Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Lets all blame Wenger

Lets get one thing straight here. No matter how much you want to blame Arsene Wenger for Arsenal being smashed up more than Ricky Hatton you can't.

You can't blame Wenger for Gibbs slipping and you can't blame Wenger for that Portuguese lady boy being able to kick a ball better than anyone in the world of football.

Trust me, it is fucking easy to blame Wenger but think about it. Was it really his fault that Arsenal were destroyed tonight? Not in my opinion.

Arsenal did everything we wanted at the beginning of the game. We got into United faces and made the kind of start we desired more than a bar of chocolate.

What happened? Lady luck kicked us hard in the bollocks that's what happened. I feel so bad for Gibbs. That poor little bastard. He was shattered after his slip and he wasn't the only one. The rest of the lads were too. They were killed off completely by the second.

Credit must go to Manchester United. I hate the bastards but they deserved to go through over the two legs. I also feel a little for Fletcher. At first I laughed but I suppose that was cruel. Nah, fuck him.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. Agree with most of what your saying but you have to agree that every single Arsenal fan was crying out for us to play 4-4-2 instead of 4-2-3-1...Our defensive stability is compromised with that formation and we leave massive gaps between defence and midfield and get raped...That was a tactical error...

  2. i agree and disagree. yes wenger isnt at fault for gibbs slip nor for ronaldo thunderbolt but, he is to blame for playing terrible tactics of one man upfront... if ur gonna play one man upfront atleast be someone who cares and tries unlike adebollocks and Wenger is at blame for not buying experience when it was needed (4 seasons ago)

    It is Wengers fault that no-one and i mean no-one wants to shoot in our team.. when you can see the whites of the goalpost have a crack.

    So no wenger aint to blame for the goals but he is to blame for many other things. i think this summer is his last summer to change things before the fans have had enough.

    I still have faith and good luck to man united as they deserve to be in the final....... still thing Ronaldo is a diving cunt tho

  3. Your spot on man, although I am frustrated like I've never been before, Gibbs was unlucky when he slipped, and that can happen to anyone. We really didn't have a chance of scoring three goals against them, so their early goal effectively ended the tie. I was disappointed with Almunia on their second, but that's life, Van der Sar has also made mistakes this season, and Cech too. Let's be honest with ourselves, we don't have the personnel to really threaten when going behind like that, something teams like Liverpool do at the moment. We need a really lethal striker in the Torres mould to really compete in my opinion, but that's nothing we can change until the end of the season. We started with a bang and had them rattled, and had it not been for their early goal, the result might have ended the other way around...

  4. wenger has to take some blame... its his team, these are the players that he has been telling anyone who'll listen will come good and fulfill their potential, but again dont look good enough... we simply dont have the players to compete with utd, chelsea, or even liverpool on a consistent basis, we are gona end the season with exactly what we deserve, a fourth spot that reflects the fact we have a bit more quality than everton and villa, but not enough to seriously make a run for the title or go any further than the semis of any domestic or european cup competition... funnily enough seeing as its the fourth season in a row, i think wenger deserves an appropriate share of the blame, i.e. most of it

  5. This is Wenger's team and a more spineless Arsenal team I have never seen. Wenger's vanity project has become a joke and yet another trophyless season is the result. How many more seasons will we hear about "a great young side who need just another year" or the myth that Arsenal spends huge amounts less than our rivals (while having a wage bill 20 million pounds more than Liverpool for example).

    Of course Wenger is to blame.

  6. It was a good night and Lady luck was against us. We had a poor back 4 with Gallas and Clichy missing. And for the Line up tonight it was the best 11 all of us expected.

    If someone has predicted that we will be one game away from the final in November I would have doubted it.

    In all the years of Henri, Vieira, Adams, Keown..the glorious back 4...we only got to the semi and final once. So with this young squad taking so far is an achievement and as much as we are all disappointed let us look forward to better years and finals in the years ahead.

    After the final in 2006, I thot it will take another decade for us to get there again but I can see it in the next 2 years us gracing a final and winning it.

  7. Superb stuff as usual Wrighty.

    But please, as a striker of Arsenal, Adebayor should be performing better.

  8. fuk off ,gibbs should, nt have been playing. hes only a kid with no expieriance. as for almunia , hes always a accident waiting to happen. i know he makes great saves now and again but u know hes going to fuk up and its usually in the big matches[champions league v barca]. but i,m not blaming those 2 i,m blamin wenger. we needed a world class keeper, devensive midfielder, centre half and striker for about 3 years now and hes done fuk all. come on arsene get the cheque book out before we lose all the decent players we have

  9. Lets not, move away from the facts that Arsenal do not have the depth in Quality in our squad that Man Ure do. This is Arsene'S Fault, He's been the manager for what? 16yrs he has to accept responsibility for where we are. Still Love him but if we won tonite he would have accepted all the credit, so it goes both way's. My biggest problem was with our so called supporters who streamed out of the stadium at 60 mins. Plastic , pathethic sorry excuse of supporters. They made me more embarrased than the result tonight. Bring on the summer..

  10. you fucking imbecile. gibbs slipped because he's a 19 year old playing in the champions league semi final. he panicked as much as slipped. you fans are so fucking dumb its untrue. how many more fucking excuses are going to make for a legendary manager who every year looks more and more ordinary and clueless.

    and the stupid fuck started with 4-2-3-1 again, the same line up that fucked arsenal against chelsea. pathetic. absolutely fucking pathetic.

  11. Yep. Funny old world when nothing more than a teenager slipping on grass can end out Champions League dreams, reignite the boo-boys and make us all want to crawl under the duvet and never come out.. but hey, like it or not, that's football and remember... far worse things happen at sea.

  12. "So no wenger aint to blame for the goals but he is to blame for many other things. i think this summer is his last summer to change things before the fans have had enough."

    Hate myself for saying this, but I think I agree with that. I never wanted to see this club without Arsene at the helm, but something is lacking, starting with bottle and the right personnel.

    A summer revamp is in order. Some proper defenders should be scouted and signed, and I hope the gaffer gets his tactics better from next season on.

    He'll start to feel the pressure after this loss. Even if I can't say that this result is entirely his fault, but rather that it is the culmination of results and events over recent seasons that place a really heavy burden on him.

