I won't deny the fact that Adebayor has pissed me off over the last 12 months, even more than when I heard that a Spud had 'apparently' buried a Spurs shirt under the pitch during the construction of the Emirates.
He has pissed a lot of Gooners off and the worst thing is it seems he doesn't really care. Instead of being apologetic he has thrown his toys out of his pram and moaned about the fact that some Gooners had got on his back.
Adebayor could have just rolled up his sleeves, put in hard-working decent performances and won the fans back. We haven't seen that. Last season we saw the opposite. We saw a player who just went through the motions picking up his fat cheque every week.
It was stark contrast to the season before where Ade grafted for the Arsenal cause and that endeared him to the Arsenal fans. Well, it did me. Thierry Henry he wasn't (although he thinks he is!) but he worked hard and scored goals.
True he was injured a lot last season, but even when he wasn't it appeared he was! He didn't put in the work of the previous campaign and appeared content with his big pay-rise.
Football fans aren't stupid. We can see when someone isn't pulling their weight and sometimes, even when things aren't going well it pays just to work hard and at least put in some effort. Effort is a word that Ade didn't understand last season.
I think he has a chance to redeem himself. If he leaves us he is taking the easy option. If he stays and we see the Ade of old then there is every chance the bridges he burnt between us and him can be rebuilt. He just has to want it enough.
This is his chance to prove us wrong and I would be more than happy for him to do so. I have slated Ade over the year and if he shut me up then I wouldn't be complaining because an Ade with a point to prove is a dangerous weapon in Arsenal's armoury.
Adebayor, when he wants it, is a thorn in any one's side. Ask John Terry and Rio Ferdinand. Both have said how tough it is to play against him. He is a menace when he wants to be and a big threat, who gives us a different option in our play.
I hope he wants it. I don't like his behaviour over the last 12 months, I don't think Arsene Wenger does either but there is no doubt in my mind that Adebayor can become a major player for Arsenal again.
Lets wait and see. Is he man enough?
Keep it Goonerish................
Good post wrighty... My thoughts exactly, everyone seems to want him to go but i don't see the wisdom in letting the only striker present in the club to break the 30 goal mark. If he decides to stay and win back the fans i think we're in for a special season. Few people realise how good he was in beating the smaller teams we seem to have problems with. Sure he needs service to score goals but most strikers do, there's only ever one Henry at any time. Also i think he could do wonders with AA.
ReplyDeleteBasically, I agree with you. But I think it's pretty clear he doesn't want to be at Arsenal, he had his heart set on a move a year ago and he was massively disappointed when no big club knocked on his door. He doesn't care about Arsenal, the egotistical tw*t. That's why he lacks the spirit so the only solution is to send him off to Milan or wherever, even if the money we get is not that great.
ReplyDeleteAshburton Grove used to be a rubbish dump.... there are bound to be loads of spudz shirts buried there!
ReplyDeleteThis is the time for him to come out and say, "i am an Arsenal player and i want to stay and win some silverware next term. "I am not going anywhere and i want to give 100% and win the fans back". He should take a leaf out of Fabregas, Van P, Gallas's recent quotes and should have addressed his future by now, but no, the mug insists on keeping away from the Media, till a concrete offer comes in for him.
ReplyDeleteHe iss to Egoistic and now realises that nobody wants him. This might do him and the club wonders and might cause him to knuckle down if he stays to try and prove his doubters wrong and show the world he wasn't a one season wonder (we might get the Adebayor of 30 goals plus this coming term)!!
long time since i've last been here! i agree with u wrighty, he doesn't care about arsenal and all he wants is a milan move!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kingkolo. All it takes is a simple phone call and Arsenal.com would put an end to his future speculations!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy does everyone care that Spuds buried a shirt under the Emirates? It's the closest those things will come to champions league football.
ReplyDeletesee that's why I'm support Nicky all the way this season. Say what you want but he works hard all the time. 09/10 season Nicky replace Ade once and for all finaly
ReplyDeletegood post wrighty
ReplyDeletei have the impression in my head of wenger pulling ade to one side this year and telling him rather stone faced 'if you leave, you leave' so what....
abit like the scene in rocky 4 when drago knocks the shit out of creed and says 'if he dies, he dies'
wenger made his desire to keep ade last season rather clear by that new contract....it was like he was saying 'please dont leave us ade we need you' and it all went to ades head and he forgot what he is the team to do....
i think this years wengers saying we dont need you as much as you think we do....
so decide....buck your ideas up or leave.....
if he's a man...he'll stay and prove himself....if hes a tosser and footballs just about the money to him now he'll go...
personally i think hes the latter and i would drive him to the airport myself....
great post wrighty i agree entirely but i do think that in that 08 season where he looksed outstanding it was tomas rosicky feeding him alot and he has missed that and eduardo also made that strike force look class. thay may not have played many games but they were the turning points in our season... full fait in wenger he is a smart man and i wouldnt mind if at the end of the window no more new player were brought in i am a fan of diaby would love to see hin in some challenges though :S...
ReplyDeleteAt this point even if he came out and declared his undying love for the club etc etc we wouldn't believe him but if he decided to sack that prick of an agent then we might be getting somewhere. The Courbis bastard has been the main problem in my opinion cause let's be honest Ade doesn't seem bright, like a lot of footballers he left school at an early age and then some cunt agent got his claws into him. And now instead of telling Ade to stay at Arsenal and fight, because if he goes to Milan or wherever I guarantee the fans there will lose all patience with him, he tells him he's worldclass and deserves more money and then it's not enough you should go because you'll make more at Milan. It's his fucking agent thats the problem like most agents are. They don't care about solidarity or respect they just care about 20%.
ReplyDeleteBut if It looks like nobody is willing to bid for him and in fairness if Chamakh is pretty much all thats available to us (I haven't seen much of him) then I'd be inclined to stick with what we've got for next season, get rid of Ade after he's had a good season and hopefully go for Dzeko or Chamakh then.
The guy is in love with himself and believes everyone is wrong except himself,he is such damaged goods that Wenger should seriously consider off loading him for maybe 12 or 15 mil.He will never change and it didnt help the cause that Wenger defended his almost derelict performance against United .Personally i am gonnna invade some small country (Could be Togo) if he starts the season for us and performs his very lazy and cnat hit a barn door clown and pony show.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you but if he goes then it's good so we can have the money to buy a decent player.
ReplyDeletei'm sick of him (Ade) always said i'm staying but when other club offer him more money then Arsenal he changed his mind again.
I think Wenger will become more ruthless with Adebayor.Eduardo should be and will be first choice striker.If somehow a bid came in for Ade for 20 million+ Wenger would take it and bolster up the defence,as we have many attacking options.Either way if he stays or goes,le Boss will be relaxed about it.