Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Now is not the time to go crazy!

Reading around you would have believed that Arsene Wenger was a mass murderer or something!

People are screaming after the departures of Adebayor and Toure but lets give Wenger time eh?

We have until midnight 31/08/09 to sign players. That, believe it or not, is quite a long time away.

I remember last summer getting the right hump with Arsenal and Arsene Wenger because of the same situation we find ourselves in right now. I'm not going down that route this time.

I honestly believe that we WILL make a signing or more before the transfer dead-line and I'm going to do my very best to keep calm about the situation. We will challenge this season.

Of course I understand the frustration of Gooners and I can completely understand Gooners worrying but lets try and keep calm.

Our frustration is being cottoned onto by the media. Lets not feed the vultures!

You never know, this time next month we might be extremely happy with the squad.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. "Our frustration is being cottoned onto by the media. Lets not feed the vultures!"

    They have not cottened on to the fact. They created it and are driving it on and Gunners fans are following like mindless sheep.

  2. you so are right ...
    your make the most sense
    your blog is great !!!

  3. Wrighty you are spot on

    Selling these players only makes sense if we re-invest the funds into the squad.

    Alonso, or De-Rossi, plus a couple of other players and we will be challenging for all titles once again.

    But players are required.

    Mark C

  4. i am going to the Emirates cup this saturday and gonna be singing" now that we found money wat are we gonna do with it" to the tune of Bob marleys now that we found love.all that money should go to transfers

  5. Fantastic business by Wenger! £41m for two of the most under-performing passengers in the club. Can't question Kolo's commitmnet, but his performances in the last 3 seasons have been woeful. the less said about the TogoTwat the better!

    Expect two great signings in the next fortnight, Huntelaar is practically a done deal in the dutch press and its just a case which centre-back he goes for - Bassong, Haageland, or someone totally off the radar.


  6. Wenger said he will who he needs after the Emirates Cup. With Eboue rumoured to be going, that £50M to spend. Should be exciting times ahead or maybe frustrating lol


  8. Anyone who saw Eboue say goodbye to the fans today will know he's gone too. that's 3 African players we dont have to worry about in January when ACON kicks off.

  9. Lol should read 'buy who he needs'

  10. Toure? you were a fucking legend...

    Now we move on..
    Wenger is not stupid. He WILL strengthen:

    Defence- We NEED a tall dude.

    Striker - Huntelaar..If you pay.....He will come!

    Midfielder - Doubtful. I think he will place faith in Song and Denilson

  11. Eboue has been sold for 9mil and Vermaelen is injured

    what now?

  12. Wrighty7.

    You are spot on we need to back wenger now, and hopefully he will listen to our voices and buy some quality.

    Because while you are right to give him time and let him work, he must know that losing two players - even not so great ones (in my opinion) is still losing players and staff we need a big squad to challenge over 45+ games.

    I believe aswell that our squad is decent - well our first team is as good as any. But it is the injuries that worry me, and I am not sure if denilson and diaby can actually come in.

    But keep the faith, and please even if wenger buys NO ONE we still need to get behind the team or we will be SCREWED with a bad atmosphere!


  13. anon @ 22:17.. you are a right muppet// "less said bout the Togo twat the better"
    your just full of it.. show some respect to a player who was Arsenal through and through.. the last of the Invincibles.. i agree since his bout of malaria his performance has been patchy, but its not been 3 seasons//
    agreed, good piece of business on Arsene's part, but bashing an Arsenal legend is truly fuckn out of order son//

  14. Drew said...
    anon @ 22:17.. you are a right muppet// "less said bout the Togo twat the better"
    your just full of it.. show some respect to a player who was Arsenal through and through.. the last of the Invincibles.. i agree since his bout of malaria his performance has been patchy, but its not been 3 seasons//

    The Togotwat is in reference to Adebayor you muppet... Kolo is from the Ivory coast.

  15. Thoroughly agree with the first post

  16. My frustration is for the Champions League. I want to make sure we get the right player before that right player is cup tied. Hangeland is one of those guys.

  17. drew caught with his pants after 7 years could you not know he was from the ivory coast.. rightly said anon..what a muppet.

  18. Gunners The Stunners29 July 2009 at 23:09


    Fantastic blog, love it. Fully agree with you. We have over a month left until the transfer window shuts and I'm confident we'll sign a player or two.

    Secondly, your blog is way better then those morning blog who only talk negative and moan all day about how bad things are at the club and we're gonna finish 5th or 6th. Believe me, we'll be up there with the rest competing for all honours come May 2010.


  19. I think you're right! 1 month is a long time. Be patient and have faith in wenger, he's no fool. Judging by the recent sales he made, a plan is in progress!!!! Up the GUNS!!!

  20. luv your blog wrighty!
    sure kolo was a legend but he is soon 29 + ACON so i thnk it was good business. anyway i thnk willy gallas is more solid. wenger knows , we trust in him.
    keep up your good work!!!

  21. Message to Arsene & Ivan...keep calm and carry on.

    Message to Toure...thanks for your services over the last 7.5 years.

    Message to Arsenal fans...keep calm & trust Arsene. He know's what time it is, hence the executive decisions being made about how to proceed.