  13. Would we have lost that game if Wenger. Edu, and maybe (sorry to say it) Cole had been playing? Who sold them all? Wenger did! Maybe it is time for him to stand and be counted. SPEND SOME FUCKING MONEY ON SOME EXPERIENCED PLAYERS!!!!!

  14. man utd subs: Tomasz Kuszczak, Rafael, Jonny Evans, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Dimitar Berbatov, Carlos Tévez

    arsenal subs: Lukasz Fabianski, Mickael Silvestre, Abou Diaby, Denilson, Emmanuel Eboue, Carlos Vela, Nicklas Bendtner


    wenger needs some blame for not putting together a stronger squad.

    and i really cant understand why our wage bill is #3 in the pl. greedy kids? sell some of them, we cant wait for quality, we need it right now!

  15. wenger picks the playes. wenger chooses there diet. wenger sells our agressive midfielders. wenger does not sell adebayor. wenger underpays cashley and flamster. YEAH. LETS NOT BAME THE CUNT 4 RUINING US. WE WERE DESTROYED TONITE. did u watch the game. wenger must go

  16. How the fuck are all you cunts privy to financial situation of Arsenal FC. COCKS

  17. get behind gibbs he is a player for the future and an honest mistake that could happen to any 1!! didnt deserve to win with the performance shown. Adebayor can fuck off, he is a lazy show pony and if we can get more than wot we payed for him then we are bloody laughing as we get those stupid wages off our bill and can get someone half decent in!! wenger get ur cheque book out and sign 2-3 quality players 2 bring us up 2 the next level like the fans deserve!!

  18. By reading the news you COCK! They are a PLC which means you can read all you want about them. Dont write without thinking first, it makes you look fooking stupid.

  19. Good article, but from from a distance things look bleak.

    you don't prepare dinner for your family and place three seeds and an uncooked potato on the plate and say "oh, it will be excellent in an hour", and therefore we should be expecting more from such a big club.

    I love arsenal, and this hurts a LOT!

    next year? or the year after? or the one after that?

  20. So you know how much share holders are willing to spend? you know fuck all boy

  21. i see a lot of you saying wenger used a 4-2-3-1 formation but on tv it said 4-3-3 with theo and van persie on the wings...

    also i feel fucking aweful for gibbs, the lad deserves better, unlucky...

    lets get rid of almunia...

    wenger needs to come out in the press and openly admit he will make changes this summer cuz if he doesnt bring us a trophy in the next 2 yrs i want him gone...

    as allways: IN ARSENE WE (AT LEAST I) TRUST

  22. Arsenal are not a PLC (Public Limited Company) they are a private company with limited liability. Perhaps YOU don't read the papers enough

  23. Wrighty7 you are legend and an tru Arsenal fan good stuff. Poor Gibbs, but I believe he will be one great player.

  24. knew he was a cock

  25. All the blame should be laid at Wengers feet. For five years he has sold quality and purchased the odd scrap of decent player. We have players like Song and Eboue who are no fit to tie the laces of previous Arsenal legends! Choke on your croissant Mr Wenger. Arsene knows diddly squat!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Danish Gooner5 May 2009 at 23:05

    We didnt create a single decent effort at Van der Sar,that is piss poor for a side lauded as the best attacking side in the world next to Barca.

  27. anyone know who is responsible for this wage cap have ? (exception ade)

  28. can't blame any arsenal player that whats to leave now...even fabregas is free to leave...can't see a future arsenal winning any trophies...because wenger grooms then sells to bigger clubs who end up winning things...what annoys me the most is that the fans end up losing at but ends..no trophies,no gifts or money or free tickets from the experience players sold...at the moment i'm a bruised fan who wishes he could be sold to a club with sincere and more practical vision for the fans

  29. Marv Tha' Gooner5 May 2009 at 23:08

    Easy to blame Wenger. But we got beat by lady luck (the whore). Also, we have had a WRETCHED season with injuries. So stop blaming Wenger.

    At the start of season alot of you Anonymous twats were saying we would not get anywhere this season and we got to the last 4 in Europe. Only ONE team can win the Champs League and it's a big ask. Next season we will have Arshavin and hopefully a few more fresh players.

    So stop whingeing like school kids and support your team. It could be a LOT worse...We could be Spurs fans.

  30. 1 Big signing,Ribery. Let vp or ade go if they think they are beter than the club.Arshavin in the hole.We could make 20 or 30 million selllin some dead wood,fulham would surely take diaby and and a bit of cash for Haggeland

  31. It's time for Wenger to go. We are over-stocked young mediocre players and it is his fault. We have been regressing non-stop for the last five years and it's time to put Wenger out of his misery.

    Gibbs is one of the few bright spots in a sea of medicrity but he was placed in an untenable psoition by his managers tactics from the first leg. His mistake today should not have had the magnitude that it did. That's not his fault - it is Wenger's.

    Time to go Arsene. it was fun for a while but you clearly lost your way and your sense of proportion. Adebayor, Bendtner, RVP, Diaby will never come close to the invincibles. Not gonna happen,

  32. Is this an Arsenal blog, or a chicago cubs blog? You guys don't know what wanting for a championship is until you've walked a mile as a cubs fan....

    Should be content with 3rd/4th in CL and 4th in PL for this season. Injuries are a part of every team in every sport, but some teams suffer more than others. It was only last season that this team had the 1st spot in PL for a good part of the season, and I blame injuries on the fall. It sounds like I'm full of excuses, but if you take a look at the injury reports over this season, my god, it's cut the team deeply.

    Granted, insane depth would handle this problem, but Arsenal doesn't splash the cash like a Man U or Chelsea.

    So, yes, I'm blaming injuries and accepting our position, and as we say in Chicago, "Wait till next year"...

  33. RIBERY please.Put 1 up utd before the season starts.Porbably not wengers type,only a face a mother could kiss

  34. For the arsey cunt that thinks he knows it all about Arsenal try reading each letter after one another - they form words - if you dont know what they mean ask your mum.


    Arsenal Holdings PLC - whether with limited liability - who gives a fuck - you can download the financial results and read them in bed with your cocoa.

