of Adebayor and sell silvestre, then purchase those two players i just mentioned.

    Also this might be a bit controversial, retire Pat Rice and bring in Martin Keown as number two.

  20. Wod up wrighty

  21. Owen on a free and on a pay US as you play deal!

  22. Owen - forget it! Yeah, pay or play at £90,000 a game! Arshavin Eduardo next season. RVP and Ade are gone, money invested in defence. End of.

  23. Yeah, Owen, Silvestre, maybe Hyypia also... sorry, he's in Leverkusen now...

  24. How about Lehmann as well! LOL

  25. Owen would be a very bad investment,he is injury prone,high wages and passed his prime imo

  26. I think hed be a perfect free transfer...adding the much needed depth to the team without nything (hopefully his injury troubles are over). What ive seen arsenal do too much lately is cross the ball repeatedly into the box...WHEN NOONES THERE!!! With a fox in the box like owen, well c loads more goals in tough games where we cant play through the defence

  27. owen is not a football player anymore. when he lost his pace it was over for him.
    i heard that chiellini isn't too expensive as well as hanglaand. get both while selling ade, RvP, senderos. and putting silvestre on a new job(u know the guy who takes care of jerseys at the end of the game) and we can finance transfer for huntelaar as well, he wants out of real. in DM we can try flamini in part of the adebayor transfert of even bring berry.

  28. I think limited goal poachers like Owen are a luxury especially if u have someone like Eduardo who can do the business and link up play also.

    If you can get crosses, then fine but his outside of the box play is sub-standard to be frank.

    I have been writing a lot about the changing natures of strikers nowadays.

  29. Nope.. Wenger would never go for owen. His wages are an unbelievable 115000 pounds per week. Even if arsenal managed to reduce to wages, it would still be like 70-80k per week. And this is an incredible amount of money for someone who hasnt been performing in recent seasons.

    Owen might be a real deal in the past. But now he has lost his lightning pace and hunger for goals. He looks ordinary in my opinion and no doubt shearer noticed that. Owen is regarded as third choice striker now at newcastle behind viduka and martins.

    Owen is past his prime, injures himself often and is more interested in his horses than anything else.

    I believe even if adebayor and RvP are sold in the summer to generate funds, we still have enough quality in our first teamers to deal with that. Yes, we can use the money generated from the sales of players like Ade, RvP, Diaby, Silvestre, Senderos and maybe even Gallas to buy better and more experienced players, especially those with excellent defensive capabilities.

    However in attack, we have more than enough quality to deal with the lost of 2 better players in ade and RvP. They may be the first team strike force in our team, but are they really indispensable to our team? My answer is no. Adebayor has lost some serious form this season compared to the last. Though he was injured for a period of time, his commitment and attitude towards the game just isnt same as compared to last season. Furthermore, plus his outrage against arsenal fans, I think more or less, this guy is a goner. Hope he leaves arsenal for any team that is willing to pay nothing less than 20million pounds. His presence in the arsenal team is a bad influence, as his ego is getting bigger and bigger.

    RvP on the other hand is stalling on signing a contract extension. The problem seems to be money. 70000 pounds per week is a hell lot of money. He is one of the top earners at arsenal if he signs this contract. Only Cesc, Gallas and Ade are at 80k. I hate to see RvP leaves, but if he keeps going around like a spoilt child, then he would better be gone. I reckon that if RvP is sold, he would bring us around 12-15million pounds.

    Ok, considering if both players are sold, we still have Eduardo, Bendtner, Vela, Walcott, Arshavin, Simpsons and Barazite as our strikers. Barazite and Simpsons would most likely go out on loan again, or be used in the carling cup. They would more like be the "Vela" of next season, whereby they just sit around and gain some experience while having a few cameos against weaker teams.

    From games which bendtner and Eduardo started as our strike force, it seems to be that the 2 of them compliments each other very well. They always do have so tricks and nice movements that work to each others advantages. However, the games that they played together so far are pre-seasons and in the FA cups. However, we shouldnt bet on them not being able to emulate ade and RvP. Bendtner and Vela works well too in the carling cup, but they are simply too young and inexperienced to lead the line, especially Vela - unless you tell me that Vela is the next thierry henry than I wouldnt mind throwing him into the starting line up.

    We also do have arshavin. This guy is fantastic. He bemoans being played on the left. Given his performances on the left, i wonder what he can do when he plays forward as a second striker. He is more like a RvP, someone that links the midfield and the main striker. He has an eye for goal and can make killer passes. In my opinion, he would excel in this role better than RvP. Arshavin is the next dennis bergkamp if i could say.

