Wednesday, 15 July 2009

THAT IS BLASPHEMY!!! I hope Micah Richards gives Ade swine flu!

Wanna hear some blasphemy? Fuck. Shit. Bollocks. Cunt.

Wanna hear some more? Patrick Vieira is interested in a move to Tottenham Hotspur. Yes, Tottenham Hotspur.

What a pile of doodoo.

The geezer is one of the greatest players to have ever worn our shirt. The fifth best in fact. Could you see him wearing the white and blue of Tottenham? Never.

He is a man of principle. A man who would laugh in the face of Harry Redknapp. I think he would rather retire than wear that piece of shit.

If Vieira should go anywhere it should be back to us or a retirement home in Ligue 1. Yes his legs may have gone more bandy than Bambi's but I reckon he could be a good influence on this Arsenal squad.

Maybe as a squad player/coach? Who knows?

I've made myself look a right donut by ridiculing Sky Sports News 'sauces' aint I?

I pissed my pants and poured scorn on the news that Adebayor would join Manchester City. Well, I was wrong. I admit it. I was as wrong as when Wenger didn't see it.

Ade and I shared a love-hate relationship. He loved me and I hated him. Seriously though if we could have got the Ade of 2007/08 back then I would have told Manchester City to stuff their money up their arse.

I don't think that was ever going to happen. The man seems to be trouble and I say let him cause trouble elsewhere.

I can't wait to see the tantrums at the City of Manchester next season when the 47 man front line actually realise they can't all fit into the team. I reckon Adebayor will be the hardest there though. Unless Bellamy gets the golf clubs out again.

Adebayor will be like a man possessed at Manchester City for the first half of the season. He will then get lazy. Then lazier. And then fall asleep on the pitch like he did during Arsenal's semi-finals last season.

I hope Micah Richards passes Adebayor some of his swine flu! Only joking. No, but seriously, I hope he does.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. First off, i cannot and will not dare to imagine the mighty Viera wearing the colours of those filthy disease riddled fucking pikies.

    Second off, People can place on the stats they wish on the table but try telling me or any other gooner that it is better to see Ade wearing our sacred colours than Dudu wearing them.Personally speaking a fit Dudu is ten times the player and man.If you don't want to play for the single greatest club on earth then fuck off, take you're cash and enjoy looking back on you're career with such heart break.

    Bastards ( sorry i got lost for a second )


  2. That's right, Viera to Spuds would be more painful than Figo to Real for Barca. I think Dirty Harry's just fucking with people. Might be too bored like the rest of us.
    I hope there's hope for Pogrebnyak's transfer to the Great Arse.

  3. God Is A Gooner15 July 2009 at 20:11

    AdeBYEor......AdeBYEor......He's nothing more.......Than a money grabbing whore !!!!!!! Fuck off and good riddance you lazy, big headed piece of shit. I give it 2 months until everyone at Man Shitty hates you as much as we do you C*NT

  4. hey wrighty...

    paddy wont go to the spuds...and at 33 what can he do?? his legs cant handle the PL anymore thats why wenger sold in the first place....

    paddy wont come back to the PL..he'll head back to france...

    the spuds are taking the piss...

    as for ade...why dont we take richards this way as part of the deal???

    oh yeah..and fuck adebayor..take that money...shine it up real nice...turn it sideways and shove it up his arse....

    id give citeh 25mil to take him..

  5. God Is A Gooner15 July 2009 at 20:13

    Oh and by the way, PV will never go to those cum sucking fuck nuts.

  6. I STRONGLY disagree with the first comment that Dudu is ten times the player Ade is.

    Dudu is 1000 times the player Adebayor is. Ade is not fit to clean the toilet after Dudu has been for a dump the morning after feasting on a hot Goan curry.

  7. LOL
    this is actually the funniest article i have EVER read!
    quality mate, and i would rather stare at a picture of harry redknapps ugly fuckin mongy face all day than see the mighty Vieira wearing that cunt looking shirt!

  8. Hello Jonjon!

    I reckon the best place for Vieira would be going back to France.

    As for Richards at Arsenal? I'd like that to happen.

    Wenger could revive Richards and Arsenal could do with him in the squad.

    I'm a big fan!

  9. Cheers Danny!

    Redknapp is one ugly bastard aint he?

    Look at the size of his eyes bags. I think Modric would fit in those things!

  10. he probably would mate, well he'd go in the left un, stick palacios in the other one ;)

    and richards at arsenal wud be immense!

  11. Message to 'Sparky'
    Adebayor is a good buy, a gooood buy. He's easily worth twice Arsene's asking price. He's amongst the most talented players in the world and we are devastated at loosing him. He's a good buy, a gooood buy!

  12. At least Dudu and Bendtner know the offside rule

  13. Just seen Vieira's goal against Liverpool on Sky One.


  14. Then Bergkamps against Leiceister!

  15. Now Kanu's against the Spuds!

    Happy days!

  16. Now Henrys against Blackburn!!!!

    It never ends!!!!!

  17. i seen bergkamps goal against newcastle last night wrighty...

    good times good stuff

  18. -Lettraggad- Seriously Viera to spuds does not hurt me that much.
    I simply see it as a phase in life .. our great captain will always have a place in my heart. I think Pv4 is playing one last joke on them.. He is no longer a force and will command a hughe as salary. Viera simply wants back to London and he needs his paycheck so why not go to the perennial dumbnuts and take their hardearned cash. Winston Bogarde comes to mind.

