Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Sack Arsene Wenger and replace him with who exactly?

People are more than entitled to their own opinion but one I don't agree with is sacking Arsene Wenger.

If you are one of the people that believe sacking Arsene Wenger is the answer then could you please elaborate with who you would like to replace him? Because I can't think of anyone at the moment!

Listen, I know Arsene Wenger has his faults. I don't think he is perfect but I know he is a fine manager who, if available, would have almost every top club in Europe trying to get him on board.

I don't deny that Wenger has fucked up in the past but who hasn't? He is only human like the rest of us.

Arsene Wenger is a very stubborn man and I believe that this stubborness is his downfall. What he needs to do is look into his mirror and realise that he needs to change his policy slightly.

Its obvious that this group of players need guidance. You look around the squad and I don't see many players who can provide it.

Despite the 'potential' of this squad the lack of experience is a real problem. I'm hoping that Wenger sees that now and tweaks the squad as necessary.

I can't see how replacing Wenger would do any good. I can understand people wanting a new beginning and fresh ideas but I hope that Arsene Wenger can be the man to do that.

Yes, he may seem stuck in his ways but even the most stubborn of men can change.

I really hope he does because many Gooners are frustrated, understandably so, and his legendary status at the club could be tainted unless silverware comes our way.

It hurts to say but Manchester United are setting the benchmark at the moment and although it seems we are miles away from them I really believe we are not.

Wenger is the man to lead us back to the top but only if he is willing to change.

Remember, you never know what you got until it's gone. I hope Wenger proves me right.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. Replace him with Myles Palmer. Palmer knows it all.

  2. well said, Wrighty. Fuck to those who thinks Wenger is shite!

  3. sack wenger and give the job joint to ade and robin,maybe they can decide how to motivate themselfs

  4. someone less senile who wouldnt of let the unbeaten team go on frees and dwindle down.

    Claudio Ranieri,Mourinho,Van Basten

    is that enough names for you?

    arsenal wont do anything until the Headmaster is replaced.

  5. you lot make me laugh , all these AKB's i bet they all have a little go if arsenal don't win nothing next year.

    face it even the most nutral of people are seeing that his time has expired, face it there's a time and a place for everything and Wenger has had his,

  6. isnt that the job of the board though?

    mourinho and benitez were unheard of before they became managers

    and look what they achieved

    get you heads out of your rears,
    you gotta move with the times if you wanna compete for trophys

  7. what if he dont change? what if he does nothing in the summer again? what if we have to have another season of robin and ade and what if he signs sami hypia to partner sylvestre?

  8. Anonymous 19:29

    u drunk?
    u think by naming them, they can bring all the glory u wanted?

    all the work done by Wenger will be undone...u think these new manager will win u cups once appointed?

  9. he is not stubborn he is just weak

  10. RKS did wenger once win cups fresh into a new job?

  11. All we need are three good experienced players. 1 each in defence, midfield and attack. Trouble is that it is hard to find those players who really are motivated by money. I'm surprised we even signed Arshavin now in the first place. He must really have been a big Arsenal fan.

  12. "Van Basten" - 19:29

    Ha ha ha he left Ajax cos he couldn't get them into the Champions League spot in the DUTCH League, what an idiot ha ha and you think he can manage Arsenal.

    Ask stupid people a question and you will get a stupid answer...

  13. wenger has no fear factor, when he arrived an got rid of a few favourites it was a kick up the arse for others,it kept them on their toes, these boys wenger deals with these days have no fear,just play shit and dont worry because jack wilshere and aaron ramsey are too young to get in, he needs to throw away the crap, the ego's like van and ade who fail to deliever then blame the club, he needs to give kolo toure a brain to defend with

  14. to be honest i love arsene wenger for what he's done for arsenal and for the premiership,but he's taken arsenal as far as he can, in any walk of life, if you fail and you continue to fail, then someone who is better at their job than u replaces u, four years may seem a short time in football, but not when u aint winning anything, or making any kind of progress, and no for a club like arsenal, their second semi final in champions league isnt progress, it mediocrity... unless wenger can change his whole attitude toward players and paying for quality instead of potential then i fear its gona be much of the same next year... only next year everton and villa will come closer again

  15. no but they will start by signing experience players , instead of kids every season.