    In another striker we have walcott. Some one that is faster than thierry henry. However walcott can only play as the main striker and not as the second striker.

    If i am given the choice, I would choice either a Bendtner-Eduardo or a Eduardo-arshavin link up.

    Given also that Traore is back from portsmouth, we have another backup at left back and left mid. Rosicky is another one that is coming back next season, and this guy can play in any attacking roles across the midfield. Also, we have wilshere whom has been with the first team for a season and has gained much experience. Also we have eboue, a guy whom has improved in recent weeks. Therefore, it is very likely that this would free up arshavin and allows him to be playing as a second striker. Vela can also play on the left if necessary or when injuries mount. Thus depending on who plays upfront, we have the players to cover the left, central, and right midfield. We have abundance of talents in the attacking midfield and striking department.

    So worry not my pals. Next season, we already have 2 new players joining us in Eduardo and Rosicky. These 2 players were completely absent this season. So we await them next season.

    So when we sell some players like Ade and RvP it would probably generate about 30million pounds. Couple this to our small transfer funds of 13million, wenger would have 43million. If we sell away fringe players like senderos, silvestre and diaby and maybe even gallas (which i do not wish to see him leave), would probably bring our transfer fund up over 50million pounds.

    Arsene wenger should just use this money generated to give us some quality defenders (maybe 2) and defensive midfielders (maybe another 2). And maybe if a striker is really needed, arsenal should go for the free guy called pogrenyak from Zenit. He is a pal of arshavin and plays like wayne rooney. This guy is good. The good news is he wants to join arsenal. The bad news is, does arsenal wants him?

    I know that buying quality players would probably kill our youngsters. However, if wenger buys someone that is really experience and old (around 28-30), so players like song and denilson can actually learn from them (by watching, playing beside them etc) and take over from them in another 2-3 seasons. Djourou is a quality defender, however we need 1-2 tall defenders that can deal with aerial threats and physical approaches from players like drogba and torres. Djourou can learn from these players and as well as for players like havard nordveit and gavin hoyte. Toure and Gallas would still be needed in arsenal because against strikers that are shorter but fast, they would be needed. Experience wise, Gallas and Toure can provide it, not someone like silvestre who concede goals like nothing.

    Therefore all is not doom next season. We are already having rosicky and eduardo back and with some fringe and useless players gone, hopefully arsene wenger would give us arsenal fans what we wished for and that is defensive midfielders and defenders.

    Youngsters are also coming through the ranks and next season, players like Wilshere, Merida, Traore, Gibbs, Lansbury, Simpsons, Hoyte, Nordveit and Randall would be trying their luck in the carling cups and going out on more loans. Those more experienced players like Simpsons, Wilshere, Randall, Traore and Gibbs might even have a chance in the FA cup.

    Therefore all is not lost. We might have gone empty handed for 4 seasons. But I believe next season, it is time we start winning again. Arsene wenger would most probably leaves at the end of his current contract and by then our arsenal would have start winning again and when a new coach comes in, a new era for arsenal would thus begins.

  30. Shut up Wrighty7 you divvy bastard.

  31. In reply to Damn_Gallas:

    "Bendtner and Vela works well too in the carling cup, but they are simply too young and inexperienced to lead the line, especially Vela - unless you tell me that Vela is the next thierry henry than I wouldnt mind throwing him into the starting line up."

    Vela's the next Thierry Henry, you heard it here first.

  32. Damn_Gallas, I think you're getting a bit overexcited about some of the young players as they are unlikely to make many appearances (especially next season with Rosicky and Eduardo back). Though I do agree with most of your ideas (selling Adebayor, Silvestre, Diaby, RVP, maybe Senderos as well, although it'd be better to have him than nothing/Silvestre [worse than nothing]).

  33. Gotta keep Gallas, IMO. He's our best defender...

  34. Wrighty - what did you make of adebayors interview on football focus?

    You can see it here

    Im surprised no blog has done an article on it or even discussed it. I know he's had a shit season, but with the creative people back in the team he will get us goals, I like him and it feels as if hes given up on us gooners??





  36. Let's face it,rvp's heart is not with us anymore.i think we should sell him and ade.he talked about not winning trophies,but he needs to be reminded that he missed a lot of simple tap-ins&chips this season.hleb did more harm to us by not shooting when clear.i never knew dis until he left.

  37. Taz,

    I think that the geezer is a little deluded mate.

    The thing is, its up to Ade really. If he continues to perform like this season then personally I think we should cash in.

