Monday, 13 July 2009

'Our sources tell us'........

How many times have you heard Sky Sports News say those words?

Just exactly who are Sky Sports News' sources? Heinz, HP and Tesco Value are my guesses.

The latest coming from SSN's 'sauces' is that Adebayor is in advanced talks with Manchester City. If they do manage to prise Adebayor away from us then fuck knows what formation they will play next season.

As I write Manchester City have, according to SSN's 'sauces', signed Carlos Tevez. That signing was inevitable. So HP was right. Heinz however could be way off the mark. Heinz started the Adebayor link and if it happens, then he will become the 112th striker at the Manchester club.

How Sparky will manage to keep that lot happy is any one's guess. The ego's of Tevez, Robinho and Adebayor almost reach the height of Ronaldo's alone. Fuck trying to control that lot!

Do I believe the rumour? Not sure. City are trying to sign everyone in world football. Would Adebayor go there? Without doubt he would. According to Heinz Adebayor would be offered double his current misery wage at Arsenal.

Now we all know that Adebayor earns a very good wage at Arsenal despite the fact he doesn't earn it! But hand on heart, could you turn down a double your wage offer? I'd like to think that I would if I was earning the money he does at Arsenal but I couldn't guarantee it.

A word for John Hartson. Good luck in your battle mate. I know close at hand the damage Cancer does to a family.

I lost my mother to this horrible disease and I hope that John beats it. It is going to be a long road to recovery but we all know Big John is a fighter and fingers crossed it has been caught early enough for him to have a great chance.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. 1. Good luck John Hartson. So sad. Hope he pulls through.

    2. Adebayor is going. It's a fact.

    3. Arsenal, Champions 09/10. Fact.

  2. Adebayor to city? Best news i've hward all summer

  3. Hope Adebayor goes.........

    I don't deny that he is a good striker when he's on form but he has a lazy/can't be bothered attitude after he got his improved contract.

    If Man City cough up the money then so be it. Although they have about 8 strikers on their books already. Surely they should concentrate on their defence?

    Best wishes and good luck to John Hartson.

    @poster no.1 - Champions league winners 09/10 - fact? who's your "sauce" LOL

  4. If it is true it has made my day, long gone are the days of players like big tony bleeding red and white but Ade has taken mercenary to a new level.

    Now all we need to do is get Scrooge to bring in somebody with the money and bring on the premiership title ( ok im being optimistic ) but we have more of a chance with one less player pissing into the tent.


  5. Good luck to John Hartson... hope he beats it and manages to get back to full health...

  6. see link -

    it claims the city chairman has confirmed ade deal

  7. I'll second that. I'm confident about next season. This summer has been promising so far. We've signed a defender, are looking to sign a defensive midfielder but more importantly we've so far kept the departures to a bare minimum. If we lose Ade we'll replace him, I'm also assuming we'll lose Senderos and possibly Silvestre which doesn't really weaken us as they're not first second third or fourth choice defenders at the club.

    As for Ade I'm not bother either way. If he goes it's because he wants more money and doesn't wanna be at the Arsenal in which case I'd say ok bye bye and wait to see who Wenger replaces him with. But on the other hand bringing in a new player let alone a striker will need time to get used to league and the way we play. We can really afford to lose a player capable of scoring 20-25 goals a season and wait for his replacement to find his feet because Eduardo might not be fit for all the season and Bendtner is still not the finished article but I'm still optimistic for the season no matter what happens in the next few weeks. I can't wait to see an Arsenal midfield consisting of Fabregas, Arshavin, Nasri and Rosicky. That would be beautiful.

  8. its great having ya back wrighty

    sauces lol

  9. I amazes me how people in good shape get cancer. Godspeed to John Harston. And they say smoking and flying airplanes is dangerous. Crazy world.
    I sincerely hope Ade doesn't catch a swine flu before he completes his medical at Mancs.

