Monday, 4 May 2009

Go on son, put yourself in the shop window

Last summer Emmanuel Adebayor was more sought after than a winning national lottery ticket. After the season he has had this time around I'd say he was as sought after as a dose of Swine flu or a left hook from Manny Pacquiao.

I was gutted by his behaviour last summer. I felt he disrespected Arsenal, Arsene Wenger and most of all, Gooners.

Its clear that all the attention he had went to his head. I only know two players with heads and ego's bigger than Ade's. Dimitar Berbatov and Robbie Keane. Maybe Lassana Diarra as well. But only because he has an abnormal dolphin shaped head.

I don't think his heart is at Arsenal anymore and I believe he should leave. But first he owes Arsenal, Arsene Wenger and most of all, Gooners, the two best performances of his life in the game with Manchester United tomorrow and the final in Rome.

A good performance tomorrow benefits both himself and Arsenal. It helps Arsenal progress to the final and it puts Ade in the shop window like a mannequin. If teams are prepared to offer Wenger bags of money then I reckon he will take it. And then laugh. Loads.

I supported Ade last season when people were having a pop at him but he doesn't deserve my support or anyone's after the lazy performances we have seen this campaign. We don't want a lazy performance like the one at Old Trafford last week. He was more lazy than a sloth.

I want the Ade of old. Full of running and causing loads of problems. Is that too much to ask? Only for two games?

Please don't believe it gives me pleasure to write this. It doesn't. I hate doing it but its the truth and sometimes the truth hurts more than a left hook from Manny Pacquiao. Ade needs to hear the truth.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. gold. cumon arsenal

  2. Or he could be even more lazy, play like a twat and force his own value down!!!

  3. Not a good post, sorry mate...

  4. Maybe it isn't but it needs to be said mate.

  5. the guy is a joke. I hope he withers and fails as revenge for what he has put us through.

  6. he does,nt deserve to play tomorrow nite. bentner will work his socks off if on tomorrow nite. we cant afford to take a chance on which ade turns up

  7. Wrighty, the guy is shit. The only less skilled and technically poor striker to represent a big club like Arsenal. he is shaming our famous African Continent. what a twat!! his first touch is like for a four year old ambitious kid.

    Wenger is still in slumber land with this joke!!

  8. Wrighty, the guy is shit. The only less skilled and technically poor striker to represent a big club like Arsenal. he is shaming our famous African Continent. what a twat!! his first touch is like for a four year old ambitious kid.

    Wenger is still in slumber land with this joke!!

    Rwandan Gooner

  9. i cant understand all the ade hating at the moment.

    Check his record this yr it reads played 31 16 goals and eight assists, as compared to torres 33 app 16 goals or bebatov 3 app 14 goals. bentdner has 47 apps and 14 goals. he been injured has had a stop start season and still has comparable stats to 30 million pound strikers. I dont know whats in his head but his stats say to me he is not far of from recapturing some good form given the service - even if he still needs 5 chances to put away 1.
    I think he'll still be here nx season, he says he'll be here, milan think he'll be here and more importantly wenger thinks he will be here - the only ones to think different are expert bloggers and the media!

  10. berbatove is 37 apps 14 goals - value for money for 30 million. if u dont like the guy fair enough but he is doin his job

  11. Ade is a disgrace. He has shown that, he is the thickest player in the EPL, maybe even all of Europe. Can someone please explain to him what the offside rule is. They say, mistakes should occur, but no one should go on making the same mistakes, if that happens it shows mental laziness and indifference. What a twerp.

  12. he like a number of other of our other squad members are infuriatingly minute its the overhead against villereal or THAT goal against the spuds. the next he s wandering around getting caught offside an ABISMAL amount of times!!!!

    Diaby is the same though....and RVP can go missing in games too.

    but come now let us all put these matters aside and fucking get behind WHOEVER takes to the field in an arsenal jersey tommorrow night...ade or otherwise!!!!!


  13. Pretty poor article. No substance, just a few bad performances due to an injury stop start season and he's gettin slack like anything again. It's ridiculous, he might be the reason you're still in the champions League as he scored a goal out of this world at Villareal which without you could have been 1-0 down goin into Emirates where Villareal would not need to score a goal and just shut up shop in front of goal and maybe sneak one on the counterattack which would have suited them much more.

