Sunday, 7 February 2010

Lets Win The League The Hard Way Then

If everyone who read this was put in a room and asked to raise a hand if they believed that Arsenal could still win the league I doubt there would be many hands in the air.

Mine would be. Just. Because it maybe hard to believe but I honestly feel that we can still do it.

Yes it will be hard, extremely hard. Yes, it may seem impossible, extremely impossible but it isn't over until the fat lady sings and although I'm sure I can hear Susan Boyle on the radio I prefer to say she is big boned.

Of course we will have to do it the hard way. We have to rely on Chelsea and Manchester United dropping points (and they will) but after the Liverpool game we have a run-in that doesn't strike the fear of God into me.

Chelsea and United have a far tougher ending to this campaign and as long as we keep on winning our games then we have a chance.

Today's performance from the boys was in stark contrast from the United game, albeit both ended in defeat. The effort and demeanour cannot be faulted. In fact I only felt that we lost the game because of the usual mistakes we have failed to learn from; sloppy defending.

Against the likes of Chelsea and Manchester United you cannot get away with these mistakes. Luckily for us we don't have to play either again (in the Premiership) this campaign.

Other than the mistakes for the goals I don't think we did a lot wrong today. We played well and as long we keep playing like that then we will have a very good end to the season. In my opinion Drogba was the difference, pouncing on our indifferences.

Had Drogba been wearing a red and white shirt today I've no doubt we would have won. Yes Wenger should have rectified that we needed a striker in the transfer market but at the end of the day he didn't and it may cost us. It may not.

The run of games against Aston Villa, Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool was a real test to our title ambitions, so far we have come up short. However, victory for us against Liverpool and if results go our way on Wednesday it could put things in a more positive light for us.

Manchester United go to Aston Villa and Chelsea travel to Everton. Do you think those games are certain wins for either of our title rivals? You may say we look far from certain to beat Liverpool at the moment but this is my point; we have to do it the hard way.

We had it in our own hands before this testing run of games. As I've said, we come up short and appear to have fucked ourselves. We have to rely on others slipping up, not ideal I know, but we are not out of it yet.

Of course I'm gutted that we have lost again and I'm sure the media and many others (including some Gooners) will cum in their pants at the thought of Arsenal blowing their own load a bit early (again) in the season but we have to still believe we can do it. Even if that seems a little mental.

Even if there is just a little smidgen of belief hold on to it because strange things can happen in football. I believe we can still win the league this season. I just hope some others do to.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. your deluded.....sack wenger

  2. Wrighty as usual the voice of reason.

    Whilst I believe it is nigh on impossible for us to be champions I admire the fact you refuse to wave the white flag in the face of adversity.

    I only wish I had the same belief as you mate.

  3. i hope so too - would be comical to win the league with such dreadful loses to the Utd and Chelski.

    but it is possible.

  4. well said

    we have got most of the nasty fixtures out the way now.
    would say we have 3 fixtures
    which could cause some palpitations
    but chels & utd have like 7
    so it aint over yet

    You'll see it when you believe it

  5. Yes I am deluded. Thank you.

    And whom shall we replace Wenger with Tiny?


    By far the best away support in the league.

  7. I would also raise my hand... Ignore the haters and doomers... We are still third and a lot of games to come...

    tiny, why don't you go and download some porn, you feel better... you biscuit...

  8. good reading.. it´s exactly what I told the lads at the pub after the game today..

  9. I would like to stay positive, and I am not a Wenger basher, but honestly, we've demonstrated the last couple of weeks that we lack the mental strength, that this isn't just a bad spell.

    Looking at the schedule ahead, and even saying that we only manage ties agains Birmingham, Stoke and Tottenham (all away), I predict Chelsea 82 points, Man U 81 and Arsenal 79... and that's with Man U beating Chelsea at Old Trafford, and both teams losing to Everton on the road. Even still, we will be short again.

    Oh, for a Huntelaar to finish those chances today or a Sorensen in net to make those saves. If it's true those were the two deadline deals that failed, what a shame.

  10. sorry mate, wenger has to go.
    sure united and chelsea will drop points but I bet you we'll drop a lot more.

  11. And how exactly do you think this team can win 13 games on the trot.

  12. my hand is always raised!! really really high on optimism!! but yeah we can still win!! United did it losing against the the others of the top 4, so can we..lets start of by burying Liverpool..Dead sure we can do it..Bendtner knocking the stuffing out of the chav defender was my highlight of the entire match..

  13. Wenger has failed again. Just like the past few years. He should spend some of that money we are told he has. Maybe next season huh!

  14. By scoring more goals than the opposition Danish Gooner.

  15. if you go to the bbc league predictor and do it honestly i think we've got a good chance.
    86 for us and 84 for chels

  16. Drogba was the only difference today (as usual).

    Quite simply, to win games, you need to score goals. Strikers score goals. To go into a game without a recognised striker is suicide even if you play the prettiest football in the universe (which incidentally we did in parts today).

    Ultimately, playing without a striker is down to the manager who has to carry the can. It was folly not to look into replacing RVP the very second he got injured.

    Love the optimism Wrighty but we wont win the league without a striker.

  17. Drogba was the only difference today (as usual).

    Quite simply, to win games, you need to score goals. Strikers score goals. To go into a game without a recognised striker is suicide even if you play the prettiest football in the universe (which incidentally we did in parts today).

    Ultimately, playing without a striker is down to the manager who has to carry the can. It was folly not to look into replacing RVP the very second he got injured.

    Love the optimism Wrighty but we wont win the league without a striker.

  18. I'm raising my hand.

  19. And how exactly do you think we are gonna win at Stoke when they are aerially bombarding us ???

  20. I'm raising my hand aswell!

  21. Great post Wrighty... Just awaiting the "Sack Wenger" twats to appear...Oops! They beat me to it! Well done Tiny...

  22. Danish Gooner
    the same way we beat them in dec
    and that was after the losing 3-0 to chelsea

  23. Wrighty you remind me of a passenger on plane that is about to crash who believes the engines will kick back in life at any second.

    we are not going to win the league this year, the sooner you realise that that less disapointed you'll be.

    we are fighting for 4th now.

  24. To suggest that Drogba was the only differnce today is doing Arsenal a hugh favour.CHelsea knows how to dend as a unit,we dont.Chelsea is devastating at counter attacking,we are clueless.Chelsea have a plan B when attacking and can change tactically ,we cant.Chelsea have a tactically aware manager,we have a tactically clueless manager.

  25. supporting Arsenal is like great sex without an orgasm!! it gets to you after a while..