    4-5-1 every match for a team that used to score almost at will every match a few years ago , with players that run there hearts out for the cause.

    now wengers left us with players that are either inexperieced youth , mercenary clubbers who couldnt even work a belt right and players who fancy playing for other teams.

    what would mourinho,benitez or saf said to bednter and ade after the clubbing incident?

    more that what arsene senile has
    and thats the tip of the iceberg.

    but the club isnt gonna change with rose tinted akb's around because he thinks his doing no wrong and his ego which his living on is getting bigger with everyone of them

  16. "Van Basten" - 19:29

    Ha ha ha he left Ajax cos he couldn't get them into the Champions League spot in the DUTCH League, what an idiot ha ha and you think he can manage Arsenal.

    Ask stupid people a question and you will get a stupid answer...




  17. Replace him with pile of dog waste, same thing. These youngsters aren't gonna win anyting.

  18. Ranieri ? Yeah he is setting the world alight at Juve !!

    Mourinho ? That actually isn't a bad shout but when he fails to win the league in his first season are you going to appreciate the style of football he will be bringing to the table ?

    Van Basten ? What has he done that floats your boat ? Ajax lost the league in Holland weeks ago and the Dutch National team did pretty much nothing under him.

    Guardiola - When Wrighty was asking for suggestions I think he was atleast suggesting you be remotely realistic.

    O'Neill - this has to be the worst of the lot, this bloke is so over hyped its untrue - he spent atleast £50million in the summer and has just gone on a league run of 0 wins in 12 - how long would you put up with shit like that ?

    Moyes - again not a bad shout but I can't help feeling he is just flavour of the month - definitely had a good season this year and the year he got Everton into 4th but in between has still managed to flirt with relegation. If he has a good season next year then I might start to believe the hype.

    Benitez ? Again hardly realistic mate.


  19. how does it feel when Portsmouth have won something in the last 4 years and Arsenal havent?

    can a AKB-aphile answer that one?

  20. anybody see the article about the kenyan hanging himself after last night's result... C-H-R-I-S-T... bit on the strong side

  21. "what would mourinho,benitez or saf said to bednter and ade after the clubbing incident?"

    Manchester United can't have a christmas party for someone woman getting roasted or raped. Wa-hey for Ferguson and his keeping them good.

    Not like Bendtner was paying a granny for sex huh?

    Oh and Mourinho sent a player to Brazil and he never came back. Poor Adriano!

  22. whys wrighty asking for us to name a replacement anyways, is he on the board?

    its the boards job to do the research and get someone in

    Hiddink when he leaves in the summer would be ideal if you wanted a answer though

  23. You are right wrighty. How many world class managers are languishing around today anyway? we all heard about real wanting to pay 40 mil to sign him. next thing, sum idiots will be suggesting english coaches with their english steel....what a laugh

  24. wenger shows no signs of changing at all.

    he doesnt seem to have the drive to be the best anymore.

    We werent good enough last season and all he did in the summer was weaken the squad.

    if he wont change he has to go

  25. what would mourinho,benitez or saf said to bednter and ade after the clubbing incident?"

    Manchester United can't have a christmas party for someone woman getting roasted or raped. Wa-hey for Ferguson and his keeping them good.

    Not like Bendtner was paying a granny for sex huh?

    Oh and Mourinho sent a player to Brazil and he never came back. Poor Adriano!

    Yeah but whatever saf is saying to them its working isnt it

    his not doing a american president impression - 4 More Ye-arsenal!

  26. Vicente del Bosque
    Claudio Ranieri
    Slaven Bilić
    Frank Rijkaard

    Take your pick

  27. £40 Mil for Wenger, id snap an arm of for that , we might get a decent goal scorer for that

  28. wrighty just loves gettin hits off of controversial headlines

  29. Bilic was at the game yesterday so its not like he hasnt been doing his research




    Ok so Van Basten can't get Ajax into the top slots in a terrible Dutch league but would play Arshavin. Oh well I'm sold on such fantastic logic.....




