Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Could summer '09 be the most settled at Arsenal since...Forever?

I'm feeling strangely optimistic about Arsenal at the moment. Almost content. It's almost as good as eating BBQ spare ribs and I love BBQ spare ribs. Loads.

Fingers crossed the media have given up on bitching about Arsenal. It'd make a change! At present it seems that they are focused on John Terry filling his wallet even more at Manchester City.

I hope this rumour goes on throughout the summer. Let Chelsea be unsettled for a change. It makes me wonder though, why would John Terry want to join City? The obvious choice is money.

Maybe his mother's thieving sprees at M&S aren't bringing in the readies as much anymore so he needs a more legit way to earn his dough. He has a 50% stake you see.

Something else I'm fed up with hearing is that Chelsea were robbed against Barcelona last season. Now they know how M&S feel after Terry's mum has been in there.

As I say, long may it continue. The robbing sprees and links to City are keeping the media off our backs and it is as refreshing as that first pint after work on a Friday.

Back to Arsenal I get the vibe that there is real harmony in the squad at the moment. It gives me a warm feeling inside. Not that sicky feeling when you are pissed and the room is spinning but a nice one.

In recent weeks we've had a number of players signing new contracts and I think there is a real bond at the club at the moment. If we can keep everyone, even that useless more off-side than not tosswank Adebayor and add one or two more then we have a real chance next season.

I really believe that. I look at the squad and I'm so excited. With that little extra I might even piss my pants with excitement.

This summer could the most settled at Arsenal since Wenger was appointed manager. The first I can remember that I'm not shitting myself expecting one of our star players to leave. I hope it will continue and next summer I'm thinking the same!

Keep it Goonerish......


  1. boy better know8 July 2009 at 21:57

    whats going on wrighty hope you are well,it seems real and barca are content on trying to rape cesc away from us still the adebayor one has gone a bit quiet tho so maybe something might be lurking around the corner

  2. Hello BBK!

    I'm good thanks mate, how are you?

    I don't think Cesc is going anywhere yet matey.

  3. Good post wrighty i feel the same way

    On a different note i know this sounds weird but do you enjoy the taste of female cum?

  4. I've started a new Arsenal blog, please take a look....

  5. I know exactlty where you're coming from Wrighty. The contract extensions over the last week, the new centreback, the almost instant responses given to the press from players linked with moves away. Yep, this summer has been great! In fact, I'd say it's only one defensive midfielder away from perfect 8-)

  6. lol at ross

    mate if u tried it more than once u realise it comes in different flavours! Hated my ex wifes but the girlfriends sweet as pie ;p

    On another note your not the only one feeling optimistic about the arsenal wrighty, agree with you wholeheartedly.

    Cesc will stay at least another season, ade will probably stay, and i hope he ups his game. but if theres a spirit of harmony going on boos arent going to help sustain it, so the fans need to keep it positive! This team is really can do something, especially if rosickys actually back. him cesk, arsh, nasri, rvp, theo, ade nick and vela is a good attacking lineup, and if denilson can do better than last season which by all accounts he should, then he should have quite a season! Same goes for song. Vermalen looks hard as nails in thise training pics lol thats a good sign too, so its looking good!

  7. Word has just got to me that andrey arshavin has changed his nr 23 for 28 after turning 28 yrs old...My first thought is bollocks! surely would have informed us about this, or at least update his kit in the arsenal store?

    This pisses me of as i have just bought my Aa23 away kit, but i still maintain it's bollocks...
    The newspaper is called "VG", and i find it to be more than reliable.
    Does anyone know if there is any truth in the story?

  8. Thanks guys just i had a really really bad experience, put me off anchovy pizzas and all

  9. this is what i call a blog. banter in shedloads and a laugh (Ross and Wrighty)

  10. from the other side of the pond here... dunno wtf M&K is but if the joke's on terry's mom it's gotta be pretty funny.

    yeah agreed that things look settled at arsenal. i think gazidis is due some credit there. looks like there is a good understanding between him and wenger which makes me quite positive about the future. now if you excuse me, i gotta go take a piss on JT's mom

  11. Yeah I agree things seems to be going good and big players are back already training hard. I agree with wahed Gazidis has had a lost to do with it I think. I love how all the players are saying that they are all looking forward to the new season. I like how Gallas seems to be pumped up and already fot the season. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

  12. Please fuck off my blog wrighty7.

  13. Wrighty7, first of all, let me apologize for my initial reaction and emphasize that any insults by me were just in vain as you may be aware of in this internet world.

    I hope you understand what it would be like if you were in a similar situation.

    It was very easy to react.

    Putting profound effort into a post after a tedious day and a fellow blogger bashing it was just unpleasant.

    What I also should've thought was that anyone around (for whatever reason) could have done this to tarnish my relationship with you.

    We both run fairly neat sites/blogs and I may not know you much, but the last legitimate comment I got from you was definitely not abuse.

    That in fact did shock me a bit, but I'm very glad to know you were indeed NOT the one and my prime suspect (Gooner Chris) remains.

    Cheers mate and understandable apologies!

    Randy Osae

  14. Randy,

    I understand why you reacted the way you did; I just wish you contacted me first!

    I would never go on another bloggers site and start abuse because I know how hard it is to write one mate!

    Anyway, of course your apology is accepted. I'm glad the situation is cleared.

    I'll never understand some people in this world! Why on earth someone would pretend to be me and give you abuse is beyond me!

    Keep up the good work on your site mate!

  15. I really appreciate that dearly mate.

    Such a class act.