  26. Great post! I'm raising my hand...have fingers crossed for the mid week results to go our way.

  27. Chelsea have no plan B or C or anything..they just have Drogba..They are tactically neutered..

  28. Wrighty7 Mate, I Always enjoy reading your posts... you always speak sense. to be honest as long as we don't! lose to Liverpool... were still in to win this league. Bcos the way the season is looking any1 can drop pts at any given stage right now. We just need to bounce back. I just love the fight the boys put in today even when we were 2 - 0 down.

  29. Replace Wenger with Hiddink or Mourinho.As for the players Boaz Myhill for Almunia,Ashley Young for Nasri, Milner for Denilson, Dzeko for Bendtner and send out Theo on loan.

  30. Excellent artical

    I think we outplayed Chelsea today, it is down to the players to learn from their mistakes and once again they failed to.

    i believe there needs to be somebody to challenge wenger on the bench, I love Pat Rice, but a Keown type defensive coach would be priceless, I just dont think defending as a team is high enough on the agenda at the moment.

    Song was undisiplined at 1-0 when we needed to steady the ship, and if he goes awol, there is no cover at the back, clichy bombs on sagna too, walcott and nasri wont track back. against the bigger teams who will look to break i think we need to be more disiplined, Eboue looked powerful coming on, maybe a starting birth on the right hand side would be good against liverpool

  31. Sorry, can't share your optimism Wrighty but I think we should continue to support players like Cesc who will carry on sweating their guts out for this lost cause that is Wenger Football Club.

    By the way, wasn't it a real boost for all the players and fans that went to Stoke to hear that this manager doesn't give a fuck for the FA Cup.

  32. Hey are the best always make me feel better after a tough match..Thank god for you being a a gunner and not anyone else!!

  33. In my eyes Chelsea are a well oiled machine who grind down sides with strength. And bloody good at it too.

    I'll be honest though, despite how great people say they are, our Invincibles would have smashed this Chelsea side to bits.


  34. Hahahaha.

    A Sorensen? Sign Boaz Myhill?

    What a foolish fanbase we have.

  35. get the invincible back!! i would give anything, absolutely anything to get them back..

  36. @Jonny,

    Keown back would be a very, very sensible move for the Arsenal backroom team.

  37. Wenger failed when he did not replace Flamani
    Wenger failed when he did not replace abedayor in the summer
    Wenger failed not buying a striker and keeper in the January window
    Wenger failed to provide cover for the defence
    Wenger has failed to win anything for the last 4 years
    Wenger has failed a manager is only as good as his last trophey
    Wenger has failed

  38. Cheers Barney! I do try mate.

  39. And Wenger failed his driving test 4 times

  40. you do!! most definitely do!! bless you!!

  41. Wrighty I like you, you seem like a top bloke, but sometimes you are not grounded in any reality whatsoever. Let's just say you have not future as a risk assessor.

  42. wrighty i fully respect you mate but theres no winning the league for us now, we can be champions but that would be chelsea or man utd losing the league because we definantly dont deserve fuck all, i cant see it happening

  43. A Sorensen? Sign Boaz Myhill?
    What a foolish fanbase we have.

    can still win the league? what a deluded fan base we have

  44. we were the best team today they had the best player

  45. >> we were the best team today they had the best player

    no mate we play in red we weren't the blues.

    there are no points for playing well and not winning

  46. If you still think we are going to win the league with this team, then your all duluded just like that guy wenger. How many more years will you keep your trust in this man? Every year its the same thing with him, he is boring me to death with his lies. Funny how he comes out with how he tried signing a few players at the end of the transfer window, what was wrong with signing them at the start of the transfer window? How can you expect to win games without a decent deffence, goalkeeper and espically a striker? My trust in wenger as long gone, time for him to go before he drags this team any lower!

  47. course we're deluded we're FANS
    Thats why we always
    believe we can win.
    And we will win the league.
    Now lets forget this result and bring on the pool.

  48. At the end of the day i could not look Man u and Chelsea fans in the eye and shout Champions! could you?


    This goals really killed us . .

  50. mate with tonight performence i belive we still got a chance i dont understand some arsenal fans, why moan i no we fuckd up but lets get it bhnd them instead of moaning lets stay positive, i still belive in arsen we jus need to get a striker and A KEEPER get that piece of shit out that team and we be the best team in the league again we jus need couple more singings as we there, let stay positive an hope the chavs an them northen cunts will drop more points.

  51. give me a break.

    after stoke we said forget the result lets focus on the next game

    after villa we said forget the result

    after united we said forget the result

    after chelsea....


  52. yer right let liverpool be the next big team to kick our arse, I mean in the last four results its been a scoreline of 3-1 against stoke, 0-0 against villa, 1-3 against man u, 0-2 against chelsea, what will it be 0-4 against liverpool, maybe! WAKE UP YOU IDIOTS, with this team we will we sweet FA!

  53. lol...delluded as Wenger this one. Seem to remember you saying the same thing about the Champs League last season. No doubt you will be in a couple of weeks.

    This team is short in quite a few areas. I say concentrate on finishing top 4 now, that must be the challenge.

    PS. What was the advantage of resting the players vs Stoke in the FA Cup?

    Fkin Joke.

  54. I wonder how long these 'Sack Wenger' tossers think Fabregas will stay at Arsenal once Wenger has been fired?? He'd be 1/20on to leave in the summer.
    What these 'sack wenger' morons need is a couple of years without Champions League football & then they'll be gagging for 3rd place.
    We need to ensure we don't get beat against Lpool & then take advantage of our 'easy' run in to secure 3rd/4th - a situation lpool/Spurs/Villa/Shiteh fans would kill to be in right now.

  55. indeed annon: Funny how he comes out with how he tried signing a few players at the end of the transfer window, what was wrong with signing them at the start of the transfer window?

    what kind of world class manager goes into a series of title deciding games without having a striker available? - one who has lost the plot is the answer.

  56. Iwanttoplayagame!7 February 2010 at 20:45

    Instead of having a go at Wenger people should be pissed with all the players who did not want to commit to Arsenal wholeheartedly. Starting with Flamini, Hleb and Adebayor! Ashley Cole might have gone to Chelsea for an extra 5000 pounds at that time but one should realise that he has only gotten better as the days go by and is probably the only player who has left Arsenal for another team to be constantly in the starting 11 for all those years. Those guys are the one at fault. If they were really committed to Arsenal, we'd have won every game with an average goal ratio of at-least 5-0. Blame them and not anyone else at Arsenal right now!! Keep faith in our team. They will deliver!!

  57. outclassed the chavs but when you have a goalkeeper who has 2 shots to save in the whole game and concedes both, you got no chance.

    We needed a draw. 9pts is huge. But who knows... Think it will need 13 straight wins and 39pts.