    Ok so Van Basten can't get Ajax into the top slots in a terrible Dutch league but would play Arshavin. Oh well I'm sold on such fantastic logic.....

    Perhaps thats because Ajax arent as good as they used to be.....

    Hang on what team does that sound like?.... your right with that one , he would be crap with a crap side.

  32. answer this

    will you still want wenger when tottenham over take arsenal in the league?

    even theyve won something recently

    yeah the AKB's really know the score dont they

  33. sacking Wenger person must be mad or dont know the football, Arsene will couple of player and ithink van ade and bentner will go

  34. sacking Wenger person must be mad or dont know the football, Arsene will couple of player and ithink van ade and bentner will go

    yeah he will sign players 4 16 year olds

    his already started by Signing wellington

    Great what a fantastic experinced signing!!

    face it the demon headmaster has lost it and we should lose him

    his due for retirement soon anyways lets just give him his gold watch a bit soon alright

  35. Some of the names mentioned are unavailable or not realistic.

  36. Also, I wonder if some have actually read the blog. I said Wenger needs to change his ways. How that makes me an Akb i'll never know!

  37. well said again, Wrighty!
    this so-call cry baby fans are mad!

  38. why do people who support wengers policy always ask this question? it's not for us to pick the next's either for the current board (who i don't think have the energy or the balls to) or kronke, simple as that! do you really think he'll stand for a manager who can only take his team 4th in every competition?.....he'll ask, is this the only coach in europe? OFCOURSE NOT!

    what we do need is a winning AMBITIOUS manager, who is tactically astute to the standard needed nowadays to outwit the benitez's and ferguson's but is willing to play with the wenger ethos of attack.....because that is wengers legacy and deserves to stay

    how do barca seem to play the same winning football but change managers?.....because the ethos stays the same, but with a new focus, a new challenge, FRESH IDEAS.

    IF YOU GUYS WERE BARCA FANS, WOULD YOU CONTINUALLY ASK....."WHO CAN REPLACE RYjKAARD?".....who'd have guessed their next great manager would be guardiola????? no experience no nothing

  39. I'm just asking the question because some are asking for Wenger to be sacked.

  40. Wheres joppa road when you need him? He has all the answers!

  41. a guy like slaven bilic would be perfect....a guy bursting with new, fresh ideas, new tactics, but wants to play the right way

    he'd give arshavin the license he deserves, buy new world class players to accompanie him and fabragas. but he was also a defender, so he'd teach defence! or buy top defenders

  42. what could arsenal do in a season....with an arshavin in the hole, an arshavin on the left and arshavin on the right infont of fabragas? and some top notch centre backs?


    lets just remember wenger almost didn't even sign one arshavin haggling over a fee....a fee which now looks like a half price sale

  43. Gooner_b11,

    I've mentioned Bilic before in a discussion about this and was ridiculed!

  44. Fuck Joppa. He is a cunt

  45. Listen,

    Joppa pretty much never agrees with me and sometmes I don't like the way he insults me or commenters but don't just call him a cunt!

  46. after the game i waited for your post to see what you are gonna say but i wish i didnt read yr blog it was so pointless i dont even know if i am going to read your blog anymore. if you get rid of wenger maybe maybe we will get a coach that when he buys players he thinks!!! look at the impact of arshavin (17 million ) compare that with all the signings he did this summer. this team cant go anywhere with in experince we have 2 get an experinced midfielder for what ever money it takes. and wenger would die first b4 he does that. look @ man utd bench and our bench thier bench is better than thier first team. i dont care what manager but we have 2 do somethin wenger doesnt care any more

  47. Are we talking about the same Billic whose tactical brilliance saw his team get stuffed at home by our oh so technical national side ?

    Oh and it was a £40M wages offer not £40M in compensation for Wenger.

  48. Harry Redknapp could make a diffrence and zakora looks pretty good 2

  49. "kayarz said...

    Harry Redknapp could make a diffrence and zakora looks pretty good 2"

    WTF mate!