  10. He's a fuckin disgrace!! Sell him quickly. After Ashley Cole, I would say he's the most despised player in Arsenal history. He is made for Man City

  11. i have been screaming this point in my brain for so long through all our last games of the campaign i think that this formation cost us cups in fa cup semi-chelsea league chelsea champ league both legs manu when we play this stupid 4 5 1 against strong opposition maybe against weak yes.when4 5 1 is played if we have the ball we have to play and walk through the opositions midfield which we are soposed to do as we are arsenal but now we play 4 5 1 there is no one up front to to act as a diversion so that our players can walkthrough or cause hesitation thus easeir attack and opo defenders can mob the one attacker and he has no one to pass to except back.all leads to defencesive play as the opposition have have no wory that a ball can be played through the defence to striker to score because there 4 against one and it can hardly ever be done.when the opposition get the ball it is hard to defend as we are so crowded in midfield you find 3 people running for one ball as with more of anything it takes time to calculate and in football their is none so thus 3 peolple runing to the ball making mistakes leaving holes or constantly taking to much time to takle or run and close down or judge if they or their team mate should close the opposition thus making us a sitting duck for a good shooter as u have seen .in the chelsea league game at emirates di you not realise as soon as we brought ade on and chaned from 451 to 4 4 2we were terrorising them and they were scare and even thought we could beat them in a few mins from 4 1 down.ade is class and to if people wonder why he doesnt run around loads because when ur playing up fron by your self u need to be on the last man all the time because nearly only way with the team can score with this stupid formation is to latch on to a great ball through or over the defense and to do this you must be rready 100%or near to to sprint and if you have just sprinted to try and win a no cause or sprinted to get back help team defend or just some times win the ball u are not ready to get on to the ball i know im a talented striker let me know if any one aggrees because sometimes i feel everyones blind or doesnt agree 4 4 2 is the best and only for me but suppport any we choose none the less

  12. adebayors a pussy ,hes fucking shit and practically admitted he cant play against vidic and ferdinand , he gave up in an interview whilst not playing against defenders so what is he guna do when hes actually playing ?

  13. i posted the coment about formation and adebayor adebayor should not go even tho hes been treated disgracefully

  14. All the best to Hartson, don't let it grind you down, keep your chin and all the best mate


    under the shots stats he had way more in 07/08 season which makes me think that if we got a proper defensive midfielder with tommy, arshavin, samir an fab all fit and playing with freedom then ade will get so many more chances than last season and could have a monster season if he stays!

    He is a massive pillock tho lol

  16. Best of Luck to "BIG JOHN" hope you beat this big man.....
    And Adebayor well great striker but a money grabbing parasite

  17. not for 20 mill if city wants ade they should pay around 50mill 40 least they are buy player under contract over 3yrs+ from a CL top 4 side more so a striker which other top club in europe you can go and get their striker for 20 mill pato AC refused 60m aguero 50m
    villa 50m ade is not worth that much but its city 1+2m barrels of oil a day rich backers they can afford it we cant let man city disrespect us it wont finish there they must pay proper for ade are you with me fellow gooners

  18. My source tells me that Arsenal have bid £20m for Klass-Jan Huntelaar as a replacement for Adebayor and that he would prefer a move to the capital rather than Manchester. Can't blame him for that can you.

  19. Here's My Plan For Wenger And With This We Will Win The League.
    1. Sell Ade
    2. Buy Huntelaar
    3. Buy Flamini
    With This 3 Step Plan We Will Win The League.

  20. TrueGooner say...Please do not sell Ade. HE will take the pressure off RVP, and Arshavin creating more option on the pitch. What do you expect the man to do with a midfield that did not offer much. This is our chance to actually compete. We do not know if Rosicky or Eduardo are even fully ready yet. They haven't play a full competitive game yet. If you sell Ade for 20mil who you gonna buy? the person you might want will cost more. See ManU can't even spend 80mil completely. Keep thinking AW will be able to find cheap player all the time. Be appreciative Gooners.

  21. best of luck to Hartson. That's very sad

  22. this video sent chills down my spine

    something all spuds should be reminded of from time to time

  23. i wouldnt mind adebayor going but selling a top striker to a team that could be our big rival next season seems abit stupid... especially if ade discovers the form he was on a few years ago.
    on top of this chamack (cant spell it) as a replacement... i've only really heard mixed opinions of him. does anyone know if he's actually any good?

  24. wrighty.

    think about it.

    Citeh offer us £25 mill, and that goes to Wenger - think what he COULD do with that.

    How about Toure and Adebayor for 40 - 50 mill, how many good players could we get for that?

    That money - could buy us the league.