  58. You are a plonker ! You really are !
    Believing anything else but that we are cemented at the 3rd place - is amazingly stupid !
    Even if we do somehow win the title - with 10 losses and 5 humiliations - that title will only count in the eyes of the idiotic "In Wenger we trust" fans !
    Rest of the world will know which teams are the best in PL !

  59. Wrighty,i was saying the same when we where 3 down against MU and again today when we where 2 down but it aint happening mate get real, AW messed this up by not having a decent GK, camp of forest is 10x better than this imposter, how the fuck can you play away to the chavs without a screwing.......

  60. If we lose on wednesday nite I think the fans should let wenger know what they really think of him, me personally think he is a duluded lying no good for nothing twat! WENGER OUTTTTTT

  61. Tiny
    comment No.1

    Fuck off you Plastic Cunt!

    Although probably a Spud or a Chav.

    Which makes him an even bigger Cunt!

  62. PS Tiny...

    The 'your' you used is spelt 'you're'

    You Illiterate Plastic Cunt!

  63. although alumina wasnt at fault for either goal they where saveable look at cech saves match winning saves

  64. Daxjoker
    You can fuck off and'all you Plastic Cunt!

  65. Hi Joppa, check this mate;

  66. Iwanttoplayagame you really are deluded mate, wake up and smell the coffee, we all have been keeping the faith for 5 years with this team, but there comes a time where reality takes over the faith, you going to pay 100pounds plus for a season ticket each year waiting for success to happen? Well not with this team it simply aint going to happen!

  67. DaxxJoker, are you saying this title won't count then if we win it because we've lost a few games?


  68. As soon as the players believe they have no chance of winning the league we will struggle to finish fourth. Let's get behind the team on Wednesday night and give it a real go until the end of the season. Arsenal til I die.

  69. mario indian gooner7 February 2010 at 20:57

    i believe we can still win the league.....chelshit dropd points against wigan villa evrton and recently hull...they still have to play united man city villa and everton in the reverse legs....cumin to united they drop point 2 against the small yes if u look at it positively we can still win the league....miracles do happen and u may neva noe.....just keep the faith....hopin eduardo finds his form that he showed in the 06-07 season...and i believe we should switch back to 4-4-2 until rvp's back....this bloody formation isnt workin.....although i love wenger to bits i believe he can be stubborn at times.....change the formation and see what sure wel do well with 4-4-2.....but thats up 2 wenger now.....up the gunnerz..keep the faith guys...its not ova until its ova....gr8 post wrighty at least some optimism

  70. For a second I wondered why Stoke were playing in blue and why Ricardo Fuller had become such a cheating bitch.

    We embarassed them with our football. More possession, more chances, more corners. You can search for reasons but it basically came down to luck. Unless you're a plank and you think Chelsea deserved to win.

    Honestly, we showed that vulgar bunch of taxi-drivers what it's like watching real football. We were class. And when we're marching on the town hall come May, I wish all you doubting twats would have 'NOT REAL FAN' tattooed across your face, so we could sing you back whence you came.

  71. >>>> I wonder how long these 'Sack Wenger' tossers think Fabregas will stay at Arsenal once Wenger has been fired??

    I wonder how long you AKB fools think Fabregas will stay at the team when we dont win anything.

    He'll do a Henry and I wont blame him

  72. Trust a bird to show all you plastics up.
    go on lady arsenal
    True Gooners are Gooners to the death. We do not need glory hunters or plastics. You can go on the BBC's 606 for that nonsense. Today's result is hard but I am still optimistic. The boys can do it. We must remain faithful in them. If every time we lose we call for sackings and such like, what does that say about our loyalty? We should remain... See more positive and loyal through thick and thin. To me that's what being a football fan and a Gooner is about. I love the Arsenal and I always will. A loss is never easy but this is when fans should stick with the team and be positive.

  73. N1 Wrighty,

    That happens to be my most recent favourite example of why we should ALWAYS take the FA Cup seriously.

    Gutted tonight I have to say. I just don't think we are good enough. I don't even think Chelsea got out of 2nd gear, they just shut up shop in the 2nd half but still had chances.

    People who say if Wenger goes then so will Fab. I think its inevitable (spelling?) he will now.

    If this season fizzles out I would like a change.

  74. Do you want to put money on it Wrighty? Grow up.

  75. I used the BBC Predictor with an optimistic head on - we will be top by mid April!!!

  76. Yes we always forget the last game and concentrated on the future games, that's life. Arsenal to win the league with 83 points. I am making predicting Chelsea and especially Manu to drop points Wednesday.

    Some fans think that football is rational and winning the league can be easily forcasted, but that's wrong and completely ridiculous to think that had we bought a recognised striker we could have won those big games. Wrong, wrong and wrong. When you make naive mistakes like that against big teams you will have to paid the price and having a recognised striker doesn't stop teams scoring against you. Management is not a straight forward issue and those stupid critics simply don't understand football nor management coz noone of them were great managers. They all a la Rednap.

  77. Ivanovic is a fucking disgrace. How bad is he at football? He just can't do it, poor lad.

  78. >> we showed that vulgar bunch of taxi-drivers what it's like watching real football. We were class

    did i miss something? since when has defeat become the new victory?

    are you AKB so deluded these days that you are saying winning doesn't matter any more.

    I have heard it all now

  79. The acid test of how good we are should be how many of our players would start for ManUre, Chelski or indeed most other top class outfits ?
    Could you, for instance,see Almunia in goal for Liverpool or Chelsea...or perhaps Song,Denilson and Bendtner running out for Barca ?
    I think we have the nucleus of a good squad but sad to say some are just not good enough and most likely never will be.I mean has Bendtner ever done anything that made you sit up and say "wow ! did you fucking see that ???...he is just fucking awsome !! " To win the PL and the champions league you need a team FULL of very very special players...sadly we only have a few...however, I will be hanging in there until the last kick of the season.....Brian

  80. I think saying that Drogba was the only difference between the two sides is again papering over the gaping holes in the side.

    We dominated the midfield. But our defense was amateurish at best and combined with a stone statue for a goalie we were the second best team on the pitch. I dont know what constraints Wenger has with the money, but I think it was foolhardy not have bought a striker over January.

    It seems absolutely pointless for us to take corners .. we had like 10 today and even more pointless for sagna to put in those high crosses when there is no one worth his salt who can head.

    When will we learn ...super amateurish game from clichy and sagna.

    As for our winning the title, I dont give ourselves much of a chance and I really hope we arent that lucky to get back into the race. Wenger needs to understand the mediocrity that we have in the team and needs to clear most of them out ... Almunia, Denilson .... I would start with you.

  81. not only would Almunia not get in to another top 4 side, he can't get in to the spanish side or play for england.

    james/green over Almunia

    could he be any worse?

  82. 'did i miss something? since when has defeat become the new victory?

    are you AKB so deluded these days that you are saying winning doesn't matter any more.