  50. Anonymous address with name, when you're talking to me

    our not so tactical national side? is that what you said....i'll have you know capello is as tactical as they come, yeah it might have been pretty much the same members but it was an england who didn't have the conundrum of lampard gerrard, lamps and barry were immence on the night, wes brown was drafted in at right to rigid the england defence and they had a walcott in top form....a world class striker in rooney pulling the strings and an emile heskey who puts in more in 90mins than adebayor puts in in a month.....we are england we're supposed to croatia, it's because bilic did such a good job that you even dare to campare the two nations

  51. we're suppsed to beat croatia even!

  52. Alexander Song, Denilson, and Diaby will be better next year. I think we need one more central midfielder , a wide player, and CB. But I think the one thing we need is stability. It is important for us to hold onto everyone this year. When we lost Flamini and Hleb we were going to struggle. The way club improves from year to year is to keep its core. We lost 1/2 of our midfield at the beginning of the season and it took awhile for us to gel.

    If Wenger is able to keep all of the players from this team and with a couple of additions, we will take a big step forward and that should be the goal. Wenger is top class, the cream of the crop, and if "fans" want to turn their back on him after what he has meant to the club then fuck those fans. If AFC chooses to do so then it is not the club I once knew.

  53. Alexander Song, Denilson, and Diaby will be better next year. I think we need one more central midfielder , a wide player, and CB. But I think the one thing we need is stability. It is important for us to hold onto everyone this year. When we lost Flamini and Hleb we were going to struggle. The way club improves from year to year is to keep its core. We lost 1/2 of our midfield at the beginning of the season and it took awhile for us to gel.

    If Wenger is able to keep all of the players from this team and with a couple of additions, we will take a big step forward and that should be the goal. Wenger is top class, the cream of the crop, and if "fans" want to turn their back on him after what he has meant to the club then fuck those fans. If AFC chooses to do so then it is not the club I once knew.

  54. THERE YOU GO! BARCA GO THROUGH, that's what happens when you have a front 4 of world class players! wolrd class players who can do what ronaldo did last night...players who can do what steavie g does....players who can do what arshavin did at anfield and iniesta did tonight, not the ade's....Real world class players like iniesta,xavi, eto, henry and messi,

    we only have arshavin and fabragas at best

    another manager with no experience is gonna possibly pick up the european cup! wenger is still building!

  55. All u assholes..wenger is the best and frm tym he came in he has done wonders..i wud keep him even if he doesent bring trophy fr another 4 years.....itz nt wenger..but a suckin arsenal board which has to fund transfers..and if tey offer 20 k as fund u expect clas players ah??fuck arsenal board....arsenal fr lyf..

  56. I believe the team let Wenger down and there will be a shake up in the summer. We are not far off. A few final tweaks and we'll be the perfect footballing philosophy.
    1 experienced player at the back is needed. As is an experienced holding midifelder who is passionate. Song is good but somone of this description would be good for players like him to learn off. Shift Ade and replace him with a HUNGRY striker with ability. doesn't need to be a household name. You forget what Wenger has done for us. Ill stick by him. When things look bleakest they turn round. Patience is needed. We are almost there and that's whats frustrating.

  57. steve bould, a great youth team manaber...but serious i want steve bould next 2 years if there is no trophies in that time and he know our youngsters and how to orgaise a defence and plays the arsenal

  58. Some of you commentors are so precious it makes me laugh uncontrollably. I can list names too: Phil Brown, Graeme Souness, Tony Mobraw - doesn't mean anything.

    Have fun with Mourinho trying to build an Arsenal team without a blank chequebook. Only Wenger could put together a top four team that can compete in the CL consistently that costs less than 50M quid.

    Ranieiri? What's his managerial record? A couple Coppa Italia's with Fiorentina way back in the 90s - good job.

    Van Basten? He can't even win the Eredivisie with one of the biggest clubs in that league.

    Guardiola? OK go pry him from Barca - a club he lives and breathes.

    Hiddink? Try matching the salary that Abramovich can give him and try to buy him out of his multi-million dollar Russia contract. Go ahead, I have time to wait and see.