    Some just never learn, that a big strong striker up top with QUALITY in him (unlike Bendtner for now) is NECESSARY in a team at times. Even Sir Alex realized that and bought Berbatov even though Utd won the PL last two years and CL last year.

    Oh well, good luck to Ade if he does leave and I think it would be a huge mistake as I believe it would hurt Arsenal much more than the "haters" think and that it would probably end up hurting his career which is quite undeserved.

  14. We should be supporting our players before big games like this, not slagging them off.

    Ade was totally isolated up front last week, for large parts of the game. He seems to have taken most of the stick for last Wednesdy, but there were others who went missing (Nasri, Walcott, even Cesc). The better team won last week, and we did well to escape just one goal down.

    It will be interesting to read people's comments on Wednesday morning if an Ade hat-trick gets us to Rome.


  15. I don't have the stats, but I am sure if you calculate the number of offsides per amount of playing time of all the strikers in Europe, Ade will come up on top with flying colours. He is a JOKE!

  16. Personally, I can't wait to see the back of him. He is lazy, overrated and an above average striker who thinks he is pele. we can do so much better In his whole football career, he has only had one good season (and the other seasons weren't average, they were poor). At Monaco, he was on the bench because he was such a donkey. Wenger saw potential in him and flamini and co helped him have a good season last season before they left and the whole world saw what a waste of talent he is GREEDYBAYOR OUT

  17. Ade has better stats than torres n berbatov? This is due to da gunners creating chances....If u put another decent striker like agbonlahor in his position,he would be the top scorer in the league right now.....

  18. A problem I have with Ade is that last season even if he played shit he would still graft for the Arsenal cause.

    Hand on heart could you say the same thing about him this season?

    I can't.

  19. Not only was he infuriatingly lazy last week but he walked around grinning like an idiot like he was having the time of his life.

    He owes us a massive performance and i reckon he will play like crap again but bag a goal or two tomorrow.

  20. For those of us who have a soft spot for chronically moody, a bit mercurial, somewhat work-shy, slightly volatile, occasionally dazzling but largely nowhere-to-be-seen when the going-gets-tough.....He'd be great to keep at the club

  21. Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

  22. I have a feeling Adebayor won't even start against the Mancs, Wrighty. If he is good, he is awesome. If he doesn't get the service, he doesn't even put effort to close down etc. Would rather see Bendtner and RVP start, how much would that annoy Ade who we know hasn't been the best of friends with Nik.

  23. Sorry, but this aint the kinda shit we should be discussing before the biggestb game of our season....

    IF Ade plays and has a blinder, most of these fickle twats will be singin his effin praises...

    Our support is gettin more and more like the sad, fickle, whiny spuds...


    Come on Arsenal!

  24. Oh and Agbonlahor a decent striker????

    Hahahahahaha!!! He isnt even average, he's garbage, but English, so is soooo over rated...

  25. Maybe you right Spike but it has to said mate


  27. It's not Adebayor is not hungry, that's journalism cliche for not knowing anything (not accusing you). I'm sure Adebayor will run the whole length of the pitch to get the goal if he had to.
    It's about interpreting the situation and understanding what to do. He plays best with support and movement but when that's not there still lacks that bit of work understanding of what to do. But the recent training ground pictures show Wenger twlling him what he wants, so that's good.

  28. Ade is quality. As usual thick as shit so called gooners come here to post and comment. Dicks.

  29. Spike for once I am in agreement with you.


  30. I am never a criticiser of wenger, he is a great man, and a great manager full of great things but he does not have a blind clue that adebayor and bendtner are awful and not fit to wear the gr8 shirt, eduardo and vela are the two that want it for the team and can produce for the team, van persie has been quiet of late but ade and bendtner do not give us anything! Get rid of them both in my opinion!

  31. Wrightly your right again and our talisman striker needs to step up to the plate and show the world that he can play when he puts his whole heart into it.

    We saw it last year but will we later today?

  32. Wrighty, we should see his performance tomorrow. It approves that he can't play as a lone striker last week and he needs a partner in front that can give him a ball to finish. I hope tomorrow AW will start 442 so hopefully we can see the old Ade and he or RVP brings us to Rome.