    I have heard it all now'

    You've no idea what it means to be Arsenal. You don't choose them because you like them, or, worse, because they are successful. It gets given to you at birth, it's in your blood. And even if it was a choice, I'd prefer to support a football team with quality and class over one that sticks 10 thugs behind the ball, and hoofs it up the pitch. Yes you won. But you were lucky. And you should be embarassed at how you play the game. Ancelotti's diamond is a joke. You'll never win the league.

    And you're a loser, anonymous boy.

  83. Don't mess with Lady Arsenal!

    Good girl! ;)

  84. Remember,United beat only one of the top 4 on route to the title last season, and we weren't one of them. Last year we couldn't beat the dross, this year we struggle against the big boys. Wednesday sees our last involvement with the big 4. We must beat Liverpool or they'll only be 2 points behind us given a win!! After that, City at home and Spuds away are our only top 7 games. We have a lot to play for. Let's hope for some luck with injuries and go for it. We're a good side. Let's get the defending sorted and start banging in the goals again. Up the Arsenal.

  85. im a passionate gooner for over 40 years,ive never writen on these pages,technology was before my time,but all you gooners need to look at the bigger picture.weve got a fantastic football club with a world class achieve this has taken a great financial burden,however we have done so because of one man ARSENE WENGER.we now have a maturing talented squad that needs 3 players to become great again.wenger stated 12 months ago lets see what happens in 18 months refering to footballs finances well 18 months is up this summer and were now in a position to spend again,unlike other skint clubs in total debt.who for example bought in january,no one all loan deals, why,there skint.we are now in a position to dominate and we will.all those dissenters to arsenal should spend more time worrying about making the emirates a cauldron of noise and let wenger do what hes doing. as the great man said whats the point of a great stadium if you havent a great side to play in it. that side will shortly arrive

  86. I am beginning to feel contemptuous towards those that are running my club. They have a corporate arrogance and disregard for the fans which first appeared when they replaced our club badge with that fucking awful Disney logo. They didn't consult us did they? Now they refuse to reinvest our money in team when it is most needed but will instead pay out a nice dividend to themselves.

  87. The only difference between the teams was Clichy. Left his post for the first goal (wtf?) and should have marked Drogba for the second. Hate to say it because he's been excellent, but past few games he's cost us. Traore's not the answer either.
    If we hadn't have gone down to a stupid, preventable first goal, the match would have been different.
    we may still win it - hope so, but my pragmatic side believes we've dropped too many points ...
    As for all the sack Wenger tosh - grow up. bunch of whining kids. Remember some of us watched the mighty Arsenal years ago when we really lacked skill, inventiveness, entertainment, goals and wins.
    Comeon the goooooners

  88. For the moment I think not, face it we have no target player other than Bendtner and he is not match fit otherwise sense would indicated that he would have been on from the start, I am left wondering that since Dein departed Wenger has won nowt, the defence of the unbeatables were for the most part George Grahams players, other than Sol Campbell on a freebie and Vermaelem we never have had the same mean defence, Wenger will never listen to our concerns but we are stuck with him like it or not, so best bet is to continue supporting him, no point moaning about him and hope that Fabregas will not leave in the summer, cannot blame if he does..........

  89. Actually, the invincibles were long after the back 5 left. Only Keown was around. Lehmann, Toure, Campbell, Lauren, Cole was the 1st choice. All Wenger's players.


  90. if Wenger had the money and choose not to spend it this is crimminal on the other hand if Wenger had no money than the board has to , me thinks the board has to go.

    Wrighty can you change the name of the blog to SACK THE BOARD.

  91. Wrighty this team can't deal with pressure, they've shown that over & over, they are nearly men who suddenly hide when the stakes are high. The reason for that is lack of experience, Wenger previously won cups when the majority of his players were multiple trophy winners even before they joined Arsenal. This bunch only know throwing so called irrelevant cups & don't have a clue of the winning feeling. Their manager is deluded if he thinks experienced players will kill the development,. I reckon it will build it since some of them r too comfortable. Pity Wenger knows what brought him success but has chosen 2 rely on luck, as u've realised!

  92. >>> You've no idea what it means to be Arsenal. You don't choose them because you like them, or, worse, because they are successful

    Let me stop you there. I support Arsenal, have done since I was about 4. as a kid some of the Irish players would come to dinner as they are friends of my uncle Arsenal is in my blood.

    is there some kind of special trophy that I am not aware of for the team that plays the best football? is Cesc sitting at home tonight saying i would rather loose than win because I player better football

    football is about getting 3 points, points make prizes.

  93. Well said Anonymous @ 21:35

  94. I am beginning to feel contemptuous towards those that are running my club. They have a corporate arrogance and disregard for the fans which first appeared when they replaced our club badge with that fucking awful Disney logo. They didn't consult us did they? Now they refuse to reinvest our money in team when it is most needed but will instead pay out a nice dividend to themselves.

    what a comment. I thought I was the only one who had been saying these things.

    Don't forget the disgraceful home kit with no white sleeves. And next season they are getting rid of the red n white altogether. Cunts

  95. if ur that passionate about white piss off to the lane

  96. Let me stop you there. I support Arsenal, have done since I was about 4. as a kid some of the Irish players would come to dinner as they are friends of my uncle Arsenal is in my blood.

    is there some kind of special trophy that I am not aware of for the team that plays the best football? is Cesc sitting at home tonight saying i would rather loose than win because I player better football

    football is about getting 3 points, points make prizes.

    Of course I want us to win the league, and keep your hair on, we will. But supporting a team is about staying positive, backing the team, even if you think you are an expert and that you see things the best manager in the world seemingly can't. I don't want to have to school you, grandad, but somewhere along the line you got used to winning, when for the vast majority of football fans in the country, that is just a dream. Win or lose, you don't leave early, you don't boo, you don't think that because you pay huge sums of money to watch games, you have a right to act like some glory-seeking know-all spoilt arse. I don't care if we play shit football. Lord knows we used to play the shittest football in the league. Just stop bloody thinking so much and sing. We were immense today, players and fans alike. Just please stop thinking you're an expert cos you watch a load of games. That's where all the problems come from.

  97. >>football is about getting 3 points.
    fuck if that was what it was about i would have given up a long time ago.

  98. we are a franchise not a football club anymore.profit before supporters or success. fucking emerites stadium name sums it up. called after some fukin arab airline.sold their souls and our club for a fast buck.c--ts

  99. I fear that if we fail again this season, Cesc will do the off...I am sure he loves Arsenal but I think he would prefer to play in a team with genuine world-class players around him. Who wouldn't want to to play with Messi et al ?
    Its sad but inevitable. As a young man Cesc has seen the likes of Henry,Viera,Bergkamp,Pires,Freddy, Lehman,Campbell and Gilberto all leave and for the most part be replaced by players that could not hold a candle to them.If Monsieur Wenger does not get his cheque book out and spend big and buy class that will have an immediate impact....Cesc will walk...