    O' Neill? He was Celtic - when's the last time they did anything of significance in Europe? They can win rhe SPL - good work their only competition is Rangers who couldn't even win the UEFA Cup. He's fighting for 5th with Everton a good 9 poins back. Yeah we really want that future

    Benitez? Have fun buying him out of his Liverpool contract and then tell him he can't sign 20M pound strikers because the club can't afford it.

    Moyes? Yes we want a team of 11 men who all punt the ball up top and play direct football with 6ft tall players. Chelsea needs some fans if you want that.

    Rikjaard? He had one good season with an exceptional team and then couldn't even win La Liga when Madrid were playing like crap.

    Go ahead and keep on reeling off names. I can cut down everyone of them. Consider the club's financial clout compared to every other CL team and Wenger looks like a genius to mastermind a team on the monetary limits the club has.

  59. Gooner b11 - don't get your knickers in a twist - I actually said "technical" not "tactical"

    Capello is obviously a very good tactician - hence the result - but do you think that Englad has better technical players than Croatia ? And why have England got a god given right to beat Croatia - they have done better in WC's in recent years than England have and they qualified for the most recent major tournament that England didn't. Anyway that's bye the bye - my point was Billic got taken to school that night by a tactician because he is naive.


  60. I am no way a blind follower of Wenger, he has fucked up this season with his team selections/formations and not buying any able replacements. But i agree with the post.

    If you troll around the arsenal blogs you'll find ppl saying how if we had some other manager instead of arsene, arsenal will now be filled with stars such as David villa, Ribery and all those superstar signings which will cost us abt 100 million over.
    I dont think we are skint but we do not have that kind of money.

    And if you think playing the way o'neil and moyes team has played this season will attract david villa then i beg to differ.

    Btw, van basten just resigned as manager of ajax who arent in the cl spot!. When we dont play attractive football, you guys will complaint abt the wengerball we have come to know and love and now some wants mourinho?

    And this might be a bad thing but arsene is so influencial that some just wants to play for arsenal because we play attractive football.

  61. i can't believe it's taken hours for someone to mention the funds that aren't availble to Mr Wenger.
    last season we had more or less the same team, but no one was complaining then when we nearly won the league. if it wasn't for the injury's to rosicky and eduardo, we might have won something. we are competing with teams who also want trophies and who has much more money to spend.
    I personlly thing Wenger's hands are tied, until one of our investors invests into the team.

  62. Stupid Article Writhty, there are many managers that can bring the club forward. I cant stand u type of Arsenal fans some act as thow they would stop breathing if AW left. May i remind you Wenger-Hollics, that in all these years AW's been at the club hes failed to win the Champions league and that's when you can be really be regarded as a great manager.You type of fans are the reason AW's job will never be at risk so he will go ahead and continue to take the piss and running his stupid youth policy and you naive type of fans are stupid enough to hear AW let us to be patient year in year out.

  63. Louis Van Gaal.

  64. Fucking Replace him with who? Is that really your question!?!?!?

    How many great managers are there in the world!? Do you really believe Arsene Wenger is the only great manager in the world, that can manage Arsenal? Bullshit!

    What happens when he gets too old and (God Forbid) dies. What are you going to do? sit down a cry like a baby? NO YOU WANKER...YOU GET A NEW COACH TO DO THE JOB AND THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MANAGERS DON'T DO WELL FOR LONG PERIODS ...YOU GET A NEW AND FRESH MANAGER.

    I respect Arsene For what he has done for the club and will always love him for it! But there is always an end and for me Wenger has done enough...I can only take him (grudgingly) for one more season and if he fails it's over!

  65. Anonymous you're addressing me again....no1 has a devine right to beat anyone, but (1) when you realise how small croatia is as a nation it might dawn on you why we have an advantage and should be streaks ahead, we also have the best league in the world....and champions league finalists and winners as a pool to choose our squad from, croatia on the other hand have to nationalise a brazilian to put goals in the back of their net it's only because they teach their players the right way that they have technical players like modric, olic, Kranjcar, and klasnic.....but are they actually better than what we've got? no. ...croatia Punch above their weight and england underacheive PERIOD! that's why it's even been a contest in recent years, lack of belief when they put the white shirt on is another thing due to the expectation, where as croatia don't have that problem.

    weather you like it or not....england should expect to beat croatia.

    but i like bilic

  66. I agree with Anonymous 00:15! I love Wenger, but you guys are going way over board! Have you guys listened to yourselves? You make it sound like Arsenal is Screwed without Wenger! If that is the case I shudder for Arsenal's future!