  35. Point is, that was a pathetic display by Arsenal today. We have gone from being "by far the best team the world had ever seen" to a bunch of rabble. Now we rejoice at securing 4th spot -m are we the new spuds?

    We used to have players with spirit now we have Walcott and Adebayor.

    We have been complacent and it could carry on until we are glad to be making the Europa Cup with Villa and Everton. Is greatness passing the ball aimlessly in nothing games against the like of Pompey? Where will it end?


    Wenger built great Arsenal sides and was rightly given credit for wonderful achievements: Now he must take the blame.

    His previous teams had players with amazing football skills who were fitter, stronger, faster and generally more athletic than all the others. He had a great network, was able to spot talented youngsters and then train them in the Arsenal system.

    All the other teams, including Man Utd, have now copied Wenger's methods. AS A RESULT HE CANNOT COMPETE WITH THE BIG BOYS WITHOUT SPENDING THE CASH: Unfortunately he is too stubborn to admit it. He can come close, but close is not good enough to win trophies.

    AW never had to be great tactically because he had such great players. Unfortunately he was always found out in Europe, especially as he refused to buy an alternative player who could be the focal point because Bergkamp could not fly. YOU CANNOT CONSISTENTLY PLAY TOP EUROPEAN TEAMS WITHOUT YOUR BEST PLAYER, WHO DICTATES PLAY, AND EXPECT TO WIN.


    Once Wenger dropped Arshavin, clearly the best player from the moment he arrived, against Chelsea: I KNEW HE HAD LOST THE PLOT.


  37. anon 23:28 your still a cock,even if you can read the FT. COCK SUCKER MOTHER FUCKER

  38. and you went to all that trouble to look it up. you COCK

  39. who is saying anything about blaming Wenger?

    Its been a disaster of a season and I personally am glad it is over.

    Wenger needs to buy quality in the pre season and get shot of some of the dead wood.

    ps. Your post about Almunia being up there with the worlds best was shown for the dumb post it was tonight. Wp.

  40. Wenger is a victim of his own sucsess.Where were we before he came along? Fuck we could be spurs!
    Seeing his face tonight i think he knows what is needed.Just hope he gets the backing.There is a lot of players good enough for spurs,blackburn etc who could make good money plus one donkey worth 30m.Not much rebuilding to do just 2 or 3 players with the quality and expirience of arshavin


  42. EMMAGENIUS4REAL6 May 2009 at 00:08


  43. anon00:5 ???

  44. yep he's a hawk aright

  45. SO WHO ELSE TO BLAME MR HA????????????i mean none of us is resposible for picking up the team ha??ha??i been saying this for weeks now that FUKN GIBS is noooooo way ready 2 paly in a big game like this and specialy against players like Ronaldo and,Teves and rooney.
    am totaly confesd that that's the main reson WE ARE NOOOT IN THE FINAL(last time he left Arsha on da bench v chelsea and we lost now this WTF man).2 play eboue ther would hav been 100 times better without any doubt apecialy after the pompey show,the guy is expence,TOP yes TOP defender no matter what people say.lets FUKN spend money now,WE NEED ENGLISH AND SOLID PLAYERZ,MINI 2 DEFENDERZ COZ THATS WT LET US DOWN EVRY EVRY EVRY EVRY DAMN YEAR.lescott and Jageilka the 2 we MUST get i would say,so next time shity kids like gibbs wont hav 2 play at these matches.
    FUK wenger,his tactics and everything about him

  46. Arsene knows?!?
    Fuck Arsene.
    Bring on Mourinho!

  47. It is an end of an era, very painful but we don't have to blame any one. I just do hope we don't see another Senderos in Gibbs. Honestly I feel for that boy, I know how it feels when I was 19 some 4 years back. Let's hope Wenger will help him over come this.

    Another thing is, let's hope Wenger will learn from this season and do the right thing in the summer.

    He and the almost useless board are to blame for our bad season take it or leave it but Wenger and the idiots of board members who are only interested in the fans money have a chance to show us they clear by getting us the right players in the summer.

    Wenger carry some blames cos of his stupid formation, I have never been too a coaching school but I can do better than Wenger sometimes.

    An example is the stupid mistake he made against Chelsea and in the first leg against United

    Sell out bad mouth Ade and lazy Bendter for 1 ( yes 1 is enough) world class striker.

    Get us 2 ( 1 if Senderos will return)solid central defender.

    1 right footed defender and maybe a versatile midfielder and we will win something next season.

    Oh I said I will not blame any one LOL.


  48. what a bunch of wankers Arsenal fans are turning out to be. Of all the Arsenal blogs this has to have the most fickle, ungrateful bunch of cunts to comment. You have Wrighty7 who calls one of our greatest players a cunt and then like sheep you all follow him. You run Wenger down when the man is a legend. How long to you call him a cunt too?

    You bring shame to the great name of Arsenal.

  49. why does anyone have to take the blame? Jesus, this is football, only one team can win and in this case, it wasn't us. The better team clearly won and congratulations to them, we should learn from this and grow as a unit.

    Why is everyone always looking to blame someone? The fact is the board decided to go along with Wenger's plan of running a stable football club that is well positioned to weather financial stuggles, which we are. To do that, he had to choose a recruitment policy that differed from other sides. He's still done a fantastic job because he can spend less than spurs, newcastle, villa and man city and still get a very young team this far.

    Anyway, congrats to Man Utd and good luck. If anything, I hope Arsenal's players are mature enough to take away from this game all the positive lessons that Man Utd dished out. You don't have to be a massive name in football to succeed (Park, Fletcher, O'Shea, Carrick are all fairly average players) as long as you have discipline, you work hard and have that desire to win burning inside you. I don't think enough of our players have that and so I hope they learn from this.

  50. ok so lets get this right....Wenger is not responsible for the poor showing and very debateable team selection against Chelsea in the FA Cup Semi....which we lost and looked poor! And he is not responsible for the team selection and disgraceful performance against ManU in the CLSF 1st leg last week when we were outclassed! And he is not responsible for the humiliation this week against ManU at home,,,when again his selection and team failed to show any guts after losing 2 early goals (one sure was a slip but the 2nd is definately a questionable goalkeeping error)....so hey to say that he shouldn't be blamed is boardering on the ridiculous, and proves that Wenger lovers cannot face the truth that the man has now failed to produce a winning side for 5 years and things are not as rosy as he proports!!!