    HOWEVER, if we see the Ade of old, the one who grafted for the team even if playing shit, then I'd like him to stay.

  38. Hey wrighty,i'm emmanuel.i did send u a mail,but u ignored it.i wondered why then u put ur e-mail here for readers to write u

  39. anon 18;19

    Well,m that IS the idea fella...

  40. Pictures The Star website, of him with real madrd president in london. They were holding talks.

    wenger must be leaving!

  41. Hi Emmanuel,

    I always reply to the e-mails mate. Maybe it went into my junk box or something?

    My apologies

  42. just seen the wenger pictures.

    not happy.

  43. Tevez's agent meeting with Wenger in Manchester yesterday night. Check them out on the New of The World website.


  45. You must be dipping into the sauce. Owen can't even look good on a horrible Newcastle team. He's done and been done since he made the ridiculous decision to go to Real Madrid. He started his career brightly an early and now he's not even 30 yet but he's over the hill - that's the consequence of being a star from in your teens. He's just going to be another name on the injury list 0 he's always been injury prone and we don't need another Rosicky.



  47. No to Owen. Yes to Dzeko. I'm telling you he'd score 30 goals a season at Arsenal. Christ he's scored 30 goals already at Wolfsburg.


    van persie leaving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. "We've already got the best goal poacher in the world in Eduardo. Plus that we've already got vela and simpson who have much better all round play than owen"

    where do we start with this tosh from Anon 15.32? We shall start from the beginning I suppose. Eduardo the best goal poacher? Well that is debatable even when he is fully fit - which he hasnt been for quite a while so for me the jury is still well and truely out on Eduardo. He wasnt even first choice when he was fit.

    Vela and Simpson better than M. Owen? They may be more youthful but that is about it.

    M. Owen would be a great signing for Arsenal and is a proven goal scorer. There is an injury question mark over him but on a free would be a fantastic signing and is English - perfect!

    Good call Wrighty.

  50. Walcott and Owen as our front two. I like it.

  51. There we have it. Conclusive evidence that Michael owen to Arsenal is a complete waste of time and a stoopid idea...




  53. theo is rubbish.

    has to fix himself up. really needs to man up.

    falls over too easy and always looses the feckin ball.

  54. waclott aint go it. eboue is better on the right.

  55. £12m on theo was a waste.

    we could have bought a new defender for that. someone like hangeland.

  56. Theo is still developing, but not quick enough.

    He is weak. He cant control the ball too well and is vulnerable. He has no defensive capacity and NEVER runs back when he looses the ball.

    Sub at best.

  57. Theo is still developing, but not quick enough.

    He is weak. He cant control the ball too well and is vulnerable. He has no defensive capacity and NEVER runs back when he looses the ball.

    Sub at best.

  58. Walcott aint fit to wear number 14.

  59. Walcott aint fit to wear number 14.

  60. Oh beejayzuss, I think there's a secure unit missing one inmate....

  61. Your logic may be at fault concerning Bischoff. It's my understanding that he will leave very soon.

  62. you are right though.

    Walcott is a pile of sh1t most of the timie!!!

  63. Walcott's got great pace but very little technical skill. You could see yesterday how much more skillful Nasri is to Theo.

  64. hi wrighty , dont u think that flamini was just one season wonder ?? because i really think he was unheard of the season befor last season , dont u think ??

  65. Hi mate.

    I actually have always liked Flamini because he always gave 110.

    He had that run in 2006 at left-back but he really only established himself in hs favourite postion last campaign.

    Its a shame he left because I honestly believed that he and Cesc would have developed better than Petit and Vieiras partnership.

  66. Sigh.... Wenger is neither dumb enough to sign michael owen nor has he ever broken a contract so he is not going to Real Madrid.

    Are you all so fucking retarded that you believe all the deliberately partisan rumour articles in the gutter media?

    I know that the guy who questioned Eduardo's ability is definitely retarded, probably as a result of inbreeding.

    jury is out on Eduardo my arse!
    Fuckin tard!

    Irish Gunner.

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. oh so I forgot Eduardo is playing every week and scoring plenty isnt he? He was never first choice when he was fit.

    I am not saying I dont think he is the most natural striker at Arsenal because clearly when it comes to finishing he is head and shoulders above the rest. But that aint not good if you are always injured and even when you are fit are not starting games. You thick twat Irish Gunner.

  69. I would like to see someone else rather than Owen, but of course this guy would bang them in for us. It's not easy playing for a team like Newcastle these days. They have played without a plan all season, Given good assistance, Owen would fire in the goals like theres no tomorrow. But not for us. I want Villa or Benzema