  67. 1st off to WC said...

    i've said wengers legacy in his ethos for this club should barca from the point we should always play i wouldn't want moyes or o'neil....but you say "Rikjaard? He had one good season with an exceptional team and then couldn't even win La Liga when Madrid were playing like crap"

    1st off get your facts straight because if i remember it was two straight years of dominance with back to back titles....something we've still never done and again like won the european cup. something we've never done

    guardiola lloks like he's about slam dunk that fact in our faces again too.....with hardly any experience.

    the other guy who talked about David villa, Ribery costing a $100m

    i'm not asking wenger to bring em all in at the same time that's lunacy unless arsenal have been hiding money, but like sir alex....buy1 every build holds weight. aint Arshavin already making a difference what arsenal need to be doing is bring in an arshavin everyyear even if it means blowing his budget of £25-30m for the year

  68. Good post Wrighty. Let's see what would happen without Wenger, shall we:

    No scouting network.

    No beautiful football.

    No Cesc.

    No belief within the squad.

    No Carling Cup team.

    No future.

    Perhaps Wenger has opted against spending big amounts every summer because the economic climate actually has affected Arsenal? Or he's suspecting that it might, and that if we spend now that it will hurt us in the future. Whatever reasons he has he will be proven right - AGAIN.

    Now, the squad as it right now is not ready yet, and I don't think it will be next season either. It could win one of the cup competitions, sure - with a little bit of luck we could take the double. But we are 1 or 2 quality, well scouted signings away from immortality - and Wenger knows this, he hinted towards summer purchases after his post- Man U press conference. And there is no manager better suited for the job than Wenger. He is the man to lead us there and I pray he signs an extension to his current deal.

  69. he can use his wheeling and dealing to raise the cash of £7m here and there for hangerland and £5m for another centre mid from france or whatever!

  70. aqqe...don't go talking that economic climate crap...please! i understand that but world money crashed in 2008 arsenal haven't spent well since 2004.

    the carling cup team.....i'm glad you like it (seeing the future) because that's all it is other than gibbs 80% or more don't make it.

    No scouting network.....if wenger really loved this club he wouldn't just pack up grab it all and take it with him if this is his legacy.

    No beautiful football? i'm assuming that was wenger managing barca tonight! lol he aint the only one, you just have make sure the person u bring in is a beautifull game loving guy

    No Cesc?....i'm willing to bet you if this continues we'll have no cesc anyway, and to be honest i don't want wenger brain washing his players into thinking, no wenger no me

  71. OK Gooner_b11 my fault Barca had 2 La Liga titles. Who are their competitors? Madrid and........?? Madrid. La Liga is a glorified SPL. Valencia, Villareal et al all only hope to be in the 3rd and 4th spot. That league is not as competitive as the Prem where Chelsea have seen a Roman revolution and Liverpool is piggybacking on Hicks & Gillett's fortune as of late. La Liga used to be very good when the winners could not be predicted but now it is either Barca or Madrid while the 18 other teams battle for the other 2 CL spots. Nevermind also that's a 100M pound squad as well. They actually beat us in the CL final and not by a large margin either. Both teams were fairly equal until the last minutes and being beat 2-1 with 10-men is by far no disgrace. As it stands Guardiola has spent more this summer than our entire squad is probably worth - that is their spending power and they are in a far different situation than us. Our strength lies in Wenger's frugality otherwise we can join the Mancs, Chavs and Pool in explaining to the banks why we have no money when they come knocking to collect their debts.

