Friday, 31 July 2009

I wouldn't take Arsene Wenger at face value!

Listen, I know that Arsene Wenger's latest comments about the possibility of bringing players in doesn't look good but I really wouldn't take him at face value for it!

Wenger is not going to let the world know that he wants to make signings because it immediately gives the target's club a leg-up. The price for the player would go up because the other club would get the vibe that Arsenal are desperate for new faces.

I've never taken Arsene at face-value because who really knows what is going on behind those glasses? Only Wenger does.

The geezer has the best poker face in the world of football and there is hardly ever a hint of who is coming in or going out.

What I do know is that we should all wait and see what happens before we make assumptions on Wenger.

Of course it is frustrating when you see the likes of Manchester City spending more money than Michael Owen does on the horses and Arsenal aren't spending any but that has always been our style.

Then again, barring Manchester City and Real Madrid, nobody else really is. Its a sign of the times.

It's clear Arsenal could do with strengthening and I wouldn't mind betting that Wenger is working on this. He knows where we need to improve and I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt because there is such a long time to go until the transfer window closes.

I have to or I might lose my sanity!

I'd like to take the chance to say RIP to Bobby Robson, a gentleman.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. Totally agreed with you..

  2. 2nd...wooohooooo

  3. Wrighty, you have hit the nail on the head.

    People need to calm the fuck down!

  4. spot on...he's waiting for the emirates cup and valencia game to fully assess our needs.

    on a side note: vieira, come home...

  5. Agree, one of the worst things he could have said is that he needs players. That gives the clubs that own the player license to add an extra few million onto the price. Therefore he give off this not fussed approach so that he doesn;t get ripped off. But I would say that he will buy one more defender, viera and Chamakh.

  6. wenger is a manager who always like to keep all his options open..he might buy he might not buy he might even sell another 1 or never know..the squad is his..its like us playing football manager on our PC..he does what he fancies..following arsenal for the past 11 years..i can say i know something special is just around the corner..we can say dennis bergkamp's goal coming 1st on the greatest goals for the gunners in a definite out come the gunners...

  7. matuidi is a done deal, vieira aint.
    i think he's definitely deciding between Chamkh & Huntelaar - but really wants Dzeko and is holding out until that matter is cleared

  8. hear hear .
    wenger has his funny little ways. remember at the beginning of the arshavin saga their manager come out and said " wenger is a very clever man. he spends all morning telling everyone how rubbish arshavin is , and the afternnon he spends trying to sign him "
    read between the lines peoples , he does give hints here and there just have to draw them out !

  9. @ 18:25

    amen to that...

  10. The Independent is credited with the best record for rumour/fact ratio in the press. The DeRossi was written by their chief footy writer. Seems a stretch but it would be an amazing signing if true. Hope we keep Eboue. Need wing backs.

  11. Friday 31st
    11m Euros offered for Chamakh
    You heard it here 1st


  12. I have been spouting this to all my Gooner fans who have been standing at the edge because of my those comments.

    I was in complete by this, thinking how long have they followed Arsenal to know not to take AW at face value.

  13. good example with be melo,after wenger said publicly that melo was a target, his club double his fees than is why Arsene wouldn't say who he want to sign. People need to calm the fuck down! and let Arsene do his work

  14. good example with be melo,after wenger said publicly that melo was a target, his club double his fees than is why Arsene wouldn't say who he want to sign. People need to calm the fuck down! and let Arsene do his work

  15. Finnaly a sensible post...
    True that, why should Arsene tell the world his team is weak in need a player in a position? Is that ever the best way to start a Multi million pound Negotiation.
    All the Dumb fans need to Shut the Hell up. Get a job or get out of your parents basement behind the pc. Yes I am worries cuz i know the squad is week in the middle but let Wenger do his jon the season is 16 days away and the transfer window close in 30 days.
    Chill the F*** up.
    Lets Go u GunnerS!

  16. why do we even bother sometimes eh? ... even if we do buy it'll be a bargain basement buys of chamakh and matuidi. isnt chamakh going to be in the acn this year?

    anyways, best we just lower our expectations, and get behind the team..

  17. Emm, I'm happy to wait until the transfer window shuts before making any judgments. A bit like I did last closed season and look what happened there. Still I pray we do not make the same mistakes. Come on Arsene, get the cheque book out.

  18. Ever scince David Dean left us, we have struggled to capture our transfer targets.

    Can't leave a yank to do our buisiness... It just aint cricket, or soccer for for that matter!

  19. Wrighty7 you are fast becoming my fave blog. Keep it up!

  20. Even though I agree with you, it is very very very very very frustrating not to know what Mr.Wenger is planning for us. I just hope that I will still be sane when the season starts. I still have faith but I'm struggling right now.
    Kza, Maryland USA

  21. happy birthday harry potter!!

  22. Wrighty, you're absolutely right. Why do some "supporters" - if that's what they are - think that AW is stupid? He is quite clearly a very intelligent and educated man, and he knows what he is doing. It really pisses me off when stupid brats - calling themselves fans - rant and rave and think they could do a better job than AW does. "We need this player, we need that player, we'll finish 9th ..." and so on. Put a cork in it, you stupid and naive idiots. Just leave the professor alone and let him do what he thinks is right. Arsene knows!

  23. Arsene Wenger knows what he is doing. Look at what kolo said, its been six months for city transfer and wenger bought Vermaelen in advance before kolo's departure? isn't it wise thinking.

  24. although i agree with you in part and i will wait till the end of the transfer window to see how things pan out wenger can be so stubborn in his ways waiting like he does till right close to the end of the transfer window is just madness in my view the quality players wont wait around or other clubs will just get in before us and get the player, also with the money we have got from both sales around £40m the clubs of any player we are after are gona ask for more cos they know we have the cash so whats the point in keeping stumm about what player yoour interested in cos it aint gona make a difference

  25. i miss toure..

  26. Spot on!

    does anyone know how I can get hold of that pr!ck from Arsenal Action's address, as I'd quite like to murder him..

  27. Just send a threatening letter to:

    East Grinstead

    it'll get to him
    (with apologies to the late great Peter Cooke)

  28. First let me say that football suffered a huge loss today. RIP Sir Bobby Robson.

    OK, I agree with you. There is still a long time left until the transfer windown closes, and it is a tactic of Wenger to wait until the last moment, making them decrease the price this way.

    Actually, there is an article that I wrote about this a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm sure Arsenal will sign one or two mroe players. Just wait and see.

  29. You have to always remember that Arsene has massive respect for Arsenal and always puts the club first. We have the best manager in the world bar none ( maybe not the luckiest) Judge him after the transfer window closes. Any other comments or speculation about transfers until then is irrelevant. Base your views on facts!!! We will prevail.......

  30. Has anyone else thought that other Clubs may be competing for the same player and we may get embarassed if we tell the world the likes of Sunderland beat us to the Man.

    It is also easy for the lazy Manages to just follow what wenger is doing and dive in before him.

    Wenger is a fantastic Manager at finding and developing new talent but I must say that for me he has been tactically beaten over the past 4 years.

    Wenger needs a partner who can see things he doesn't in game play and maybe this person can end up being his successor in the years to come.

    El Tel

  31. course, you could argue that failure to address the 'very' weak areas in or team for the last 3 years has put us in a situation now where Wenger HAS to buy.
    Personally, I think he's lost it big time and has to go.