  100. >>>>>>Replace Wenger with Hiddink or Mourinho.As for the players Boaz Myhill for Almunia,Ashley Young for Nasri, Milner for Denilson, Dzeko for Bendtner and send out Theo on loan.

    Its not that easy,
    maybe u shud spend a little less time playing fball manager, and more time watching real football?

  101. Lady Arsenal,
    So you think we can win the league with a Clown in goal, no chance

  102. anon 21.49

    this is the kind of fan we have, knows fck all about the history.

    The white sleeves are part of what Arsenal is and stands for you fck wit.

  103. Yes it is, ever since Forest gave us our first kits idiot.

  104. moan, moan, moan. We're no longer appreciated. The guy who sits next to me wears corduroys, reads the guardian and his son's called Tarquin.

    Let me tell you this. We are the people who give the club its identity. We'd still be there if 1000 showed to watch a league 2 game against Darlington. Just because new people want to pretend they support arsenal, doesn't mean we've lost anything, only that we are raking in their money.

  105. Hi Wrighty,

    Love you man.

    I agree and as you know the Arsenal don't do things easy. We still have a chance.

    If Cesc wants to go then well done thankyou and good luck. We will survive.

    Its too early for him to go there or anywhere else just yet.

    Cesc can take a massive payrise and hang on for 3 more years yet and still be a Barca legend.

    El Tel

    We can do it.

  106. @Lady Arsenal

    Hair well and truely on but large chunks have been pulled out over the last month.

    Winning is important but I'm not deluded enough to think we have a god given right to win one of the trophies 4 on offer.
    I have also watched us play some terrible football, stuff that would make Chelsea look exciting.

    The biggest frustration for me is Wengers attitude and his down right stubbornness to buy a few more players to make this the best team ever. He has been a great manager for us, changed the way we play, made us what we are etc etc. For that I am forever grateful. However I have had it with him. His lies, his stubbornness, his decisions, his transfer policy, everything.

    We are 2 or 3 players away from being a great team, but we have been 2 or 3 players away from being a great team for 5 years. We threw away the FA cup and we are not going to win the league and it frustrates the hell out of me because if he made that extra effort in the summer and that extra effort in January it could have been ours. We have gone from a team that competes for the double every year to a team that thinks coming 4th is a great season. That is in no way acceptable. I am behind the team 100% (but no longer behind the manager).

    I just don't understand why accept it year in year out, I don't advocate booing the players but Wenger should get some stick at the games

  107. I was a schoolboy at Arsenal, live on the Holloway rd, pay my money to watch home and away, sorry love me can moan as much as me wants.SACK THE BOARD

  108. the only way the board will go is if we get taken over. they have too many shares and too much power

  109. The chairman has less than 1% he can piss off first!

  110. pep guardiola would be a great replacement manager. barca play similar football and he is young and hungry.

    he might even bring messi with him :-)

    seriously when wenger goes the club wont fall to pieces

  111. I am an Arsenal supporter which means that I support the Arsenal team win lose or draw. I also support the manager who brought me untold heights of joy with the trophies that he helped us win.

    Now those retards calling for wenger's sacking are losing perspective. They have become spoiled assuming that it is our right to win when it most certainly isnt. These scumbags are a disgrace to our club. Champions league every year and they whine, New superb stadium and they bitch. We are all disappointed with recent results but real supporters get behind their team not on their backs.
    These same morons who call for us to buy ridiculously priced players also no doubt like to make fun of the debt situation at Liverpool and Man Utd and never see the irony. They are like spoilt infants throwing tantrums and shame the name of our club.
    The can fuck the fuck off. The only arrived with success and if lack of success means their departure then that is the sivler lining to to our recent cloud of failure. I'm not saying that i would raise my hand Wrighty but if I never got to raise my hand again I would still support them in every way that I was capable of because that is what a true supporter does.
    These recent so called fans calling for the sacking of our most successful manager ever have made in Taiwan tattooed on their arse.
    pussies every one

    Terence McGovern

  112. Do you think that Pep would come here without no money to spend, do you think that any top manager would come, stop dreaming mate.

  113. 'I have had it with him. His lies, his stubbornness, his decisions, his transfer policy, everything.'

    COME ON! You sound paranoid. Stop believing what you read or hear in the media. A couple of defeats and it's game over, no chance, Wenger is hopeless etc. A league must be viewed slowly and patiently. The media's interest is in presenting it as news, more meaningful than it really is. You ask uneducated half-wits like Lee Dixon, Jamie Redknapp, Alan Hansen, and it's Arsenal are in crisis, 'here's what's wrong with Arsenal' after losing a couple of games!

    When your conclusions are the same as those of Garth Crooks on Match of the Day, it should make you think. i'm glad we have an intelligent, rigorous expert like Arsene Wenger. Football isn't simple, buy a striker, buy a goalkeeper, and it'll be so much better. Of course you're frustrated, but shame on you for thinking those things. I hope you're just venting. If you ask me, we're in the best shape of any club in the world.

  114. I was going to buy some AFC shares back in 2000.

    No put your money into a TESA they told me. &^*£*£@£*$&£*

  115. Love the optimism wrighty, i'll join in from now on but after last weekend - only a fool would have thought we would of turned over chelski but it back to business from now on!!!

    Drogba was the difference early on but if i could have any of their players in the red and would have to be cech, if we win nothing im blaming almunia first and wenger second.

    Our defence has only two players of merit, verminator and gallas, the other can go to hell to be arse fucked by hitler for all i care!!

    What a shit game though, i was reading wenger comments about how he thought we should of won today...He must have a new pair of rose tinted glasses on because we never deservered to win that game, we were impotent going forward for most of the game and chelski even took there foot of the gas before half time, they just used there physicality to keep us were they wanted us.

  116. > Do you think that Pep would come here without no money to spend, do you think that any top manager would come, stop dreaming mate.

    probably not, but we would have more chance of him than mourinho

  117. TM 22;26
    you should have a look the Mania site everyone mostly wants AW out,
    I think we should sack the board, where is all the money going?/??

  118. Oh yeah i forgot to mention the fucktards that say sack the board.

    That would be an interesting meeeting eh?

    Gentlemen we are here today to consider the proposal of sacking ourselves. Does anyone second the motion?

    The board own the club. Jesus how stupid can people be?

    Terence McGovern

  119. You don't get do you WE HAVE NO MONEY,if we did do you think that Wenger would of tried to sign TS from the the BMP he surely would of signed a world class Gk.