    Sub standard and average players form the best part of the Arsenal squad and as has been said before...you cannot build a winning team with unproven kids ...there is subsitute for quality and experience if you truly want to be winners!!!

    The team never showed the guts to try and recover last night ....I have seen plenty of sides go down by 2 goals (including many Arsenal sides)and show fight to get back and even win but the games I have mentioned above highlight the fact that our current side is inadequate and is a long way short of being able to compete with the big boys. An old saying is "you pay peanuts and you get monkeys" well that saying certainly can be applied to this lot..... Bendtner, Wlacott, Eboue, Denilson, Diaby, Song, Almunia, Djourou, Adebeyor are all average to sub standard players.....it has been said many times before, but all the "Arsene knows" mob just keep listening to his bulls**t about how great a future we have and how things will be better next year (somethings he has said for 4 years now....and we are still waiting!!!).

    So are we going to have to wait for another year, an then another and then another etc etc You cannot keep living on What Wenger did in the past, no trophies for 5 years (as it will be next year) would be grounds for any other top club manager to be replaced....and Arsenal need to act now ... move Wenger to Youth development Director as he is so good at spotting young talent...but get another manager who will build a team round quality and experience!!

  51. 4 seasons without a trophy is WENGERS FAULT!!!! his youth policy doesnt work!!!!

    All top 4 teams have 2 good players in each position poor gibbs was forced to play today. Wenger was good when he had a team of experience, not a team of 19 year olds.

  52. Fuck u fans...wenger wil surely sell adebayor...hope xabio comes in..and a clas striker also comes in may b david villa..but his pricetag is huge..benzema wud be ok..and we already hav rvp and eduardo..so tatz nt a problem...some useless youngsters...get the fuckin wage bill up fr some world class talents...hope wenger does the right thing,wenger is the best...

  53. Its a massive shame ! seven minutes of football was all we got. The rest was not to be.
    I would like to replace Ade with someone prolific. RVP is great, but not prolific enough and injured too often. Someone that can control the defence well too, and link the play between them and Fabregas.

    I think to some extend he has to but again i feel for him. This guys works soo hard for Arsenal and i think he even mentioned that in somewhere that Arsenal consumes almost 100% of his time. He loves arsenal you can see from his face when we lose. He could f*ck off and make more money at Madrid or anyone but i have a feeling he will retire here. he does everything at arsenal, his workload is huge. He is only human and he is bound to make mistakes and they gonna be visible
    That said i think his major undoing is his stubornness ..he just need to accept that at one point he will have to go and buy established player to add to this young team.

    i blame him also for his team selection tonight and infact recently. We will never win anything with WALCOTT as starter in our team UNLESS HE IMPROVES ALOT & I MEAN HEAPS
    WENGER has probably bowed to the pressure of the media here but EBOUE offers Arsenal a lot more on that wing than WALCOTT and even BANDTNER.A few times he played there he has offered us better than Theo. Theo would rip lower quality defenders but will never be efficient against any top noth defence as you seen against Chelsea and Man U. He is all pace put f*ck all. My point he shouldnt have started with THEO.

    WENGER tho is not to blame for arsenal inability to compete finacially for the best players though. i Think he is doing a fantastic job considering how much we spend on players ? to be in the semi of the CL is an over achievement. They say we have money but we all know we the truth
    I think the biggest challenge is for wenger & infact ARSENAL BOARD is to keep this team together which you really cant blame him for. last season we had built a very good team that was capable of winning staff but we lost 3/4 of midfield(incl Rosicky ) in summer which took this team 10 steps back. Big Mistake in my opinion people said Hleb & Flamini were not world class player but forgeting how good the were as unit with Fab and Rosicky. We shud have done everything to keep em.
    Moving forward i think this team that played today has grown together over the past year that with a few good deals they will be up there once again. but can we keep it together ? is it WENGER'S faultif we dont ? how much does the board has to play in keeping this players ? we know wenger wanted keep flamini and Hleb last which i think had we done soo we would have won the league or something this season purely coz of the continuity and the bond that this guys had with each other. Football is psychological infact at this level its more psychological than just ability.
    What this team lacks now is someone with flames inside, a fighter...someone like the flamster. He was not the most technical player but he had the drive and the balls, something that anderson gave Man U tonight . We were outrun in the middle that its. we could not compete with their pace.
    Gallas is a fighter but he is the only one and we missed him tonight and against chelsea but he is been shut out with his recent troubles You can see he just want to go on with his football now. dont really care as much.
    With Gallas in we stood a chance to go to one of this finals particularly against Chelsea.
    So my point . WENGER is partly to blame but not fully. Its a lot more than that.

  55. I agree, Wenger is not totally to blame. But he could not be so stubborn sometimes in the player purchase dpt. Almost had Ronaldo as a player or Ibrahimovic. Probably wage packets were too small for them at the time.... check out my new site for thoughts on the game and more


  56. To reach the Semi-Finals of the Champions League when no-one gave us a chance, to finish 4th in the Premiership when no-one gave us a chance is saying something about these players. Yes, some are in way over their head and need to go but come on, GET A FUCKING GRIP!!!!

    Even the so called 'Invincibles' only got to one Semi and Final, does that mean Henry, Viera, Bergkamp were rubbish?????

    Everyone needs to take a step back and chill.

    Team next season

    Sagna Toure Gallas Clichy
    Walcott Fabregas Song Nasr
    ????????? (We need a world class striker, NOT ADE)

    If that team plays consistently then we'll be onto something, not ONCE this season have we played our first eleven. Last year when we were whiskers away from winning the premiership we had played a consistent team from the start and only injuries towards the end denied us.

    So I say again, Wenger is the man to lead us and we will come back fighting, starting with Chelsea on Sunday.


  57. Thank you mate, for actually poducing an article defending Wenger. Normally after massive defeats like this, i go on to websites and all they do is blame evrything on Wenger, yes it was partly his fault in the grand scheme of things, but i don't think we Arsenal fans should blame anyone. Next season, next sseason...