  22. Spot on Wrighty. My only concern is our early schedule... Everton and United in the first three matches is not an easy start to the campaign. Add to that the time it takes a player from outside the Premier League to adapt (I think we can all agree whoever we buy will be from elsewhere), and possibly build proper match fitness makes doing a deal at the deadline a trifle more risky.

  23. spot on wrighty,..

    I am extremely frustrated at the lack of signings too. And the Need for a new dm. If wenger dont invest the money back to the team, i will be pissed!

    But another thing that really bug me is the hypocrite arsenal fans.
    They are the ones who wanted ade and eboue out. and when ade is out, they are now saying how he was our most lethal striker we had. bullsh*t!

    And with the likely hood of eboue going, they are now saying wenger is wrong in wanting to sell him when eboue has been booed and ridiculed with names and such last season and fans urging arsenal to sell him. bullsh*it i tell you!

    they were also going on abt how toure is past it and was very panicky when he was playing last season. Now all has changed. I agree he is a legend and the feeling of him going to me is mostly emotional fond of him rather than football wise!

    This hypocrite fans kept saying we needed a clearout and how wenger was obsessed with africans and when he sells them, they are saying how wenger has lost it and are purposefully turning us into a selling club.

    sheer lunacy them HYPOCRITES!
    rant over!
    sorry for the long post!

  24. by the 31st we'll have already played the first leg of the european tie and everton and manure away! if we're buying on the 31st we must be in panic mode!!

  25. I am more than happy with the £40M we have got for those two. Great business for Arsenal. Lets just hope we can complete the hatrick and see the back of Eboue.

    I am with you Wrighty and think we will have a strong season. I am going to take back what I previously said about Bendtner and tip him to come on strong this season.

    ps. Join my fantasy prem league - EPL of Bloggers? Link is on the top right of my blog.



  26. I don't think it's any time to panic, but we might want to make some signings soon, the season starts in just over two weeks!

    If we don't spend this money on signings then we are stuffed and I don't really think you can argue with that. We have made the same mistake over the last few seasons of selling players and then not replacing them and it has cost us dearly.

  27. Tap! spot wrighty. Unlike previous years where we had to sell our best players or they had been coveted to the extend that it became very disruptive; this year we loose only our second stringer and someone who is past his best. Next question is whether anyone comes in. Hopefully, a DM. Only ones good enough are De Rossi and Viera. De Rossi will be very expensive in the current market. Viera is the better option. Gives opportunity for the youngsters; they know that a vacancy will exist in year or two. Players like Frimpong, Coluequin, Ramsey can only get better learning from the great icon and fighting for the right to replace him.

  28. Great Post! needs to be more like it....

    there are far to many Arsenal fans slating Wenger - only the most successful Manager in our History, and the second most successful in the History of the Prem behind SAF....

    There is over a month of the window left... I could understand if it was 2 days away and we were selling players.

    I feel we have a squad that can challenge now, but additions are needed to cover and that DMF would be nice...

    Most of the negative comments come though from Kids, that have known nothing apart from a Wenger Arsenal side - I'd hate to see their reaction to a GG Arsenal or Don Howe....

  29. Great Post! needs to be more like it....

    there are far to many Arsenal fans slating Wenger - only the most successful Manager in our History, and the second most successful in the History of the Prem behind SAF....

    There is over a month of the window left... I could understand if it was 2 days away and we were selling players.

    I feel we have a squad that can challenge now, but additions are needed to cover and that DMF would be nice...

    Most of the negative comments come though from Kids, that have known nothing apart from a Wenger Arsenal side - I'd hate to see their reaction to a GG Arsenal or Don Howe....

  30. Wrighty, i think what AW done is great, he sold 2 of our player who are past their peak imo with a good prices and i'm not surprised if he did bring Viera back to Arsenal as the man can teach Denilson, Diaby how to get the ball back from the opposition.

    and i also wanna say, thank you to kolo toure for the times with Arsenal and good luck mate.

  31. i think for a right back (for eboue), it will be from reserves, moreover even djouru can play there, as well as gallas if required.

    And may be viera next for m\f

    and to finish off it will be chamakh or huntelar to end that will be it.

  32. its real simple we all find out if wenger is full shit or not he has the funds and there no secret what need ns to be done and what position s needs improvement the question is wenger will to pay top doller to get top player or is going to sign another 17-18 year old

  33. I hope we can get Huntelaar. Something tells me that he'll be another Arsenal legend. Superstitiously thinking, a lot of our legends were once players that their past clubs either transfer listed or frequently benched.

    Regarding the clear outs. I agree that it is two very good deals, its just the nicest time to let them go. Those moaning c*nts fans will keep moaning, if Kolo or Ade had remained, they will be the first ones to boo and blog about how much they suck. Both the players wanted out, Kolo had only one more year left and he probably did not want to sign a new contract. Instead of keeping two players who will not define the season much, since they'll be gone for a long period of time for African Cup, we would rather make a nice 41m profit.

    Arsene is the best. He knew it... He knows it... And he will know it... Trust the man...

  34. Just saw ManCity news conference with Kolo and all I can say he is class. No bitter comments, a total professional. You did our club a great service.