  120. the tide has turned against wenger thats for sure. there use to be a time when if you said something against the man you would be slated for it.

    I notice more and more people calling for his head these days.

  121. Garth Crooks:

    'Kevin Phillips... He's like Gerd Muller. He waits and waits... like a cobra.'

  122. TM yes sack the board where is our money?

  123. yes, it is that simple: you identify weak spots in your team and replace them...

    yes, it's that simple: you go out, speak to the club and the player, trying not to violate them financially...

    cannot fault them for performance today (bar a few), but without GK and a striker we won't win the league :(

  124. I don't believe for one second that there is no money to spend.Wenger has faith in his squad.Thats why he has not spent big.The problem is that its all about his vision and judgement.Certain players I think will not suddenly turn into class acts.It may take a good few more seasons before the likes of Denilson,Bendtner,Diaby,Song and Walcott bear the fruits of their labour.Inconsistancy and injury seems to to be a recurring theme.RVP has yet another long lay-off.Eduardo is injured...again. Walcott..well don't hold your breath !..Diaby might make his 100th appearence this season in the SIX seasons he has been here....RVP has made 137 appearences in EIGHT seasons...
    Are we to believe that after this current batch of injuries everything will be ok because in the last few years those players have have had growing pains ??
    Too many ruthless M.Wenger...get rid of the crocks...

  125. I have one question if some one can enlighten me i would appriciate it

    If we had money to spend why did AW try to sign TS from Stoke and not try to buy a world class GK?


  126. @Lady Arsenal

    Cesc has said we are a few players short, Arshavin has said we are a few players short, I'm sure a few other players have said we are a few players short, other managers including my uncle (retired, hence family connection) say we are a few players short. I can only bow to their expert opinion but even to my untrained eye we are a few players short. If everyone sees it why does Wenger let key players go and not replace them every year? Sure it's not a easy as going out an picking up a striker/GK but it should be. We spend millions on a scouting network and we are told all the time that there are hundreds of players that want to join. Are we saying no of them would have been an improvement on what we have or would have been a decent striker to cover villa/united/chelsea/liverpool?

    Wenger is not hopeless, you don't go from being a great manger to a hopeless manager. But lets not forget that even the great Brian Clough took Forest into the first division, took them to a European cup final and eventually got the relegated. I'm not saying that we are going down but mangers out live their sell by date. Arsenal would benefit from a change, new ideas, new philosophies and all that.

    It's not a case of losing a few games, we are never going to go unbeaten again and we have to expect to lose a few along the way. It the manor of the defeats and what we could have done to avoid them. I have watched games and thought we were unlucky not to win but I feel we are going in to games with teams that have no right to win.

    We are in good shape in what way? I'm all for financial responsibility but until United got taken over by Americans we never knew what debit was.

    I have to say that it is interesting talking to you, you sound like you have your head screwed on and are very reasonable.

  127. Just a quick reminder of what Wenger's had to compete with. The players we were watching have been systematically robbed by some nothing club with a gangster owner spraying around his blood money.
    You think we hadn't been watching drogba since his le mans days, waiting for the right moment? Until Abramovich bowls in with a ridiculous offer. We watched Cech 30 or 40 times at Rennes, after he single-handedly won The Czechs the U21 Euro against France in the final. But we simply couldn't compete with all that cheating money. Essien was another stonewall Wenger signing. Even Malouda. This unchecked stupid money came from nowhere, and Wenger still got on with it, giving everything he had into making Arsenal a world force.

    Somehow everyone's forgot how disgusting a club Chelsea are. And they still play Mourinho's football 4 managers later. They are finished. They are still, and always will be, a small club.

  128. > You don't get do you WE HAVE NO MONEY,if we did do you think that Wenger would of tried to sign TS from the the BMP he surely would of signed a world class Gk.

    didn't they say on we have £35 million to spend? are are they lying?

  129. Believe it, there are players we are watching who, along with the up and coming talents, will make us fucking unbeatable. Wenger has seen every player in every division, and if he decides to wait and go for long-term over short-term, it's because he thinks that is in the club's interest.

    Some of these people forget just how incredible a manager Wenger is. Past his sell by date is a stupid cliche. It means nothing.. Wenger is a genius.

  130. That is all the hype they(including Wenger) are paid to say,

    Where is all the money going then?
    fat cats come to mind

  131. >> Just a quick reminder of what Wenger's had to compete with. The players we were watching have been systematically robbed by some nothing club with a gangster owner spraying around his blood money.

    I hate Chelsea and Man City more than I hate Spurs and United. I hate what they are doing to football. If they could be thrown out the league or go bust tomorrow I'd be buying the champagne. BUT. the record books at the end of the year show who won the league, there is no mention of how they did it, and it still shouldn't be an excuse to be happy to finish 4th.

  132. Lady Arsenal

    my spider sense is tingling. I can't help but feel you are PR agent for the club.

    If the scouting network is as good as you say then there is no excuse for not buying a player in January.

  133. Wrighty7,

    I'm 100% with you on this one. You absolutely wrote what I made of the today's game.

    We totally dominated them in 2nd half and most part of the 1st. The way we outplayed them in the 2nd half, it's hard to take that we couldn't get even a point out of it. On another day, we could have scored 4 or 5 in that 2nd half but this is football and we have to swallow it even if we don't want it. Also, we always get punished the second we make a mistake against the top teams and we witnessed that again today.

    As far as the title is concerned, it's not far from over and we're not out of it. Let's get this defeat out of our systems and start over by beating the Pools on Wednesday.

    Up the Gunners...

  134. Hey wrighty,

    I've been reading your blog for a while now and I'm glad you haven't been turned by these nutters who want wenger out, and also that they haven't dampened ur gooner spirit.

    Great post, and here's hoping for 13 consecutive wins. Cheers

  135. Walcott SUCKS ASS.. speed is nothing without skill, or even BALL CONTROL.. this guy is maaaaad over rated, can’t do shit on the pitch, never could.

    1 or 2 amazing runs, a hattrick for england, 1 nice pass…in 100+ appearances. what a waste..

    I actually do hope he makes the world cup squad so he shines (but in reality fucks England over), and then hopefully we get a massive bid for him and sell his ass..

  136. Final word. Patience.

    We are all encouraged to expect success here and now. In general we live in a consumer society which gives you what you want when you want and boosts your ego into expectations. The idea of being grateful is forgotten. It's not enough. We want more.

    There really isn't alot one can seriously talk about when it comes to football. We all see the games, hear the interviews, so what used to be a media focused on reporting games has now become full of opinion. Couple that with the output in demand, means just a plethora of people discussing a subject which doesn't in truth merit discussion.

    Yet somehow in this mountain of bullshit we get these accepted truths which are really nothing of the sort, more like cliches. Such as, Arsenal need to buy players, Arsenal can be bullied, champions win games when they're not playing well.