  58. Thank you mate, for actually producing an article defending Wenger. Normally after massive defeats like this, i go on to websites and all they do is blame evrything on Wenger, yes it was partly his fault in the grand scheme of things, but i don't think we Arsenal fans should blame anyone. Next season, next season...(Arshavin)

  59. jamie the red6 May 2009 at 07:03

    Arrogance without substance = another year without a trophy.

  60. Let's please blame Wenger, it's not just last night's mediocre performance, if we hadn't have got Villareal in the quarters we wouldn't have been there anyway. The man has lost the plot, he's forgotten how to win and i wonder is that something you can get back? Arsenal football club is bigger than Wenger and the sooner he realises the better, i honestly think now the club needs to go another direction without him. Thank you for some great football and the trophies we won half a decade ago. But football is played in the present so this whole 21 match unbeaten run is lovely but what about the terrible start? We've been out of the title race since October, and to be honest i can't see us being any closer next season, while Chelsea, Utd and Liverpool spend the summer gossiping about who's coming in we will spend another long summer scared about who's gonna go next. We can't call ourselves a big club anymore, just also rans with players that are fodder for the really big clubs, you know those ones that go into semi finals and finals expecting to win not hoping for the best and then blaming lady luck. Give me a break.

  61. To those people still keeping WALCOTT in their team do yall actually think is a starter when everyone is fit. i just really hope Rosicky gets fit and play a string of game.
    with Arshavin, VAN PARSIE NASRI,ROSICKY EDUARDO, BANDTNER even to some extend EBOUE all better fooballers than him

    The kid is not there yet even at the start of the season he was only plAying cause of injuries otherwise he wouldnt have been a starter and Eboue was going nuts at that time aswell doing crazy thing and walcott was the only choice. Now EBOUE is settled down since the boo gate and the spurs red card

  62. joppa, I think its best you don't come on here anymore. All you do is insult me and people that don't have the same opinion as yourself.

  63. Blame Wenger.

    1. He seems to despise experience - once you're 30 you're ready for the scrapheap - why????

    2. No leader on the pitch. It's been that way since Viera was prematurely sold. My anger is focused on the awful performance we gave after we went 2nil down. We were gone because we do not have a Terry, a Gerrard, an Adams, a Viera, a Keane. Every great team has a great leader and that Spanish chav just like that idiot Gallas is a very very good player but he ain't no leader.

  64. yet again arsenal have won fuck all, what a shame couldnt happen to a nicer bunch of cockney scum

  65. Wenger is not to blame? How the hell can u say that? I guess you just know fuck all about football.

    Wenger is to blame for fielding a weak team (in a wrong formation as well) in the first leg. and a wrong formation in the second leg.

    And for playing Gibbs in stead of Eboue on the left. that one only cost us the game m8??!!

    He is to blame for signing man united reject MS peanut head and playing him in the first leg instead of Johan Djourou (that decision cost us a goal as well, and should have cost us more!!)

    ffs i could go on and on about Wenger allowing Diaby to throw the ball away 18 times in the first leg without beeing substituted or Wenger failing to explain Offside-Bayor to STAY IN THE BOX and not roaming out next to the corner flag so that we have ZERO players in the box when the cross comes.

    Finnaly just let me ask u this: Had we won 2nite would u have saluted Wenger????

    Yes u had, then u damn well gotta blame him now when we lost.

    Open your eyes Wrighty and stop embaresing urself. Idiot.

  66. I am so frustrated that we were simply outclassed by Man U cunts. Our squad is tiny fucking shit compared to Uniteds. Wenger promised to bring trophies and with these young shit squad, we r goin nowhere. The reason why we went out of fa cup and champs semi final is that our sqaud is simply not good enough compared to chelseas and man u. They have better equiped squad and that is what happens if you keep always keep your faith on young players. Another trophyless season for Arsenal and i wont be surprised if fabregas leaves in summer and couple of others as well. He looked distraught at the end of the match. WE NEED A COMPLETE CHANGE OF SQAUD. THIS ARSENAL SIDE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

  67. Theres alot of negativity on this site. We played a great team and lost. On our day we can beat them, Yes. But they are on song much more than we are because they have a stronger squad and deeper squad. They are top of the prem, and in the final of the ECL and near the final of the FA Cup. Its tough when you get to that stage, and we found it tough. I agree, a couple changes need to be made, but there will not be the wholesale changes people on this site want. Support them, give them belief, don't bring them down more. It will have hurt them too.

  68. Huge disappointment that we have gone so far in all competitions but are coming up just that little bit short in each. Yes everybody knows its the lack of experience at crucial times that costs Arsenal and yes Wenger is stubborn when it comes to trying to fix this by insisting on home grown or previously anonymous talent being used. Money is a factor inspite of all the PR from Arsenal PLC, the prudence of the boardroom needs to be loosened and a few 26+ players of experience added to the squad or otherwise the fickle fans will continue to walk out. And on that note I think the way in which the fans left in there thousands so early was insulting, pathetic and petulant. Real fans SUPPORT their team through thick and thin.

  69. Strangely some of the best performances (and they were scarce) came from previously ridiculed players last night. Song, Bentner and Toure tried their hearts out while our stars like Fabergas, Adebayor and Walcot failed to produce.
    Consistency is sadly lacking and that great factor EXPERIENCE is the missing Xfactor for Arsenal. As so often in the past we had nobody of note on the bench to lift the team when required.
    Emoty seats will finally get the boardroom to understand that success means money - spend to generate.

  70. Wenger is not to blame at all

    We came out and did exactly what Man U did to us last week. We attacked and looked ready for the challenge. Once gibbs slipped however it was over. Having to score 3 goals shocked the team. Almunia was shocked and probably meant he didnt save the free kick.

    The Manc supporters i was watching it with were very nervous for the first 8 minutes.If Gibbs, doesnt slip it would have been a completely different game. After the slip and free kick, the game is over nad we are completely demoralised.