  72. wc call it Wenger's frugality, i call it Wenger's narcissim. he so loves the credit that comes with nurturing a player into world class that he has built the worlds most expensive creche. laliga is far from a from a glorified spl if one their teams still has a chance of winning it,yes the premiership is that strong but last i remembered only 3teams....even in the top4 have one the league since it was called the premiership, it's the same with la liga other than the difference between us and valencia which is they made the mistake leeds did which was over gambling, and they'll pay in the summer.

    i think you know Mancs, Chavs and Pool will not be explaining to the banks why they have no money, it'a pipe dream.

  73. the gist i'm getting out of you guys is're comfortable too, YOU ARE SO SCARED OF FALLING FROM WHERE YOU ARE IF WENGER WERE TO LEAVE, THAT YOU'RE AFRAID TO FLY?'s shocking!

  74. it's time to end the infatuation with foreign managers. Hoddle, venables, toshack etc should be given a chance.

  75. Some comments seems like those sad pathetic guys on Arsenal Times Forum which i always read for some interesting views.

    I wonder how many are fans only after arsene wenger came onboard?

    I am one and which manager can get the club to CL spot without spending much?

    Some of these pathetic people dunno the times and the club's situation. Too much CM i think.

    Wenger even did more than 1 persons job this season for quite some time.

  76. I’ve noticed it for some time, and I still can’t quite understand it. It is a form of logic that appears in the newspapers and on TV, and it goes like this:

    Arsenal failed to win the Champs League, FA Cup and EPL this year because Wenger only likes to play young players. Because of this failure it is now time for him to change tactics.

    Which of course he will do because in 2009/10 the average age of the team we put out in Europe will be 14 years older. Somehow the writers of these complaints against Wenger seem to suggest that he’s now going to get rid of all his players and bring in younger players.

    But of course he isn’t - the whole point of the project is to bring in a load of youngsters and mould them to his style, and then let them grow as a team. They’ll all be one year older, and Arshavin will be playing next year - hence the rise in the team’s age of 14 years.

    Here’s another complaint - Wenger won’t get his chequebook out. But this year he did just that - he broke our transfer record and did it with the transfer of the season bringing in a player that everyone else wanted. (A transfer that as I just noted has taken the age of the first team up several levels.)

    The fact is that with a phenomenally young squad Arsenal reached the semi final of the Champions League and the FA Cup and are probably going to end up around 10 points off the top of the EPL. That is an extraordinary achievement for such a team - and remember it is a team that has had the most dreadful run of injuries over two years.

    If the squad was like that of Chelsea with a whole range of players who are approaching their sell-by date, then I’d say, “well if we don’t win it this year that’s it - break up the squad and start again.”

    But the squad is so young it can only improve - and an improvement on the three achievements of this year can only mean something better next year.

    We started this season with endless complaints about the weakness of the squad, and all the “This is exactly what I was afraid of” comments after the Fulham defeat. We have had one major upgrade in terms of Arshavin, but he, as we all know, can’t play in Europe this year. Worse, we’ve had Rosicky and Eduardo out all year, Cesc out for 3 months and… well you know the rest.

    Despite all this, despite the youth of the squad, despite the injuries, we are the fourth best team in the world. So if you had offered me this outcome by the end of the year I’d have said yes, that’s good progress. If you say to me, these improving players should be set aside so that a series of big money transfers should come in, I’d say no, you must be out of your mind.

    The project is half way through. To destroy it now with endless moaning about failure, after reaching the Euro Semi with a very young and injury ravaged team is a qualification for working on ITV Sport, but not much else.

    Oh, and there’s a 21 game unbeaten run too. Best not mention that, because it rather spoils all the “buy buy buy” arguments.

    I am truly sorry Mr Wenger had his worst night in football. If I were ever to meet him I’d tell him what it felt like after we were beaten by Wrexham. That was worse, because that was a side that had no excuse and no explanation and no reason for failure. That was the bleakest day of all. This is just a momentary slip on the climb to the very top.

  77. Good article - I can't believe some people.

    What could Wenger do about the Man U game. He got his troops up for the game and they were on fire for the first 7 minutes. Unfortunately Gibbs slip changed the whole momentum and outlook of the game and was compounded by the free kick. Otherwise we would have given Man U a good run for their money.