    It's basically all because football 'experts' are idiots. And they are feeding a demand for endless football. They make it appear easy, while sat in their armchairs, and make us believe stupid things like if we didn't win our last game we're out of the title race. And therefore it's because we need to buy a keeper (ours made a few mistakes), we can't defend, and we need to buy a striker for the big games. All these things aren't obvious. It is Wenger's job to make decisions about his squad, and what you may glean from a game and the football opinions of some uneducated retards is a tiny proportion of relevant information for making his decisions.

    The margins between winning and losing a game can be tiny. You may even not deserve to lose, but you do. Yet that gets ignored. Well, we lost, so there must be something wrong, here's what's wrong, FIX IT! It's media-led idiocy.

    Older fans always find it easier to gain perspective, simply because they are not spoilt with this attitude based on 'I want it now.'

    My own opinion is that we are showing the football world how to progress. As soon as we get success, we will be the model for all other clubs trying to ensure long-term success for their fans. I know you want it now, and I still think we've got a great shout regardless of what so-called experts predict, but really so long as we stick with it we will soon leave our competitors in our wake. Not yet, but soon. Just be patient. It is also very likely that football finances will have to be regulated, and when they are, the only competitor we'll have left will be the scum.

    Just imagine how sweet it will be when we win all those trophies without cheating. That feeling will so be worth the wait.

  137. Top post once again wrighty. Im with you. Just

  138. I wont bother reading all 130 something posts.....




  139. "Post match, Wenger claimed Arsenal were “the better side”. They weren’t. Chelsea grabbed their goals when they needed to, then soaked up the pressure gleefully. In the unlikely event Arsenal had scored, it’s more than likely that Chelsea would have moved up a gear and finished the game off with a couple."

    Sums it up really...

  140. Thank you for the optimism. We haven't even reached the middle of February yet. Everyone needs to calm down. In case nobody has noticed, Chelsea and Man U save their best playing against the Arsenal because of the satisfaction it brings. You will not see Chelsea play this well for the rest of the season...does the Hull City match a few days ago ring a bell?

  141. Bring back George Graham. At least he knew how to build a defense !!

    Oh how I long for the old " 1-0 to the Arsenal "

  142. Musher said... I feel we did not play badly against Chelsea. Luckily Denilson did not play otherwise the score could have been 5-0

  143. Gabzevo from South Africa
    Wrighty your the man
    You're the only guy that can put a smile on my face after such a let down, but you're right
    we're still in it our record against weaker opposition(bottom end clubs) has been better than The CHavs and Manure so i think we still in it to win it.


    p.s that's a classic line

  144. its a bloody shame to watch arsenal fans fightin wid each other over a club that we love togetha.....whateva has happnd has happnd....we cant waste our time fightin over whos wrong and whos right.....maybe instead of arguin we put our faith in these lads......i consider some minor changes....mannone traore eboue rosicky in......almunia clichy sagna and nasri out......and how abt givin walcott a chance to play frontman??....i noe hes not in the best of form but yes no harm in givin him a try...whoeva noes the lad might suprise us

  145. I always wondered if the players and especially Wenger read all those blogs...

  146. see the fickle nature of football supporters has reared its ugly head again. Arsenal fans calling for Wenger to be sacked after two poor results? Incredible. Yes he deserves the criticism, as does Benitez at times, but why calls for him to be sacked? If you look at it a little more closely, the likes of Liverpool and Arsenal cannot compete with the likes of United, Chelsea or Man City. You could even through Tottenham in there. They spend hundreds of millions on players. Net. Arsenal and Liverpool don’t, we don’t have the resources, but to remain competitive in footballing terms, on the pitch, is a massive achievement for me. Look at how much Arsenal spend on players. Not a lot is it? They don’t buy players in their prime because I don’t think they want to risk the stability of the club. They may have the money but chose not to spend it as the club is more important than any ¿30-¿30m signing. Because of this, the players they do buy need to be developed. Look at the likes of Song and Diaby now. Fantastic players who have been developed by Wenger. How much would they go for now? This is the stance Arsenal as a club have chosen to take, they believe in it and they stand by it. The result is a very stable club. The amazing thing is, Wenger has managed to keep them competitive and they do play the best football in the country. Liverpool are similar, Benitez has averaged a net spend of ¿16m a season and kept us competitive on the pitch. A fantastic achievement. Arsenal and Liverpool are similar in that respect, and its down the management of the sides. The real under achievers are the likes of Man City and Spurs who throw money at their sides and still achieve nothing. Liverpool and Arsenal fans should count themselves lucky that both club have fantastic managers in place, because I warn you now, if they were to be sacked the fans of both clubs would end up with regret.

  147. "best away support in the country"
    you need medication sunbeam

  148. >> I always wondered if the players and especially Wenger read all those blogs...

    not sure about players/manager but the PR team will.

    I'm sure a few of the posters here are from the media team doing damage limitation

  149. the thing which annoys me most is the striker situation. when rvp was injured wenger PROMISED a striker, then went back on his word. the reason was bendtner coming back. this made me angry but i could bare it, but when i see bendtner on the bench both games against our 2 rivals i'm thinking what the f*ck!!! you say you don't buy because you have him and then in the 2 most important games of the season he doesn't play. i can only be patient for so long...

  150. So fellow Gooners, it’s been a tough week for all Arsenal fans and everything and everyone connected to the club. Our loss to Stoke in the FA cup was the first of three losses in four games, that now sees us 9 points behind the leaders Chelsea with a mountain to climb to gain some ground back on the top two. But in reality, our title challenge starts here.

    Having played the two teams above us twice this season, no game that we will play this season will be that hard. Yes, Chelsea have been better than us in the two occasions that we’ve played them, but not by incredible margins. Our lack of strikers has been somewhat a feature this season in the big games, and defining – we all know what a fit Robin Van Persie can do for us – last season’s 2-1 win over Chelsea is testimony to that. But we’ve got to where we’ve got to and it’s time to give our title challenge one last push.

    The difference in 9 points is 3 wins, and with the different runs in presenting the top teams, when you look at who’s got to play who, suddenly, you can see that glimmer of hope that means that we’re not out of the league title just yet.