  33. why ade looks lazy? it's simple. this Arsenal's midfield is no longer like it was last season. Enough said

  34. i can't believe he wants to go to Milan. what can they offer more? more history of their success in champion's league that's all!

  35. i know this is not the article we want to read before our biggest game of this season, but Wrighty, you are spot on!

    Have you read his recent interview? Ade is at it again. He is flirting with Milan again.

    He did the same last season, he was disrespectful to our great club! He was working his b*llocks off last season cause he wanted a pay rise and when he got it, he's just turned lazy and didnt even break a sweat in the cl semis whilst smirking and jogging abt on the pitch.

    And if he does play well tonight, rest assured we wont be fickle and suddenly sing him praises, He's been too disrespectful. He owes us a performance for picking him from obscurity in Monaco and paying his high wages! It's his job!

    He's been lazy this season while getting 80k per week for it. 80K is for world's best player like henry, villa and torres!

  36. Bit off topic but why is this site dedicated in wrighty's name when he clearly has absolutely no love for arsenal anymore?

    Everything he says is negative and surprise suprise in The Sun today his backed Man u.

    He is a Cnut

  37. Just wondering why you can`t save this Adebayor "beef" till after the game(or season for that matter)?The game today is potentially gonna be the most important the team has ever played at the Emirates and methinks what we need now is everybody SUPPORTING the team!
    Forget if Adebayor`s performance this season needs to be said/mentioned or not...this is definitely not the time for that.
    We gunners(i`m taking the liberty of believing we all are?) should close rank and shout,sing,cheer the team to victory tonight!
    Tonight is ours,come on you Reds!!

  38. ade is a player with the quality to succeed in any team! however he needs to go.

    i say this cause he wants to leave. i know this for a FACT.3 main reasons.
    1. ade wants to play for milan. he wants to play for the great club
    2.wants a mid winter break so he can go back to africa in the holidays.
    3. he is not very well liked by his team mates especially the other african players at the club.

    he needs a injury free 4 afew weeks score goals and lead the frontline. starting tonight!!!! come on u gooners!!!!

  39. it’s going to take our best performance of the season, perhaps the best performance of the last three seasons, to beat United and make it to the final tonight. Anything less than that and we will fail - it’s as simple as that.
    Going into this game I think it’s fair to say that the tie is balanced at around 65-35 in United’s favour. We have to score and they don’t and that means they definitely have an advantage. I’m certain that United’s philosophy going into this game will be to focus on defence but look to hit us with the pace of Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo in order to find the away goal. They won’t care when they get it and I just can’t see them coming out with the same intensity that they did at Old Trafford. Our formation won’t allow it and to be perfectly honest, it would play into our hands. In my opinion the best way to trouble United at the back is to play a high-intensity pressing game and target their fullbacks. John O’Shea may have scored the winner in the first-leg but he’s far from a brilliant defender and Patrice Evra is not in the best form at the moment. Pressuring the full-backs will force the United wingers back and that means they become less of a threat on the break. Walcott needs to be going at Evra from the first minute and Nasri, although likely to play slightly more defensively to balance Walcott’s attacking role, needs to work to ensure O’Shea stays pegged back. The key to getting through this tie is to score the first goal. While United will come out with the intention of getting an away goal at any point in the game, leveling the tie will fire up the crowd and massively change the complexion of the game. United will know that any time they push forward they could concede at the back and bagging the first goal might just give us the momentum to go on and win it normal time

  40. Wrighty...Your Absolutely Spot On mate...It boils my blood watching him stroll around the park after demanding a pay rise last season...It sickens me to see him in our colours...I want rid of him right away...The season couldnt end quick enough...Wenger should be more tough and drop him...Give Nik a chance at least he`ll run his heart out !! You can`t knock him and i know he frustrates all us gooners at the best of times but lets not forget he`s still learning and i think given 1 more season to prove it ...He will eventually be the goal machine we have been crying out for...All remember Titi couldnt hit a barn door in his first full season.. Bye Bye Adecantscore Anymore.. Never was a fan of urs ...Even if u give us a performance of ur life tonite and in Rome...Not enuff mate we need it week in week out.Goodluck !! Wrighty totally agree with all ur blogs...Good work.