  71. am as pissed off as eveybody else after last night and i have read all the posts with interest everybody has their own views on where it went wrong but what gets me is nobody has said how different we look with arshavin in the team! ok so we may have to wait till next season but i think with a good centre half spent from the sale of adebyebye i think we have a good chance. Cesc has more freedom when he plays and the whole team oozes more confidence with him in the team but without a good tony adams type centre half we cant rely on him alone but remember people we are still better now than when i could afford to go home and away under don howe ( and i didnt leave early )

  72. Arsenal's team comprises of a team of wet behind the ear teenagers, you have nobody who can grab the game by its bollocks and boss that midfield, to lightweight and that is where you fail. I think arsenals position in the top 4 will be threatened next season with the likes of spurs man city and villa improving their squads, With the exception of Arshavin which was on the cards for a while wenger has shown his ineptitude in the transfer market. The only way is down for arsenal

  73. Boys vs Mens that the problem.
    next season arsene has to spend more.............

  74. How many more seasons without a trophy? Wenger needs to rethink his policy of buying youngsters and then trying to build them into superstars. Arshavin was the best buy he has made for years and Wallcott is brilliant. Spend some money on top well known players and hurry up about it or we will have another season of NO trophys.

  75. Right lets put this Wenger argument to bed. Positives: he finds good young players and makes them into brilliant ones. He plays some of the most attractive football we have ever seen come from an Arsenal team. He has taken us from a UEFA cup team into a regular CL team. He has single handedly created the revenue for us to build the new stadium with astute purchases and sales. He is a gentleman and he has won more silverware for us than any other manager in our history. Negatives: He over thinks the opposition and changes tactics usually with bad effect. He wont change his mind and do dramatic substitutions when needed. He has no plan B. He wont spend the money we obviously have for fear of upsetting young players. There we go good and bad. My question is simple. Looking at all of his good points and bad who would you have in is place? For me there are only a few WORLD class managers out there that seem to have less failings, Ferguson, Hiddink and Capello. So who would you get in his place as non of them are avaialable. For me pound for pound Wenger is a class act and needs to be seen for what he has brought to our club not what failings he has. My belief is given two more seasons and a couple of astute signings we will be THE team in Europe and Wenger will have the last laugh. Sorry but i still say in arsene we trust! Oh and just in case you hadn't realised Liverpool have won nothing this season and they have spent millions.

  76. how can that tosser ade fukin dik bayer continually be offside from an arsenal goal kick. happened about 6 times last nite, wat a lazy greedy cunt

  77. but what you can blame is wenger for buying useless defenders like silvestre, we need experience on defence and midfield, its wengers fault hes a buisness man,buying young players want to win the title on the cheap, and buyin players for cheap for 5mil he needs to go hes lost it. hes done all he can.

  78. Of course Wenger is to blame. The team on 2006 would have kicked Man Utd arse last night. Just because someone reaches 30 doesnt mean he is past it, it makes them more experienced. Why play Walcott against a very quick left back in Evra when on the right hand side was a slow clumsy John O'Shea. Why didnt he tell someone to try get Rooney booked in the 1st leg meaning he would miss the 2nd leg, all things a manager should be doing. But as long as we play nice neat football thats all that matters to Wenger, buying players for panuts and selling for millions is what Wenger is about. NOT winning trophys. I want Wenger out at the end of the season, he has taken this club as far as he can and we need a change desperately.

  79. Hmmm, so Park offside earlier in the move (not)given allowed the ball to be recycled then he scores, and prany "i can kick a ball" ronaldo didnt fall over for the second, (Oh and should not that have been retaken OShea man handeled the wall over). Referee could not have given more simulations if he tried. Rooney free kick when he fell over with Walcott coz Ronney held onto Walcotts arm just about sums it up. Only one he got right was the sending off i think. Adams has been sent off for less.

  80. We should have been playing 4-4-2 but to be honest without Tomas, Andrey, Eduardo, William and even Mikel S and with Manuel rushed back there really was only ever going to be one result.

    I do believe in Arsene and those who would wish him to go ... who would you like to replace him with? and do you really want to become like Chelski, the Spuds and Citeh? New manager every 6-18months with no long term consistency and no future plan.

    With Stan K and Ivan G now in fuill charge of the Club finances etc there will be good (if not star) players bought this year, no question.

    The defence will surely be brought up to scratch, whilst with those currently injured now having a full summer off and hopefully Adebayor sold we will be there next season for sure.

    Trust in Arsene he knows and remember he's been basically running the club since DD left us.

  81. Next season line up:


    Sagna Toure Upson Clichy

    Ribery Fabregas Yaya T Arshavin

    Van Persie David Villa



    As for the others put them all outside the Emirates with signs round the their necks saying FREE!!! and ready for collection.


  83. Garreth Ellidge6 May 2009 at 13:51

    Brilliant post, 100% true!! COME ON ARSENAL!!!!!!!!

  84. The wankers who want wenger out based on this performance alone are just that. wankers. I agree with you wrighty. as hard as last night was to take, i still trust wenger. I dont think there's a better man for the job. Sure he's made mistakes, everyone does. I trust only him to set things right now. I cant believe I'm agreeing with Joppa Road but the gooners on this page wanting wenger out are all wankers. Wenger's a true legend folks. Believe it.

  85. Next season line up:


    Sagna Toure Richards Clichy

    Eden Hazard Fabregas Song Arshavin

    Van Persie walcott

  86. Your loyalty is laudable, but it is quite ridiculous to say that a manager who has been in post for over 12 years doesn't bear any responsibility for the team he had produced. - Ramgun

  87. First of all, we all knew it every players and staffs faults. I hope we sold Sagna, Gallas, Diaby and buy new players such as Sergio Ramos or Hangeland or maybe we should check out schweisteiger who has the great crossings.

  88. Nah the big man has had his time.Time for a replacement. Too much money not spent relying on the kids. We need someone with fresh eyes whose not scarred to spend money. Wenger OUT! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!


  90. Some fake supporters want us believe that we must not hold Wenger accountable. He never make mistakes. For example, leaving Ashavin the BEST ON-FORM player out of FA semi final against chelsea is also not a mistake. Real dumbos!

  91. The problem with Arsenal atm is NOT wenger. It's him picking WALCOTT against sides that are BIG STRONG and GOOD ON THE BREAK.

    Bentner should have started.
    Walcotts got potential but his got no soccer brain atm.

    His passing is piss poor and work rate in defence is terrible...Evra had him in the pocket and when down our left with rooney all the time n exposing Sagna....WALCOTT JUST ISNT GOOD ENOUGH TO PLAY WENGERBALL!!!