    We have a massive game against Liverpool tomorrow and a win would put a decent amount of distance from Liverpool onwards and the top three. But apart from tomorrow’s game, we have only Man City and Sp*rs to play who could be tricky – then it’s plain sailing all the way to the end of the season. Looking at the fixtures we have, they are all very much winnable…

    Let’s take a look:

    Liverpool (Home)
    Sunderland (Home)
    Stoke City (Away)
    Burnley (Home)
    Hull City (Away)
    West Ham United (Home)
    Birmingham (Away)
    Wolverhampton (Home)
    Tottenham Hotspur (Away)
    Wigan Athletic (Away)
    Manchester City (Home)
    Blackburn Rovers (Away)
    Fulham (Home)
    We’ve done it before, under Arsene Wenger, when no-one expected us too and put together 11 wins in a row and taken the title. For the two hard games in the list above, Sp*rs away and Citeh at home, we may even have Robin Van Persie back in the team…

    Whilst we’ve got this run in, let’s check out Chelsea’s – they have Everton (away), Man City (home), Man United (away), Liverpool (away), Sp*rs (away) and Villa (home)… games in which they could all drop points, easily – Man United similarly have arguably a harder run in with Villa (away) this weekend, and then Everton (away), Liverpool (home), Chelsea (home), Man City (away) and Sp*rs at home…. so suddenly there is a glimmer of hope that we can get our players back – well, they are nearly back and gaining match practice – and push on.

  151. I love the Arsenal. No, I mean it, I really love the Arsenal. There are things I love more; my family, my home, and my dearly departed brindle lurcher to name a few. But apart from these, the Arsenal is my all consuming passion.

    All of my work buddies and friends support different teams, and of all my family only my eldest son and father-in-law are fellow gooners. My missus worships the ground that Torres walks on, and her brother is a spud.

    This past year I have had supporters of United, City, Villa, West Ham, the spuds, Liverpool and Pompey join me to watch games either in HD or via the internet. There is always plenty of banter and mirth making, but we are all bound together by our love for our respective teams.

    Not many of us actually get to see our teams play in the flesh, and indeed if I get to come over twice a year to see us play, then that’s a good year. But we are all dedicated footie supporters.

    I have often heard cries of anguish when their teams lose but not once have I heard any of them complain about off field issues. My wife never complains about Rafa or Hicks or Gillette or the Europa cup. My buddy Shocky doesn’t care that United are wallowing in debt. John, my brother-in-law doesn’t give a hoot that the spuds never amount to anything. And Arlo and Stan (Villa & WHU) are eternal optimists. I could go on but it’s the same story for all concerned.

    I am not saying that all fans of other teams love every aspect of how their team is run, let’s face it United and Liverpool fans have plenty to complain about. However Ferguson, Benitez, and Zola are not the targets. Sure the press may occasionally have a half hearted pop at them but it isn’t sustained and the next issue will generally have a different target or theme.

    So what’s up with Arsenal and Arsene? Why have the the press and the anti-Arsenal painted a great big bulls-eye on them?

    It can’t be silverware, because in the last 10 years only three EPL clubs have more than us.

    It can’t be league position because in the last 10 years we have never finished lower than fourth. We have been in the Top flight longer than any other English team, indeed it’s almost a century since we were promoted from the second division and we haven’t looked back.

    It can’t be lack of European football because for the last 10 years we have had it every year.

    It can’t be our financial situation, because ours is currently the best in the EPL. I know Chelsea and City have sugar daddies but they still can’t manage to post a profit in their respective end of year accounts, and we all know about the situation at OT and Anfield.

    It can’t be our lack of youth training and recruitment, because ours is the best in the EPL if not the world. For instance, the whole of the Ivory Coast national team were recruited and trained by one of our worldwide soccer schools. Our youth and reserves teams are playing exceptionally well and have been for a few years now.

    In fact we are doing so well on this front that it makes it almost impossible for Arsene to find better players in the transfer windows. Last year we signed two first team players, Arshavin and Vermaelen. Both of these deals went to the wire because Arsene will not pay over the odds for anyone.

  152. It can’t be because our manager and most of our players are not British, because its 2010. Britain is truly a multi-cultural society, the French own and supply many of our utilities: power, water etc. and there is a great big tube linking us to the continent.

    Most of our hospitals are staffed by immigrants, who also do most of the jobs that are ‘beneath’ us. Our national dish is Chicken Tikka Massalla, most of us drive to the match in cars made by non British companies or watch it on TVs or PCs manufactured abroad. Sky Tv is owned by an Australian, ESPN is American and Setanta is Irish (yes, I still get to see 3pm Saturday kick offs every week on Setanta).

    It can’t be our lack of training and playing facilities. Our state of the art training ground in Hertfordshire, funded from the profit from selling Anelka, is the envy of all EPL teams and we play at the newest and best ground in the country.

    It can’t be because our players continually exhibit anti-social behaviour in public because, driving offences aside, the most recent scandal was a photo of Bendtner with his trousers round his ankles looking bewildered as he left a night club, and we all know that the photographer paid his mate to pull them down at just the right moment, hence the bewildered look.

    In short, they’ve got nothing, nil, nada. Not a leg to stand on. Every argument thrown up (literally) has been countered very eloquently by the Pro Wenger / Arsenal crowd.

    In this lead up to the world cup, in which many of our players will be going to South Africa, the English press, as is to be expected, are whipping up a pro-English furore. Unfortunately for us (or fortunately) not many of our players will be sporting the 3-lions crest and so negativity towards the opposition (us) wrapped up in fervent nationalism is the order of the day.

    This doesn’t bother me a great deal because English press = Engand squad = no brainer. The beauty of the internet is that anyone with an opinion can voice it quite anonymously.

    This is where Anti-Arsenal has exploded. Any two bit scrote with a hangover and a bad attitude can vent their frustration free from the normal restrictions of truth, clarity and news-worthiness. To tell you the truth, I read Legrove every day, normally for the hilarity factor of the ‘bboooommmm’ first comments. Although I heartily disagree with most of their content, I have to admit that, as a diatribe, most of it is well written. Unlike many blogs with the word ‘Arsenal’ in the title.

    The question still remains; why so negative about the team they love? I think it’s just another facet of the modern society we live in. Impatience is the new patience. As I pointed out earlier, over the last 10 years we have been very successful, but 10 years is 2/3 of a lifetime for a lot of bloggers and so the five-trophyless-years stick which they beat their keyboards with is pertinent to them.

    We all know that if Arsene left, two things would happen. Firstly he would be able to walk into just about any team in the world. Secondly, we would struggle, probably for years, to replace him.

    We also know that if Arsenal reverted to football 2.0, things wouldn’t change for the better. We might be able to buy our way to a trophy or two a-la United or Chelsea, but there’s no guarantee. We could always do a Harry and bankrupt our team for one bus-top parade. Or we could do a City, get a sugar daddy and still fail to play inspiring football or fill our stadium.

    Personally I wouldn’t change a thing. Not the manager, not the team, not the press or even the anti-Arsenal. They are all now inextricably linked and are what make The Arsenal what it is today.

  153. Its been a very long time since arsenal has won the cup...... :(
    Arsene Wenger is a good football manager should work more harder, he has a great football team. More blogs can be read at