    Should we sack Hiddink and Benitex as well? They havn't won anything in the last two years. I know Hiddink hasnt been in charge forever and is in the FA cup final, but how many gooner fans said they would not be content with just an FA cup.

  78. Basically an unlucky slip and a bad referre decision (in fairness, so was the penalty) cost us. We kept good possesion after that but admittedly we were poor in attack, the third man utd goal showed the gulf in their attack and our defence and over the two legs, man utd deserved to go through. The real question now is where do Arsenal go from here? I know we will get the same old stupid emails saying that Arsene should go but a serious discussion should happen about the direction of the club.

    We have obvious quality in Arshavin, RVP, Walcott, Nasri, Toure, Clichy, Gallas, Fabregas, Almunia etc. We were top of the league in March last season and got to the semi finals of the FA cup and CL. We may have got weaker from 3 years ago, yet we are improving. But is that enough? Arsene wants to win the CL, but at the current rate of progression, will we get it? I'm not sure, I think a change might be needed.

    First of all, no more Diaby and Denilson starting games. A better No.2 (sorry Fabianski!). And for the love of god, no more Silvestre. Maybe a tall order to do in one summer, especially considering what happened last summer, but Arsene must know more than anyone what we need to go to the next level. As everyone can see from the list above, we have world class players, some who could play in the best team in the world. We just need a little more. What every arsenal fan wants to know is whether we will get that. After this performance, I reckon we will.

  79. To find coach? It is very easy

    I'd prefer any Dutch, Dick Advokaat as example.

  80. Louis Van Gaal, who after a mid-career dip, has just embarrassed Ajax, PSV and co by winning the Championship in Holland with tiny AZ Aalkmar, with Bergkamp as his assistant and Steve Bould promoted to first-team coach with particular responsibility for defending.
    I still have a well of affection for Arsene but Wrighty, what evidence do you have from the last four years that Arsene will change? -Ramgun

  81. Ramgun,

    I have no evidence mate but I think he should be give that chance.

    There seemed to be a turning point the other night that I can't quite put my finger on.

  82. anon at 19:29...

    AW = senile? are you that stupid

    anon at 19:31 and everybody else who says AW is past it...

    sack him n replace him with who? are you blind? aw has got us so far with so little resources. are you prepared to stake the financial well being of the club you love for a few trophies?

    anon at 19:36 and all the other pricks who think wenger is self obsessed or this club is his plaything...

    what the fuck do you know about strength? Arsene Wenger is a strong man who is prepared to tak all this criticism rather than stake the financial future of his club for trophies.

    It says a lot about human beings in general if you fucking losers who claim to be arsenal fans aren't ready to give a true legend who has only arsenal at heart your support. sorry wrighty, i've had a bad day. rant over

  83. Ramgun, wrighty,

    what change exactly do you want to see in Wenger? I feel he showed his willingness to change by doing whatever it takes to get arshavin. Arshavin keeps me believing. AKB!!

  84. Champions league, snampions dig. Whatever. Alex Ferguson won his first champions league trophy in his 13th year at the club. Go figure.

    While I do not doubt that there might be capable hands out there to steer the club after Arsene, I believe whoever's gonna take over these boys will still struggle in his first year. Yeah, Chelsea won the Carling cup, so what?! The other clubs in the top 4 have barely won as much in the last 4 years as well.

    It's right to feel as much passion for the club as we do, enough to ask for Arsene's head, but I believe that with the right infusion of 2 or 3 Arshavin-like players in the right areas, and a coaching assistant waving the big stick to complement Arsene's "let boys be boys" style, we will be leading the world by next season.

    That said, I think the boys have forgotten what it means to win.

  85. We know how good wenger is and how bad he is. but it just getting worst.

    So it is better to employ unproven/unknown manager than stick with a manager we already know what the result gonna be.

  86. Sack who lol i think u guys r on something the ones who r saying replace with someone else when we talking about the great wenger. Well need a new players n he has to sing them this summer but lets not forget wenger made the new stylish arsenal n he has succeeded n won few tournmens. Let's give him respect n put a side the word of sack..