    HE's bloody good in OUR counterattacks but IF IT BREAKS DOWN more than 50% is coz of HIM!

    HES THE PROBLEM IN A BIG MATCH...in chelsea also...

    against likes of portsmouth, wigan n co. they dont have teh attack of united so therefore we werent punished when he lost teh ball.

  92. in arsene i trust. we already have 2 new champions league players next season dudu and shava. thats before he gets a new player, and he will. on top of that our boys are now men. when does inexpierence become expierenced players having played more cl games than most players dream off. role on august cant wait.

  93. Why is everyone blaming Gibbs. The goal was not his fault.

    We had the ball in their half, gave it away, and did not win it back.

    The ball was allowed to go into our box, without a challenge.

    The third goal was a great example. Good move my Man U - but what was Eboue doing playing so deep?

    Mark C

  94. Wenger has fucked up plenty of times this season but losing last night was not his fault!

  95. more than anything this defeat hurt all the gooners; players, staff, manager and the supporters. United's display was absolutely clinical and a cut above everything arsenal ever did on both the legs. They outplayed us in every department. I was really looking forward to a Arsenal vs Barca final with us kicking their behinds but it wasn't to be. We'll we should take what we get. No one can be blamed for this because we came up agains't a team playing with gods and fairies behind their backs. All they had to do was sneeze and Almunia is picking the ball from his net. My heart goes out to Gibbs. He has been wonderful in Clichy's absence. he has done a lot and is playing for a club with tremendous amout of pressure at this time of the season. Hope lady luck and is on our side next season. All we need next season is a higher level of stability and some one who can finish clinically without touching the ball 20 times then giving it away. Need someone with venom in their kick like "lady boy's".

    gooner for ever.



  97. Arsene Wenger must go and you lot are blind to the truth.

    Ferguson and Wenger were inches apart but heading in opposite directions - one pondering fresh possibilities to make history and the other starting a critical period of soul-searching.

    Manchester United brushed Arsenal aside with a savagery, speed and ruthlessness that had plenty of observers at the Emirates labelling it as this sport’s equivalent of Manny Pacquiao’s demolition of Ricky Hatton.

    Wenger was dealing with the fact/pain of four years without a trophy and the problem of how to bridge the gaping chasm between the top three clubs.

    The scale of this defeat was etched on the lines of Wenger’s face as he attempted to come to terms with the blow he and Arsenal had just suffered in the aftermath of what will be be a pivotal night for the club.

    Wenger promised us that we would see “a magnificent performance”. We saw one all right - but saw it from Manchester United.

  98. i have managed to read most of ma goonerz follwrz,sum are good some are baised,some are askingor hoping 4 too much,others seems to be fed up,but let me get 1 thing clear WHY HAVNT WE WON ANYTHN 4 YEARZ?????
    MAIN REASON WITHOUT A DOUBT IZ DEFEEEENCE,DEFENCE AND DEFENCE.people said if arsha waz eligable or wallcot had a better game or this or that,but in truth our defence SUCKKKKKKKKKKKZZZZZZ,and its been like this since the lose of campbell,A.cole(yeah a.cole) and the others,see am no english but we MUST BUY english playerz this summer,and as we all know best english players are DEFENDERS thtas the fact,so WHY DA FUK DO WE NOT HAVE ANY HA??we need AT LEAST 2 OF THEM,any 2 good 1's i.e.(lescott & Jakiey,Richard,upson)and so on,u know guyz that play with alllllll their heart.midfield and up front we have enough 4 yearz and yearz AM TOTALY CONFESD,bt 1 thing 4 sure wenger sukz on buying defendz mosta da times,yeh sum1 mentions EDEN HAZARD and mate u realliii do know all bout football,the guy iz unnnnbeleeevable,but 1 commnt i thnk da gut was outa order when he said we should sell SAGNA.HA SAGNA?????mannn if it wasnt of him and Toure we ill be HUMILATED EVRY SINGLE GAME.fingrcros Rosicky comes bk nxt season.

    next season team.

    Green(ALMu nt bad bt grren iz better i thnk)

    Sangna Toure Lescott Clincy

    Rosicky/wallcot Fabrey Arsha
    *see 3 english players thta would cost £30m max and we are DOOOOONE!!
    2nd sub sheet:Bendy,vela,song,Denilson,Djouro.


  99. The blundering fool Wenger last night confirmed that for all his fabled greatness as a coach, he is still singularly incapable of adaptation. His endless experiment with boys at the expense of solid results must now come to a close. Wenger school of footbal's philosophy is: buy young but talented players for almost nothing, patch them up, play alluring if pointless football and sell high when they grow old. this he must revise if Arsenal is to survive as a club, let alone challenge the othe big clubs. For a start the team requires bitter but necessary surgery. Sell big headed Ade, Ebouoe, sickly Rosicky, Diaby, Silvestre, Bendtner. Then buy this summer the likes of Yahya, Villa, Ribery, Richards, Santa Cruz. The following must remain intact as they await to be strengthened. Almunia, Clichy, Arshavin, Samir, v Persie, Sagna, Walcott, Gibbs, Song. He must also look for a competent deputy to the ever improving Almunia. Fabianski just does not fit the bill. Senderos he must sell outright from the loan status. Plus Traore. I have seen alot of fucking suckers blaming valiant Gibbs for last night's outcome. Gibbs is the hottest defender that Wenger has unearthed. Give the lad a break. Am sure he will evolve into a Gattuso. Watch this space. Same to Almunia. The style of approach at goal must change at once!. Why the fuck must the boys keep exchanging passes within the D-area till they lose posession when slamming the bloody ball home is the easier option. I have seen this over the last several seasons. Last night, I was appalled when the boys kept at this silly format. Penetrating the defense needs skill, speed, creativity, spontaeity and lots of imagination. Wenger's style seems to suffocate all these. Let us hear from Wenger. He must change or perish. You can have the luxury of building a team at Coca Cola Championship league. Never at Premier. Naver for 4 years. Even Noah's ark did not take this long!