  41. Today is judgement day for our club. We were so lucky that we didn’t get a pasting from United and that it was only 1-0 in the end. We really have to be on top of our game in all departments. Almunia, who has had his critics, was in inspirational form at Old Trafford. When the opposition applaud your keeper, then you know he’s done something right. And he had to be inspirational as our defence was anything but water-tight.

    It may sound odd but, with the players we have, playing defensively really doesn’t suit us. In the old days, you could bring on Vivas for Overmars or Edu for Pires or push Lauren upfield. I can’t see how you can do something like that with this team. Now that Gilberto and Flamini have moved on, most of the midfielders are attack-minded. Diaby is great going forward but needs to up his game defensively; Denilson is too inconsistent as is Alex Song, although in our last few games he’s improved - but for how long? We’ve got plenty of creativity in Cesc, Nasri and Arshavin, who is unlucky to be cup-tied as I think he would have made an impact against United.

    The Pompey game gave us the opportunity to give the likes of Vela, Ramsey and Djourou a run out and rest the likes of Cesc, Silvestre, Ade, Toure and Nasri. United are chasing the title and didn’t have that luxury as the Scousers are hot on their heels. We looked a bit jaded physically on Wednesday night and our players have had just under a week’s rest to re-charge their batteries.

    United’s record in London this season is not particularly great. Defeats to us and Fulham, drawing at Chavski and the Spuds and a narrow win at Upton Park speak for themselves. Rio Ferdinand won’t be 100% and we know Van der Sar can be a bit vulnerable. These are some of the things we must exploit from the word go.

    United don’t like it when we come at them with our intricate passing and bursts of pace down the flanks. We also need an early goal - ideally in the first fifteen minutes - so they will have no choice but to come at Arsenal, leaving gaps for us to take advantage of. Also, we fans must make the Emirates a real cauldron of noise. It’s a Champions League SEMI FINAL and God knows if we will ever get to another one after this. We must treat this game as if it’s our last, scream until your lungs get sore and give the lads some extra encouragement. From what I’ve heard, our fans out-sang the ‘Cockney Reds’ that are United fans for long periods at Old Trafford, so more of the same will be needed. We must not give away cheap set pieces near our penalty area and we must frustrate them in all areas of the pitch, as we did back in November, but without conceding the goal. Even if we do go out, at least go out fighting.

    I’ve been reading utter rubbish in the papers that Cesc has secretly told friends that he will leave if we don’t win the Champions League this season, and finish empty-handed yet again. What he must remember is that we win as a team and we lose as a team and if we do go out, the whole team must look back and say, ‘What could I have done better?’ This team, with the exception of a few departures, has been together for three years now. Next season, I feel, will be THE season where we MUST deliver silverware.

    First of all, Wenger has to take an audit of the squad and move people on but only if we sign adequate replacements first. I think the club should cut their losses on Rosicky if he doesn’t make it through pre-season. We can’t afford to be in a position to wait for him any longer. He’s a great player but if your body tells you ‘no more’, then you have to respect that. We must be productive in the transfer window and have a good pre-season, getting everyone fit and ready and integrating any new players at the earliest opportunity.


  42. Hey, asked where all the Villa fans had gone... we were in the bar laughing our tits off with the Man U fans last night!!!! About time you finally got rid of Wenger, he's passed his sell by date! Gooners? Gonners more like... Ok, you pipped us to the last CL spot, but as so many sensible Gooners have said - When has 4th place been a reason to celebrate??? And after all the CL cash you've had over the past few years...? Next year mate, next year...

  43. my team for next season… never gonna happen… i think…
    ———van persie————–

    subs: fabianski, eboue/traore, djourou/gallas, rosicky, theo/vela, eduardo.

    would love to get benzema real prolific striker and at the age of 21. i love adebayor and all and think he has been magnificant for us. but the guy needs 3 chances to score 1 goal. and the fact you’ve noticed hes not on my subs bench is because the only way we’d sign benzema is to get 20mish for adebayor and 8m or so for bendtner and maybe diaby for around another 7m because inter wanted him a while ago. that would leave 35m and im sure wenger could get another 20m from the board to bring it up to 55m. 30mish for benzema 15m for yaya and 5 for hangeland. just think for a moment benzema could be our new henry… h8 to see him slip away and go to the mancs, guy is real top quality! what do you think wrighty?