    Mark C

    Mark C

  25. TrueGooner says.....He's not utterly better than what we already have. He's ok, but I have questions about his physical side. Do not sell Ade at the moment. I think this should be his benchmark season since we seems to have some creative force in the midfield this term. People don't realize it, but for a big man ade got good feet. and can take on defenders. How many times have you seen Torres taken on a defender head on, or even David Villa? I am not talking about where the ball is kick ahead of you and you outrun a defender. Ade have other option to his games these some of these so call top players don't have. They might be a better finisher, but that's where there superiority ends when put against Ade. with him contributing between 10 to 20 a season that is not bad at all.



  28. the web site Kick Off South Africa is saying that Man City chairman announced the signing of Adebayor on MetroFM a South African radio station tonight (Monday)

  29. Why do people hate Ade SO much?
    It's crazy. He had a bad season and all of a sudden everyone just "despises" him.
    Yeh I agree he looked lazy to me too, but you got to give him a bit of benefit of the doubt. He may have been suffering from some injury for example. Things arent always as they appear.
    If he really is the "most despised player in Arsenal history" after ashley cole, based on what hes done, that's insane.
    Didnt fabregas also look a bit disinterested at times? Did you not get the impression his performances dropped at the start of the season because he was sulking at his mates leaving?
    That's what I thought, and imo arsenal *could be better off if cesc left actually, but I'm not going to chase him out and call him lazy and attack him. He could have been tired or suffering an injury as well.
    Some people take this stuff way too seriously. I noticed the ade-hating only got really serious after the man utd game, where Everyone was crap. He did look lazy but he wasnt the only one. He may have been told to do a certain job, and it made him look lazy, u just dont know. Its scape-goating
    I have my opinion: that he was being lazy this year cos of his contract and he felt he had proven himself already, I also think that if we hang onto him hel come back strong again next season, because he will realise he wasnt so hot this year, and he needs to work harder. Doesnt mean im right, but Im not going to "despise" him just yet.

  30. IF we are selling Ade to City, the price should be 30m+!

    I think we should hang on to Ade and give him some support! I think the upcomming season is gonna be huge for us, and i also think an injury free Ade would provide lot's of goals for us!

    Rosicky and Eduardo back from injury, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela a year older... AND Arshavin an entire season! We are going to be an attacking force to be recon with!

  31. hi Davi,
    But no other player kept talking abt milan or beyonce when we were in the middle of the season.during an interview with bbc he said "why bother when the fans cant applaud me"...fab may have been a bit disinterested but didnt ever openly flirt with other clubs during the season.eboue for all his antics girdled up his loins and worked his ass off to come back to the good books of fans.we want to see commitment, heart and a desire to play for us, not just for money.if ade cant be bothered so cant we be abt him.he can f*** off to citeh

  32. Wrighty every head line post you put up,is copied and pasted by kameron or prince10 on Arsenal TeamTalk,as there own work.Then they get acolades from others.Fucking joke mate.Look for yourself this morning.

  33. I hope this talk gets a few another clubs interested. He is worth more then 25 mil this year.

  34. Feeling ya Wrighty on the Cancer thing. I lost My mom too. It's a fucker!

    Good luck JH.

  35. I cant help but feel us ass fans are pushing ADE out. Granted he seems lazy on the pitch but he has that sort of swagger about him. He scores wonder goals and is still relatively young as a striker with his best years ahead of him. I cant help but feel we will rue his lieaving if he does and its mainly us to blame.

    We as fans should support our players for as long as they play for us for the good of our team. In all interviews with ADE iv ever seen hes a smily bubbly character and i feel that a lot of the bad press has got out of control and he doesnt feel like hes wanted anymore.

    He may have got a big head, but i think this is the case for a lot of the youngsters at arsenal as they are thought of as the best youth in the world if they get starting place. Its sometimes counter productive. If we get good money for him then so be it and a good replacement, if we dont replace however, its a big loss.

  36. I love the fact that of all the transfer rumours this summer the one you choose to pour scorn on is the one that seems to be true...

  37. "Man City confirm Adebayor talks "-its on BBC

  38. John Hartson, good luck to you. I'm sure I speak for every Arsenal fan when I say we are all right behind you mate.

    Onto Ade"couldn't-hit-a-barn-door" as 1 person once labelled him, I'm glad he will be gone, I'm surprised any eam wants to sign this man, because his attitude is appalling. He doesn't deserve the chances he's been given by us.
    Nice one Wrighty.
    Gunner #1

  39. this defntly cant be "good" news. Ade leaving does nothing but weakens the squad, unless LE boss brings in a good striker

  40. Get better John Hartson, and sorry to hear about your mother wrighty. Shes def. in a better place mate!