  100. Wot you talking about. The first goal wasnt unlucky. Utd carved Arsenal open. Djouru needs to take blame for first goal cos he wasnt tight enough to Ronaldo to stop him making the run or the getting cross. They dont call him Bambi for nothing. He's not hard enough to be a defender. And that is Wenger's fault for 'coverting' him.
    I have had enough of our tippy tappy shitty football. Why cant any of out srikers make those sort of runs. Why does everything have to be to feet and oh so predictble and once paced - Wenger.

  101. who's ready for another season of transition????????

    we just werent good enouugh man for man. we also couldnt match them for tenacity, vigour grit determination and ability. this is not only tied to the guys on the pitch, it also apllies to the guys in the dugout too.

    wenger is great but he has to realise he's strategy, whatever it is, just aint working!!

  102. in:
    karim benzema(would be the new henry)

    gareth barry/daneille de rossi(only because they are dms who are leaders too)

    brede hangaland(man mountain of a guy)

    emmanual adebayor(love the guy and will only sell him if we need to to buy benzema)

    niklas bendtner(shown not good enough)

    tomas rosicky(great guy and player but is injured too much. he played best in the bundesliga… maybe offer him + cash for diego?)

    abou diaby(thought he’d be a vieira. but thought wrong. would play nasri song denilson and ramsey ahead of him in the other cm place)

    the sales would raise the funds, the buys would win us trophys!please comment because i wanna hear your thoughts!

  103. Three players who would have made the difference yesterday: Upson, Diarra and Flamini.

    It's called steel and Arsene doesn't understand it.

    Hand the club over to Martin O'Niel. Sell off the malcontent dreamers and lets get serious.

  104. oh and another nothing whoever says wenger out is a moron... greatest manager!

  105. many already shared their thoughts and so i'd just put forward a few observations....

    * passing is pointless if we cannot penetrate... just how many side and back passes we made last night?? thought we'd 3 nil up the way we played!

    * our strikers/ forwards cannot get pass defense... walcott was hopeless and in the odd moments he got past somebody his crosses were not crosses!

    * our midfield was pathetic and run over by manutd in BOTH legs... didn't wenger learn??

    * why the heck did we not shoot? because our players couldn't! in shooting terms... cesc is weak; nasri was erratic; rvp is like hoping for lottery; ade -was he a striker?; and lets forget song, denilson, diaby... so so ...so unreliable

    * we couldn't head the ball... and it's okay to pass but when you defend or needing to flick the ball during an attack, we simply lost it

    * our wage bill is actually not low at all, contrary to perception! 2nd or 3rd behind manu and chelsea so why oh why have we need to put up with such quality? messi is youth, the rafa whatever RB is a kid; and to be frank CR is 23 or 24 ... point is these are youth we wanted not song, denilson, randall and the like!

  106. AM:
    Go back to school you illiterate cunt!
    Reading your incoherent shit gave me a brain freeze!

  107. Who the fuck says we are entitled to a trophy?
    Who knows the in and out of our financial situation?
    Who would have turned down getting as far as the semis of the CL?
    we ARE in the CL next year, we WILL be up there for the Prem again we will progress in the FA Cup and our YOUNGSTERS will shine like they always do in the carling cup!
    It's just a matter of moments before this team delivers!
    Unhappy? FUCK OFF and support Man Utd!!!!!! & their fucking millions we DON'T have!
    Otherwise let's sell to 1 owner!
    Ask yourself, if AW had 100 mill to spend (and really think about this) Why wouldn't he spend it?
    Poss because the BOARD insist he makes them large profits???

  108. i think we started well ystd(for 7mins). The players came out with a plan, to score the first goal and then... one counter attack, one slip, a goal and the players gave up.

    It's like all their plans and tactics just flew off the window, the players then became clueless and were chasing shadows. The have no experience in this tough situations!
    So i dont agree with the media saying we were totally outplayed at home, we actually just gave up.

    I think we NEED, NEED a new cb (although arsene will say how he cant find one good cb which is a lie, there are tons others who is at least better than ours) and a more defensive cm! Our midfield have been outplayed by liverpool, manU and chelsea this year. And one more striker..

    So it's not all arsene's fault but he shld wake up, spend wisely as we are not asking for a 30million per signings.
    Sell the deadwoods and stop giving excuses such as we have a young team when he himself choose to have a young team and and is obsessed with it. Buying ready made players is the only chance we have to win anything next year. W/o arshavin we are so dreadful to watch!

    Come on arsene! do it for the club, not for the players' best interest whatsoever!

  109. FUK U AND HOPE U BRAIN frezes 4 eva anonymous 19.24,u need 2 go bk 2 ur mum n get brst feeded al ova again 2 undrstand wt iwz sayn SUUUUKR!!dump ass

  110. Yes it is wenger's fault he put out such a shit left back in kieran gibbs (who has no expereince at all for this kind of game)and such a shit keeper in almunia who are to blame for the first two goals. Come on Wenger SPEND THE MONEY OR GET OUT.

    Is he blind? Can he not see how shit we are defensively. The Worst defense i have seen in my life. Absolutely shocking.

    Like Andy Gray said "You never know when arsenal can score or CONCEAD" and he's right.


  111. I agree with you. But this state ,I think with the man like you(Wrighty) ,the team may be lift the game .In this game ,I don't see anyone to urge the team to fight to win . No run for team (OFF THE MAN POSITION ) no screening to protect FAB4 and can't keep the ball to wait for RVP ,FAB4, THEO from Adebayor

  112. Never realised just how many wankers and shit heads call themselves supporters of Arsenal football club.
    Gibbs will be a great English player for us, if they want to point the finger, blame that lazy git Adebayor who's not fit to wear the shirt or that clueless kid Walcott who has no idea how to beat a player and is too lazy to track back and defend, blame RVP who's useless unless the ball is on his left foot, blame our manager who picks the same playes who have let us down time and time again this season.
    Blam the manager who's too stubborn to play a 4-4-2 system against an ordinary Manure side, he tried to be to clever and got found out. play Carlos Vella, Play Arron Ramsey,play Nicky B not the greatest talent at the club but will run himself into the groud for the shirt, these boys have a hunger to do well for the clu and us the supporters, GIVE THEM A CHANCE WENGER AND GET RID OF THOSE WASTERS.

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