Sunday, 21 June 2009

They call him Melo Yellow!

Cor Blimey me old chappies and chappetes it seems like ages since I last posted but I took the advice of a Wrighty7 hater and have decided to post 'like other good blogs' only when there is news to comment on.

Also I have been on the piss pretty much since Wednesday so I have been in no fit state to write. In fact, I would have been a lot worse than usual.

Let me get this straight though. Wrighty7 is not a good blog and it aint a blog that gives Gooners news. It just gives an opinion. I have no insider knowledge but I have several numerous complaints; just how I like it.

Anyway, we keep being linked with a move for Brazilian enforcer Felipe Melo who received more yellow and red cards last season than I did Christmas cards.

I heard he is a 'Brazilian Nut'. Well, £15m is a lot of money for something that is 18% protein, 13% carbohydrates, and 69% fat but if it protects the back four and kicks the shit out of Robbie Keane, Joey Barton and co next season then I'm all for it.

Phillipe Senderos wants to stay in Italy, so perhaps we won't even have to spend £15m on the nut. Perhaps we could offer Big Phil and £10m for Big Fil?

In my 'absence' we finally signed that Belgian bun Thomas Vermaelen. I honestly thought that it might drag on throughout the whole of summer. That's how we usually do things. Ask Samir Nasri and Andrei Arshavin, who sat in the cold the whole of January waiting for something to happen.

I'm glad we've done a bit of business early in the transfer window for a change but most Gooners I speak to have mixed feelings about capturing Vermaelen.

Some feel he isn't good enough for Arsenal, some are quite happy. I'm going to reserve judgement on the fella until he has actually settled into the Premiership.

It may take a while but for Wenger to spend an 'undisclosed fee' on him must mean he has a great chance because Arsene doesn't spend 'undisclosed fee's' on defenders.

Keep it Goonerish.................


  1. Oi Oi Wrighty.. Rico has a copyright on your title..


  2. hope we get him, seems like the midfield enforcer we need..
    if we get him and get rid of senderos at the saem time then i would be jumpin' of the walls!

    melo, and we're set for next season IMO

  3. hey! actually in top 3! not bad, not bad..2nd and 3rd in fact ;)

  4. I'd rather keep Senderos and sell Silvestre, but if including Senderos in the Melo deal then I wouldn't mind. I read that a lot of people have only watched Melo in the Confederation's Cup and have not been impressed. Honestly, he wasn't that impressive even though he scored a nice header BUT! Those people have only seen him play a few games. I've seen him all season with Fiorentina and he's exactly the type of midfielder we need. Him or Inler. People g on about Cana, I put Flamini ahead of him, he's got more fight than Flamini but he doesn't have good technique. I'd be happy if we got Melo. Sell Senderos, Silvestre and Bischoff . Bring in Melo and maybe one more CB and I'll be more than happy. Maybe sell Diaby, but he's a completely different player when he's the 2nd striker just his passing but he's wasted partnered next to Cesc and on the left.

  5. Ha ha! 'Ello Avenell!

    I hope Rico doesn't sue me!

  6. brdgunner

    Nice one wrighty7. I watched him for Brazil and was not to impressed, however, they were playing USA so it was hard to tell. My favourite in that position De Rossi and the guy I think is best for Arsenal Gattuso play tonight against Brazil.

    So it is a good chance to see Melo in action against some top quality opposition.

    BBC3 at around 7 I think.

    Keep up the good work


  7. Wrighty.. Rico wants half of that money that you got from your begging letters from africa.. sorry mate..

    All these people giving you and your blog strap, why don't they go and write there own, then they can see how difficult it is finding new subjects when there is no news?
    Most of the stuff about is fantasy from newspapers anyway.

  8. yeah. i've seen him play many times, he's a good player and certainly the one we needed. melo or inler, i don't mind both. they'll let fabregas back to his best.

  9. Havent seen much of him but he looks a bit on the chubby side!

  10. Jeez Wrighty don't tell me that you were stung by that critism from that wanker last week... some people have nothing better to do than complain. Liked the bit about the composition of brazlian nuts... good one.

    Keep it goonerish

  11. Wrighty, all i can say mate...IN ARSENE I TRUST...=D

    Can't wait for August and i can't wait to wear my new away Arsenal shirt..=P

  12. I think Melo would be another Gilberto, a solid enough player, but nothing spectacular. I think I'd prefer to see Song given a run than spend £15m on him.

    I wish we'd just try and do a player plus cash deal that would see Adebayor go to Milan and Flamini to come back to where he belongs. It won't happen, but I can dream.

    I think Vermaelen will turn out to be a good signing, I've seen him play for Ajax a few times and he looks class. The only person I've heard slag him off is Tony Adams, and I think he said it at the same time he was telling everyone he was going to be Celtic manager the next week. How did that one work out for you Tone?

  13. Hi Wrighty, I've not commented on any of your artices but i've always enjoyed Reading them. Don't change your style because of one humourless shitbag...
    Keep it goonerish

  14. He hurt my feelings though! Ha ha!

    It'll take more than that MickeyGoons and anon 15:07! lol

    lp, I like that shirt, its about time we had one with a collar!

  15. Wrighty Wright Wright Wright...

    Shal I email you my address so you know where to send the cheque - we can settle out of court

    ;) ;)

    Rico :)

  16. "I heard he is a 'Brazilian Nut'. Well, £15m is a lot of money for something that is 18% protein, 13% carbohydrates, and 69% fat but if it protects the back four and kicks the shit out of Robbie Keane, Joey Barton and co next season then I'm all for it"

    Ha ha wonderful..

  17. Anon at 1652hrs

    Your comment is bloomin funny, loved it - Brazilian nut case

  18. Felipe Melo is the man, the first I saw him was when Brazil played Italy in England and I think it was his first call up and he was outstanding. I started watching him every week after that and he is a Brazilian Pitbull. If we get him I telling you trophies will start rolling in. You want somebody to protect the back 4? This guy will killing a player before he let him pass him LOL

  19. You obviously didn't watch Melo tonight, he was garbage, Did nothing. Guiberto was better.

  20. Ha ha you pillock, unless he was Mystic Meg how was he supposed to know how Melo was going to play.

    The last comment was an hour before the game finished.

  21. I cant understand why people dont want senderos at the club when silvestre is still there. Silvestre needs to go, then Senderos can come in.Chanses are Arsenal doesnt go for players that everyone else goes for like man city. Once many city comes in the picture, they offer wages that is not on par with the player's real value beacuse they have money to waste. So arsenal goes after players that slip by like ARsahvin. Its suprising that real madrid, barca, man u chelsea etc, didnt have a SERIOUS enough effort to get him and arsene slipped in and got him. So i guess arsenal going to fing a DM and a winger or even another CB that will suprise us.

  22. lol to think that Melo flops when he played in Malaysia last time around! Malaysia.. of all places, he failed there! doh... but he's coming back strong alright

  23. watched melo agains't italy..he totally dominated huge chunks of the game..might even be the best in his position and with the kind of job he does he might be the perfect replacement for viera finally..hope arsenal do sign him..worth 15M 100 percent..sign him sign him sign him..

  24. If Le boss doesn't take him to the club ,the best way to solute the middel role is put the eggs to Denison or Abu Diaby to be brave enough to tackle and break the game . Solid the middle field is very important to win the game and make to counter attack easily.