  19. Viera going to spurs although he's well past it,would be a real kick in the teeth for arsenal,it could happen money talks nowadays.Redknapp would waste the money like he always and paddy ends up playing 2-3 games and get paid millions for it.I Think old rubber face just likes the media attention be sacked in year or so though.

  20. Vieira would never EVER contemplate joining that two bob outfit in pikey land AKA spurs..
    bagpuss AKA harry redknapp knows the only way he could get him in a spurs shit(shirt) is on football manager , hence where all these rumours started!

  21. You know that Jonjon!

    What a legend!

  22. Do you all know this post is on an official Swine flu website? Only far funnier and very true, as Ade is a tosser and Viera at that shit team with no legs would play better than the rest of the spurs team put together.

  23. Tevez -> Man City
    Owen -> Man U
    Vieira -> Spuds?

    The days of a player having any kind of special bond to a club are fading before our very eyes.

    Maybe, as fans, we just need to get over it.

  24. You're really an idiot. Was his career made up of one outstanding season, or one bad season? How on earth do you know. Adebayor at his weakest provides as much to the team as Van Pirsie, but I understand -- he is not white, he is African, he does not have the blind English reverence for meaningless waste of effort (a la Wayne Rooney), and he wants to score goals -- so he's offsides at times, like other useless players such as Pippo and Ruud. He really is too good for the Arsenal fans.

    As for Viera, who could care? What has he done for Arsenal lately except encourage wet dreams about the holy invicible past amongst the faint of brain?

  25. So what is your reasoning for saying I'm an idiot?

    As for the African thing, dont be silly.

    Probably the most stupid comment I've ever read mate!

  26. its principles though mate, paddy playin for spurs wud be the equivalent of roy keane being our next manager...
    it just CANNOT happen because there is too much of a hatred there.. simple.
    the fans dont dislike adebayor just cos he had a bad season, or because he is "african", but cos hes basically a footballing prostitute, who just wants to sell himself to the team who will pay him most. his attitude stinks. Bendtner will be a far better player than adebayor this season anyway

  27. "Adebayor at his weakest provides as much to the team as Van Pirsie, but I understand -- he is not white, he is African, he does not have the blind English reverence for meaningless waste of effort (a la Wayne Rooney), and he wants to score goals -- so he's offsides at times,"

    Torres likes scoring goals mate, and he scores plenty, but is he offside half as much as Ade? or Santa Cruz, or Ronaldo, or Van Persie??? Thats 1 point.

    I assume your black, and most probably of African descent? Coz that was you aiming the "racist" wand at white people who dare to even criticise Ade because he's not white like Wayne Rooney, you my friend are an arsehole. Im fucking black myself and I think he's a useless piece of shit. Not even worth the piece of paper that £25m transfer offers written on.

    Nice one wrighty, fuck the haters.

  28. Anonymous said...
    You're really an idiot. Was his career made up of one outstanding season, or one bad season? How on earth do you know. Adebayor at his weakest provides as much to the team as Van Pirsie, but I understand -- he is not white, he is African, he does not have the blind English reverence for meaningless waste of effort (a la Wayne Rooney), and he wants to score goals -- so he's offsides at times, like other useless players such as Pippo and Ruud. He really is too good for the Arsenal fans.

    As for Viera, who could care? What has he done for Arsenal lately except encourage wet dreams about the holy invicible past amongst the faint of brain?

    15 July 2009 22:35

    My God you're stupid. The best thing about your post is the language you use. You seem to think that by using a slightly more decadent turn of phrase you are more intelligent than everyone else here, but sady, like most people who feel the need to talk like that, the actual content hidden beneath the words amounts to absolute bollocks. As for exactly what is wrong with your post, well, I don't know where to start so as it's so late, I just won't. I'll simply sum up- you're an idiot.

  29. You're really an idiot. Was his career made up of one outstanding season, or one bad season? How on earth do you know. Adebayor at his weakest provides as much to the team as Van Pirsie, but I understand -- he is not white, he is African, he does not have the blind English reverence for meaningless waste of effort (a la Wayne Rooney), and he wants to score goals -- so he's offsides at times, like other useless players such as Pippo and Ruud. He really is too good for the Arsenal fans.

    I can only see one idiot here, obviously a man who idolises a black player enough to have a blogspot named Wrighty7 and backs Vieira a french african to the hilt amongst controversy has a vendetta against black players....what a blinkered prick you are anonymous!
    As for Van Persie, he has always given his all for Arsenal and has more passion for the Arsenal in his little finger than that lazy overpaid smirking rentboy Adepaymemore has in his whole body...he makes cashley cole look classy and beyond reproach!
    As for Wayne Rooney, I don't see anyone sucking his plums on this site, you must have taken a wrong turn at the Manure website.
    Take your race card, swap it for a red one and fuck off...this is a football blog noones interested in which country the players are from, its about what they do on the pitch. LondonGun. Gooner til I die!

  30. I wonder who all the Ade haters are going to turn on next season after we win f'all again? Whoever it is I feel sorry for them.
    The new 'Emirates' fan is a really nasty piece of work.
    can't help feeling all this spite is partly driven by awful, hateful blogs like this one, le racist, online tosser & the rest.
